Kingdom Death Monster - Prologue - White Lion

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once upon a time there was a place of carved stone faces a man with a lantern lay sleeping a dreamless sleep the man knew nothing a woman approached the man with the lantern her soft hand reached out to him they had no words they were a mystery to each other suddenly a monster emerged from the darkness its eyes wild with hunger it attacked the people were no match for this monster it tore their flesh and crushed their bones between its teeth some it devoured whole but the man did not want to die desperately grasping at the cold stone faces he felt a crack and tore at it with all his might a piece of stone came free it was sharp and deadly the man with the lantern scrambled to his feet his weapon clutched in his fist he took a deep breath and roared into the darkness somewhere in the place of stone faces nameless men and women stand together they have nothing but a need to survive and a lantern to light their struggle hello welcome to quackalope thank you for being here today we're diving into kingdom death i know this is one of multiple videos where we've attempted this in the past and uh depending on how this goes this may be a patreon only video like some of the others have been it really depends on if shira likes this game or not you see i for many years have had kingdom death as my grail game i mean a lot of people on this channel are aware of how passionate i am about this title and it's been really hard for me to make content i've been overly ambitious in the way that i've wanted to approach it thought through these branching pathways and narrative scripts done test runs over on our patreon community where you can find audio files or watch as we do a game play all the way above the butcher and succumb to the cruel knowledge that it's harder to maintain a gameplay group and session of this when you're doing so on camera and also i have a lot of rules i need to clear up on and try to maintain so we're trying again we're starting from prologue we're going to give it our very best shot i love this game i'd love to be able to share this game with you to go on a full journey and i'm hoping that shira loves this game as well it'd be really great to have a partner willing and interested in playing my favorite game of all time that being said she's never played before so if you're just morbidly curious as to someone's first experience with kingdom death for me this is such a cool and fascinating moment where we get to dive into this game i wish i could re-experience it uh but there's so many expansions and so many modules and so much stuff coming out that i'll be able to down the road i just keep getting distracted by the artwork yeah i'm listening to talk and i just want to go back through the pictures that's what originally struck me and sucked me into this game so that being said thank you for being here this is going to be a swing into kingdom death our plan is to play through this entire campaign together along with a bunch of other content i really hope we can get this up and running we've been able to maintain gloomhaven we're about six or seven episodes in we were on the road for two or three weeks but we're gonna be swinging back into that as well and so i think we have a rhythm up and going where we'll actually be able to get this to the table and produce content on it i want a print of this picture i like can i get a print okay this picture possibly they're pretty they're pretty limited on what they actually officially license in print so can you get another book uh yes and then i just take out a page okay let's start ripping apart my books perfect so shira this is going to be kingdom death monster we are playing the prologue now i already have played this 20 plus times so i already know a lot of the elements i'm gonna tell you some of them and not tell you quite a few okay but we don't need to read through everything for the most part what this page is going to talk to you through is that this first story is going to be the prologue you have to go ahead and build the four core miniatures that we already have here out on the table you'll construct those and that's all you need to start the game from there we're going to come in here to creating our survivor i've already walked you through the character sheets a little bit and this is where you're going to get the chance to name both of your survivors we're going to be playing with character sheets we're not going to be tracking with an app i've tried that in the past and it was a little confusing i need to see who my people are to be able to adequately name them perfect seems reasonable uh so you have favorite names of yours that you like to name them man they start as uh alistair zachary ezra and uh alistair zachary ezra and lucy and i really like those starting survivor names but i don't know that i'm gonna stick with that at the moment usually i try to go with a theme um and so i'm gonna name my male survivor and i'll take the little mailbox here okay i'm gonna name him burgundy you're going with colors no uh and my female survivor i'm gonna name her splendor is that because we just played it yes i'm having a hard time naming this might be my most difficult time that's why i typically lean into themes i'll think of like a sink drawer or what games i've just played or items you could find outside people that you want to see die to lions that's an interesting one all right i'm naming my female blue blue okay e l u coincidentally my sister's dog's name okay that's my female i should probably switch i want to switch to bases so she has the blue base you could name the male ash that actually that's her that's her puppy's name my pups name i might actually ash okay once you've done that you are also going to go ahead and give yourself one survival survival like i told you is going to be the thing that you can use to well survive so go ahead and mark one on both of those character sheets you get that because you now have a name and everyone who has a name should have one survival one chance to survive name your survival learn about survival learn about attributes these are going to be your basic starting uh movement you're not going to have anything at the moment on your speed accuracy strength evasion or luck we already went through all of that survivor hit locations now if you look at your gear grid which is going to be the items you have and the way i do it is i'll typically have these on top and then i'll move them when i need to write something okay uh but if you look at just because it gives you something to actually write on but if you look at your gear grid you're going to have one defense on your waist so you're going to go ahead and mark one on your waist location a little bit of armor there and you might need it remember you'll be erasing a lot of these i understand yeah you still have to be perfect okay he's gonna talk about movement you're gonna have five basic movement when you start it's gonna move uh in ornithological movement on the uh grid up here you're going to move or orthologically orthogonal the way the bird flies straight and across yeah no diagonals no diagonals orthogonal orthologically orthogonal uh armed points brain and insanity check your weapons which is going to be the founding stone when we begin the game and then we're going to go through the process of setting up this fight so i've already set up the white lion we already have our starting locations which is anywhere six spaces away from the white lion i have pre-set up our hit location in an ai deck uh and so we're going to begin playing the game you said anywhere six spaces away anywhere up to six spaces away so i'm starting just i'm gonna start with one directly in front and then the lion's gonna get to act first so you should know about how the lion acts he's probably going to move directly towards one of us so being in a group allowing us to potentially hit him is usually not a bad option diagonal like one two three four five six yep exactly what you did all right okay the white lion's going to act first the way that the