Best Bits of YDYD 3

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you dead you dead 20 20 Fredo the previous winner is going to die in 30 seconds are you thinking bud we all need to have separate houses we can't live together oh I hear damn we also gotta maintain three feet of space right it whenever possible and we can't give each other items get to just put them in chests outside our houses and stuff go wash your hands yeah still giving but it's giving but it's you know should we do like instigate a you know if you have a fence up people can't go beyond your into your fence what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna build a gun and if you come on my property I'm gonna kill you and your brother good shot what don't shoot me interview Michael he actually he was excuse me this guy I'm into you as a two-time you're dead you dead championship gonna buy week up or something it's 2020 you can be by every week now you can't go outside and you know find anyone to be by with that's that's over Ryan I am by myself by myself Lindsay I got oh by my sink and park myself less fun than Linkin Park look to your Lincoln Park what a world we're living in where they finally came back [Laughter] ya know it's on hard and hard course down to four hearts what's that mean just that the enemies are more difficult oh [ __ ] hardcore means that you die you die the difficulty means how fast or how frequently they spawn it's I'm dead that was quick I mean I'm gonna die I was like are you literally didn't know but it's bad I've been looking for some box myself in can you really not find me where the box before I go are you always away from you guys [Music] Michael I hear afraid oh I'm trying to find you to save you haha is that Tina from Bob's Burgers Oh three zombies and a skeleton I don't want hilton's Oh creepers come in Alfredo where are you Michael six seven eight zombies behind me go to the corner of your room I'm afraid of spiderwebs kolben or wings going away guys I'm cooking I'll cook in oh the spiders can climb over yet again you didn't make a roof Fredo I don't have enough for a roof here's the question down do i code oh [ __ ] dick down i'll dick down and dig down and get your roof dick town why are you all stumps and not planks no cookie King four Alfredo's play style Fredo did you waste like you could turn those stumps into play did he win the last season stumps is for possible blocks hey you would saw me with respect when you talk to the - time enough for a mansion insult me with respect there's still something in between you right I mean they're assumed that it's like glass transparent means perfectly see-through translucent means there's a little bit like stopping peak means it's kind of [Music] it would happen very quick yes that's longer than I thought it would take all right time to summon in the next treatment hunter to take over the body of wisdom in the series lindsay i was a good run out of everyone corner here one corner okay hold on buddy scoot burn wait back up to that corner you know that's what he was trying to do right so where's your pet gonna go floor hole I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong cuz even if I am showing all and then click on the sword and the axe it does it only shows me shears under like sword and axe that is weird odd that's all I see even if I just deselect that yeah I've never been able to search anything with that book interesting yeah I don't know why makes things quite difficult hey Jeremy I'm gonna I'm gonna blast your nips off right now yeah search in the crafting table are you not in the craft correct I'm trying to search what you can make you sorry yeah yeah yeah oh that totally explains big minecraft brain over here I got you buddy got it you got it Michael that's what it was you nailed it people are already screaming in the comments about it so here oh well Jeremy you know what they call me hey oh dude there's a creeper you I need to make a meal walk I might get some mail he expecting some chairs been the most helpful yet the most insulting bad cop I'm gonna catch you so much bro yeah well the thing is nowadays you can kind of just jump in the water and murder the face with a sword yeah if it's a big enough stream yeah I got person I just stabbed 14 salmon for never mind I'm gonna be uncivilized I'm gonna make a whole damn bow show I'm making water right now I'm God I make water time I go to the bathroom that's not water it is mostly water it's sterile and I like the taste I have to commend the inventor of toast some one looked at bread and said I'm gonna cook it again could be crispy on the outside no it's already crispy on the outside on the inside he saw all these things do you think he toasted before he landed on toast toast how many cook things did he throw in another yeah I'm gonna toast up this Jill he thinks no you've gone too far do you think it's like the light bulb you know how many failures that goes jell-o before ya blow my mind you're talking about making toast and he's starting with jello whoa how old jello you blew my mind I couldn't get the words out Jeremy picked up on it got bread was old for cut holy crap it's just like I didn't know how to articulate my holy [ __ ] nice pants I was expecting to follow after all of that explanation found and iliyan yeah what'd you get oh man that was it's a flower Oh God people are upset house man yeah yeah the dendelion can't see jeremy from mine I get forward at night a kid sit inside Trevor run oh my god am i dying he was doing two and three pops like it was squeak oh I got him I got him he came fast and hard that was nothing daddy went flying no no that was a lag spike or not but he toured across the farm in one step we should have quite a bit of sugarcane going I'm about to and a bunch more you show again no I'm sugar hardly okay joke night over here or not guys like right maybe not over here now it's time to strip-mine everyone take your clothes off is it just in your house you're doing a strip mine yeah I've made a basement