IELTS Speaking Live Lesson: FREE TIME

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ah right great hello everybody good morning very nice to see you here um it's Keith and well welcome today we've got a live lesson all about free time lots of interesting language vocabulary a little bit of grammar today and a few games and fun let's begin with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello good morning everybody it's so nice to see you welcome to today's um session as I mentioned today we're going to be looking at the topic of free time now that can include things like I don't know Hobbies activities bit of sport anything that is not work essentially kind of your leisure time we'll be looking at lots of interesting things um so that's it for today let me see who has arrived here today who we got in we've got garum nice to see you here um we've got Negan all the way from Iran as well um we've got Ashraf teacher Keith Hello nice to see you um we've got Shambo from ethiopus Ethiopia no I'm so nice to see you um also from Bangladesh great and we've even got people from Kazakhstan if that's pronounced correctly and of course over in Vietnam lots of students nice to see you a Han great to see you here lovely um we've got sajib from Bangladesh as well nice to see you listen welcome to today's session very excited about it we're going to have some interesting activities the live lesson lasts about an hour and a half more or less um let me explain what we're going to do right in today's session um by the way if you are here if you are here on uh on YouTube do press the subscribe to find out about upcoming lessons I do have and notifications right I have um normally every Saturday I have a recorded video you could see on YouTube and the first Thursday of every month you can see this live lesson right um so that's basically whenever the the Thursday of the first Thursday of every month today May the 4th May the fourth be with you is time for live lessons Okay so what have we got today what are we gonna do we're gonna do as I mentioned the topic of free time like this lazy little dog lying on the Lino on the sea enjoying his free time maybe that's what you do in your free time we're gonna find out today we're going to be looking at plenty of vocabulary so you can discuss this topic confidently and answer questions confidently um on it we'll be looking at popular Hobbies what are the hobbies that you guys like and what are the popular hobbies in the UK as well can you imagine a bit like this cat I wonder what that's all about we'll be talking about hobbies in the past as well I mean were things different in the past I Wonder has the nature of hobbies changed nowadays um I don't know what why he came up I don't know where that came from model answers I'll be looking at a model answer for a question today on the topic of free time and of course we're going to finish with a game of kahoot which is a way to review the vocabulary that we've seen in the lesson so pay attention no Kipping no sleeping right I'll be testing you at the end of this session that's going to be a bit of fun and games so free time let me check and see how you are all doing who's in here we've got hello sir nice to see you zanigor from Uzbekistan lovely great Joya from Bangladesh quite a few from Bangladesh um we've got this is Yan Wang first time to participate welcome lovely to see you here we've got Kelly says I'm glad to finally meet you in live though I'm always watching your videos first time as well okay from Myanmar you're very very welcome um what else have we got we've got also Kai from Myanmar ah interesting farida nice to see you a very familiar face there and Thea may all the way from the Philippines great um Vinita says I like to learn Spanish as me as my hobby you should check out my Spanish Channel I have a few videos to help you learn Spanish people love traveling Maria loves traveling great I think that's quite a nice and common um hobby but a very very good one great we've got Kiki from Taiwan what about Hobbies any other Hobbies we'll be discussing this in a moment okay um we've got Oak and John from Uzbekistan lovely to see you nice and Stacy from South Korea good okay excellent so let's kick off right today's session um what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna connect something I'm always connecting things I'm going to ask you a question okay and here is the question I want you to fill the Gap so this is a kind of a test so in the chat if you're on YouTube or Facebook just type in the answer what you think the answer is right um so here's the question I'm gonna ask you actually just one question let's begin with just one question whenever I have blank time I like to go for a stroll in the park right that's the question and now I'm just going to connect something hopefully huh okay it's not connecting but give me a moment okay that's not connecting neither let's try again just bear with me guys I am almost there right if it's not working we throw it out it's fine I was trying to get no okay fill in the gaps what you think it is in this one okay I think I'm there now foreign I think I've got it I was taking my time I can see all of your your um answers are coming up I'm going to show you the answers on a screen over here screen over here whenever I have free is very popular leisure time can't be the answer because it's already got time there spare seems popular sum is also a good one there whenever I have got time yes of course you could say got of course whenever we know can't say we let's see what else we've got somebody's written Keith can't be Keith I'm afraid um Can doesn't really work free is the big one free Leisure got those seem to be the most popular ones spare excellent good we're getting lots of lots of good answers there so I was trying to get all your answers on the screen that was it excellent good so it seems like the most popular ones are things like when I have some time when I have down time is a nice one whenever I have spare time is very popular as Anna says um what else have we got free Patra also said free a lot of people have set free that seems to be the most popular Trung says Leisure nice to see you Trump again great um whenever I have time on hand not quite very very close but not quite there but you're almost there okay great some nice ones so let me just go back and see what you're all saying free spare got Leisure those seem to be the best ones that we've got and the right ones whenever we have so free time obviously bear time Leisure Time whenever I have got time you could say as well of course makes sense right whenever I have got time free spare Leisure got um what else down so down time yeah downtime is actually one word but you're right down time it is one word and you could say down time so you're right but it's one word that's the only thing right um vacant um we wouldn't say vacant time no free time not vacant respite and time doesn't really work no um play time whenever I have Play Time play time is only something a young child would say so if you're at school we have play time but if you're an adult you wouldn't say that okay um whenever I have break time again break time is something a child would say at school not in your work in work you would say whenever I have a break right or whenever I have some respite but not time it doesn't collocate with time um when I have my own time whenever I have my own time yes whenever I have my own time you could say that I think what's even better there is whenever I have some me time some me time right I can Kiki you're almost there but I think that that's even better right very very nice great um Alpha says convenience whenever I have convenience I'm not really doesn't really collocate Julia I have oh no whenever I have own time my own time my own time possibly some me time is I think is even better to kill time whenever I have so here it's whenever I have time to kill that's the expression you're after right um whenever I have enough time yeah that's good enough is another one we could put in yeah all of those are great I can see you some of you are repeating your messages like 10 times the messages are coming up so quickly um so I'm trying to pick out some please don't worry if I miss you I I do see I do see you really I'm watching you whenever I have much time my and whenever I have much time no I wouldn't say that whenever I have a lot of time you could say but that's three that's three words but not much time much we would use in a negative or a question whenever I don't have much time is okay in the negative yes in the positive doesn't really work okay brilliant quality time we've got a question from somebody quality time Jesse you said quality time whenever I have quality time but it doesn't make sense here because quality time is when you have special time with special people right it doesn't make sense here I think here it's about free time I'm not working right um I think what would make sense for you Jesse is to say whenever I have free time I like to spend quality time with my family that would be nice right so great great suggestions everybody thank you so much those are really really good um let's go back and just see what you were all saying here time pleasure me spare me time me time come up great extra okay maybe extra time whenever I have extra time um that's a possibility I think you could say extra time extra time whenever I have extra time it sounds a little bit strange um whenever I have extra time yeah it doesn't sound quite right I'm gonna leave that okay great okay let me um stop that how do I do that how do I stop you interaction completed okay good let me move on to the next one um the next question is this one my favorite hobby is blank music my favorite hobby is blank music so what could you put here my favorite hobby is blank music okay let's see I'm going to give you a moment have a think and as you're doing that let's have a little bit of this [Music] okay let's have a look on the uh on the screen what's coming up listening oh listening music that sounds strange listening to that sounds better right be really careful right it must be listening to classical music yeah playing music yes enjoying music yes all of those are good playing enjoying listening to classical nice very good pop music folk music yep so you could have different kinds