white lion is always going to act he's going to take his turn by drawing an ai card okay go and draw that you can set it right down here on the board this is going to be claw so the way these work is you're going to see two different sections and you see that little arrow in the middle that's called a flow at any point you could use a survival action to interact during that point right now we don't really have many survival actions to use we could just use dodge if you wanted to try to avoid damage but for now pick a target closest threat facing in range so threat is going to be anyone that's currently standing up can be identified as a threat facing is going to be the pattern like a triangle coming out from in front of him uh actually facing is more like a triangle like this sort of uh in range is going to be the thing that creates the movement triangle because his range is six at the moment so he can reach any of us that's why we had to be within his range yeah and field of view so facing is like this field of view is like this in range is a triangle uh that was all very confusing so it all like overlaps kind of in a diamond it all overlapped sort of in a diamond uh you can see the book showing you a reference of field of view is anywhere on the board uh facing in range is directly the triangle in front of them field of view is the board there's the board except for his blind spots right behind him yeah the red in range okay and then what was the other one uh that's it because it's it's field of view yeah which i was not saying accurately no uh facing in range is what's here so facing and then in range creates the triangle because he can't move beyond six okay okay okay so he's going to identify one of us an attack would you like him to attack you or attack me you me so i'm going to allow him to go ahead and attack uh my uh burgundy so he's going to move he's going to move six spaces because on his basic little ai card here you could see a movement of six a toughness of six for the prologue okay white lion uh so one two three four five and he can reach us he's going to attack me uh when he attacks he's going to have a speed of two so he's going to be rolling two dice um and i will have gone ahead and given uh burgundy the monster controller so there's an additional rule if you select yourself for an attack when you're the monster controller you get one insanity which is brain armor because you have to be mad to choose yourself so that'll continue passing down so he's gonna roll two dice looking for a two plus to hit me if i had any evasion i would be able to try to dodge or get out of the way but i don't so roll two dice can you drive the first round i certainly could uh that is going to be two hits two successful hits so now he's going to resolve damage so he has successfully struck me you're going to roll two of these square dice for damage and you'll be doing one damage the difference between these nothing cool just aesthetics they like things to be fancy so you hit me you know you asked if you could die on turn one yeah uh that's that's about how it can happen so the first hit what did i just hit well i don't know the simples it that's going to be my head both of those are going to be my head so i ticked off your brain so so the first hit will be my head yeah and then that will knock me down and the second hit would be my head but we're gonna pop over here and we're going to learn about a thing called dodge so uh damaging the survivor the target chooses what order to apply damage to hit locations and if they will use survival to dodge a hit apply damage from all hits to complete the attack so i am going to spend my one survival i'm going to erase this drop it down to zero we are going to have dodged one of those hits uh which i appreciate so that is that's the first that's the first action i didn't mention i asked if you could die you did good you did good okay these days do you stay down the rest of the game i stay down until the end of the next monster's activation or if we have the ability to encourage someone could spend a survival to stand me back up but we can't do that right now so the hope is does he does the monster like to thematically like to attack the guys who are dying no would that make sense yeah that a monster would knock someone down maybe pounce on them pull them away rip out their throat yeah okay awesome uh you're you're starting to get the game i'm so excited for you okay this is fun we get to act so how are you i only have one person you kind of want to play the monster not the yes i do perfect so i only have one person that can act uh this is going to cycle down after our turns are over i'm gonna go ahead and act with splendor she's gonna move around to the monsters actually i'm not there's something that i should teach you that will teach you another another mechanic in the game okay i wasn't going to tell you about it but i think it's worthwhile because i think the book actually tells you about it okay we have preloaded a single card on top of the hit location deck the hit location is going to be where you register hits when you attack the creature okay what part of the body you're attacking go ahead and flip that top card because we already know what that top card is and start reading through it for me out loud strange hand strange hand um r failure instinctively striking back the white so you don't need to read that part because i probably shouldn't have told you to read through it failure is going to indicate this is where we're hitting failure would indicate if you tried to hit that location and you missed okay it would have a reaction critical wound is going to be the thing that we want to pay attention to so go ahead and read through critical rune critical wound cancel the r on this card you've hacked off the monster's hand spend one survival which barely have to treasure this moment and gain one permanent strength persistent injury lost hand affects some ai cards so what this is saying is that if you were able to get a critical wound on this location you could spend a survival to get a permanent strength and since this is a story based game or a settlement game permanent strength is permanent it's a pretty good thing to have you also are inflicting a wound on the white lion that might keep him from doing other attacks in the future that involve using one of those paws so read everyone get to roll only one person would get to do this read your founding stone for me spend what's a lightning bolt an action and spend an action to sling the stone from anywhere on the board archive this card for one automatic hit that inflicts a critical wound so return the card to the game box so one person can sacrifice their stone yep to get a permanent strength yep is that something you would like to do with either of your characters or would you prefer i did it with one of mine i can do it okay who wants to throw their founding stone blue blue is gonna throw their founding stones so go ahead and slide that out you no longer have a founding stone which means you're going to be fighting fist and tooth for the rest of the battle but the good news is you're going to get a permanent strength which is not honestly not too bad of a trait i have to take a turn to act do this yeah so you we any of us can take our full turn at any point so when you take your turn you get a movement activation and you get an attack activation so you just use your attack activation to throw the founding stone you're going to spend your survival so dock that down to zero why because you're spending it um on treasuring the moment [Music] so you're gonna spend your survival okay and you're gonna go and give yourself a permanent strength okay okay and now i can move now you can move if you'd like you can move up to five spaces that is the wrong direction you can't go that way why not stay together as a group we all need to work together i'm gonna die you're not gonna die we all need to work together to destroy this creature you can't run away why not moving to the blind spot yes so you could go there but you couldn't take advantage of the blind spot the blind spot helps you