Let's Play Minecraft: Ep. 91 - Darwin Awards
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 2,543,380
Rating: 4.9321995 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, adventure, achievement city, open world, minecraft multiplayer, Rooster, Teeth, Achievement, Hunter, ah, rt, lets, let's, play, lets play, let's play, letsplay, game, video, gaming, let's build, build, VS, vs, guides, the patch, trials files, game night, night, five facts, five, facts, AHWU, ahwu, behind, the, scenes, This is, things to do in, shorts, RT Life, life, RTAA, RT Recap, recap, Rage Quit, rage, quit, podcast, red, blue, rwby, rvb, rvsb, fails, weak, HUNT, GO!, Geoff Ramsey
Id: N3moj3zGYzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2014
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A really cool lets play, The guys seem pretty chilled and having a lot of fun. The singing of A Whole New World was great.
That fucking Enderman. And Ryans room. Hes planning something. Something terrible........
Ryan is pretty damn dominant in Minecraft of late. Gavin came so close with the Enderman at the end - if only it was still night.
As an aside, 'Puerto Rican handoff' sounds like it belongs on Urban Dictionary.
What post on reddit was Jack talking about?
Gavin was so close to winning at the end. It was right EFFING there!
Here's a list of all death messages I could gather (shoutout to the Minecraft Wiki):
Apparently "died" results from getting killed by lightning.
Dat Edgar dungeon..
Ryan ran into the Do Not Enter
It leads nowhere haha it just takes him to the other side of the mountain
A lot of potassium at Roosterteeth lately.
I love Ryan's attempt to kill himself with a piston at the end xD