of music here okay some nice ones let's see what you're writing up here to listen to yet you could say to listen to or listening to okay so be really careful everybody including man V listening to you must have the two right if you have enjoying you don't need to in fact you mustn't use two it's enjoying music enjoying music yeah great sharing is a nice one yeah sharing music nowadays of course you could share with your Spotify your Facebook playing is good Joe if you are a producer and you actually do work in a studio then yeah producing music that sounds very professional right I think if you're just playing the guitar at home as a hobby it's not really producing music um that's more like making music producing music sounds professional right we've got all the gear the the special equipment to make music great what else have we got to save a jazz music yeah to savor music you could have is to save a jazz music or savoring it diving into music yes the meaning here would be that you go into Spotify or a streaming service and you listen to lots of different songs and you explore lots of different music kinds of music diving into is nice yeah nice singing music uh that's very strange suhanor I think you could say my favorite hobby is singing but not singing music that's a bit strange right just singing um Natalia says listening to where are you playing recording and making all of those are good as Hobbies very very nice excellent wow scripted music tween and win twin and win great name again very professional that is that's literally you are a professional producer and you're writing music um I mean scripted music sounds is that I mean that's that's a bit strange I mean writing music yeah is when you're writing the notes or you're writing the lyrics scripting sounds like you making the music for a film or for a play like high level professional stuff right um writing music is absolutely that's nice much much better yes Sophia searching for music yeah all of these are great so let's let's start filling in um so the best one listening to music I'm enjoying music and then you could have different kinds um well let's have X you've got exploring diving into searching is high searching music searching for music no you can't search for music because you could it's easy to look for music right it sounds a bit strange to say that um diving into uh what else did we have making music playing music and then you could have all the different kinds classical pop Etc folk I mean you get the idea right there's lots of different kinds you could just have here um anything else I missed out tasting music some man says tasting in music tasting I wouldn't say tasting music sounds a bit strange tasty music exploring yes definitely yeah um I enjoy streaming music yeah cats you could say a cat and a picture of a cat yes absolutely you could say that Irina says composing again if you're professional then you can compose uh right what was the other one script if you're making it for a film right um produce whoops so I think all of those are much more professional level compose right scripts produce music yep and that may be true I'm sure we've got some professional musicians in the audience here today I'm absolutely sure of it um so great sharing was the other one yeah thank you for reminding me on social media okay lovely he really always nice to see you here Irina sending music not clear I think there's not enough context um you could send a music link to a friend um creating yeah creating again this is slight well is that professional I'm creating music yeah maybe but I think also a an amateur musician could say that I think I could create music not great music but I can create some music uh the wolf says do you know you're that incredible teacher in the world wow thank you so much the wolf I think your avatar is the most incredible in the world nice okay great so let's have a quick look I'm really curious on what you have got here oh okay some of these yes digging my favorite hobby is digging music yes you could say that digging music composing listening to enjoying recording music is possible yeah very very interesting right I'm gonna save those later and we can capture them and come back to them so well done um lots of things and expressions there let's let's keep going let's go into a bit more depth talking about we've talked about free time Leisure Time spare time time to kill is a nice expression when you have nothing to do I have time to kill right um in fact you can say whenever I have let's move this whenever I have whenever I have free time whenever I have leisure time whenever I have spare time whenever I have time to kill notice the pronunciation time to the two becomes ta because we stress time and kill time to kill time to kill can you say that good don't write it just say it time to kill say with me the whole phrase listen to the dirt whenever I have time to kill D D D D whenever I have time to kill ride hey start your answer in IELTS like that be great whenever I have time to kill I share music on Spotify wow nice very very nice so keep practicing another one somebody I know somebody had about hand and time time on my hands is the expression time on my hands what a strange expression right but meaning free time Leisure Time spare time whenever I have time on my hands here a nice tip for your pronunciation is to link time on mine you can link those right so time Mon Mon and the the n and the n on my becomes one sound time on my so in fact the N you don't say you say time on my sounds like Mumbai Mumbai in India time on my time on my can you say that time on my great um say the whole thing time on my hands time on my hands notice because of Illusion right illusion is where sounds disappear the D also disappears hand s we don't say hands it's impossible there are three consonants right that's crazy so we have this illusion the D sound disappears time on my hands get it time on my hands great the whole thing together whenever I have time on my hands let me slow you down whenever I have time on my hands all together whenever I have time on my hands Can You Feel The the DDD [Music] whenever I have time on my hands this is how you get that English intonation right it's that we're never ever it's the stress stress stress but you have to hit the right word right whenever I have time on my hands so you go into your aisles you go whenever I have time on my hands I listen to music boom lovely nice so some little little nice Expressions um so this is just pronunciation of course it's actually written like this okay pronunciation's so important listen guys if you didn't watch my video last Saturday on five pronunciation hacks go and check it out it's gonna change your pronunciation radically downtime is another one it is one word so somebody had If Ever I have down time it's it's one word down time right relax time spare time so all of these are synonyms okay um great we've got pradeep says whenever I have time on my hands I read books Kelly says when I have all the time in the world nice I could prepare better for IELTS yes yes yes whenever I have time on my hands I listening to music now either this is very very interesting and thank you so much for sharing I'm gonna help a little bit um because listening is something you do now but whenever I have time on my hands is a is a habit it's a repeated action right so you need the present simple right whenever I have time on my hands I listen to music either brilliant thank you so much for writing that and sharing with everybody because a lot of people make the same mistake right lovely great can we say have time yes nipita if I can put you up here can we just say have time whenever I have time yeah of course yeah you can keep it simple absolutely romelia it's great having you on the live lesson because you come up with these fantastic Expressions that I totally forget to be a loose end right whenever I am at a loose end so natural so beautiful whenever I am at a loose end Ed up it means I have nothing to do right I have nothing special to do I like that a lot it's a really nice expression to be at a loose end romelia thank you so much and let me just um take this one because the other expression instead of saying whenever I have very commonly in English we say if I find myself with find myself with free time it's a bit it sounds grammatically strange right how do you find yourself I mean so find yourself it sounds like you're it sounds like you're going out to for the the mountains I'm going to find myself I don't know what I'm doing in life I've lost Direction I need to find myself very very strange right but we do say in English if I find myself with free time I like to listen to music or if I find myself at a loose end I like to listen to music you see how we're building up some really nice phrases here yeah excellent very very nice indeed yes the voice is so low really I better keep up my voice keep it higher Reza as well whenever I have nothing to get up to nice great I think I should make this slightly bigger right also very nice have nothing to get up to yes okay excellent good Lily says whenever whenever ever whenever ever I think you're too uh you're too quick Lily whenever I have time on my hands I learn English language you actually you can you can say English Language Lily but I think it's better just to say English whenever I have time on my hands I learn English I think that's more natural right lovely great thank you so much excellent so we have lots of Expressions here let's move on so we're building right as I mentioned we're building phrases I like to so we can say whenever I have time on my hands I like to when ever notice whenever is one word right whenever I have free time I like to do or I like doing something so I like to um listen to music or I like listening to music because the like is in the present simple we can say either like to listen or you can say like present simple with listening right both of these are good whenever I have free time I like to listen to music whenever I have free time I like listening to music also again notice um notice the pause when you're speaking English don't feel that you must go whenever I have free time I like to listen to music uh right don't feel you have to do that you can pause and you should pause you should make pauses whenever I have free time I like to listen to music