and as most people do once you make a basement you just rip it up yeah that's free house big tough basement free house yeah it's free square footage dude free house he tough be stand behind a keyboard a shield is gonna be your like I just want a safe mine in mid-conversation just the Oh Oh God it was a really deep hall to a pile of lava oh dude I got two doors now and then I got these pressure places when I step on him in the open yeah so can monsters yeah this is aam be there Oh Jack are you alive he blow up he's probably taking the poop no frickin way wait a minute Oh what no I looked at the there's no way he says he's here he wrote I'm here okay what's going on he's probably doing home Ryan I didn't even consider that boy it's been real quiet from Jaclyn I mean it would be such a commitment to not speak where we hide and Jack didn't say guys by the way I'm dead that'd be very funny though like classic Jack are you looking for Trevor's light and porom what I'll come set up lights for you for free and scan all your credit cards the steely-eyed EE oh I've just been mining just a bunch of comm room it's not great what's wrong hear me yeah that's the sound of a man who found the mother lode boy acid drop creeper yeah yep it's the second part of that stop making advancements when people are going hole riddled with era who's these skillets have it perfectly time for one shooting when the other one isn't like what's happening they're like Minutemen blue penis blue penises yeah you complain it or just like missing out of penis foam op so much cool hey there we go Oh I'm Ronen oh the death gorge I found in my home oh come here Pig afraid are you killing pigs in front of my house no there's a side of your house okay every steps out of that fence it's dead you and your pigs what oh there's a witch what are you doing in here with this witch though are you doing here oh my god who's in your house there's a zombie in his house already dark and hairy no it's not dark in here it's lit you son of a gamer you did this didn't you I did not you did this guy's I got gold and pain oh yeah leave my door open which please no give me try to kill me in my own home no didn't have the balls to do you hired somebody else Fredo do you need armor oh is this a peace offering after you try to kill me I've done nothing but help you this whole yeah the diamond sword okay you want me to make one Jeremy put him down put him down Oh mate it has to happen I'm sorry I'm just I'm just maintenance around my house Yes Mother oh my god what's that I just heard a boom and a scream Jeremy's house is oh [Laughter] I'm gonna go ahead and get out of my bed now cuz I don't think so was breaking into Fredo's please okay I'm in bed [Music] damn not in bed yes zombie is out here come on next time I'm looking for diamonds all right buddy listen you gotta go so I can sleep and I can hear the burn all right well I'm listening to it all from my bed how do you make an armor stand we're going downstairs with - I look like sticks and yeah hey I'm sleeping in my basement good sleep in the bed tonight I hear them all around me I can hear him digging okay so people the commune I know good way to end it up I'm coming to you Jeremy I'm coming I'm going back here for do it quick do it quick now oh boy okay there was better ways he could have said what you say this is the commune yeah visit the Congo Michael I'm coming I'm coming you're here to run yep hang on I'm on my way Swink once Jack's here okay in Michael I mean I know Michaels closer oh oh I fell down a hole all right Michael are we waiting or no go ahead without me okay - Part two or two [Music] [Applause] I'm spreading my seriously I can't tell my god guys I haven't seen any of you in two parts besides Ryan oh my god so much to get here yeah get away from me yeah you know what you look a little hungry on it you don't have a mailbox but I would give you this spread if I could thing is your farms grateful you got a share between like five pizza now Fredo just to follow the rules of this let's play I'm gonna put these back because I'm not allowed to take them from me oh boy they're good neighbor look he's swimming why is the towel look weird what do you mean the gold looks funny does it Oh they've updated the shaders yeah it's hideous I don't like the Tower of pimps anymore Gavin we can't hand each other anything oh yeah right we're social distancing oh well I got handed this shield well that's that's an infected shield I throw it on the ground it's fine throw it throw it on the ground is how you hand people things Ryan there's no way just to be safe I'm getting rid of this yeah you need a mailman just burn it there's some sort of assumption that the mailbox is also also a sanitizer yeah yes just go with that we never really established got like a UVC light the US Postal Service stopping no they're still fine yeah if you got one of those things for your phone like no case you put it in with the UV light no dear yeah cat got one and then the first time she used it she put her phone in it and left it there to sanitize and then like a minute later when I don't know where my phone is and I hope they look for it we had to use the find your phone thing so I tried a man feature though man yeah what did it sound like coming out of that little case they might like it was being tortured I'm gonna make you extra bed in my house in case you come stay that was the sound of Glee hey what are you doing my horse let's get a free ride I said all that he did more than sit on it I've even the sound of this boss if I what this horse bummed no is that what you normally do to horses I put it to you that you suck so I heard on countdown Gavin I want you to count down talk about like where some words originated and everything they were talking about the origin of the word gingerly and apparently that came from people who wanted to make horses look like Pepe and and stuff when they watch round so they just stuck ginger up its ass yeah yeah and would make its tail kind of stand up and