Lets Not Meet Case File - Jacqueline Ades

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/drkesi88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was a really nicely put together video. I was surprised the subscriber count was as low as it was.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Brolander πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who’s the YouTuber who makes the video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bmagos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where can the text messages in their entirety be found? I can’t locate them but I would love to read them all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/45KA πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy did the reddit mystery video. Love these things.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hannahbalL3cter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Where can I find all the texts she sent? I’m so curious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kenzealynn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
seeing that our lives can be quite micro managed with our phones in this day and age it's no wonder people have gone to taking their dating into the online arena the truth is meeting quality people compatible for yourself can take quite a bit of time and it's no wonder things like tinder among other dating apps have become essentials in people's phones and while not everyone has adopted this new practice still today we see thousands of people swiping and meeting on a daily basis the inconvenient truth of meeting anybody from a dating application or website is that you never really know exactly who they are until you've met them and spent time with them while someone might seem funny or easygoing it's guilty until proven innocent when it comes to meeting someone in this situation nobody is perfect but certainly there are people out there they're just more twisted than others that being said we're going to be discussing today is one such instance that is the epitome of what you're not looking for but before I dive into this rabbit hole that reddit has once again led me down I just want to say one thing I'm not typically a fan of subreddits like our slash let's not meet I enjoy a good creepy story but I prefer things grounded in reality as it shows for an analysis of the situation and since the subreddit uses the honor system in many cases it is almost impossible to tell what's real and what's fiction but the thing with this story and the reason I sought to make a video on it today is that the case tied to it is 100% real so without further ado kick back grab some popcorn as we dive right into this mini rabbit hole here is with a post from user LM throwaway 9 said I've reached out to the mods with evidence to verify the story I just have to send the link after posting so we'll take a bit to get verified I'm noting this because I know this story seems completely ridiculous but the girl I experienced this with is actually insane also using a throwaway because I don't want people to figure out who I am a lot of people may have heard about this girl she was all over the news after she stalked the guy bombarded him with 65,000 texts and broke into his house all over one day we met shortly after she went on that date with him and we were friends for a while before she broke into his house at first she seemed like a nice albeit quirky person I met her when I spent a couple of months visiting the west coast from the US and summer 2017 I thought she was cute when we spent a lot of time together we were living next door to each other for a few weeks and we were never really more than friends I stopped having any sort of non platonic feelings after she started to talk a lot about a guy she had met on some dating web site apparently he was her soul mate and she had somehow been guided to him by following her birth calendar I would only later come to know that they had only been on one date and he had never spoken to her again I thought that was weird but I enjoyed our conversations for the most part and she was funny and nice so we remained friends eventually she moved on to short flings with a guy and then another girl from tinder all while still talking to me about this guy that she was going to marry saying that she liked how jealous he got when she would tell him about hooking up with other people a couple of weeks later she started to get really erratic I confronted her a few times on how she was acting and she told me that she had recently stopped taking her meds but would start taking them again she came home one day and decided to tell me that she had a court date coming up for DUI her plan was instead to leave the country and go to South America I told her what a dumb idea that was and even though she actually went all the way to the airport in a different city she wound up coming back apparently her soul mate was no longer answering your texts and she took that as a sign that she should drag her ass back to where he was and fix their relationship she was upset that he might be seeing other people even though it seemed okay to her that she was seeing other people later on she told me she had texted him and said if he blocked her would know that meant he wanted her to come find him obviously he blocked her obviously that didn't go over well so she moved a couple of days later and the summer was ending and I moved back to the East Coast I didn't hear from her for a little while but then we start talking again through text and whatsapp she seemed like she was doing better she told me she had found a roommate and was working on her art again and just generally seemed like she was in a better place I was happy to have my friend back and healthy but that didn't last longer than a couple of months eventually her behavior started to seem erratic again she was sending dozens of texts at a time and they were all over the place several of them had to do with her soul mate and how she was still following him even though he had called the police and blocked her I told her this stop tried to get her to take her meds and tried to reason with her a hundred times I was on the opposite side of the country it had no way of getting in touch with her family who I never knew much about or friends to try and get them to help her she was a kind person and a good friend when she was taking care of her mental health and I cared about her but I couldn't force her to take care of herself one day I set aside some time to call her I told her she was overwhelming me and that she really needed to reach out to her