Let's Play Minecraft: Ep. 147 - Cloud Down X
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 1,711,297
Rating: 4.8985305 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, adventure, achievement city, open world, minecraft multiplayer, Rooster Teeth (TV Program Creator), Achievement Hunter, Achievement, Hunter, Let's, RT, AH, lets play, Video Game (Industry), gaming, let's build, VS, GO!, game, gameplay, game play, Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Geoff Ramsey (Film Producer), Gavin Free (Person)
Id: bRmEcnB-ioA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The editing on Michael and Gavin's argument was hilarious. I loved the pictures they used.
The hunger mechanic really kills the pacing of this game type.
"You build something you fat Jersey bitch"
So perfect they need to go bac and do more "X" versions of their old lets plays
They really should have played this in peaceful mode. It's what they did the first time, and their health would have come back so much faster and made the game go quicker.
"Christ the game's broken now."
"Maybe you should have tested it, Gavin. -Love Kdin. <3"
The editing in this episode was incredible
Gavin: "We built it so it'll work."
I see how that worked out for you... Also, that was some amazing editing during the reset.
This is the day I realized everyone except Geoff has the letter "A" in their first name.
Gavin cheats at 30:22 to kill Ryan :P
Michael: "I know you'll do it because you're an asshole, Gavin."
Jack: "No he's not, he'd sign hats."
Holy crap my sides.