hit a little bit more effectively if you leave that spot open for your friend your friend could go around back and hit it in the butt can he can friends pass through each other they cannot pass through each other she's not gonna move there's no way for her to move that's affect okay that's fine so go ahead and move around to the butt with your friend all right now with ash would you like to attack with your founding stone or would you like to attack with fist and tooth and potentially get a better critical wound you know what she's gonna specialize in fist and tooth okay he's gonna use his founding stone that sounds good so go ahead and roll with that founding stone you'll roll two dice looking to hit this is where the modifier comes in in the blind spot you're gonna get plus one to accuracy so that's going to make it a six plus that only is effective in the blind spot only effective in the blind spot or if you had accuracy as a character so a six plus one one hit that's good enough go ahead and flip a hit location card and start reading what it says it's the beast's chest so there is a critical wound location and there's a failure location so the white line here has a defense or a toughness of six you have a strength of one for your founding stone so that's gonna mean you need to roll a five a five plus on what dice on any of the d10s yeah you get a five plus you'll succeed and wound if you get a ten you'll critical wound if you go below like a one go ahead and read the failure failure movements full move monster toward forward in a straight line cancel all hits now out of range any survivor passes over suffers grab so i'm gonna suffer grab could you read what grab is grab please target knock down in front of the monster attacker suffers one damage per monster level yeah so did you just die i did not go ahead and roll to see where i stopped for the damage though i mean if you hit my head again i might die nope not that that is going to be my foot so i'm going to take a light wound on legs uh and no i haven't died yet um i'm just not i'm just not doing too well okay so that's gonna be your full activation that card will pop back in i feel very powerless yeah that's that's sort of this game i'm gonna go ahead and move one two three four i'm gonna go ahead and roll i'm doing the founding stone as well rolling two looking for a yeah you're in the blind spot yo for a six plus six plus that's gonna be two hits go ahead and flip two hit location cards oh yeah one his brow and his knee okay and i can choose which one i wanna target right now well both okay so so you only target one don't get you target both of them i can choose the order that i want to target them in and that matters because this one has a wound reaction okay so i want to target this one first which if i miss it won't have any consequence so i'm looking for a five plus that's going to be a wound so hit the y and sturdy kneecap okay so you're gonna be in charge of this this is a wound so knock this here you're gonna take one card from the ai deck why not get here it just goes back in the discord we didn't get the persistent injury right we did yeah so that should actually be out here okay okay so you're going to take one card from the ai deck yeah you're going to put it in the wound stack okay we don't see what that is the white lion's life is its ai deck so as you chip away oh man i know but as you chip away you're removing potential actions that the white lion can take yeah isn't that cool that is cool okay uh and then how much life does he have it's his deck yep we have to eliminate every card he has a sec he has 11 hit points okay okay and i'm going to attack the beast's brow now where if i wound there's going to be a consequence i did wound i did not because i'm not fisting tooth uh snarling the monster swats at its attacker go ahead and remove one of those ais and eventually like later on in the game you can do things like check for what cards are in there reorganize them and then choose what you're discarding nice that's really cool uh attacker suffers one brain damage perform basic action or basic attack target the attacker so i'm going to suffer a brain damage which is going to bring my brain down to oh it's not running it's not with burgundy either is it so i'm going to suffer brain damage and right now i'm fully sane so i'm going to go ahead and check that box meaning i'm getting closer to a disorder white lion's going to turn around and do a basic attack against me okay so pick target closest survivor and field of view no target sniff move and attack now one important thing you should be aware of i have survival however i am the attacker right now which means i've put myself in a vulnerable position i cannot spend survival to protect myself if i'm the attacker okay because like i'm like swinging at him he's just reacting to me roll two dice accuracy does this count sure you cannot waste lantern tens like that though that is horrible i'm sorry that is horrible shira you've got two crits roll damage holy cow waist and foot so you you have that on your way straps to their foot is a light wound okay that's going to be it's not worse because it's a crit not worse because it's a crit but it always succeeds so go ahead and put this this can go here not back in that deck that just always stays out it could go up in the card slot there though that's the basic stats see basic action area yeah you can go there okay okay and it's gonna be the white lion's turn again so white lion is going to go white lion so ai yes ma'am power swat pick a target closest threat facing in range and you're the monster controller closest threat why am i because it always goes down okay it doesn't go to blue or splendor you went around okay i mean i could go to you want to go to blue splendor okay splendor um so closest threat facing in range is going to be our orange character here who is uh okay well i will go ahead and get a insanity which is great because it's going to add a little bit of defense to my brain which i'm going to just oh so if you get a defense it erases a point you got sets it back up move and attack speed of one so one die um accuracy two plus damage two and after damage what's after damage after damage means it's if it connects with you and wounds you it's gonna have an extra thing that happens gotcha so go ahead and roll one nine okay uh go ahead and read what after damage does and i'm just gonna start erasing my survival knock back six the target is moved six spaces in a straight line directly away from the monster i think i'm okay we're gonna we're gonna bring my survival down to zero yeah we're gonna bring my survival down to zero it's two damage but it's not two hits i'm dodging all damage from a single hit okay that's why last time it was two separate hits for one damage each yeah yeah okay so that's going to be the ai and it's back to us who wants to activate and i'm actually standing up who you are look at you i know i'm very fancy you are so can i move off the board you cannot move off the board no you can't go around back so basically this is described as a giant kind of stone ravine into the ground so all of these are just super steep sloping hills i'm gonna activate with blue one two three okay she's gonna do fist and tooth nice so rolling two take this back rolling two looking four looking for eight pluses absolutely no modifiers eight that's a hit draw a hit one hit okay the beast's scalpular deltoid there's a critical rune and there is a failure so his defense is six you're looking for a six plus and you'll crit on a nine or ten because fist and tooth is lucky or deadly what are you doing yes read the critical wound you're such a badass critical cancel the r on this card the trauma of the impact fractures the white lion's shoulder the what lion gains minus one movement token nice so i mean i'm we don't have the tokens here i can reach around the side and grab them because i didn't think we'd need them oh okay so you and you just did a wound so make sure you mark that as a wound and actually take one of these cards out yep okay and actually we have a wound from that first hit with the founding