family or someone who could help her she told me I couldn't do that because she needed to stay with me or she would have to go back to her ex-husband I don't think any of this is true but she thought her ex-husband was going to have her killed or followed that he had the entire police force in his pocket and it paid off her family to give him intel on her whereabouts and what is going on in her life I just moved for a job and I lived in a small studio in a big city I had no room for anyone to stay long-term and I wasn't about to do that anyway since she was starting to scare me at this point she asked me if I was still living at my address which really freaked me out because I'd never given her my address or put it anywhere online and she wouldn't tell me how she got it I asked her to leave me alone and told her we couldn't be friends anymore unless she took some steps to get better she obviously did not take this well though I hated my tiny cramped apartment the reason I was drawn to it was because it had great security it was action on the upper floors of a hotel although the hotel rooms were much nicer than the residence and no one was allowed through the residence elevators unless the resident had given their name to security ahead of time and the guests had to show ID after what happened next I love my cramped little apartment because the staff there kept me safe it had been over a week since I talked to her and because I blocked her number and blocked her on whatsapp she tried texting me from four different phone numbers including text free etc but I just blocked them all and never responded I was walking home from work one day and I was sure I saw her across the street from my building but I was storming out and I didn't get a good view I rushed upstairs and call myself down in my apartment maybe I was just being paranoid it's a big city and lots of people have brown hair and glasses I'm just worried about her but then the phone rang the desk was calling to see if I had forgotten to let them know I had a visitor my heart sank I asked him who was waiting they said they tried asking for a name or ID but she just walked out and I knew it was her from the way they described her I texted a mutual friend from over the summer I wasn't really close with him so he hadn't stayed in touch but he told me she had lost it and then he had blocked her too apparently she had gone back in the dating site where she met her soul mate and found someone who looked just like him in my city she was convinced it was him and had come to find him this was a very touristy City but there's just no way this guy had just coincidentally come out here I was sure she had gone bonkers and I knew she was well aware of where that guy actually lived I took a page out of her book and used a text free number to text her that she should leave me alone and I would call the cops if she ever came near me or my building again in retrospect I shouldn't have contacted her at all but I was emotional and not using my better judgment she said she just wanted to know if I could help her find something and texted back a really [ __ ] fast and didn't even try to hide it then I deleted the text free app so she couldn't reach me again I lived in a very crowded area and I knew she couldn't get into my building but I was still scared whenever I had to go take public transit alone at night or was walking through less crowded areas to get home I had a friend who used to work for the police but not in this city or the time this all happened and she wouldn't drive or walk me home from work whenever she could for a while she told me I could go ahead and report it even though they can really do anything since she hadn't hurt me and nothing really happened but I was embarrassed and again I didn't use my better judgment I felt like it was my fault for engaging with her for so long I knew she was mentally unstable and I would still try to befriend her and help her maybe I gave her the wrong idea I could do more for her I ended up moving to a new city for another job after that I didn't hear from her again I later found out the reason why was that a couple months later she had once again gone back to Arizona and been arrested for breaking into her quote soul mates house and using his bathtub and found a large knife in her car so the story pretty much ends there with a couple edits but let's dive deeper into what we just read the first thing to note is that it's fairly obvious that her Opie was a previous romantic partner to this woman prior to her going insane however just to note it sounds more like a casual relationship as ROP stated I thought she was cute and we spent a lot of time together we were living next door to each other for a few weeks and we were never really more than friends our Opie claims to have spent a lot of time with her and that she had lost all feelings for her when she brought up her soulmate and if that wasn't enough ROP also was close enough to know that she was taking some kind of medication getting to see this point of view is incredibly interesting as the woman gradually decayed in her mental state over the months all seem to stem over one date with one guy from a dating website another thing to note is that our Opie still stayed in contact and even confronted her on her behavior ROP was watching someone they knew closely go insane to the point that nobody felt safe around her the last thing that our hopi claims in the title of the post is that a friend had claimed to send this soulmate 65,000 text messages well what if I told you she sent just a little bit more than that I'll show you how I know was more but it was actually a hundred and fifty nine thousand text messages just for some perspective here that's five hundred and twenty three texts she was sending to this guy every single day for 10 months so let's dive into the details beyond the story on Reddit because we've really only scratched the surface here [Music] quick google search of 65,000 text messages leads us deeper into the story this is a case that is very much documented and public this woman's name is Jacqueline ADIS and this person she became obsessed with really did only go on one date with her as it turns out Jacqueline met a wealthy CEO living in Arizona on an app called Luxy which was in app data kated the upscale dating just for reference here some packages for this app's membership cost are as much as a thousand dollars every three months so this app is clear looking to define a demographic and it appears that Jacqueline was trying to meet a fairly affluent guy after going on a date with this unnamed CEO