Ready Set show we get Jeremy to be gingerly little pep in your step okay I lived I fell into a pool lava oh that will very nearly kill you I just fell directly into a pool lava that's not chinchilla surprised you're alive oh my god my heart just jumped out of my chest shoving ginger up a horse's ass could have been the last thing you said I'm digging up the puddle that almost did we be proud of me boy look what I did this is my house here's my mailbox I may look likes no mail I never get mail I never get mail out here I've never gotten a single piece of mail yeah come on in I've never seen this house you live out there I don't know where to send it you go up into a pool yeah so I'd like to go splashing only Kevin only Ryan's been here you're only the second person and then look over here I just added a new addition I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I risked life and limb to bring you mail Michael cuz you sounded sad Oh Ryan brought me mail oh there's some door Michael listen yeah yeah she's right at the door she's not even the same fire was in the house of all the ways to say it Trevor I always call them ragged old business okay we can still sleep that's fine she'll probably be gone by the morning manse me just unlocked my door and let more cats in the room put the flag up on your mailbox I have no idea yeah that's pretty cool that you can post [ __ ] from your own mailbox what do you mean Trevor do you put bones in my mailbox I gave you some bones you can mail whatever well thanks yeah you didn't have like outgoing mail the hell are you talking about like in real life or in this game in real life well yeah someone's paid oh you're talking about the game crazy real live just like I said oh man oh man oh yeah you put mail in your mailbox and they take it yeah yeah that's that's amazing to me it's 2020 what are you talking about it go you got to go and find a post books but you can also do that it's just you gotta wait for a stop we don't have mailboxes and what would you do to like leave him on the floor take mail for you he just said you gotta find a a box like on the street no I mean like if you receive mail where do you receive it throw it on the floor through the door they don't get shove it through the door so you couldn't let box yeah like Harry Potter Oh he gets it through the chimney if I post mail back out through my door it will land outside have you tried it though no I've never tried that I should have tried it maybe you should try it Lamas sound like monsters villagers might get donned oh yes do someone alert matpat maybe they are villagers game theory it's my first night in my own house left the door open not great start Gavin [ __ ] who's this guy in my house where's Jack land go uh-oh go east Ryan what's up I found a sand trap good map there you go Ryan oh man my mom used to have like the whole Madonna I hope you don't want it but you can offer to somebody else I'm sure we can use it and now we ride Calypso last material girl 90 there was the Pepsi one right that was like Pepsi but she in the video like burned a bunch of crosses and their Pepsi we're like oh they really clutch their pearls over that one what do you think we are coca-cola we don't guys I went to make up sword and I typed coke so the crappy thing is your cult is right on the edge of four Maps nice it's not like center of anything is literally like on the corner of four maps the cult the cusp the Kospi because that sounds a lot like achievements cusp what is this Trevor negligence it's a little path like a camp what's it made of diorite polished diorite yeah I polished it last night before I went to sleep all right Trevor billion dollars yeah busting it out I have to push your mum every morning that's good deal take that Trevor take it whatever that means sure do that sounds like a chore exactly what it means I'm pushing a llama through all right the llama has come through the llama is on our side should he be on our side oh yeah he's not another one I'm dying I'm dying Jesus Christ I climbed on the stupid llama inside the portal hole and I was crying you were they so you always went out of you dead you dead cuz you choked on a lot like panic did not gotten off I would have been dead yes Wow I took a heart and half a damage from Ryan's bla oh god no he's like I'm killing these Pigman how far from the start was he of the nether yeah right next to it no guys an upside of his death I found a diamond in her chest holy [ __ ] I can't believe it Wow I had so many plans to kill that guy there's a reason it's like he died all over again here grab hold you hold your chicken I don't have any space that's no chicken it's a rap it's Alfredo sorry that's what I'm in favor give me some glowstone that'd be awesome okay you're so needy okay hang on would appreciate it I eat my fish I ate all my fish today food Oh Matt see I'm here it's dark outside oh yeah that's a bad time to join lost Alfredo that's not great man yeah he made real poor choices when we get back to the overworld I'm gonna bury this chicken as Alfredo's grave see now you called it a chicken all right some rabbit Matt don't die please Oh Matt's gonna die fire the blaze the blaze is ablaze this guy's got a purple sword we should leave oh yeah that's for you gasps what what is happening was that a good thing or a bad thing I want to feed him Alfredo it was good yeah he loved it I gave Gavi uh a cat oh and it looks likes me he looks just likes me he won't fight back but his friends will right you put him in that hole yo we all just know he can only go one way well his name is now Edgar well now and it's not nearly deep enough guys I'm sure but it is a whole gay all right if you hit him I hit him wait wait wait wait hold on thanks it's right there buddy can you drop the sword in a deep hole and we're not gonna have an out of the whole heaven out I'll have an out also I'm gonna whop it I'm ready okay Ryan you might need to save us I'm going to smack him with you so we can Trevor no here's what you do triple watch