LET'S HAVE SOME FUN... | Play With Me

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Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome to my brand new recording room! Its an entire room dedicated just to recording these videos that your seeing now! And i've never had this before If you know me, you know that my life is an utter- shambles and i live like a slob! (Yes Mark, we know) But other than that I also have always had my recording set-up next to my bed, which is something that now i have officially changed and i have an ENTIRE ROOM DEDICATED TO JUST THIS BULLSH*T HERE ALL THIS ASSITRY THAT YOU'VE SEEN is gonna be amplaphied a whole lot and i'm not cramped in a corner next to my bed which is a welcome change to be honest. But this is also why yesterdays videos where all kinds of ker-f*cky in that they were"nt there...... until way late in night and that it was way to late (Not for me!) so, if you also know me you know that I don't plan good and I do not, and I do not account for things such as un-tangling the horrifying mess of cables that is my recording set-up and moving that into another room It's like Charlottes Web if she was on LSD and already dead ..... spoiler sorry! So the room is almost ready its not quiet done, there is still some more aucoustic foam to be put on the other side and the ceiling, you may get a little bit of echo but for right now, its a welcome change there is NEW FOAM IT'S NOT the same that it was before, it's delightfull and i love it! I'ts much better quality too and much more... hhhuuggh HUUggghh. ITS THIS, THGSHDG IT'S FOAM. So i'm really looking forward to be making a NEW generation of videos from this room, there gonna be EXCATLY AS THE SAME, and excatly as bad But there going to be in this place now! it looks better........ YEAH? so thank you everybody so much for being patcient and I apologize again for the delays, lets get back to the game though right now! Okay, so the first game that we're gonna be playing is called Play With Me "I'm pretty sure you wanna play." Well you don't know me very well because I don't know what I want. But I'm sure it's not to be eaten by a horrifying clown which *whoosh* is in this game. "But never look at me in the eye." W-why? Will I die if I look in your eye? Will you cry if I look in your eye? Will you throw a pie if I look in your eye? Wll you d-d-sknn. This better not be a lie about looking in your eye. I bet the has the power to fly if I look in his eye. Alright whatever, let's go. *whoosh* "Except if you want to die." Oooooh! I already made that rhyme so you're a sack of shit and I'm a winner. "Find the four candles to solve the puzzle, then reach the key that'll set you free." *whoosh* Boy! You sure do like rhymes! I like them a little more but we'll see about that. So this game is about um, a clown Oooh Oh, okay! I can't move! Oh, I can move! I just can't move forward. Well... What the hell? Wuuuuut? Oh. AH f*ck. Hi, I'm still figuring out the controls here. Can you give me a sec? I think maybe I need the control pad for this. Just don't kill me! I'll be right back! There. There we go. I can't look though. I gotta use a combination of like, I gotta use a combination of the game pad and the mouse. This is undaba. How do I collect it? Click on it? Oohp, yeah! It's like Dungeon Nightmare's controls! Door! [Loud squeak] Squeek! Okay, thank you for being... oh. I saw something down there. Am I- Ooh, what was that? Okay I don't think that an eye! But I- [Footsteps] Pffff, hi! How you doin? What're you doing over there? Should I follow? Okay. eh- [door slams] Fuck off! EY! FUCK OFF! WOOOAH! Am I dead? Aw, i'm dead! Woohooly shit ... I'm not ready for this. I got - I got two hands on different things over here. Maybe it was like th- Oh it was like tha- the.. it was the directional arrows! Dammit I'm an idiot! I was using WASD when I should've been using the arrow keys Oh. Hi grandma! How ya doin? Gud? Oh, you're not there. [Game mechanically whooshes] There sure are le... FUCK YOU! WHOOOOKAY [High pitched laughter] AHA FUCK YOU What the fuuck? Oh I'm alive! Oh! Oh okay! [Footsteps] Oh, f*ck off man! This guy doesn't stop! Jeezums Hey! F*ck off! You're like the most active monster I've ever seen! [Mechanical wooshing] Ah, f*ck off! What do I do? I don't know what to do! I can't run! Ohh, did I die? I prolly died. I dunno. [High pitched laughter] AH! [High pitched laughter] [Children singing in French on a vinyl record, slowing to a stop] Voici venu le temps des rires et des chants What the shit just happened to me? I haven't a goddamned clue! What the hell? Can I run? I don't even think I can run! I don't think there's any way to run here! That's a door!? That didn't look like a door. Oh man. Hello! That's ominous and scary. Oh wait... I saw, like, smoke. Does that mean that he's gonna appear there? Okay. What was that up there? Why tha... [Door slams] Hey?!?! Hey no! Hey noO! Hmmmm... m'kay I don't know if these are randomly generated locations bu- [Wooshing] Whaaaookay But there definitely wasn't anymore up here before, but maybe there will be now in grandma's room. GRANDMA? Okay never mind. Bye gramma! I don't like this- [High pitched laughter] Heyyay! Okay. So that's scripted. [Door slams] Mhm! This guy's a sack of shit! Hi! Okay. So we know about those. That means he's prolly gonna appear in this room to bug me. Get that. Get that get that Get that get that get that- Ok, get outta there Wuh! Oh! He's over in that room! Okay that's good. Dont look him in the eye... Dont look him in the eye. Oh shit it's quiet. [Long heavy breath] Oh! OH! Oh, okay! Oh, that's lovely! Man, this game is... This game- [Footsteps] Whaheyeyeyey- Fuck off. Don't do that! This game is SSSUPER active! and it's just a whole drum line that's ready ta dick with me. [Mechanical wooshing] ooeh Uh that doesn't sound good! Oh god! Oh god, I'm okay! I'm okay! i'm okay! I'm okay! Where am I? Where am I? Where am I? I don't know where I am- oooooooooooooh I don't know. [slam] EYYYYYYY! UHHHHHH! UHHHHH! EYUHHHHH [Door slams] Eheheh Omyghod! This sack of shit! [Door clacks] Oh. Well, alright then. That's a loud not-openable sound. Alright, where else do I go? Is there, like, another way down? Is there a basement? You'd assume in these horror houses... [Door slam] Mhng! [strained] there'd be a basement. Okay. It's so dark I can't see exactly where everything is. Okay. So, we already done this. So hello. Yeah I know, I know. Kay, so I went down that way, right? Can I go out? [Door clacks] Dammit. Of course I can't go out. So I kinda sped through here, but I already got the candle in there. I don't know how many candles there are, because the numbers on the candles went up to 20. And I don't know why. So, there must be another one in like an attic. There's either an attic or a basement because in thes- [Door slam] [Soft Mark gasp] In these horror games there always is. So must've been something in these rooms that I missed. Ooh, hey! That's new! Is that the key to the front door? OOOOH! [Door slams] Can I get out? [Door locks] Uh-oh, that didn't sound good. [Door clacks] WELL SHIT. Well dick! Making me go the long way round. Don't dick with me. Don't dick with me. Do not dick with me! I'm almost outta here. [Door slams] Fuck off! I'm outta here! [Louder] I'm Outta Here!! I'm assuming this is the key to- [Door slams] dsghshghh [slurred] thfront door If it's not to the front door then it's definitely to the other door that was locked before but I- I can't MOVE!!! [Strained] Ohhh shit it's behind me! Ah, dick! Ah, fuck! [Strained] mmHHmhMM Whelp... is that the eye? [scoffing] Is that the eye? Is that the eye? [High pitched laughter] