Let's Play Minecraft: Ep. 134 - Mega Dig
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 2,761,860
Rating: 4.8337154 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, adventure, achievement city, open world, minecraft multiplayer, Rooster, Teeth, Achievement, Hunter, ah, rt, lets, let's, play, lets play, let's play, letsplay, game, video, gaming, let's build, build, VS, vs, guides, the patch, trials files, game night, night, five facts, five, facts, AHWU, ahwu, Behind the Scenes, behind, the, scenes, This is, things to do in, shorts, RT Life, life, RTAA, RT Recap, recap, Rage Quit, rage, quit, podcast, red, blue, rwby, rvb, rvsb, fails, weak, HUNT, GO!
Id: KlpvLOEkhL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 14sec (3734 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 19 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I love how confused Gavin was when Michael messed with his house. Michael is so good at fucking with Gav.
Hey guys, hereβs an extensively long list of references made in this LP (Let me know if I missed any!):
1:31 - "Diamonds in the sky"
4:46 - "Block, block, block block
6:19 - "Like a clown's pocket?"
6:32 - The Clown's pocket joke is from the movie The Parole Officer
8:28 - Beavis and Butthead laughing
9:49 - "We got the funk"
11:03 - I mean... are you SURE you guys aren't related, Jack? (Thanks to /u/WagnerWarrior for the link!)
11:31 - "And it wasn't me!" "Shoutout to Shaggy."
11:57 - "Ha ha ha, classic comedy." (Thanks to /u/grumbledum!)
12:22 - "UGH. Take your dick out."
19:08 - "Mega dig. Duh doot doot doot"
19:54 - Ray sings the Doug Theme song
20:13 - "Dust anyone? No?" (Thanks to /u/Attunement!)
21:14 - Jack's doppelgΓ€nger's Reddit post! (Thanks to /u/taitycakes!)
23:00 - "Too late to apologize..."
23:28 - Ryan sings "Karma Chameleon"
31:01 - Bedrock and "YABA DABA DOO!" are references to The Flintstones
31:53 - "Ryan's dead dead dead!"
32:30 - "That boy's got a lot of quit in him!" (Thanks to /u/sideberns!)
33:51 - "Rise above, you gotta rise above!"
36:10 - "They called me Mr. Glass!"
36:57 - "I break glass, I break it down!"
37:11 - "Have you ever put your hands up in a place?" (Thanks to /u/MAJORpaiynne!)
37:17 - "Put your hands up in the air, put your hands up in the air!"
39:23 - "LET IT BE"
43:52 - "FIYUH, FIYUH, FIYUH!" (Thanks to /u/blandstreetbond!)
43:56 - "AND IT'LL BURN BURN BURN (linked this one already, but I'll add it again.)
44:00 - "The ring of fire... the ring of fire..."
44:09 - Jack sings the Captain Planet theme song
45:22 - "GI JOEEEEE"
45:57 - "Who wants a body massage?"
46:02 - "I'm a computer!"
46:05 - "What the fuck are you doing?! (Thanks to /u/TurtleFlip and /u/FireKidFM!)
46:12 - "Give him the stick! DON'T GIVE HIM THE STICK!"
47:25 - "I love goooold!"
47:28 - "Remember that scene..."
48:18 - "I tried so hard, and got so far..."
48:28 - "Girls just wanna have fun!"
49:30 - "Oooh watcha saaay"
The following links are all courtesy of /u/taitycakes. Thank you so much for all the help!
49:16 - "Did you know: The Danzig song, "Mother," is about Tipper Gore?"
49:38 - "Freedom of Speech" by Ice-T.
50:38 - "Jesus and I love you!"
51:57 - "Did Clay Aiken get beat by that dead dude?" Here, Geoff's referring to Clay Aiken running for the Democratic primary, and getting beat by Keith Crisco, the "dead dude."
57:01 - "...And I went on THIS MORNING!"
57:40 - "Chocolate Milk" is the episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine they're referring to.
59:07 - "That's the joke."
59:35 - "Ask Mr. DNA!"
1:01:04 - "Flip, flip, flipadelphia!" is a reference to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
1:01:12 - "The Su-Fi"
This list brought to you by Reference Hunter (Not affiliated with Rooster Teeth or Achievement Hunter)
Michael: It was great Ryan. The power went, we lost all the footage.
Ray: I hung myself...the rope wasn't strong enough so I fell on the floor. That's why I'm still here breathing. Dratz.
Classic Ray
Can somebody post the link about Jack's photo
Had to take a break and watch all the GI Joe PSAs.
Damn. Matt and Jeremy are evil with all those Silverfish blocks.
So Ice Cube version two
So Mega Tower version two
N'aw, Achievement Hunter, you know I'm playing
Here's the link to the twitter post with the guy that looked like Jack.
This one was great to listen too, in fact the last couple of minecraft let's plays have been great for the audio commentary alone.
The actual concept for the let's play is alright, but watching it got very boring fast. Still very funny shit as per usual.