Let's Search for Other Animals 🐥🐭 | 30+ Minutes | Hey Duggee

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has anyone found an animal to stroke yet I found one oh that's good betty ah you're stroking a tortoise doesn't it feel a bit hard yes how many sheep are missing [Music] doggy 10 there's 10 let's find shape [Music] yay woof one here sheepy sheep sheep found one wo two found [Music] one wo three h [Music] thanks four where are you Mr sheep found one five [Music] one o six found [Music] one seven I found one [Music] W [Music] eight found [Music] one o nine nine that means one more to find la la la la la oh what was that Zaza you want to go to bed now well let's find some pajamas la [Music] you don't want your pajamas now you want a glass of milk all right you don't want a glass of milk you want a story good idea spider spider me and Zaza saw a big spider where every everywhere is it as big as an apple bigger big as a Teddy bigger as big as a bed bigger as biger as a house hello bigger joyy there you go caterpillar oh you want to play come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] I love you [Music] caterpillar are you going to take us Birds watching douy mhm Birds oh dear sh yes squirrels if you want to go bird watching then you have to be very quiet otherwise the birds fly off and you won't be able to see them you'll have to whisper whisper whisper whis isn't that right douge [Music] oh a bird a bird I'm sposed a bir ooh but bird rly remember be very quiet squirel or you'll frighten the birds mhm [Music] I think douge has spotted another bird it's Henny the ostrich bird [Music] well sorry H yes sorry heny douge and the squirrels are just doing some bird watching ooh good bye peny [Music] cheer water splashy Splash oh woof woof sorry happy duggy's rockpool isn't for splashing oh it's for all the [Music] animals it's a place of calm away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life a veritable Oasis of tranquility and what are those your pond is full of wriggly raisins doggy they're not wriggly raisins D oh woof woof they're babies that's right they're called tads are Tad Poes baby worms no baby fish baby snails no not quite squiddles tadpoles are in fact baby frogs they don't look like frogit or sound like frog are you sure douggy oh woof oh is Doug is quite sure squiddles he's got his t P badge a wof it says here the tadpoles don't look like frogs at first but then they grow arms and legs turn green and finally they hop out of the water a fully grown frog that's am amazing do you think they know let's tell them y [Music] o I like your new lawnmower dou a [Music] wolf doggy looks [Music] funny hi hey Dy what you doing W wof there's something on your [Music] head well howdy doy Doo squirrels my name's Billy and I'm a dancing bug wao a dancing bug what are you doing in our garden Billy well let me tell you squirrels I'm here to play the big bug ball ah and here's my band to help set it up squirrels let me introduce you to my band we have dly hilly gly and Millie and Together We Are Billy and the sillies oh you've all got the dancing bug now [Music] wait a minute hey fellas where's your equipment for the Big B Bowl Dilly where's all the lighning hilly where's all the refreshments Gilly what about the stage Amilia where on Earth are the portable toilets what are we going to do now everybody is coming and we have no stage no nothing oh no no big bug ball don't worry everyone a wolf dugey knows what to do he has his dancing bug badge well why didn't you say so Yeehaw wo woof woof so with this information we believe their mother might look like this now we know what she looks like does anyone have any idea where we could find her um no well what do ducklings like toys oh stationary o fish uh no uh I mean water oh woof woof So What Might Ducks like living near to water and any idea where we could find water what uh the lake there Mommy might be at the lake oh off you've quacked this case wide open let's get these ducklings back to their real mommy [Music] yes come on kid stop dragging your [Music] flippers this way [Music] duckling that's it blushy well done Mr crackles good work Phillip 98 99 100 that's all of [Music] them we're here but I can't see there a ducky hug goodbye little duck haven't the squirrels done well today [Music] douge [Music] a douly loves frog he can be our pets a woof woof yes pets are a big responsibility you see douggy has his pet badge and knows they can be a lot of work a wo they need [Music] feeding [Music] cleaning exercising [Music] brushing [Music] and [Music] [Applause] training oh pets are a lot of work well yes but pets are wonderful too they help us [Music] relax play with us wof make us [Music] laugh make us happy W and they give us lots of love oh so pets are lovely does that mean we can keep potato oh why not Scruff lumps live in the woods not in a clubhouse I'm afraid a oh woof woof bye potato I miss potato yeah potato Dy potato's here huh is that where the Honey comes out ducky o h Duggy I thought the bees had honey they usually do NY H the very curious can I help you do you have any honey please sorry squirrels we're waiting for the honey buys to deliver the nectar where are they don't know but they better be here soon or the queen won't get any honey for