Let's Play: GTA V - King Geoff
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 3,570,785
Rating: 4.8896203 out of 5
Keywords: gta, grand theft auto 5, grand theft auto v, gta 5 gameplay, gta 5 online, gta v online, online, Rooster, Teeth, Achievement, Hunter, ah, rt, lets, let's, play, lets play, let's play, letsplay, game, video, gaming, let's build, build, VS, vs, guides, the patch, trials files, game night, night, five facts, five, facts, AHWU, ahwu, Behind the Scenes, behind, the, scenes, This is, things to do in, shorts, RT Life, life, RTAA, RT Recap, recap, Rage Quit, rage, quit, podcast, red, blue, rwby, rvb, rvsb, fails, weak
Id: BCVw-dh2msw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 38sec (4118 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you missed it in the other post on this video, here is the still-shot of Ryan getting shot in midair, yet again.
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I aint the sharpest tool in the Ted.
I'd love to see them expand the King idea to other games. The reigning King picks the game, the others complete challenges in said game. First one to score K I N G is the new King.
As a Ted who likes those 2 smash mouth hits I found this video quite enjoyable.
Fun Fact:
The director of The CannonBall Run died in October 2013, just a few weeks away from the time this was filmed.
It's Tom Clancy all over again!
Should we be surprised that Gavin is the only remaining one to not win the King title.
Oh good, it finally reuploaded!
I was cracking up when Ray was trying to kill Jack in the barber shop
Funny as hell, It's this kind of shit that makes me watch all of the videos with the Achievement Hunter guys.