the guy behind us watch the guy that guy I'm with the guy near the crafting tables over here all right boys McCracken this purple sword yes no one cares this guy's he didn't know but I'm taking the rotten flesh there's another we'll be back next time wrap the portal so they couldn't get around he said you've killed Michael there were so many coming out there on me dude how I killed him I was just trying to protect him okay Oh Trevor I can't hit one without getting triple tapped that's our two winners that one in season two is death I'm so confused I thought I'd protected him I built a wall it wasn't all for naught oh no they're after me now too they probably deserve it maybe oh no something oh god what's happened well I'm doing one side of the time you crazy me upstairs is it a welcome mat Oh God I'm just in my house if you need yeah all right if somebody wants some gulps there's some Michael cubs on the far side Michael okay here you go Ryan come back in okay if we're gonna go back we need a new portal far away from this one from this episode I got a gold bar one of the pigs dropped it that's what two of our people died for well Fredo didn't die for that died for insanity Michael gave me this horse armor so I'm gonna find a horse for it and call it Michael that's gonna be disturbing twice this video Michael I love that Michael told me he was like if Fredo dies I'm gonna say Oh Magoo never did that and then he died before he could say it to my bed he was so brave to once again they picked a fight with Pigman for no reason I feel like he's brave in the way that the same way a man getting shot out of a cannon his brave like yeah cool but why sometimes bravery is mixed up and confused with stupidity yeah I see you are one of those confused people he was tremendously brave and charismatic might I add what an episode this has been we've lost two people yeah I got bit by a squid wait was that last time I even know that was a thing it's nothing you got bit by a drown while a squid watched sexy baby swinging wildly there's a purple chest I see you have found my homie you guys got a could we fight it into mass house do I know I don't fight him hello enjoy the hot tub oh there's a man in there I can't go I'm coming inside [ __ ] up there give me your shirt you man you've so much armor on if he dropped it I got it Wow another trophy for the wall I don't know how I caused you did I but it that was your final word this isn't Michael Michaels on the end Oh Michael was the third one so does it start on the left or the right watch this one I took this one when Matt was getting attacked by the end of he's gonna go there eventually no we need to leave it Doug I feel like this plane isn't big enough for the amount of bodies we're gonna have to deal with them well here's my thinking right yeah if Lindsey is this is may be influenced by the spirit of Michael if Lindsey goes in the middle and Michael goes on the end I could be buried next to Michael and ICO so you see this is where you will go when you die oh yeah social distancing innit oh is this is this your house yeah guys horrible guys do don't hold back hold on him I'm going to kill something in Gavin's basement how far it is it going can I hold my breath out what's her name are you here are you with me oh there yeah I'm gonna duck into this little passing booth I've created mmm-hmm and it's just down there passing booth gavin makes those noises and i think he's gonna die stopped no I'll hold my breath all right mm-hmm are you guys like sexual with each other cheering come to my basement and I hear he's just melting his end oven I'm gonna melt that I doing that burning up all the zombies and skeletons challenge it too much of ride right now he's holding his breath can you see it right [Laughter] spongebob who's just eating what was he eating he's eating chocolate and he's eating something eating a burger Ryan found something I think Ryan's gonna pass out he needs more hitties go back there imagine if Ryan died down there that's how he died oh don't forget Matt and I brought back cows last part and they're in a very small inhumane fence yeah my horse is in there cuz I don't know ever my leads are always thumping it out put that on urban dictionary take breaths so much [ __ ] I always go back up for air did he get it no it's do more blessed lady yeah it's a big battle going on down here but you can't breathe it's a okay look I haven't even had a fight yet I keep trying to do I'm just making a path down to the fight well I'm gonna go to bows and arrows I shall name you death good up forever weird name death cometh on a white horse I believe it's a steel horse they ride almost go right to the Enderman Oh God the cab that you look at it Gavin don't be dead don't easy haven't get under cover me don't get under cover against the wall Ryan sounds upset what's going on you want what do you want what do you want 41-point oil can with you you can't run now I know you saw death you got the fear of death and get what okay guys listen like four inches in I got distracted by killing the Enderman I was ready to save you sucks Jack if you had to walk into a field in real life and kill 20 cows with your bare hands how long do you think it would take you dude cows are huge man a while you kill 20 cows had to go to save your family I mean I would do it you get it done where are the cows doing to his family how would you go about it I don't know man just straight up bare hands I don't know how to approach that yeah what are we gonna do cuz as soon as the cow figures out you're trying to kill it it's game over there just like this man I think most things you would do to the cow it wouldn't react to because it to it you did nothing Yeah right you got a bite its jugular just bite right through I think that might actually be a good way to get it done it really is probably you'd have to eat pretty deep to get the jugular probably and you better hope you get it on the first one otherwise your head is next to the neck of an angry cow I think I