that is the natural way to speak right so relax and pause in between the claws whenever I have free time I like listening to music right the pause it helps you but it's natural as well okay um so the question is is it like with the infinitive or like with the girund um the answer is both right but the meaning well that they both more or less mean the same the meaning is slightly different is slightly only slightly only slightly basically I like to do something is about a choice or a habit yep so if you want to say a choice or a habit then we would say I like to I don't know I like to get up at 6 00 am every uh on Friday on Fridays to go to the gym it's an example right I like to get up at 6am on Fridays to go to the gym that means it's a choice or a habit I choose to do it I'd like to listen to music when I have free time it's a choice yeah I like to listen to music when I am at a loose end romelia you should come and work with me that's great come and help me okay so let's put all of this um on one page just to make it clearer a choice or a habit I like to get up at 6am it's a choice I like to listen to music when I'm at a loose end it's a choice however if you want to say to emphasize enjoyment if you're emphasizing the enjoyment then it's I like getting up at six o'clock it's emphasizing the enjoyment I love it I like getting up I enjoy getting up because the sun is beautiful okay can you see the difference I like doing it is the enjoyment it's great the sun is beautiful it's so quiet I enjoy I like getting up so emphasizing enjoyment um likewise I enjoy listening to music I like listening to music when I'm at a loose end what we're saying is that I enjoy it I emphasize the enjoyment so even though it's the same thing right it's a slightly different meaning does that make sense I hope it makes sense so Terence says I like singing on Sundays he's emphasizing the enjoyment right he really enjoys it yeah I like sewing something for my daughter it brings me much joy yes excellent so you're emphasizing the joy and the enjoyment right I like shopping it's I can see pradeep in the shopping mall smiling spending his money enjoying it right I like shopping that's the difference okay brilliant nice thanks for the explanation you're welcome maliwan says I like to go to the market every Sunday great so she's emphasizing the choice that she makes yeah you can see both are possible but it's a slightly different meaning Kenny I can see kemi in the bar sipping beer enjoying it I like sipping the way to remember right is enjoy is also with a girund and it's the same meaning I enjoy sipping beer I like sipping beer that's the same meaning that's how you remember it right emphasize enjoyment I like watching your channel on my leisure time oh thank you so much great I like watching your channel enjoying it right it's great I'm gonna help you here just a little bit roughly you say on my leisure time very common mistake um in my leisure time right in my free time in very simple mistake but thank you for that because now everybody knows you're helping everybody motion I like to listen to The Barking of your neighbor's dog so funny now I think here mohsen this is interesting right be for two things it's interesting because my neighbor has moved so the dogs have disappeared yay foreign [Music] my neighbor has moved house listen I'm not happy because the neighbor has moved I like the neighbor I'm happy because the dogs have moved that's the first thing this second thing is um my son I think you're talking about enjoy listening right because you don't really choose to do it um I think I I would say and I might be wrong but I think here I like listening to is is something you enjoy rather than choose because you the dogs you can't choose I think right that's my opinion anyway great ah the neighbor's gone okay so let's um let me see where we are with everybody everybody here Anna says I do like spending my time with my best friend lovely Danilo also in my free time in my free time thumbs up well done I like going out with my friends and enjoying it great bayata I like to meet once a month so beata makes a choice has this habit I like to meet these are great examples guys really good so let me leave you with that and let's um let's move on okay here's my next activity what are your hobbies and pastimes now you can tell me now but actually I've been looking at your comments because I asked the YouTube Community guys on YouTube this question I wanted to see what kind of hobbies you have or pastimes right you can say pastimes as well Hobbies or past times again notice the Past Times that t actually when we pronounce it we don't say it we're very lazy in English if it's difficult to pronounce consonants we just drop one sound pass time not the T best no what am I saying Past Times I'm thinking I'm thinking something different ignore me ignore me Past Times what are your hobbies and pastimes I'm going to show you a short video and let's find out what your hobbies and pastimes are right let's have a look so let's see what we can say about your favorite hobby this is me one of my hobbies is playing the violin um you can say I'm into driving cars good I love playing great I'm obsessed with something as elham says I love playing Cricket says Ram is I'm really into doing something great this is all really good I enjoy now be careful I enjoy reading here okay reading books my favorite hobby is you can just use the noun reading books playing chess um where you can say I'm fond of doing something scrolling the news feed um Keith I Want More grammar I'm keen on doing something reading books my favorite she's a diamond that's so kind of you um watching your nice videos and we've got also visiting new places you can just use the noun physical exercise um doing a workout or working out and just relaxed dude is into sleeping fantastic I love those those are great just relax dude what a great name so there are things that nice Expressions you can use to talk about your past times let's have a look more closely and then I'll bring in some of the things that you're saying so what are your hobbies or pastimes you can just use the noun right um You can just say well uh reading sorry uh reading or um uh riding a bike um or cooking right so you can just use a noun but remember the noun is in the girund right if somebody says what are your hobbies oh read no what are your hobbies uh cook no cooking oh I see what are your hobbies reading cooking watching Netflix sleeping right you can just use the noun in the Durand you can add I like I like reading I like cooking I like sleeping some of the Expressions you used here were I'm into cooking I'm fond of cooking so actually what I'm going to do is make this really clear because all of these are the same I'm into cooking I'm fond of baking I'm keen on sleeping I'm obsessed with sharing music on Spotify whenever I have free time no I'm obsessed with um something you can put the noun in the gerund so the reason it's the Durand is because notice prepositions in English right if you have a preposition and I mean into of on with a preposition followed by a verb is always a gerund um so you can see I mean here the the cooking is actually a it's a run used as a noun it's a Duran but it's used as a noun but prepositions for you to remember always followed by a German noun or a verb in the Durand right I like going to visit my friends so we could make some very quick and simple examples with these things that you said I'm into cooking I'm fond of sleeping let's say sleeping in sounds a bit better I'm keymon keen on studying English right not English language just English I'm obsessed with listening to uh K-pop K-pop right Korean pop music I'm obsessed with listening to K-pop for example right all of those are nice ways of saying that okay great let's see some of the things you've got my favorite hobbies my favorites favorite favorite hobby is working out at mornings I'm obsessed solving puzzles you're almost there I'm gonna help you a little bit my favorite hobby is working out at mornings in the mornings and I'm obsessed now you'll notice now you'll realize because we've just said obsessed with I'm obsessed with solving puzzles but you got the solving perfect so actually you can say my favorite hobby is working out in the mornings pause and I'm obsessed pause with solving puzzles okay great that's nice yes I'm keen on playing tennis recently good very very nice really Sunny says re oh this video is helpful you're welcome thank you great um Irina says I'm obsessed with drawing animals really you should share some of your drawings with us I'm fond of playing chess beautiful great you're getting it malywen says I'm into sewing great Negan I'm crazy about meeting up with my friends every Sunday brilliant you're all like you've all become fluent this is so good great I'm fond of solving puzzles I have neck for playing violin so I think I know what you're trying to say I think I think you're saying I have a neck I think that's what you're saying right I'm not sure but um I think you're saying I have a knack not not a neck but a knack a skill right for playing the violin great um Victoria I get pleasure from skiing Victoria yes but it's it sounds a bit strange I get pleasure from skiing you can say that and I understand it and sometimes you could say that I enjoy skiing I get pleasure from I I think I'll tell you why I think it's strange I think you would say naturally I get pleasure from something more specific so if I'm talking and say listen I enjoy let me just uh switch I think if I say I enjoy skiing because I get pleasure from racing down the slope right I enjoy skiing but I get pleasure from going racing down the hill more specific right I enjoy reading I get pleasure from flipping the pages slowly right I think I get pleasure from is more specific okay good nice thank you for sharing that I'm into watching I'm into watching TV series says Nikki me too Nikki have you watched the Diplomat I was watching that the last week absolutely great if you're into that kind of thing um gosh we've got reading hand Queen um I'm fond of earning money oh fond yes fund I thought found what have you found have you found money I'm fond of finding money great Maria says I fond okay similar Maria you're almost there I'm gonna help you a bit I am fond right I am fond of painting watercolors Maria you