her afternoon tea H what's that noise it's the honey bees next to Squadron are you receiving me receiving you loud and clear prepare for landing negative Ground Control the runway is blocked Runway blocked but we need that NE to now Captain Bumble I'll find a way through bumbles don't do it Maverick it's too risky oh yeah here we go don't you worry Queenie I got your nectar oh easy easy peasy made it not made [Music] it man it's a mess down there Squadron leader to Ground Control looks like we're stuck up here but it's nearly te time shall one pop the cattle on oh no it's our toys they're blocking the runway ground crew operation tidy up you mean you could lead the parade douge [Music] woof good show Duggy in the big parade we have 10 dancers shaking their feathers hello Lori hello well I never nine Punky Penguins [Music] Hing eight clowns Clowning Around hello tag seven magicians waving their [Music] wands cool man six chefs cooking up a Bo hello Ry [Music] hello five Lions tapping their toes four Cowboys squatting their pistols yeeha happy water three Spacemen having a moon walk meow [Music] two snorkeling Superstars hello bety H and one dancing Duggy leading the [Music] [Applause] parade [Music] why is chicken sitting on her eggs she laid them now she has to keep them warm until they hatch and her baby chicks come out wow eggs are amazing o oh yes duck is a big fan he even has his egg badge did you have to learn egg to get that Dy H the eggs are starting to hatch woof chep chep one chick chip chep two chicks Three Chicks I think this one's having a little trouble getting out huh a leg look another leg look chickens look a mouse an octopus a hippo a crocodile a rhino a rhino look look a big brown dog a wolf look a field a nest a cow a peel a fence a stick a cloud CL here it is huh huh that's our last bit of wrapping paper rolly [Music] uh-oh huh let me get it off [Music] hello what have you done to [Music] me [Music] uh-oh [Music] huh o oh the [Music] hickles [Music] huh nauy monkey can we have our wrapping paper back [Music] [Applause] please not again oh no here it [Music] is found some hola I found a tortoise I found hey what you looking at mice and who's ask here's some there naughty [Music] monkeys step step step frogit Footprints Footprints Footprints footprint it's Apple but whose Footprints are these H woof off ah good idea douy the Encyclopedia of animal footprints is it the Parisian pummer no the Himalayan hopping goat no the Lesser spotted lounge lizard no the triple humped curly tailed Cel no the bottl noosed biscuit eating bright blue baboon no no no no h i know let's follow them yay hm oh the footprints have stopped by this tree there's somebody behind it not just somebody darling I am Cina what's this oh woof woof wow a fossil um excuse me what's a fossil that's a big question Ry but douggy can explain oh because he has his fossil badge woof woof woof woof woof woof yes fossil were made a long time [Music] ago when primitive creatures walk the Earth huh a woof woof oh sorry douge you're right we should start much further back when the only living creatures were in the sea oh I do like to be beside the seaside and sometimes incredible things happened like blizzards ha or volcanoes ho ho or great sandstorms uhoh and then that creature would be stuck for a really really long time oh boy so this was once a little creature woof and it's really old yes R really really old it takes millions of years to turn it into a fossil H [Music] duy we dug up a fossil a off o are there any more fossils oh yes SN fossils can be made from any creature that lived a really long time ago ones that lived in the sea or ones that crawled out of the sea small ones that flew or big ones that walked big ones that walked are you talking about dinosaurs yes Betty dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes what i' really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us yeah the colors the day today of your lives the sides The Sounds the smells the smell yeah like this what is it a suck Ry collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection a box of sharks wonderful huh I like to park these all in a row just just like real cars only very small this is our balloon it used to be even bigger I really like it now what else can you show me that's the doorbell and this is the door amazing look oh squeaky floorboards ha do any of the others squeak also no this is the tap it's just like magic yeah I'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yeah show me everything yay this is Enid she's a cat oh so cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a window and here's the roof a roof oh be careful up there squiddles and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so [Music] funny this is frog and what does it do ribbits this is outstanding gby this is my oo health and safety Ry W that is very proficient riding there Roy just time for one more thing chy hug oh dugy hug
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 102,627
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Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, duggee hug, hey duggee badges, Animals, learn
Id: 8wjLnaZcK8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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