would just lean into their dumbness and just find something big to push him off of oh like to dig a hole have you tried to push a cow I mean look he would you just lead him right to the edge of the ledge and just like break the ground to their feet a little bit they'll go Ryan's out thinking the cows now this is a giant field this just is a big flat a nice grassy field alright dig a hole with what you got your bare hands do it it would just take a while do you think I have a better chance of digging my way through a cow or the ground good point he's making good points I think you just have to reach through its neck with your fingers and pull it fans out how animals work can you become corporeal and go through grab the veins and rip them out what are you talking about alright Jeremy out god my cat is shoving my mom like Cooper my real cat is climbing on my desk oh this is sad reserved Jesus who put up the tombstones I'm reserved next to Mike oh man I know I've lost the thread of what I'm supposed to be doing here but are you no longer hunting for Enderman who looks like scooter it's no say no the real scooter is staring out the glass door next to me wishing I'd open it scooter I mean you're dead you're dead his options are limited all right yeah that's Ari's been trying to claw her way through the door for the last 20 minutes I see cat hands every once in a while cat hands yeah imagine if cats had actual human hands it'd be horrible nightmare it'd be the end of the world he's got seven toes so here's a thumb and that's creepy enough yeah wait on this back lick no its front he's got seven toes on one paw and six on the other yeah he does give me cat hand films on your back leg you monkey well on the front leg I think I could kill two cows with my bare hands before I got really tired you're not gonna rip their veins out of our neck well like you so claim you can like sharpen your fingernails to like I don't know stab into them or something no you do it yeah they have what is known as cowhide skin okay leather you're claiming you could punch through a leather coat that's like you saying you're gonna rob me by ripping the money through my leather wallet but that's like treated leather it's been cured and all that yeah this is leather that's still alive gavage say you can fight like a tiger bite like he can rip like a tiger float like a butterfly or just get get a cow in a meaty headlock Oh what show what show come out like I am legends like that see to me myself at Eirene or he can't kill the cow yeah you want to do that 20 times right Gavin what if I tricked a cow into killing another cow Oh mad cow disease no like I just like piss one off and it tries to ram me and I dodge out of the way as it rams into another cow you know so don't take a cow running at full speed kill another cow but it's got horns that's a bull no but even even the cows have like a little tiny horn Gavin you did address you here yeah you're saying you don't think a cow running at full speed would kill another cow but you think you could reach into its net well a cow is very white but my hand is narrow and can reach through the cow so narrow it can reach between its Adams rabbits veins it doesn't have like giant pores free to reach in and grab the veins out what does it Golden Apple do these days regen break your teeth free gold soft you can punch through a cow and eat gold what a monster of a human we're creating what's in this drawer oh it's just my couch oculus lovely collection cow ripping tonight good job Jeremy that took me to half health oh [ __ ] but the bees dude this bees oh yeah don't don't fight the bees there they're friendly unless you hit them Oh or if you take stuff from there well I just found that I thought honey would come out so I bashed it yeah I swear to God hung to death by bees I'm dying man yeah you get one Kevin oh no as characters allergic I mean him getting pricked to death would be hilarious just run away gab because it will it will poison you I think it'll stop at half a heart and they'll die after like 30s yeah once they sting you they die which is sad you just killed generations you are you gonna get me be I think it's still off to be this way yeah stop yeah where are you not getting pricked I know where there was bees I saw bees so I'm gonna run over there assuming Gavin found the same one are you up a mountain Jeff I'm by the river on nuts Wow stop saying ow that means you're still there that makes me sad no I just get I've been stung this on my hat my home yes poison the thing he's poisoned by bees don't don't kill the chickens please right I didn't damn it there's four chickens over here jack Oh guys need to so okay I see lights maybe that's that's Jack's yeah you just went past me coming back from Jack's it's dangerous out here I'm going to Jack's great yeah it's dangerous I don't know where I'm heading Gavin blasting through here I'm East High yeah East Gavin go towards the sunrise I'd have a compass gap or trav what's the Sun Gavin did you run across my farm no I jumped across there's like three spots that are dead it's bad okay I'm going in I'm going in as well are they still aggro no no they're cool doesn't they remember you shove like you oh my god Oh God here's the trap that killed Michael oh yeah I see now it's not a trap the nail marks is a claw his way killed him actually looking at it yeah no it was one step right here it was impromptu wall it wasn't proud to do walked up on this and came over and then he just had this wall in front of him hope it was either way they pour it in like a if the doctor regenerates unto a woman's body can he/she then go back in time to when she was a man and shag himself yep sure can would that be masturbation I see no reason why not I feel like he would be incontinent like he wouldn't be able to get pregnant from himself why not just because his own biology would no I don't think that's how it works movie magic surely he'd make an exact replica of himself I mean he could repopulate the entire Time Lord race you know