stone as well that we never used so do a second one as well we've done four we've done four total okay because remember i didn't teach you to take a wound off when i was teaching you about the founding stone and the white line has a modifier minus one movement token cool so he now moves a total of five okay that was a good turn should i go or do you want to go again i'll go again okay one two three four from the side again yes all right i don't want to get in front of that mouse okay bouncing stoner fisted tooth found founding stone he said we'd divide it one hit eight okay and then he hit location ribs uh so if you wound there'll be a reaction and there's a critical wound attempt so go ahead and roll to see if you're going to wound wounds okay so successfully take off an ai card and read the wound results if the attacker has three plus understanding which i do not think i do what's understanding understanding is right here you don't have three kids the sound of cracking ribs is encouraging and attacker gains one plus survival and you do not gain that because you don't have three understanding all you hear is weird bone crunching you don't realize that's a good sign no i am a nurse i know it's a good sign is it yes i don't think so i think that's the opposite of why okay his ribs are correct my turn your turn uh i'm gonna take a swing with fist and tooth and splendor is just going to stay right where she is i kind of want fist and tooth because i want that luck okay potentially so i'm looking for eights one hit go ahead and draw this nope hit location location beast elbow there's a failure but there's also a critical wound attempt so that's what i'm going for so six plus crit on a nine or ten oh that's a hit yeah but not crazy no failure no crit i know i'm not as cool as you ai card over so what happens when he runs out of the ai we have to do one more hit uh well you know actually those shuffle back in yes and then after those are all gone we have to do one more hit to get rid of his basic attack okay you shuffle two cards really well okay be still though this is going surprisingly decent and i can still act with burgundy burgundy's going to do founding stone okay looking at sevens phil okay white lion's gonna go do you get anything for failing you don't you get shame okay power swat pick target closest threat facing in range gonna be splendor move and attack one speed accuracy of two plus two damage so one die okay five five is going to hit only where it's hitting two damage to the body okay yeah light wound heavy wound and what's the after damage after damage you didn't take the after damage from the other i dodged it you dodged the whole thing move six spaces in a straight line and i'm knocked down why because i took a heavy hit okay okay all right now how about i take the next one go ahead okay uh we're gonna go blue fist in two two eight one hit nice no that's a three three two threes oh no i failed yeah okay you want me to go to weaken him a little bit first it doesn't work like that okay i'll go to weaken him a little bit okay uh and i'm actually going to move now i'm staying right where i am uh yeah eight plus one hit what were you using fist and tooth eight plus okay one hit go ahead and draw a hit location for me you heal beasts heal there is a critical room location six plus is a wound nine or ten is a crit four is nothing so we'll not talk about it i gotta be honest burgundy you're not coming out on hunts anymore he is not doing well that praying that brain trauma from the very beginning has sort of rattled this page a little bit right ash is gonna fight with a founding stone okay fleshy gut just crit this no five doesn't do anything failure does do something oh the white lion swats back perform a basic action target the attacker turning to face you basic action is going to be two two one two dice two dice rolling on a two plus one damage both of those are gonna be hits yeah for one damage each so roll to see where you get damaged both two hits two hits yep one to the hand one to the waist the waist is fine you got more of some defense there and hand will just be a light wound so you can take both of those hand is arm hand is uh arm yep do i have to get rid of my cloth nope this is not doing much for you at the moment just cover it you should cover it yep okay okay ryan goes uh lion goes yes because that was just a reaction yeah oh when he's facing me claw pick target closest threat could be either of you choosing he's going to be targeting one of you still has survival if i want a hint hint intent i will you can target ash okay two dice two plus one damage two hits both hits i'm gonna survive well you can go ahead and roll to see where he's hitting and choose if you want to and what you want to dodge so one to the chest two to the body so you could either take a heavy wound to the body or you could dodge and just take a light wound and keep standing up now i'll take the light and keep standing up okay and that takes away my survival yep i'm gonna go ahead and stand up the end of his turn and uh and i'm gonna show you all the two parts are gonna go ahead and engage with the lions so i'm gonna poke them in the butt if you don't mind okay looking fist and tooth so i'm looking for where do you get the advantage i get the advantage on hitting him so i'm looking for a seven plus it's one hit okay get location the straining neck this one's really cool if you crit and then crit again you kill him immediately no matter what because you punch a hole in his throat okay straining neck come on critical the monster is knocked down no no i had to crit and then roll on so i just did a wound that's it okay straining that pops back in and it's on to you onto me blue give me some something she's doing her now fist and tooth ash could move around to the blind spot by the way he will when it's his turn okay um woo is going to roll two needs hits on an eight plus one hit that is an eight hit location we're looking at the beast's flank this has a wound and a critical if you're able to hit it go ahead and roll to see if you can get it come on die no it's not gonna be yet didn't it luckily no wound reaction either all right shame on you ash you're gonna move one two three four five nice back there you are going to use your pounding stone seven pluses nine one hit one hit location uh i roll for a crit you roll to see if you can get it yep not a crit but it is a wound go ahead and knock that last ai card off okay and my final character is going to move one two three four five trying to get into this fight and it doesn't have any ai left so it's going to go ahead and draw its basic attack which is going to target you yep okay which is going to target you directly in front of it for a 2 2 1. two hits one damage each go and roll for the damage waist and chest you'll be taking a hit to the waist to hit to the chest okay actually fine this is going okay you say so because we only have to do one more damage so would you like to finish it off sure go for it we're gonna go with ash okay just into their founding stone pounding stone all right rounding stone because then blue can do the fisting tooth you might kill it one more hit and it dies two there are two hit locations beast's ear and the golden main the glorious main is impervious so you might as well roll on it if you get a crit you get a special piece of gear uh you get to rip out some of the tufts but you can't do any moves there nope nope all right it's coming down to the beast's ear are you able to concuss it six that's it yeah yeah is that a wound yeah okay goodbye white lion you did it that was surprisingly easier than it should have been just for the record okay no we did we did really good yeah yeah we did really good okay now what all right so is that the whole first episode that's the first fight it's so short it'll it'll get bigger okay it'll get bigger so that's the first fight some of the things you didn't see there are the trap card in the hit location deck there's a chance we could have came across that but we didn't so uh after this we're going to finish the showdown survivors are victorious by scavenging the