The Hospital Abandoned Without A Reason (Ft. ReignBot)

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damn i just wanted to sleep

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/haverqkaka 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
abandoned buildings are definitely captivating in their own unique way there's something about seeing a building lost a time that makes you feel a mixture of emotions you might wonder as to what stories are left untold and what people visited there I know for myself personally seeing a Kmart or Toys R Us turned into a ghost town is enough to evoke a sort of nostalgic frizzen unlike Toys R Us or Kmart the building we're gonna be looking into went out of operation in a much more mysterious way today we're gonna be taking a look at the mystery of the Kempton Park Hospital [Music] the tale of the Kempton Park hospital is one shrouded in mystery if you look online you'll see multiple dates for its opening ranging from 1976 to 1978 there's very little documented info on this hospital as a whole but what we do know is that Kempton Park is nine stories tall and at the time of its operating it had 350 beds keep in mind this is no small Hospital in the middle of nowhere the location is a mere a 30-minute drive outside of johannes berg and it was regarded as a staple in its community Kempton Park was well equipped with top-of-the-line equipment and quite a bit of money went into its operation as far as we know everything was running smoothly until one fateful day on December 26 1996 the hospital closed its doors to new patients and no statement was given all the staff was moved out at some undisclosed time in 1997 and there was no further explanation the building went from a state-of-the-art facility to a ghost town interestingly enough Kempton Park was marked as quarantined and it was later fenced off locked inside were millions and medical equipment and thousands of confidential patient files all abandoned to this day the South African government has done nothing to it since it initially closed its doors leading many to speculate as to what actually happened many of the valuable contents have been looted while thousands of personal patient files now sits scattered across the ground all of this is incredibly eerie so what happened to the Kempton Park Hospital why did everyone just pack up shop without any explanation you [Music] when it comes to closing a major hospital you'd think the government would have a concise reason to do so yet in the case of Kempton Park that can be further from the reality after looking through all the media publications and statements on the matter it's incredibly convoluted I should mention that to this day the place has guards there 24/7 on payroll the guards are instructed to keep the place secure from any trespassers but they're very well known to take bribes despite all the security it's turned into a bit of a tourist attraction for the locals on YouTube specifically you can find a wide array of video logs from people actively touring the facility many people are interested in this location for its quote unquote paranormal activity but for myself personally I'm not interested in that side of things the real phenomenon of the study here is why this place actually closed in the first place because all of the events leading up to its closure seem incredibly suspicious in order for us to get to the bottom of things I'd like to give you every little detail I could find on the web to come up with the real reason for the mysterious evacuation one of the lesser-known things about Kempton Park is that of one of the doctors that worked there Andre Esther husana was a high school dropout that posed as a pediatrician at Kempton Park Hospital for years on end after his trial he admitted to posing as a qualified doctor in 1982 all the way to 1990 and he went on to treat thousands of patients with no formal qualifications according to the Kempton Express on an article on the matter it reads the following during his trial in Kempton Park a Regional Court a build report Adhan the sad stories of babies who deteriorated daily and eventually died while under his care one mother told the court her baby ended up with cerebral palsy after Esther hisin did for lumber punches on the child while she was only four months old another mother who testified against him said her daughter was born in April of 1988 she was normal but a month later the baby fell ill a doctor diagnosed meningitis and referred her to dr. Esther Hazen he confirmed the diagnosis and the girl was placed in an oxygen tank at Kempton Park Hospital he later put up a drip by making a small incision in the baby's chest as he could not find a vein her lungs collapsed two days later the baby girl was transferred to Johannesburg hospital it was later discovered she had suffered brain damage she eventually died in Johannesburg as a result of kidney failure Esther Hazen also diagnosed meningitis in another four month old girl in 1988 he did a lumber punch and prescribed medicine as she deteriorated he changed her medication and a brain scan was done thereafter two more lumber punches were done by him which a further scan revealed she had suffered brain damage the baby was admitted to a home for cerebral palsy sufferers a baby girl born in July of 1988 at Kempton Park Hospital was very tiny at birth Esther haizen treated her at first the baby did well but was then put in an oxygen tent because a quote problem occurred she died at that same day Esther Hazen was convicted of three counts of culpable homicide impersonating a doctor and defrauding patients he received 18 years in prison and after that he was released to me this seems like a light sentencing considering he was a doctor to thousands of patients as bad as this is keep in mind default shouldn't just lie with Esther hisin but also with the government as well I'm not entirely familiar with how things go down in terms of legal liability in South Africa so I don't know how this would be accounted for in this situation it's just as much the fault of the government-run facility as it is for someone to pose as a doctor it wasn't like Esther hisin forged credentials all he did was tell someone he was a doctor and started working with them he started his own practice and when he started to work for Kempton Park and no one questioned him I'm thoroughly surprised that there was no attempted legal action towards Kempton Park hospital as a facility because they hired Esther Eisen it's interesting that the files were abandoned and they could have all been used as evidence for negligence of the South African government in regards to Kempton Park hospital closing this situation with Esther haizen was in 1992 however the hospital closed in 1996 next I'd like to see what the South African government or Department of Health has to say about this hospital the first article I found regarding Kempton Park was from the staff reporter dating back to November 15th 1996 at this time it seems like there was a backlash in regards to restructuring some of the hospitals in how tang in case you don't know already how tang is where Kempton Park is located something I should point out with this planned restructuring in 1996 is that the entire goal was to save money and despite this