must share them show us more great we had some others Celine I'm into cross stitching and Diamond painting I don't know what Diamond painting is maybe you can share a photo on our Facebook page or group okay um what else have we got uh Jenny says in my free time I like doing yoga and playing the ukulele wow that's a nice instrument excellent excellent good okay um Nikolai I get a lot of pleasure out of skiing yeah yes possibly yeah I get a lot of pleasure out of skiing I enjoy skiing and then I get a lot of pleasure out of the specific thing maybe I get a lot of pleasure out of drinking beer in the evening after the ski okay listen let's move on this is all very very interesting it's really interesting but I I realize I'm um dragging my heels right I'm going a bit slowly what's that Facebook page oh just to let you know join the Facebook page if you are not aware of the the website go and check it out right especially if you're preparing for IELTS it's going to be very very useful for you okay little advert good um other Expressions I dabble in acting dabble so to dabble yeah that was an extra one just to share with you um it's a nice a bit unusual but it's nice to dabble in or to dabble with is to take a not too serious interesting interest in something for a short time for example this is true I dabbled in acting when I was at University you see even I forget the prepositions it means I did some acting not very seriously it was with friends it was for fun and it was just for a year it was a short time so I'm not a professional right um like cooking I I love to cook I'm not very good at it but I enjoy it I sometimes dabble with new recipes right it's a really informal word but it's a nice one to impress your examiner I like dabbling with new recipes right something like that and do remember to use adverbs because this is an easy way to improve oh not improve to sound more natural to use really and quite you know I really I am really fond of painting I quite like painting watercolors um I'm quite into window shopping right we've got somebody says that um I quite like singing I'm really obsessed I'm really obsessed with watching Netflix series okay nice great inoka says I dabble in playing netball yeah I dabbled in dancing when I was in school great I'm keen on trying skydiving but get cold feet when the time comes Julia don't get cold feet it's great yes go for it go go and do some skydiving I think also I get cold feet right I get nervous because I don't like heights right very very good uh great Anna you've got it I'm really into playing the guitar I love that you've got the guitar most people forget I'm really into playing the guitar Mia has dabbled with playing acoustic guitar me too me too yes um great as are I'm gonna share this one because this one as well a lot of students get confused it's a really good sentence um agile um so we've got I in my free time I enjoy reading English book the thing is with the book because I suppose you don't just read one book right you enjoy reading English books a lot of people make this mistake they use the singular rather than the general plural in my free time I enjoy reading English books yeah that's it hola Lada I enjoy reading books yes Layla welcome I'm so sorry I'm late I didn't know you're late but thanks for telling me and thanks for coming great to see you here I'm really keen on doing some exercise yeah this is great really good get cold feet equals hesitate for doing something yes hesitate get nervous about it and maybe stop very good dabble is it a verb yes it is to dabble yep I like to dabble yes I dabbled in driving that means that you stopped okay so just be careful it's for a short time if you still drive don't say that you say I enjoy driving but I dabbled in driving for a time and then I stopped so just be careful dabble is something you did but then you stopped right or something you do at the moment I'm yeah if it's in the past tense because it's I dabbled if it's in the past it's something that has stopped if it's in the present it's okay right now um I like to dabble in driving but dabble in driving is strange because when you drive you always drive right um maybe you can dabble in driving go-karts right those special cars or something okay okay good I'm gonna move us forward I'm gonna move us forward to the next activity um gosh I've got so much let's see what shall I do here I'm just gonna share these with you because we're we're building up phrases right we've been saying if I have free time or whenever I have some leisure time or if I find myself at a loose end I like to do to to go window shopping I like to play the violin right I like playing the violin on Saturdays if I have free time and now we can add the reason whenever I have free time I like playing the violin because and now we can build develop our answers right so we're helping you I'm trying to help you develop your speaking skills and develop your answers so you can speak confidently in the IELTS test or anywhere in the world right so developing the answer let's move on to how we can then extend I like this because right very simple um it helps me you could say it helps me unwind unwind is to relax in fact all of these are the same meaning unwind ah relax ah disconnect ah kick back they all mean relax you can say it helps me unwind it's a great way to unwind okay notice again the two becomes ta it's a great way to unwind okay your stress probably on the great it's a great way to unwind to unwind two one wind two two one wine there's a whoa what two unwind to one wind sounds like a strange almost an African name two unwind two one wind say with me it's a great way to unwind interesting sound right again it's a great way to unwind put it all together it's a great way to unwind you don't have to go in the exam it's a great way to unwind um just it's a great way to unwind it's a great way to disconnect it's a great way to kick back you've got it great great um you can also say other things you can say are I find it therapeutic so the so just to be clear these are verbs right these are adjectives because I find it is you're going to be describing um you're describing how you find it it's an adjective I find it therapeutic relaxing rewarding satisfying all of these are very very similar excuse me they can't burp in a live stream excuse me therapeutic relaxing rewarding satisfying sign satisfying very similar meaning right they just mean that you're relaxing rewarding I find it therapeutic therapeutic ferre pew tick therapeutic nice good word excellent good fuckey now then um Joe I thought therapeutic is on the formal side um it's a nice word I think no I think it's absolutely I would call it more neutral I don't think it's too formal I think absolutely in speaking it's fine it I know what you mean yeah it's more it's used more in a formal setting but it's fine to use for speaking as well KB says I like swimming because I find it therapeutic lovely lovely Gronk live of course yes um what else have we got April says nice to see you April I love snowboarding I find it relaxing and a great way to reconnect with nature very very good Nadeem it's a great way to learn great yay I find it satisfying in listening your YouTube channel I'm gonna help you with prepositions right I find it satisfying listening to your you Channel that's all you need I find it satisfying listening to your YouTube channel the listening is the enjoying thing do you remember right uh I like doing exercise because it's a great way to disconnect and change my pace not my I I don't know you can't say change my Pace but change Pace right change pace of work or change pace of activity yes great Pepe I I find hiking in the mountains is a great way to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city that's great that's nice the hustle and bustle of the city I'll just help you out a little bit there Pepe it's a Spanish name right but Foo is not a Spanish name that's interesting Fatima I find crochet therapeutic great okay lovely great great comments please share your YouTube channel English speaking success English speaking success is the YouTube channel yes because you're on Facebook right Sarah I find this hard to believe but maybe it's true I'd really like watching the dishes I find it therapeutic Sarah I hate washing the dishes but hey everyone to their own right lovely okay what if finally what if I don't have any hobbies right as such okay if you don't have any hobbies you can say um isn't my thing so if you're I don't know um you can say well my my wife enjoys gardening that's her hobby but gardening isn't my thing or cooking isn't my thing right it's just I don't do it I don't like it okay it isn't really for me why because I'm always swamped with work right I'm sworn with work I have too much work or I struggle to find time I don't have any hobbies as such I'm always swamped with work and I struggle to find time my wife likes gardening but gardening isn't really for me you can put all of these together to make a beautiful answer uh great Tran this is nice not using social media and listening to some music and listening to some music helps me to relax yeah I'll take out the it's yeah I don't think you need it's here right tigran it's a great way to chill out farima I find studying rewarding me too very nice very very nice Ava hello Ava I do like riding a bike because I find it relaxing nice excellent very very nice okay Kelly I find your live sessions are spectacular wow as it helps me to practice for intonation and the idea for each content's great good I'm very very happy to hear that excellent good Kelly let me take you off screen for a moment um I'm gonna move on because we have been looking a lot at free time okay and we've been looking at we haven't looked at popular Hobbies we've been looking at vocabulary popular Hobbies oh my gosh yes that's what we're gonna do next popular Hobbies okay um here's the question for you which hobbies are these so I'm going to show you a picture somewhere if I can find a picture can I find it yes I'm going to show you a picture and I want you to tell me which Hobbies these are just chat just chat right in the chat which hobbies are these foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh right so a lot of you said gardening so you said let me take you off um so number one oh hang on a minute I'll tell you what I can