monster's corpse the survivors earn resources this is in addition to any resources earned from critical wounds during the showdown take out the white lion resource cards shuffle them and draw four see those golden cards there now you can do this in two different ways and i think i know the way you might want to do i have a question um did my strength give me anything on my hips your strength would have given you an advantage on wounding okay so it would have been slightly easier to weed okay i don't think it came into play anymore either but i was just wondering yeah no that's the right question so you'll shuffle all of those up and there's two ways to do this you can either share the resources as a settlement or you can deal them out and everyone gets their bit like dealing without looking you never look at them yeah you're always randomly dealing we're just taking pieces what's the difference between sharing it sharing means we're building and creating things together uh dealing them out personally means like you kind of have a personal story and you loan other people resources when you want strategically using them as a settlement's the smartest thing um because the settlement it's a pool that we can all pull from yeah is that what you mean yeah and if it's personal can i share it to you you could yeah it's still a poll no different there's no strong difference other than like thematic i like my items is it the way you're doing it yes you're gonna keep the stuff you get yes okay and we also might be willing to trade to trade these we're also going to have basic resources which should be oh right here so uh we're going to take out basic resource cards and i'll also do the same thing then so these are gonna be the resources that we're going home with okay uh we did not lose anyone so go ahead and find out what you got great cat bone and a skull you got the lion tail i got monster height and lion tail i got a claw nice organ nice delicious that's what we're walking home with that's what we're all carrying take the cards out from the big book what cards are these all little squares that go in here no these are the resources you need to craft the things that go in there oh i'll show you that okay okay survivors are victorious moving on we're going to come down here to the settlement phase settlement phase is where the board starts to go back home you start developing so to set up we're going to have our settlement sheet over here which i will let you write in if you'd like okay so settlement sheet uh place the settlement board in the play area along with gear grids uh survivor record sheets survivor list presented using a new double-sided settlement record sheet record information about your settlement survivors return notice below the settlement name that returning survivors gain plus one survival when the settlement is named uh award it to any returning survivors so we're going to start by naming our settlement do you have a preference on settlement name i don't but let's name it well i can think of our recent names let's do cerebria okay yeah name is cerebria and everyone is going to go back up to one survival when we do that okay okay and you see that little board underneath the camera there on the corner yeah you can kind of pull that over so you can talk you can watch through the steps that we're taking so you can learn it a little bit so the first step we're taking is set up survivors return then we're going to gain endeavors endeavors are based on each returning survivor and they let us do field returning survivors how do we all heal uh any light wounds and heavy wounds are erased yep okay we're gonna gain foreign endeavors because we have four characters coming back okay okay some people do like dry erase and yeah make the boards i don't like that because then they wear out i like pencil because it lasts a little bit longer okay survivor's return gain endeavors update the timeline so do you see the timeline on there yeah i'm gonna go and check that first box here yep year one yep and that's going to trigger a story event next to it do you see turning survivors 163 okay so uh settlement event settlement event is going to be first day so we're going to find the first day card which i already have pulled out over there where do you see settlement events it's not on there it's on this sheet though update the timeline draw a settlement event card and revolt resolve it so that's the first one we draw after this it's going to become random out of that stack of cards that was underneath it go ahead and start reading through that first day settlement event the first day settlement event will help set up your settlement it is the first event of any new campaign one the survivors wander drawn to a blooming light in the distance they find the serene comfort of a towering pile of lanterns and a small collection of scared people on a deep instinctual level they know this area is safe and they make it their home roll 1d10 to determine your starting population and record the result in the back of the settlement record record sheet choose and record genders for unnamed survivors you may name an unnamed survivor and create their survivor record trade at any time during the settlement phase okay so you're gonna roll the dice nine ten survivors okay so unnamed and plus returning does that include our returning yeah so 14 total so population go ahead and write down 14 in our population okay uh and we know we currently have two males and two females and you can go ahead and add their names we have splendor burgundy ash and blue how do you spell burgundy b b-u-r-g-a-n-d-y something like that that looks wrong i did it with an a brigandy splendor that one i got okay okay so and now we're gonna have to record genders for five male five female do you straight down the middle yep why is there any advantage to gender there isn't except for the fact that you have to have both consenting male and females to produce babies we can produce babies so if you run out of females you cannot produce babies anymore but if you're not males you also can't produce babies that's true but females are more likely to die during the childbearing process than males male is equally likely females hit them there are options for males to die as well don't you worry fine we'll do 18 seven females sounds good three males one two three four five six seven the females are also by the way just more brave stronger more ambitious you know it's all it's all from that liar liar alive pants on fire do we name them now we don't name them now you can name them at any point but you'll do so when you do a character record sheet death count we have none lost settlements so now we're going to go to updating the timeline we did the first day continue reading the card return to the settlement section of the first story and proceed to book returning survivors so all the way back here there's going to be all these different stories and chapters and events that can happen we're going to where is it returning survivors see that's the lantern horde we just came to the blooming light returning survivors nominate a survivor to utter the first words burgundy okay the nominated survivor steps forward and gains plus one courage okay they lead the other survivors in learning to speak to one another they discuss their situation realizing they must hunt to live in the white lion and add the white lion to the quarry list on the settlement record sheet there should be a quarry list on the other page you can add the white lion it should already be there actually in the bottom okay your settlement gains the language innovation search the innovation cards for language and place it face up in your play area record it on your settlement card so innovations language is already recorded so the cool thing about this drop my cards here it was silent i don't hear alrighty language innovation yeah so there's there's a really cool system here all of these are upgrades abilities uh skill sets things that we can get throughout the course of this adventure so to start with we're going to have language language survival limit is plus one all survivors gain