entire situation being put on hold Kempton Park was still closed down what makes a situation even more bizarre is that if you look in the star late edition from 2009 discussing this hospital it states the following in December 1996 the how Tang Department of Health said no new patients would be admitted due to an acute staff shortage but denied it was closing the hospital it was shut in 1997 so not only was the medical restructuring delayed but they also publicly denied closing the hospital as well I don't know much about running government hospitals but if the entire purpose of restructuring the housing area was to save money then leaving millions in medical equipment seems like the worst financial decision you could make an absurd amount of money went into the initial creation of this hospital that was designed to last at least a hundred years doing this undermines your ultimate goal of saving money in the first place as far as staff shortages go when researching the reason for closure I managed to find an interview with one of the doctors that worked there at the time let's take a listen sadly it was abandoning with working equipment just lists and it was the government decision to close down the hospital and undoubtedly and they just saw the wastage of equipment with Beats incubators and acidic machines as something it didn't it couldn't raise them it certainly was not because of staff issues at all so this doctor was told it was closed for staff shortages as well I don't see much incentive for a doctor to lie about staff issues whatsoever this begs the question is the how Tang Department of Health actually telling the truth if staff shortages were the problem I hardly see shutting down the entire Hospital as the only solution and if this was some standard Hospital closure then why leave all the confidential patient files inside you don't need medically trained professionals to put paper in a shredder not to mention the various human organs that were found left inside the morgue they had all the time in the world to get rid of those things even after the hospital was closed the fact that the staff just left things there to rot seems to suggest that they're in a rush to get out or something else was going on now what's interesting here is that this isn't the only public statement the government has given about the hospital and wait till you hear the other reasoning for closing it down Kidani Maleng gu pardon me if I say that wrong was a member of the Executive Council in out tang she was later questioned in an ongoing negotiation over further plans for Kempton Park here's the following statement that was written down by the CNS reporter the excuse for closing the hospital in 1996 was low patient intake Maleng GU said that the hospital had been shut down because it was underutilized so which is it if there was low patient intake then staffing wouldn't be the issue like we saw before if the hospital was underutilized why not just simply cut down on staff rather than shut down the entire hospital these two reasons that the Department of Health have given on multiple occasions directly contradict each other assuming both were true low staff plus low patient intake should even itself out ever since this community lost a hospital it's been putting pressure on all the other communities in the area for reference there's a hundred and seventy thousand people in Kempton Park and they all mostly go to one Hospital in ten bisa ten visa is completely overcrowded with a thousand admitted patients at one time and only 840 beds as said previously this facility was a staple in its community and it's consistently been a hotbed of empty promises in 2006 plans to reopen the hospital were discussed but there seems to have been controversy around the tender processes so that never happened in 2008 the housing department of health said it would make provisions in its 2010 to 2011 budget to reopen the hospital as a 270 bed facility in a public-private partnership that never happened in 2012 the department committed itself to renovating the hospital promising to spend two hundred and forty four million rand on the revamp that never happened Construction was supposed to have started in March 2013 in the revamp was to be completed in July 2014 this also did not happen in May 2016 Kempton Express reported that the health M EC Kanani Maleng GU had indicated that the hospital would be demolished and that a new hospital will be built on the site with work expected to start in 2017 that didn't happen if there's something we can learn from the how Tang Dept of Health it's that they are yet to tell the truth a single time in regards to this whole situation since we can't take anything they have to say at face value any reasoning we come up with is just as valid as there is for closing the hospital that being said let's do some final analysis [Music] one thing I've hinted at throughout this video is the possibility that the hospital had some incident that caused a bunch of people to secretly evacuate but the fact of the matter is is that there's absolutely no evidence to suggest anything like that ever happening based on all their actions from leaving the place immediately you'd think that that would be the most likely cause but it's just not there in my opinion it's very likely that the how tank Department of Health isn't telling the truth their story is inconsistent and their individual reasonings hardly justifies shutting the place down I would lean on the theory of Andre rooster haizen being the main reason that they had to shut this place down but the dates don't line up it's not like the housing department of health doesn't get sued every other day and I should point out that this department has had quite a bit of scandals in the past as well for example Kidani Mulungu actually resigned after one scandal broke where a hundred and forty-three people died at one of the psychiatric facilities and how tang caused by starvation and neglect it's not like these public services don't get funding what actually is happening seems to be more an issue of corruption in June of 2018 at the how Tang Department of Health was quote-unquote plundered corrupt expenditure and fraud totaling 1.2 billion Rand was uncovered within the housing health department and by a special investigating unit this investigation only started in 2006 and dated things going on ever since then likely this corruption was going on for a hell of a lot longer if I had to take a guess of what happened to the Kempton Park Hospital it would be that of someone trying to reallocate funds to their own wallet instead of the public even though there's no deliberate evidence dating back to 1996 if history was to repeat itself like it is today that seems like the most logical explanation that being said this is just conjecture I'd also like to hear what you guys have to say about this as well this is barely sociable I have a good night [Music] you
Channel: Barely Sociable
Views: 1,695,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kempton Park Hospital, mysteries, internet mysteries, hospital, mystery, internet mystery, abandoned, abandoned hospital, haunted hospital, haunted
Id: 6PtiY-ev2qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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