do let me put this bear with me I can make this easier I think I can make this easier I put this here you're all thinking what's he doing well who's he talking to um sorry I'm talking to myself just ignore me I love talking to myself um here we go which hobbies are these so we had um number one a lot of you said gardening watering plants perfect gardening watering plants number two is tricky because you can't see some of you said playing cards and some of you said doing puzzles I think number two is I know number two is doing puzzles they're doing a jigsaw together so it's doing puzzles right um you could say I mean this is a good point right she says family gathering that could be a hobby right family gathering getting the family together number three some of you said golf some of you said cycling [Music] um what else some of you said fishing number three is fishing um it could be spending time with your family as well right but it is it was actually fishing so that's right ashmed Ahmed fishing was number three definitely fishing is definitely fishing and number four could be many things most of you said photography um snapping photos somebody said yep taking photos photography um what else taking a picture taking photos uh sightseeing that's interesting Henrietta says dining with family fishing sightseeing as in being like a tourist visiting the site it could be number four is very very strange it's train spotting number four is train spotting Trainspotting you may have heard of the famous film Trainspotting um it's actually a hobby in Britain it's a very very strange hobby some people like to go to the train station and when the train comes past they have a notebook of all the train numbers in the UK and when you spot the train you see the train with the number you cross it off and you can spend weekends traveling around the country looking at trains and ticking off the train number spotting all the trains in the country train spotting it's a very interesting hobby I think it's a bit strange but interesting as in strange it's an interesting hobby um it could be and some people take photos of the train and they tick it off right so that could be train spotting it was Trainspotting but it could be photography I mean you know there are lots of different Hobbies right very very interesting so there are lots of possibilities um next then I want to ask you what do you think are the most popular hobbies in the UK right I mean we've looked here fishing we've looked at gardening puzzles photography what do you think are the most popular hobbies in the UK April you've got a quick question there do Europeans love people watching yes Germans consider it a hobby haha I think I mean gosh the British love people watching I think the Spanish love people watching I think the Italians do as well I think Trainspotting is really funny it is yes Evan I think you can have plane spotting as well I've heard of plane spotting oh here we go again says Gronk some people have too much free time on their hands yeah tell me about it Olga tell me about it so what do you think are the most popular um the most popular hobbies in the UK let's have a look I'm gonna put you I'm gonna start the next question up here so we're gonna do a poll and we're going to see if this works let's try what do you think are the most popular hobbies in the UK we'll see if this works visiting Street Markets was quite popular rugby is quite popular yep um swimming is also popular football absolutely yes riding a bike these are popular I'm not sure if the pole is working but let's keep looking gardening watching TV or the poll is working look it's come up gardening seems to number one jogging walking so these are your answers right playing video games yes in possibly going to the pub here maybe watching TV shows I think that's very popular yes um up here we've got gardening number one jogging and walking number two oh gardening has gone to number one yes from what you think is the most popular a lot of you say baking that's interesting and drinking a cup of tea drinking a cup of tea is that a hobby ah the the the the the stereotype of the British person let's go and drink a cup of tea actually I know some people who do that as a hobby is true uh great what else have we got well let's take these off for a moment that's gone down thank God drinking a cup of tea has gone down fishing is you think fishing is is the number two gossiping what gossiping you think British people gossip yeah they do they do okay watching football baking Reading Football is up there uh Anna I love your comment that is so good according to Agatha Christie the most popular Hobby in the UK is killing relatives yes ah dear yes I'm thinking about it what am I gonna do this weekend who who can I kill hmm it's hard isn't it uh reading I think is very popular in the UK yep collecting seashells also if you live on the coast Johnny Beck I can see your strategy but listen not very good I consider most British people tend to do gardening as well as drinking tea Maybe football funding yes hanging out in bars I think you're absolutely right hanging out in bars is very very true playing Polo playing golf yep Polo I guess Polo's more for the elite I think that's more a kind of a upper class thing I think because it's quite expensive right although I'm not a Trainspotting fan it seems It's the most popular Hobby in the UK gardening says Jane hmm interesting um football playing better I think you mean playing football right golden says football English humor right great but not a hobby shopping yeah for our deck I think shopping absolutely yes very very popular window shopping right I think with the recession what more and more people are doing now is window shopping shopping yes but window shopping just to help you is when you go shopping but you don't spend money so you just go looking in the windows but you don't spend money we call that window shopping times are hard there's a recession people don't have money to spend so window shopping is a big hobby absolutely so baking seems to be the top um Johnny Beck with his sense of humor number two gardening seems to be number three fishing reading watching football very very interesting right um I'll tell you what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you there's a website here which will give you the actual the actual answer so I'm going to put this up and I'll show you I'm going to ask Burns if you can share this as well in the if you can share this in the chat with me that would be great let me show you the most popular hobbies in the UK here we go Business Solutions I don't want Business Solutions no oh no come on I don't want that don't you hate pop-ups oh come on to access this forecast oh no now that's not true because before it wasn't doing it so let me go incognito think I can access it that's strange because earlier it gave me the answer oh that's so disappointing how does it maybe that's interesting right because earlier that wasn't the case fortunately I did make a copy with the actual answer and here here was the answer right reading was number one the most popular Hobby in the UK is reading cooking actually cooking and baking was the number two traveling number three socializing number four pets number five right pets are hugely hugely popular playing video games was up there gardening British people love their Gardens DIY which if you don't know is do it yourself which is basically repairing the home no duh let's say doing renovations tone I mean anything you know like these these shops like Leroy Marlene and brickomard and um oh there's lots in the UK but where you go and buy the drill the hammer the nails you do things in your house pickups DIY doing Spore is very low that's not good is it what's happening Why are British people not doing sport no wonder we're all getting fatter and fatter sport very very low on the list watching films Netflix running fishing photography and painting those that was the order that's very very interesting right thank goodness I made a copy let me just put those with numbers to help you right very interesting what do you think guys what do you think drinking tea is not up there notice it's not up there doing DIY exactly thank you Johnny Beck for the clarification um Wilson yeah I think you live in the UK I'm guessing horse race betting is very very popular it is um they're laziest sloths yes right milder great to see you here this is a really good point I think hobbies are linked to particular age groups kids enjoy football martial arts elderly people bird watching good gardening reading books my generation you're not telling us your age milder haha traveling socializing cooking watching TV Great very very good point and it's such an important point if you're doing IELTS and you're talking about this you can absolutely um give examples of different age groups it's a great strategy right talk about different age groups and it's really really useful hmm watching friends was the hobby wasn't it I think it was I think it still is for some people I think so yes it still is okay um let's move on I'm gonna move on and we've been talking about popular Hobbies right popular Hobbies like gardening in the UK um let's talk briefly about hobbies in the past hobbies in the past Okay so things we can say when we want to talk about hobbies in the past how have hobbies how have hobbies changed over the years well in the past we used to you could also say previously we would talking about a habit in the past back in the day we often with a simple past so notice we can talk about we can use three ways to talk about the past we used to do something we would do something or we often did something okay um so putting in some very simple examples in the past we would play outside we used to play outside we would play outside we often played outside okay in the past we used to play outside again when you're doing this when you're writing and practicing remember to pause so with a clause pause after a clause pause in the past pause we used to play outside uh similarly previously pause we would play outside um back in the day pause we often played outside okay so use that pause to really help you phrase correctly other ideas um in the past we used to go rambling we used to hike we used to go hiking excuse me we used to go trekking uh we would get some fresh air we often