the encourage survival action encourage once per round if standing spend one survival to call out to a non-deaf survivor they stand if knocked out okay so you can go ahead and mark encourage on all your character sheets so and go ahead and set our survival limit to two that's how much survival we can have top corner there okay that's our maximum amount of survival we can have okay language is your first innovation and it will spark the creation of the innovation deck build the innovation deck now add language consequences yep those are going to be ammonia drums hovel inner lantern paint and symposium so let me find those where are they they're gonna be over here so symposium ammonia inner lantern drums bubble and paint hovel and i think i passed paint so this is going to be the technology we could upgrade from this point on why would you want ammonia ammonia allows you to do a lot of things cure meat get skins like leather it's poisonous you use ammonia to create leather did you know that no yeah so manufacturing ammonia is actually a really major discovery in our unit we check babies for ammonia it's a bad bad thing it can be poisonous but it can also be really used for good just like oxygen i couldn't think of anything else uranium how frequently have we come in contact with uranium not often it's very poisonous but it can be used for good shovel these six cards together to form your settlement's innovation deck place it face down on the designated space and settlement board the innovation deck is persistent make sure we don't have the board out make sure to preserve the unique combination of cards in your deck between play sessions now we're going to the glowing center armed with language the nominated survivor aptly names the glowing center of their home the lantern horde the settlement gains the lantern horde settlement location you see those big cards over there you're gonna find one called the lanternhorn was that coincidence okay so just set those other little card to the side you're gonna need all those big cards soon yeah okay lantern horde okay the lantern horde settlement against the lander door search the large settlement location cards for the lanternboard and place in your play area the lantern horde is the source of all your innovations and farther locations the settlement will develop the nominated survivor sits in front of the lantern horde in awe they gain one understanding so we'll go and gain understanding with him as well uh they must skip the next hunt phase as they ponder the meaning of existence so there's a little box um where is it there's a little skip yeah there's a little skip next hunt so i'm not gonna be able to go on this next hunt check the fibers survivors skip the hunks they can return to the first story to continue so messy what's messy we get it organized soon it's not too bad though okay we are returning here check for milestones we don't have principal death uh if we get one more person we'll have the milestone for our settlement so the milestones are going to be here first child is born first time death is updated population reaches 15. settlement has five innovations or we're across lantern year 12. those are all possible things now we're going to go to develop craft gear record and archive resources and it's the end of the beginning where we start back over again so let me show you what we're doing from this special showdown special showdown would be something like a nemesis showing up outside our gates and deciding that we're gonna fight it it's not really the best thing so this is going to be our current structure these are the resources we have this is the location that we have you can go ahead and set this off to the side lantern horde i saw one other little random one okay go ahead and set the resources that we got if you want up here you're welcome to share them together or not and now we're getting to the part of the game where we're going to start crafting and upgrading and building all of these resources can be used to create items but first we need to go ahead and get the locations that allow us to build those items we have four endeavor right now we can build a bonesmith a skinnery or an organ grinder for one endeavor each those are going to give you areas that you can craft oregon grinder is going to give you salves lotions bandages stuff like that bonesmith is going to give you weapons and tools and the skinnery is going to give you armory specifically rawhide gear any of those do you want armor bones any of those things more than all three well there's some other things that we can do with our endeavor first off is going to be the ability to innovate innovate is going to allow us to draw from our innovation deck and get a new skill or ability that can be fairly valuable but it will also be expensive we'll have to spend one of each type of resource and an endeavor the other thing is going to be if we do the if we do the organ grinder we can do augering augury will let us try to have a baby by doing an intimacy role if we succeed if we succeed we would get two benefits we'd get not only a population of 15 but we'd also get to have the first child in the settlement this is very unlikely it's hard to do but you will have to do it to survive as a settlement i know so out of all those options what do you think do you want to focus on gear build up our arsenal do you want to look into research do you want to try to have a baby i want you give me like that i want to do a skinnery or okay we could do both of them if you like you could do all three if you like okay three okay so we're spending three endeavor for all three so now we have these locations now each of these locations shows recipes that you need to build certain items and you can go shopping over here in the gear in the gear grid if you'd like explain what it all means yeah so uh each of these is just going to show an image we don't have the extra abilities or things that they do until you start reading through the cards but what's the blue and green little the blue and green are going to be the things that i said pair together on your board it's a puzzle you're solving and if you connect them in certain patterns you'll get the bonuses and benefits so how does that work so it works by displaying it on the items themselves if i had so let me show you excuse me so here you see two puzzle pieces if i had connected red and blue on the rawhide vest i'd get another evasion gotcha okay cool or this shows three green squares it doesn't need to be connected to greece anywhere on the board yeah alrighty i can't there's a glare no you pick them up as well if you want there's also this which you could go through if you want to look at each location it's just it's just organized here so i want to look at these cards i have two hides or anything more powerful than the rest so that's what i was going to say so if you look into here i have everything organized based off of the location that you can purchase from okay so if you're looking at the skin area to start with you'd open it up here to the rawhide set this is going to show you the armor in each location potential attack and defense special abilities for each item so i can answer if you're looking at anything specific i could answer questions what are you trying to get i was thinking about a headband or a rawhide vest so the rawhide vest is going to give you some defense on your chest the headband is going to give you some defense on your head if you're able to build a full set of rawhide you'll get an even better bonus which is going to be additional armor the other thing the rawhide headband does is if you have a blue slot connected you're going to be able to reveal two ai cards place them back in any order okay gotcha what about these do they count as any colors they don't count i don't have any colors on them all right what's this the drum dude the drum it's an item it's an instrument and it's noisy on arrival all survivors gain plus one insanity inspirational drumming when you perform encourage all non-deaf survivors are affected interesting so what you beat it on arrival people get a little bit more insane