so if two people with the exact same DNA had sex would you just get another of that person well you might get a reshuffling of them I almost died mutations man died right now we're not having the right conversation for that you're right I just I almost fell down a pit to my death it was just so close Matt just would have gone silent like identical twins have to be the same sex right correct cuz otherwise they would both Matt I need you to base your scientific questions off of not Rugrats know what Hanukkah was until the Chanukah episode you know man I've been watching all the James Bond films and some of them are proper crap Moonraker recently hey he jumped out of a plane without a parachute and it was awesome my moon ranking but he came out of a Venice canal unlike a gondola that inflated and suddenly was able to drive like a hovercraft and a double take and what did a double take the pitch in I still haven't heard what it was that did a double take we were just hearing engine it's at my pump it hasn't arrived yet so my pees doesn't but he got all the other ones out you were just yelling anyway the itchin did a double-take got it bed - Matt if I if I sit in a bucket and you'd put it on a lead - your horse could eat Oh me along I was wondering if I could do that Ryan do you guys have maps you should probably have a map with that I definitely not that's a great suggestion I mean I have a making this that will lead us back but make a boat and I'll see if I could tow the boat okay I need some wood all right here we go Oh still that way which direction which direction you guys go south north village south you went south of the village we're on South hold on I could make a fishing rod the rod I'll have to yank you have time yeah but if I have the rod Julie yank me back to you oh there there children I'll let them grow up all right come on yank it yeah my horse doesn't have legs [Laughter] no that makes him go in their houses asleep I'm asleep who's not sleeping there's monsters I can't sleep who's awake Oh God Oh God there's this I'll be right outside oh no guys better hurry sleep I had to kill the villager next to me oh no but he was smoking so he was about to turn what yeah I'm gonna become a zombie and then I was trying to go back to sleep it was like you can't get out of bed sir my bed okay I'm sleeping they are fast man I can't outrun him Matt I'm gonna save your life which ways the village hold on where's the village guys stop freaking out it's it's simple what I you [ __ ] you can see it from the tower speed yourself said voluntary exile what is that that I killed the captain what is it what does it all miss Bannock white and why'd you go back to the tower Matt I get in my cab no dude I'm not gonna die Ryan you're getting swarmed by so many don't die from running man your cat is out here Matt no it's not okay that way all Ryan's Ryan's gonna trigger raid yeah and that's right around where we to be right well they'll rate the village this is a very interesting time to do that they won't stop until all the villagers are dead buck Jack you know what that means for us open beds [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] playground we need to harvest ender pearls and under eyes okay none of that made no sense so I'm just it's a double negative so that made all kinds of sense okay paper clip Jack is here to help go ahead hello what's French for Andaman that's just you swallowing the word under embalm Oh [Laughter] you should find a place just a trail of torches on the way back keV I see him Thanks Trail of Tears I knew that was coming no Andrew Jackson get the hell out of here ooh sweet historical bird no ma'am and we all knew he was the president that did that yes yes do you remember when London was on fire no but I remember when Chicago was on fire I was about five or six I was playing Minecraft I was another historical bird wasn't London no do you find that when you're a school and something happened like remove woods rumors would spread really inaccurately yes I think she was at school with no I mean like at school I we heard about someone get their head kicked off by a horse were they present and alive making it even more stupid or four days later they showed up at English violence taught me anything it's that the English love to say kick off like shake it kick off you get mugged off you get pied off yeah I want to be pied off bow-wow Gavin was pied off me sort of dating equivalent of getting a custom pie to the face just like rejected or mugged off Oh dating equivalent really thought you were going a different direction with pie to the face no it's not like getting blasted I just googled the term pied off just the extract here followed by an example being ditched dumped or abandoned akin to getting cream pie to the face example Terrance she example she totally pied him off he must be feeling like a right mug pie to the face it's amazing this is bad it's just a mine this is thick there could be bad things down there I hate us I hate f3 Fiona Trevor Trevor you all right it started raining on my Enderman and I don't know if that killed him or not but now I can trim a hair storm it makes it teleport yeah I was just about to finish killing the Enderman and then it the real life story [ __ ] holy holy crap fell through my stair came here you don't get the balls you don't got the stones you little tremors gonna die I almost did he hit me for three hearts I'm just a little unwell I'm now all around now you can't tell I started listening to matchbox 20 again recently weird it is it is very weird and very random like one of their songs came into my head the other day and I was like oh yeah then and so I just put on their Spotify and just jammed out had those guys on cassette back in the day did you flip it no mother did that you're so far away how do I take back the boat mutiny or did pirates just have little dump holes that went straight into the oh Sh they call butts I assumed they just threw it over the side yeah although they grabbed it yeah probably