explored nature these are just some ideas right that I think nowadays maybe we don't go Outdoors so much especially looking at that British poll people are inside in the past we used to play outside much more can we in the past can I use initially yeah absolutely yes absolutely in the past we used to purchase CD discs we we did a long time ago yes Negan in the past we used to get together more often than nowadays exactly right very very good all good examples and then you can say now so you could talk in the past and then you could say nowadays we tend to DDD or these days we typically DDD so nowadays we tend to um spend more time indoors for example right oops spend more time indoors so these are nice phrases we can use nowadays we tend to do these days pause we typically spend more time indoors or we are glued to our screens right how often are you glued literally glued to your screens idiomatically it's an idiomatic expression means spending a lot of time on your phone computer television spend a lot of time indoors right um so we can go from the past in the past previously back in the day and then you can say nowadays and then you can say in the future well what do you guys think in the future what will change in the future great to see you here we used to watch TV again back in the day children used to play outside much more great Layla says when I was a student I used to watch animations on the big screen I would go swimming yes or Hamed in the past I used to play outside great previously we would enjoy walking in nature excellent these are really really good great the bendra back in the day we often went for playing volleyball we often went we often went to play volleyball just let me help you out a little bit right we often went to play volleyball but we often played you could say we often played volleyball right whoops hang on whoops whip swoops okay good fashion designing hmm as is we will work as robots I think in the future everything will become virtual right the metaverse right in the future we will be glued to our screens yes we will be glued to our screens even more than now maybe uh milav in the future blogging and creative writing will be popular yes yes by blogging okay great in the future everything will be better I love your optimism farima okay great very very good Joe says I hope we could do VR travel indoors in the future we might travel virtually in the future in the future we might travel virtually yes exactly uh you could say we might use a augmented we might use augmented or virtual reality both may be augmented and virtual reality to travel virtually right we could add all of those in the future there is no need for there is no need for hand workers for hand workers oh I think you mean for manual workers there is no need for manual workers right people working with their hands great Heba in the future the spaceships will be faster yes they will Sanja in the future you will be stronger I hope so probably maybe Anna has a good point in the future I think we will return to our old Hobbies simple Hobbies possibly possibly very very interesting right so there's lots of things there we can talk about talking about the past the present and the future with a wide range of grammar is always a good strategy in IELTS speaking right okay good I'm gonna move on um just before I move on I've got oh some information to tell you so a lot of students not a lot of students we have a number of students on the gold course and more and more people are joining which is great if you don't know the goal course it's it's the the most popular course I have it's kind of the biggest course for IELTS speaking and basically it's where you develop your English speaking skills so you can face The Examiner with confidence right learning strategies learning the language the natural conversational English that you need developing pronunciation the gold course is getting better and better and we're doing now new things which are I think quite exciting in the gold course now we have weekly breakout rooms where two or three students come together to practice their English right um so basically let me just show you over here if I can yes speaking breakout rooms a bit like this so two or three students join together without me I'm not there but they just go in um we have this on Fridays Saturday Sunday and Mondays different times so wherever you are in the world you can join and just for an hour you get to practice with different groups of students practicing speaking English practicing IELTS questions developing your answers so all the things you're learning on the course you are practicing and practicing so that a you build confidence B you build fluency but C you're increasing your cultural awareness because we've got people from Poland Vietnam and China all together in the same room and you're you're just meeting people all around the world and I think it helps with our cultural understanding which I think is nice so this is new on the gold course and it's happening regularly it's really interesting I think students are enjoying it um over the the course we've got the regular schedule which is coming out now um and it's something that is proving very very popular at the moment we had I just going to share with you this was Misa who got in touch the other day on the Facebook group Misa said I took the exam at 4 30. I never thought I could get a band seven in my test it is my first attempt unbelievable thank you Keith your twine room that's the breakout room really helps me so much thank you to all the guys in the breakout room I will work harder on other parts in the next few months so Miser is is continuing as well and this is interesting because I find a lot of students continue on the gold course after IELTS they're still going um another thing that is new on the gold course um which I could just tell you about is in order to review vocabulary I've created some mini stories some novels and so these are reviewing the vocabulary inside the actual course so you're studying but then you're reviewing in a fun way it looks a bit like this watchful eyes A Tale Of Love danger and survival chapter 5 history from the comfort of their tent they heard a rustling sound in the trees a wild cat a caracal had wandered close to their tent it seemed to be looking for food and it goes on and on so these are interesting stories um interesting stories to review the vocabulary in the test as well um infinix lesson finishing no it's not finishing the lesson is continuing stay with me we're gonna we're gonna continue I just wanted to update you on the gold course um the other thing in the gold course is we do two live lessons a week and the there's a growing library of live lessons the topics we've covered in the past you can see here old people apps websites so we do live lessons in the gold course so similar to this live lesson but every second and third Thursday so you get extra live lessons they're recorded so you can access them all the latest topics are there like this right we've had t-shirts keys and puzzles different topics and all of these videos you can get inside the gold course basically so I wanted to let you know about the changes and also news about the Gold Coast so we've got these weekly breakout rooms for speaking practice great we've got these new stories to review and enjoy vocabulary and this growing library of live lessons so the price of the gold course is going up I'm going to increase it to 120 right USD right now it's 97 and right now you can still get it at 97 but on the 1st of June I'm gonna increase the price to 120. because it's just growing and I think getting better and better and there's more coming I'm still continuing to make it better and better so with all of these extra things breakout stories growing Library it's getting better it's going up first of June so you can still get it today at 97. you can still get it in May at 97 right so anytime within may you can still get this at the 97 but it will go up that's it that's my quick advertisement just to let you know so great we've got Clara first time to join from Qatar welcome Clara we're still going we've still got plenty of things to cover um we've got Manu V thank you Manville I totally recommend anyone to buy the course every penny is worth it particularly the breakout rooms great Manville that's nice I'm so pleased you're enjoying it um Layla says the great teacher who always improves his method I'm always trying to make it better yes you are a godson thank you that's so kind thank you so much romelia do you have advanced courses well people on the course are going for band 7 and band eight so it is quite Advanced um it's not especially for advanced it's for moving from the band six to a seven or a five to a six or possibly seven to eight but it's not specialized in advanced it's specialized in IELTS right hello from Lima good morning Lima nice to see you Olga from New Zealand nice to see you great Trang Tran T missed your life but I'm here today great so we've still got things to do great guys let me just um update Where We Are um we have been looking at hobbies in the past I've been telling you about the gold course um model answer it's time for a model answer okay um I'm gonna take a question about free time we're gonna watch a model answer and I have a question for you so let's have a look model answer time here's the question right it's an activity I'm going to describe an activity I I enjoyed in my free time when I was young I want you to listen and watch and answer the question what activity did I enjoy okay that's it simple question listen carefully and decide or identify or spot what activity or which activity did I enjoy okay um April there's no breakout room today not today no great we've got ah just as a show some interesting comments Pepe thank you so much the gold course is brilliant I feel so lucky to be in the group great Pepe's there on the in the Facebook group we have a private Facebook group as well Samira thank you for your comment there I owe my sincere gratitude for your teaching thank you so much Patra says I'm very impressed with your teaching thank you great math tuna thanks for your live lessons it might be delightful if your goal courses are lower the gold course is going up in price not down however there are lots of videos on YouTube I do have a free course um on teachable