yeah and when you do encourage which is a skill we don't have yet we need to innovate to get to that but when you perform encourage everyone everyone will stand up do we have encourage now we do so when you're performing courage everyone will stand up instead of just one person okay it's not usually that helpful because most the time everyone's not knocked down do we have ammonia we don't have ammonia no okay what do the bandages do the bandages remove up to two bleed tokens from yourself or an adjacent survivor you haven't encountered bleed tokens yet bleed is another way that you can die if you get five of them you bled to death these droplets those little droplets over there yep okay it's the bone axe the bone axe so the bone axe is going to have a strength or a speed of two a strength or accuracy of six plus and a strength of three it's also frail so it could break if it has a super dense location which the butcher and the antelope have the white line doesn't have any of those locations and it has savage once per attack if you critically wound cause one additional wound this effect does not apply to impervious hit locations what's impervious imperviously something like the golden main okay it can't be looking at the stats it's a dagger dagger [Music] bone darts are your first ranged weapons you i remember a while ago you said something about there's no point in getting ranged weapons in the beginning no didn't say that i think you'd you said something of that sort nope nope are we sharing resources we can certainly talk about it you kind of want a golden club you want a bone club cumbersome so you have to spend both your action and your movement to use it uh so you can't move if you've used it okay uh so it's two six five really strong but hard to use slow i just can't move yeah you'd have to be in the same spot yeah ah there's so much fun stuff what's the helm do l3 armor on your head you might want one of those two bone or one skull we do have a skull you might want to use that do you think can you craft one of those yeah okay you have been getting hit on the head quite frequently so we'll craft skull spend that resource okay what else what do you want to make i want to make it all i hear you want the club or the axe i don't like how fragile they are right now it won't matter that much i i'm thinking long term though they're all long okay how much is the club three bones i don't know if we have it anymore three bones so you have two i'd have to use both your cat yep we'd have to use the two cat bones and the claw is that worth it i think so okay what else do you want to make we have three hybrid and an organ left do you want to choose something so with the organ i think it's typically a good idea to go ahead and make some monster grease okay because it's going to give us evasion which helps us not get hit okay makes you a little slippery does it get used up it doesn't get used up no okay not unless it gets washed off okay uh so go ahead and spin that organ yeah and then with the hide it's a basic resource so to go over here with the hide uh i'd say i'd say we go ahead and start working towards a full rawhide suit so we could do that only help with one character it is only going to help with one character but we could do the headband we could do the vest and we could go and do a pair of gloves which is going to unlock the special ability of the vest you see how these three link together so one character will get the benefit of both of those so go ahead and spend the rest of those resources okay here's the basics yep and here's this and so now are these locations bought for the rest of yep okay so i think the character who is running so remember we can change characters with all of these sets but for the most part one character should have all the rawhide um and maybe they're the person with the bone club as well because they're gonna be taking the most hits both well because if they have the rawhide they can stand in their one spot and just keep hitting it on the head you see um is it wise to make one character so powerful it's not a bad idea and then i think someone else does the skull helm and the monster grease and i think it's going to be the character who is fist in two you be you with your strength okay i wanted that though yeah i'm giving that to you as well you're giving it all to me giving it all why because at this point it makes more sense to have stronger characters okay and you wanted the bone club i think the armor should go with the person with the bone club can i rearrange this yeah yep you can rearrange the puzzle so that is going to be step one by the way can i trade stuff between people yeah but you want to kind of hold on to your founding stone and cloth anyway although you could give the founding stone over here if you wanted i was thinking yeah you also want to go ahead and mark the first xp box denoting that you survived your first lantern year out there in the wilderness okay so while you mess around with your board i want to go ahead and spend our last endeavor if you don't mind to try to see if we can get a baby sound good good okay so i'm gonna nominate it says uh i'm gonna nominate special ability on here so nothing right now why they just link together it unlocks that one though right and it creates two red squares on your board so if you had something else that needed two red squares to work okay you'd have it okay got you so i'm gonna go ahead and nominate uh splendor for the augury roll survivor endeavors to glean the meaning of existence roll the table and add plus one to your resort if you're understanding three and higher it is not lantern ten we are going to intimacy we are having a baby congratulations well possibly having a baby let's see very fantastic event let's see how this works it could still all uh fall apart okay intimacy okay look how cute that is adorable okay nominate one consenting male and one consenting female and role in the intimacy table below we could do people or we could do a nominee anonymous people do we want to do no named people or we want to risk some of the people that we took out no names all right two no names uh first time your settlement gives birth all right so we're rolling one on this table a nine amazing the settlement celebrates a twice fortunate event a pair of healthy newborn survivors enter the world settlement gains plus two population we had twins congratulations so this is so funny go ahead and mark down twins okay so our population is going to go to 16. what are they are they male or females well what do you want you want two males two females a male and a female one of each you could even name them right now if you wanted one of each okay female and a male 1 you want to name our twins yeah tinder okay do you think tinder should be the female or the male i think tinder is the female okay and storm tinder and storm i love it i like weather names i'm noticing i chose ash that's i think my theme i'm gonna go with weather names yeah i like it blue could be describing the sky as well yeah okay we have tinder and storm wonder can also be burgundy burgundy could be a sunset we can kill burgundy it could be a sunset okay now because we've gained our population we're gonna go ahead and go to the principal new life which is going to be a benefit don't look at that yet that's not important principle new life what was that nothing nothing nothing you purposely called my attention to it not that we eat each other nope nope it's so effective nope nope it sustains population here we go it's great principle new life look at the choice the group must decide now how to raise their young without mercy or with affection oh my brain goes one way my heart goes in the other way okay choices are mercy protect the young or survival of the fist what do you lean towards i played the game too many times without mercy without mercy the toys are taken away from the child and replaced with a cold stone-faced shard training begins immediately the settlement gains the the new life principle survival of the fittest find and place it in the card on the settlement board and noted on the settlement record sheet after