Let's Play Minecraft: Ep. 140 - Wither Hunt
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 1,959,762
Rating: 4.9086857 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft gameplay, adventure, achievement city, open world, minecraft multiplayer, Rooster Teeth (TV Program Creator), Achievement Hunter, Achievement Hunter Let's RT AH lets play lets play let's play, Video Game (Industry), gaming, let's build, VS, GO!, game, gameplay, game play, Minecraft (Award-Winning Work), Geoff Ramsey (Film Producer), Gavin Free (Person)
Id: 3fw1lVMyW54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 30 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Fucking hell. Geoff at 03:30
That disaster surrounding the explosion of the chicken pen was outstanding.
The counting endermans moment with Jack's imitation of the counts laugh was gold.
Should not have been drinking coffee at that time.
Those poor damn chickens. They never had a chance.
(About the Double Down Dog) "Ray, you suck a couple of those down, you might gain some weight." "I might die too... win, win."
The Wither blocked Gavin on msn messenger? That monster!
51 very entertaining minutes in which almost nothing of substance actually happens within the game. Fine with me!
Michael's meatwad impression is spot on lol
Does anyone else keep hearing the Blaze sound in the background?