it's called crack IELTS if you go to my website keithspeaking Academy you can find out about that mafduna okay how long do the goal sessions last the gold course is an online study course you study on your own but the breakout rooms are every week they last an hour for each session I think that's what you mean okay uh let's get into it let's have a look the activity I enjoyed so what activity did I enjoy are you ready just give me a thumbs up if you're ready to watch okay foreign I can see the thumbs up coming up excellent let's get in there let's watch wow this is a tricky one um because as a kid as far as I remember right we had so much free time and I did so many activities uh whether it was playing footy or playing TIG in the park lots of outdoor activities it's difficult to choose but the one activity I'd like to tell you about is one that I grew to love as a teen and it is playing the guitar so I took it up when I was about 15 years old um and I remember I took it up after listening to a famous guitarist um Eddie Van Halen who has since passed away and I was smitten I loved it I knew I wanted to play like him I think at that time I wasn't really one for hobbies um I mean I remember my parents were always going on at me to pursue a hobby they said it would look good on my CV and when applying for a job so in the end I took heed and I decided to take up the guitar I got into it big time um you know I would while away the hours practicing um practicing my scales playing by ear picking up Tunes as I went along um it was great I think for me it was a great way to disconnect from study um in fact so much so that I remember my parents were quite on edge worried that it was interfering with my studies so we had to agree a fixed time for playing the guitar and a fixed time for study so I could only play in my scheduled downtown my schedule down time um talking about the impact on my life I think it's been very beneficial for my life I joined a band at University and it was a great way to socialize and meet other friends and for me music as always kind of been a major part of my life since then and up until today excellent great so I think you've got it I've seen most of you yes I've got the answer what activity did I enjoy it was of course playing the guitar spot on well done most of you have got that great Wilson says when I was young I used to play the guitar yes again Marie playing agita yes playing the guitar again let me help you because I don't know why we say the but it's not at it's not a particular guitar although it is we say playing the guitar yes novel experience welcome nice to see you here great okay good next question let me take this off a moment is we're gonna listen again and I want you to note any useful vocabulary so in the chat just listen a note any useful vocabulary particularly collocations or idioms right collocations or idioms and you might hear a few I've put some subtitles on to help you as well and let's find out together what do you think or make a note of any useful vocabularies okay ready give me a thumbs up if you're ready I who does asking if I still play the guitar I don't I play the violin but not the guitar now no okay let's go let's listen one more time this is it well this is a tricky one um because as a kid as far as I remember right we had so much free time and I did so many activities uh whether it was playing footy or playing TIG in the park lots of outdoor activities it's difficult to choose but the one activity I'd like to tell you about is one that I grew to love as a teen and it is playing the guitar so I took it up when I was about 15 years old um and I remember I took it up after listening to a famous guitarist um Eddie Van Halen who has since passed away and I was smitten I loved it I knew I wanted to play like him I think at that time I wasn't really one for hobbies um I mean I remember my parents were always going on at me to pursue a hobby they said it would look good on my CV and when applying for a job so in the end I took heed and I decided to take up the guitar I got into it big time um you know I would while away the hours practicing practicing my scales playing by ear picking up Tunes as I went along um it was great I think for me it was a great way to disconnect from study um in fact so much so that I remember my parents were quite on edge worried that it was interfering with my studies so we had to agree a fixed time for playing the guitar um and a fixed time for study so I could only play in my scheduled downtown my scheduled down time talking about the impact on my life I think it's been very beneficial for my life I joined a band at University and it was a great way to socialize and meet other friends and for me music as always kind of been a major part of my life since then and up until today nice okay I can see lots of um Expressions that you've put up here great let me just share some of them that you've got I took it up great somebody's asked for background music let's put on some jazz [Music] good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] tricky one took a hit not took hit almost I was mitted almost nice nice took heat wrong spelling but you're there got into big time yeah good good it up good scheduled downtime nice [Music] socialize yep Joe nice and play it by ear while away lovely also Natalia got playing my ear [Music] down time good [Music] yes but the wrong spelling most a nice grew to love excellent that's really good excellent [Music] you have a good ear excellent like it okay playing my ears only one playing by ear only one ear I know I have two but we play by Ian [Music] I love that music great but let's switch um so useful vocabulary just going over this is what we we had there this is what we said okay um so this is a tricky one I mean I'll just highlight right tricky meaning difficult right um nice expression to begin an IELTS question right as far as I remember right as far as I remember means if if I remember correctly that's nice playing footy it's actually with a I.E but footy is football playing TIG is that game do you know that game where as children where you run and you touch and then you're on and then they have to chase the other one and touch and then you you're on that's Tig um to grow to love to grow to love is to in the beginning you don't like it but you like it more and more and more and you grow to love something um to grow to love it's a good expression right as well to take up means to begin so just to make it clear so begin a hobby we say to take up a hobby I'll put it in the past just to make it clear it's it's in the past right so I took it up um a difficult question to make it clear what it the meaning is for all of you um I took it up when I was 15 I took it up after listening to famous guitarist Eddie Van Halen if you know him absolute star amazing he's passed away so to pass away is a nice phrasal verb meaning um died if you pass away you die we can say pass away or pass on to pass on or to pass away died um and I was smitten to be smitten right um is to be in love basically to be in love so I was to be in love with somebody I was smitten with somebody or something I fell in love with the guitar I was smitten to be in love with somebody or something I loved it I knew I wanted to play like him I wasn't really one for ride which means I wasn't a fan of really whoops hey I'm not one for I'm not one for what I'm not one for gardening a little bit but not much I'm not a big fan although I'm growing to love gardening more and more uh my parents were always going on at to go on at is to to nag I don't know if you know to nag um but to uh to tell someone to do something they don't want to do to go on at ah come on okay to go on at to tell someone to do something that they want to do for example um my daughter doesn't like tidying her room so I go on at her to tidy her room no I don't want to I'm busy I'm too tired no I go on at her to tidy her room um my wife goes on at me to clean my office I don't always do it right but she tells me to do something I don't want to do to go on at very simple phrasal verb but very very good we can say to pursue a hobby right to follow or do a hobby um applying for a job you could say is a nice collocation apply for a job in the end I took heed oh you did get the right spelling it's me that got the right spelling I thought it was um with an a h let me just double check because I think there are two ways of spelling this right uh swee [Music] okay I it's double e I took heed is to to follow advice or basically if you like to listen and follow advice so if if you're I don't know if your partner gives you advice take heed listen and follow the advice right I took heed I got into it big time it means I I did it a lot I practiced a lot I played a lot I did it a lot I got into it big time nice expression while away the hours is a really good expression to while away is actually the the phrase the phrasal verb to while away is to spend time doing something in a very positive way in a very relaxing way um to while away the hours is to spend a lot of time doing something practicing so I would while away oh I've done it again I would in the past I would while away the hours practicing practicing my scales playing by ear I don't know why it's singular but it is so to play by ear if you don't know the expression if you're a musician if you're not a musician you may not know but musicians know there are two ways to play music you can read music and play or you can listen and make it up so you listen to the music and you go oh more or less I can try and play the same thing play by ear you imitate by listening to play by ear um it's become a wider idiom that nowadays when you improvise so you don't have a plan but you improvise let's play it by ear it just means to improvise as well basically to play by ear so you can go to work into a meeting and play it by ear if you don't have a plan so to play by ear let's put that as to the easiest way I think to put is to improvise okey dokey picking up Tunes so to pick up is to learn informally there's a lot here isn't that I didn't realize there was so much to learn informally uh to pick up something you can pick up English with me watch my videos you will pick up lots of English you will pick up informal English I think it was a great way too we looked at that to remember it was a great way