I would have just shot into a shovel and then it was a pirate pastime we through all the life of a pirate how I missed it he died and gave nothing I feel like if there was a hole in the bottom of your ship for you to [ __ ] through it would just splash water up at your ass Hey look it may be like an automatic bid a you not down at water level no but I mean that would be a good thing oh you talk about like some open sea bidet a small hole that was like a bidet yeah yeah yeah nothing like salt water up the anus I remembered what I was actually when I was a child and I invented the what's wrong with getting your anus salted I don't think that's great feel like it Trevor invented a bidet oh yeah when I was a kid I remember telling my dad about how I invented this I this that I didn't know it was a bidet but it was a bidet is what I invented you just when you're done going to the bathroom you just stay seated when you flush no but it doesn't flush upwards your ass wait what flush upwards your ass yeah but it doesn't go up it's just it doesn't there's no direction to a flush it depends on the power your flush the power of your learning - is that the water pressure in Trevor's home as a child was very power yeah I don't know if that changes the game I don't know if it's more pressure or no so a princess who lived on a hill with well water splash II toilet well water yeah sure I have still not gotten an Infiniti didn't Chapman it's driving me nuts do you have a steering wheel in your pants that's what's driving me nuts it wasn't that funny Fiona was gonna be out of the game how long could you keep your hand in a glove of Vaseline because I use depends on the stakes I suppose Gavin did you take your meds today me rephrase that do you have any do you have you're supposed to be taking and have it taken enough over perhaps do you think your hand would come out like perfectly smooth yes I think it'd be like a baby's ass oh no I think it'll be very sticky and disgusting actually Dickie what if you were in a suit of a thing again I used to do this all night you used to lay in pools of Vaseline your full hand in a rubber glove full of Vaseline yes are you serious yes I'm a hundred percent serious is it because of your gymnastics and we're because all my skin would rip off of my hands during practice God for like you know ashy feet there's like four that rain goon it's like similar like that you put like lotion and then you put like a plastic foot I hate this conversation you put the lotion on the skin yeah you put the lotion on the skin or else what well what would happen if you didn't put the hose whoops he just said whoops oh my god it's Satan I see the upside-down cross in the sky what that's Ryan's house that's how you know where your home I've noticed it every single time I look towards the cause so that is Ryan's yeah it is I have an inverted cross on top of my Mountain yes this is not your house and is this is not your horse is it a gold horse it is I do have a gold horse yeah you have you ever cross I call it the golden idol though you have an upside down killer what I'm gonna enter this person's house oh whoa careful okay are you doing to my house this is Ryan's house have you learned not from the movies what I have learnt is that this is Satan's house well you're being redundant you're gonna want to be careful there because there are booby traps why in case someone breaks into my house well I really all I did was just open the door that's breaking and entering kind of bring again yeah hey guys I'm back hey I forgot to make it so that the night happens again is you serious dude I was wondering why everything was alright I was about to pray to the night God okay now it's night time this Christ your prayers have been answered I see yeah look at my little boy see glow and now I see the 2 n DS and I'm gonna Agra Beth I'm coming okay I got both they're coming there's a creeper Trevor creeper I don't want to upset you in this time but everything you're saying is true who's gonna step up his Fiona's minder boy he blew up real good look at all that enchanted stuff just laying on the ground can I sacrifice myself for Trevor why was he so weak alright so he should be Fred who's gonna look after Fiona now an invisible spider spider where Ryan oh my god you're about to say let me see it but it's invisible this is why don't go to funerals I am not prepared what amazing timing now they bird in the sky you bird God that was a lot of okay it was like four or five I was the funeral just saw existence right above you and you thought Trevor was in them yeah Trevor Trevor called me one of them was Trevor it's a crossbow or a bow and jamming oh [ __ ] Gavin so I fumbled the keyboard dropped my sword and a zombie picked up you've armed the zombie against you I'm running away in the dark without any torches or a sword I do need me to come get you this part of the script really go he would give me armor but I don't have any of the green money I have the blue money just its sword form yeah you're welcome [Music] [Laughter] trade away the sword I made for you but I traded it for some magic beads this will feed us forever okay Matt I'm alive I'm alive holy [ __ ] oh my god Matt Fiona I'm alive oh god well the prey she's laughs crying why what happened okay so Fiona walked into a ravine and fell down she is okay oh my god there is a creeper three people out all right all right that's that's done give me some Cori six and then to 76 for the Lizzie are you eating fielding I can't the foots not working guys oh my god are you down when you it's doing much much much I mean technically it's like you're done you're dead over if we beat the dragon right so we might as well just try to like in Chambal the can you don't want to just grow old together we can grow old together well I mean we gotta fight the wither Oh God let's take him all on you slags why'd you shoot my horse you dick get out here and burn to death if we get past the dragon I think we should go for an Elijah I almost killed you