she became frustrated with the one-sided nature of the conversation and after she left Arizona to visit California thereafter she began to spam the CEOs phone with messages until ultimately getting blocked but this wasn't the end after the CEO and Arizona blocked her she continued to message him and found other means of contacting him she found out where he lived and ultimately led up to consistent death threats in April of 2018 to which the man finally decided he wanted to press charges it would take hours to look through these messages so I'm just gonna flash through quite a few on screen right now you [Music] [Music] upon looking through these messages the ones to note are the most disturbing she stated she wanted to bathe in his blood and make sushi out of his kidneys as well as many random mentions about money while not all of these messages are out in the public record it's still insane just looking at a small tidbit of how frequently this woman was messaging this man as a result this ultimately bubbled over and led to the woman being accused into breaking into the man's home and bathing in his bathtub while nobody was home according to this case upon checking surveillance footage the CEO recognized the intruder to which the police showed up and found a large butcher knife in the front seat of her Mercedes and something I want to note is that this woman was clearly not trying to hide her insanity looking through a social media the post months before portrays just how manic and delusional she had become this post on March 23rd 2018 and read the following you can pause the video to check any of these out and another post on March 21st 2018 a few days earlier read the following eventually she missed her court appearances and was taken into custody thereafter she did a few public interviews on why she did what she did I will leave the link to these down below to watch the full thing but for now let's take a look and I was following the number 33 I used to wake up every day and every night and 333 was always 333 3 3 3 3 so I kept following the number and he said why why am i following the number 33 and I spoke to the psychic and she told me she told me I had to think birth chart as Jesus so then I said ok I look up Jesus he was 33 and when he came to be him so I was like that's a 33 on my left I access is 33 the location I came from him a me was 33 111 the zip code this is a code here now visit the coordinates on the map is 33 111 then I find out he does stuff for the Dead Sea the Dead Sea has 33 percent salt in it Walt Disney's club is called club 33 the reason they are called this is because the location of Atlantis is inside the earth the coordinates are 33 33 it's the soul of the earth each other and taking from each other and being selfish no no Isaac wants me to go to jail I should be Joe that's I appreciate it because I love him and he should know better he's the light I'm the love he knows what to do I follow their words know things the meanest person I've ever met like we're soul mates there's one boy and one girl it's one boy thing one girl thing and it equals three point three instead of having the number zero we're only supposed to count to three point three one two three point three three point three in kids day is filleth in Mexico but I didn't want to because I knew he would film me on cameras and I didn't want to so I thought maybe if I calmed him down over time he would realize he doesn't have to stalk me I wanted to do anything he feels like you should do I just want to love him so much that's it and if he doesn't like it then I'll go home and I love my ex to do their selfish and they've never actually loved someone without getting anything back the point of love is to keep giving it that's that math equation it's love equals three point three which is infinity x equals Z squared which is like life is forever L equals to L if loft was a number it would be free so it's infinity times light which is also infinity so it's just forward forever forward and if you're selfish you can't understand that because you want something in return he's not giving me anything in return and I still love him anyway that's what love is that's what the universe opposed to be made of you carried a knife with you what I had I had like a little flippy knives on my way on my road trip people try to hurt me I'm a single girl as you can see this woman was basically unfit for trial and as a result was placed into a 21-month restoration program to bring her up to competency 2 which if she is redeemable in a sane mental state she will go on trial once again if after 21 months she remains insane she will be acquitted of all charges and placed into a mental institution as far as analyzing the situation I don't think much else has to be said other than this woman is clearly mentally ill and what is really surprising to me is after going through this entire case there is no mention of her being prescribed any medication whatsoever prior to this event which does seem to contradict our opiez story one thing I will note though is that the attorney assigned to her in her case mentioned that she's believed to be a paranoid schizophrenic with some symptoms of bipolar and if she was diagnosed previously if she had stopped taking this medication these symptoms would definitely come back but like I said there's no record of her being diagnosed anywhere so the way I see there's two things that have either happened here one she had a pre-existing condition which was made worse by not taking her medication or to this event caused her to snap I definitely don't want to sit here and diagnose this woman all day long because I'm not a professional and I'm really just going off the public record of this case in conclusion I will say ultimately that you really never know where the Internet is going to take you whether it be through this rabbit hole with me today on this video or if you end up on a date with a stranger who spams you text messages for ten months and I was also gonna in this video on some PSA about being safe online but I'm pretty sure this story speaks for itself but regardless this is barely sociable be safe out there have a great night [Music]
Channel: Barely Sociable
Views: 1,058,734
Rating: 4.9283214 out of 5
Keywords: lets not meet, lets not meet stories, r/letsnotmeet, scary true stories, scary stories, creepy story, disturbing true story, reddit stories, true stories, true crime, case files, reddit mysteries, that chapter, jacquiline ades
Id: OA6F6liLnvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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