adding the card to the settlement roll 1d10 so our survival limit is going to go up to 3. okay go ahead and mark principal we did a new life we had our first child born yep and we're doing new life right now yeah and we took survival the fittest over here is where you write it yeah new life yep survival the fittest okay go ahead and read the rest of that card [Music] survival limit plus one when rolling on the intimacy story event roll twice and pick the lowest result it has become much harder to have babies cool all current and newborn survivors gain plus one strength and evasion once per lifetime a survivor may reroll a single result they must keep this new result so everyone's getting plus one strength plus one evasion and that's going to be true for everyone we create now so do it on i'll do it on tinder no no no no you already messed up their names [Music] okay uh so i need you to go ahead and roll 1d10 as well that was not it's a fair role the settlement celebrates with a rowdy party filled with tests of strength and triumphant roaring the parents each gain plus one permanent strength and plus to insanity they must skip the next hunt to recover so we need two more characters now as well okay so let's go ahead and name a male and a female um amber okay that's the female yep and bark bark yes i'll write that down here good them we started out strong with the population yeah we have a good population that was amber okay now because we have a population over 15 we're also going to trigger principal society right yes i'm listening right are you can i just do all the writing you take so long though i know but it's pretty no but you have you forgotten we're on camera still playing dude i thought we're supposed to have fun okay uh principal society there was once a mad woman who spent her days talking to the darkness one day it spoke back oh are you listening i am darkness is thinking the group must choose one collective toil or accept the darkness what collective toil or accept the darkness except the darkness that was you didn't even think no darkness darkness is soothing okay the darkness spoke startling truths it told the people they were monsters just like the ones they'd hunted the people accepted their monstrosity and their place stalking in the darkness the settlement games and society principle accept darkness okay let me find it here why do these guys have two strengths which ones because because they got the bonus strength if you were listening when i when you rolled i did i thought it was a different trait nope bonus strength except darkness the settlement no longer fears the darkness letting go uh means your resolve cannot be cracked add plus two to all brain trauma roles so when we go insane yeah we have a little bit more brain armor basically means you can't go you can't die immediately by going insane so go ahead and do principle i don't remember how do we document that this is another principle okay principle except darkness reaches 15 accept darkness the settlement games society principal accept darkness find and place the card on the settlement board and note in the settlement sheet after adding the card to the settlement roll 1d10 opposites nominate a female survivor if you can't nominate a male instead the survivor is heralded as the settlement's leader gain the quixotic disorder it cannot be removed for any reason in addition gain the leader and orator of death fighting arts so this is going to be interesting who do we want to designate as the leader of our tribe here's my list of names i kind of want to designate ash i'm going to give ash it he's he's getting strong okay so we need uh we need depends what the mental illness is so gain the quixotic disorder exotic meat i'll pull it for you can i make the decision after yeah i'll let you read them first so let's see here innovations terrain vermin weapons universal cards weapon proficiency strange resources fighting arts come on where are you disorders right here okay quixotic so what are you doing in there quick quixotic you carry the weight of the settlement on your shoulders everyone is counting on you to save them and you will rise to the challenge if you are insane when you depart gain plus one survival and plus one strength token yeah i'll take it for him and fighting arts now you need to go ahead and write it so you're not actually keeping the card you'll just write quixotic there okay and you'll keep the card as a right your disorder yep okay you're also gaining leader and orator of death how do i get to be insane by choosing yourself there's there's a few different ways you can become insane it says i have to depart insane uh yes you won't be insane until you've done some stuff though seeing some okay then saturday lasts it doesn't come off when you come back it'll always carry through okay just the hits go away okay yep uh if you want you can make a note like you can write insane plus one survival plus one i'd do like sl and then plus one st thank you for me i have small handwriting you want to read the next card yeah so you also are getting the leader fighting art whenever you encourage a survivor they gain plus one speed token until the end of the round that's a speed token means they move faster they're roll they do more hits okay uh once per hunt phase you may inspire another survivor they use your understanding and courage to resolve a hunt or story event example if you have three courage you can inspire another survivor to walk the path of the brave during the overwhelming darkness so basically what that means is there's going to be certain hunt and story events and you can use your stats to help one other person who's overwhelming darkness that's something you'll find out about and orator of death and again we can pull these out to reference at the beginning of each game orator of death once per showdown you may spend your movement or your action to have all non-deaf survivors gain plus to insanity when you die you encourage all survivors with your last words i don't understand why they keep referring to non-death because you can become deaf okay survivors uh can get hit in certain locations with severe wounds and if you get hit in the ears of the head with a severe wound there's a chance you'll never hear again that's sad you can also lose limbs you can have your bowels disembowelled that's fine you can have your teeth knocked out you could no longer be able to make babies let's just age right no no there's other things that can happen so many things okay okay so that's principal society so i will close this up we have uh successfully gone shopping we are successfully updated our timeline use all of our endeavors used all of our resources we have our gear grids built out now one thing we have to note burgundy can't go out on this next hunt so i will have to choose someone else bark amber ah so bark and amber cannot go either why it's part of the condition of them getting the strength but i'm gonna take tinder with okay so these all will stay home for now and we does tinder get your gear yep okay so your gear is always transferable yeah you always have gear character interesting okay and the underlying character is the thing that modifies all the gear above so that being said it's gonna be gameplay one of kingdom death uh hopefully you're enjoying this hopefully this is published on the main channel you're actually watching it and depending on the time and your energy levels we're gonna see about swinging into gameplay number two we're gonna go fight another white lion and actually show her what the game's like when you don't fight uh prolonged lion thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 14,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, games, tabletop, tabletopgames, player, play, gamer, quack, quackalope, kickstarter, ian, ttg, flgs, howtoplay, gameplay, game, middara, jrpg, rpg, overview, boardgamegeek, bgg, review, preview, Quackalope, right / wrong, instructional
Id: yOY8lfrx7ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 33sec (4893 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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