in anger we don't need books anymore right uh I got plenty so if you're trying to figure out what you should carry hell is that thing wait what is it oh no is this Fiona's house what oh wait saying Oh No are you are you walking uh you walk into my place oh Jesus the dragon you lost Gavin to a raid that you [ __ ] look we're still gonna fight the dragon to be careful don't look at it oh look at him fight me [Music] [Applause] well famous last words this is not real it's not this is minecraft episode no.3 I don't know you just walked up said I got this and then time it puts the most confidence before death I've ever - change it - dammit alright well stay tuned next time we've got some bodies to bury Lindsay dead Mike ooh boy Gabby boy head tre and rye bread with tombs for ourselves right now we might not be back alright okay okay yeah it's almost 9:00 it's almost night let's get ready to sleep I'm gonna sleep in someone's house going to Trey's house and sleep in his house yeah there's no bed in there he's dead and the country is open again so yeah it's fine I'm sleeping I'm sleeping I'm sleeping in Michael and Gavin's house right now all right I'm in my house up someone walked in I'm at this is my house I would rather die it's okay now country's open that you can sleep next to me Matt this is life or death you cuddle up to jack damn it if we're saying goodbye this land we should at least leave it with the tone that it always has held for us good man and I was wrong you're not taking a horse Jack no I'm walking it he's just trying to do what he's trying to delay I dude I want to feel the I want to feel the dirt on my feet one last time oh yeah the house is yours oh my god Matt's right okay you know keep going I'll catch up I don't okay I don't know what to tell you there's a lot of water you can figure out the door once sang goodbye to his cat oh my god I'm real I didn't think about you up there you know what the tnt's here if you know what needs to be done and I know you do hooker scooter sipper watch out for each other okay don't worry scoot I know you get really upset when Booker's not here he's here zipper don't bully them too much hooker don't eat yourself to death you guys I'm good all right I'll be back I'll be back oh yeah oh yeah I probably won't be here's the for emeralds order a pizza in my honor see you later periwinkle I'm gonna get you killed let's go I haven't named him but horse when we when we get there I'm gonna take your armor off and your saddle and your free all right we're halfway there ash we're livin on a prayer whoa dragon in the air gonna rip out all of our hair dying in the end all right Jeremy put him in our old wait should we wait for Matt yeah we should wait for everyone all right I just want to try something that get in here what are you trying I'm gonna bring the horse into the end why God because then I can move faster he's gonna walk off the platform you gonna die no I'm gonna go with it Matt not fall down this is Christ I'll be riding at the hole let me pose another thing to you what have you talking to the portal the horse can't go through so it drags you through into the pool of lava beneath it you die I'm just posing questions here man all right we put we push the horse in first Matt get your ass down I can't get the horse down here we didn't make this too wide damn in here all right I just won't be a dreamer I guess what's up second you see this did that go through Matt Matt through some rotten flesh through oh yeah I saw I see it the horse could make it stop oh that's bad I got one more Enderman with some some with him I can help again guys I know Fiona go hide go hide get anything okay we lost Matt oh yeah also don't look at the intermittent anymore man I got back get back up back up a little bit I'm gonna hit him Fiona I don't want to hit you Jack we got a fight dude we got a fight oh she died right in front of me jack god dammit okay Jeremy we can do this you and me yeah alright she's hurt man oh my god what happened oh haha she's launched me into outer space and I just went flying but you're alive I'm alive there huh well obviously you're talking yeah I'm alive I don't know how but Jeremy I've got I've got one and a half hearts Jeremy I'm running oh I'm getting attacked Jack Jack Jack Jack I can help where are you okay alright kinetic okay at like that 75 percent hell okay I've got to heal up I'm healing up quickly get in there [Music] oh man oh we started it we started it we finished it we did it oh get some experience Jeremy come experience oh my god success oh no I will mourn those that we lost but Jeremy we did it we've did it we're gonna spawn at home - are we absolutely I'm gonna spawn in my house will spawn at yours oh my god damn Inu yo that's for you to fill in your frickin hole we're not dying today I lived oh man axial Matt [Music] in Fiona I spelled that wrong duh princess oh man and then Jeremy I'm gonna put this right there yeah that's where we would have been buried we did it jack well done well done good let me started congratulations Congrats alright well thanks for watching you're dead you're dead everybody maybe we'll be back at some point with season four oh it's gonna be or maybe Jeremy maybe we just you and I keep on and we bring them back we'll do a resurrection and we'll continue in this walk if that starts with just you and I and no one wants to watch that that's true but uh you know yeah thanks for the ghosts that flew around with us I sense they're with us like we can always feel them I feel there's their presence with us Jeremy yes Oh Kathy goodbye everybody good job Jeremy yep look let's stop let's stop jack hello gay boy
Channel: MassacreMan101
Views: 192,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, Let's Play, Minecraft, YDYD, Ya Dead Ya Dead, Compilation, Best Bits, Best of, Social Distancing
Id: E2gaZATJvpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 35sec (4535 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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