to disconnect from study so much so that I remember my parents were on edge to be on edge to be worried so on edge is nervous or worried notice quite they were quite on edge um worried or nervous oh uh that I it was interfering with my studies and it's true right ah I think I I as a parent nowadays I can really empathize with my parents because I was like 15 or 16 and I was playing guitar all the time and I was not studying very much and I think my parents are thinking oh my God what's happened he's not studying like before this guitar it's taking up all the time it's probably similar to me now seeing my daughter on Tick Tock and going oh my God she's on Tick Tock all the time she should be studying more as a parent this is what we go through right hmm so we had to agree a fixed time for playing a fixed time for study schedule downtown yeah schedule my schedule down time I I got the wrong word downtown scheduled down time um free time we looked at that beneficial it was a great way to socialize again that expression it was a great way to do something it was a great way to socialize uh it's been a major part of my life like a big part of my life right good gosh I realize that is a lot of information um don't worry you have the chance to come back and listen again um all of this is recorded right so whether you're on YouTube or Facebook this live lesson is recorded so you can come back later or maybe tomorrow if you're tired you can come back tomorrow listen again pick out what you want to do and the notes so all of these notes that we have over here I will make into a PDF and you can get the PDF on my website if you go to the go to the live lessons and you can get the PDF from today's lesson we are more or less at the end right um if you've not been to the key speaking Academy um do go and check it out because there's a lot of interesting stuff there right on the key speaking Academy you can find all sorts of stuff you can find this is the home page you can find out the uh you can download my book the common mistakes in IELTS speaking um you can go to the free live lessons if you just click on the top and there's lots of topics you can look at um there are skills and tips lots of advice you can get all for free and then there's the gold course as well which is the moment is 97 at the moment um you can get that on the on the website it's going up on the 1st of June to 120 but at the moment you can still get it at 97. so just to let you know if you're interested I don't want to make it a hard sell at all but if it's right for you if you're looking for direction to build your confidence in IELTS speaking you can go and check out the gold course um you can still get it for 97. there are now breakout rooms for practice there are stories to review there's this growing Library lots of live lessons it's all happening there so you can go and check it out excellent good foreign thank you so much for sharing the links to everybody as pradeep says it's a very good point learning English is a major part of my life for honing my skills very very nice absolutely so we have done a lot today we're almost finished um we've been looking today at the topic of free time um we've been looking at vocabulary and we've been building like sentences to say you know whenever I have time to kill um I like to or I like watching Netflix series because I find it therapeutic and so on and so on we've looked at popular Hobbies like Trainspotting and gardening and drinking Cups of Tea in the UK hobbies in the past we've looked at using the past tense present tense and the future tense and we've also had this model answer looking at the language talking about a hobby that I had when I was young I don't play the guitar now some of you are asking um but I do play the violin now our last activity for today and I apologize it's quite late I realize this has been a long session um normally it's an hour and a half we've gone on a long time but if you're still here well done keep going you're doing a great job this is the fun bit this is where we just kick back relax disconnect and play a game together to play kahoot um it's very very easy right you need to go to and there you sign in with your name just enter your name and the pin okay I'm going to turn this on now um so you can get the pin let me show you what it looks like if I just change over here there's the pin so you need to sign in at put in your name and the pin seven three seven three oh eight three um and that's it in a moment we will begin don't worry if you can't get in you can just put your answer in the chat okay that's it people are coming in so you basically need to come here to see the question but on a different browser or a different tab you can get the uh the and you'll get the answers right you get to choose basically you will see the different colors you'll see um red blue yellow green I'll read out the question and you choose the right answer right you just choose which you think is the correct answer this will just take about 10 minutes we're going to review some of the vocabulary from today so let's go in and have a look America can you make the PDF printer friendly not so many pages uh free space and color okay I will try good suggestion I will try yes Zed said I'm raring to kahoot we're really excited great Henrietta thank you so much for the comment it's very very kind sevkey an amazing teacher thank you so much great so listen we're still there we're in cahoot let's do it kahoot time where are we where is kahoot come back how many people have we got in we've got 78 people that's great I'm gonna make this a bit smaller so we can all fit in I'll just give you a few more seconds to sign in if you want and then we will start there's a lot of people in okay let's begin here we go I'm not busy I have lots of time on my blank today feet hands legs head I'm not busy I have lots of time on my blank today is it feet hands legs or head what do you think foreign if you didn't get in Well Done channeling on good well done the answer was hands right I have time on my hands a few people said feet time on your feet no time on your hands means you have free time right okay nice well done let's see who was the fastest oh my God you were number one you were the quickest Ian second and me me number three excellent next question I'm quite Keen blank playing the guitar in at on or for I'm quite Keen blank playing the guitar is it in at on or for thank you foreign your good well done Kathy loon see you well done elbera lovely good answer yeah I think most of you got this it's to be keen on keen on a few people said in and outs but no it's keen on doing something right with a gerund let's see the leaderboard oh things have moved Mia out of the blue has come up in first place me stolen second place Ian you've dropped to third Nikolai and Karina doing well and Annie is up 18 places question number three thank you which is the odd one out which is different therapeutic relaxing satisfying or disturbing so which is the odd one out meaning which one is different in meaning therapeutic relaxing satisfying or disturbing so you have 30 seconds to answer right oh that's interesting a lot of different answers but the the right answer was disturbing right because therapeutic and relaxing and satisfying are very similar in meaning right satisfying is a little different but very similar disturbing is the opposite right if something is disturbing you it's making you nervous and anxious not relaxed it's the opposite meaning so disturbing is the right answer right let's see the leaderboard Mia you're still there well done me and Ian me and Ian are still there Rosella has moved up into fourth and R Kellen you're the highest climber here we go the last question my parents were always blank on at me to pursue a hobby going saying telling or asking my parents were always blank on at me to pursue a hobby going saying telling or asking foreign well done Jane you've got it this is one we saw right at the end oh well done going they were going on at me to go on at someone is to tell someone to do something they don't want to do right so go on at really good phrasal verb we did that at the very end so most of you got it right 30 people got it right it's time for the Moment of Truth who is the winner let's find out third place Nikolai well done Mia you're in second and the winner whoa it's me it's not me it's you me [Music] oh well done me whoever you are me well done congratulations you got it you got the right answer very very nice great well listen thank you all of you so much for joining me today thank you for joining on today's lesson which was all about free time the lesson is recorded so you can come back and listen again and again if you want um go to my website to get the um the PDF it's the Keith speaking Academy um if you want to go there you can get the PDF and lots of more lots more information about IELTS speaking um follow me on the Facebook page if you're into Facebook um I'm also on Instagram keep speaking academy and of course YouTube English speaking success those of you on YouTube do remember to subscribe and turn on notifications um that's it our next live lesson well if you're in the gold course next Thursday we have a live lesson and the week after for the public the public live lesson is the first Thursday of each month so the next one is going to be on the 1st of June for our next public live lesson right great thank you so much for joining today it has been a pleasure it's been really interesting I've really enjoyed being here with you thank you so much go and have a rest it's been a long session go and chill out have a real rest and uh let's leave with a bit of well leave with a bit of music Take Care everybody bye-bye thank you [Music] and you too Ludmila [Music] bye Bella you're welcome Vladimir pleased to hear that Renato [Music] shout out to joran Lee [Music] you so much Layla always good to see you here [Music] Padme best of luck you will do a great job I'm sure [Music] nice Avatar dandel [Music] thank you Samira Arigato April [Music] usefully that's interesting thank you cheers Elena thank you lovely sevki foreign bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 79,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 58sec (8158 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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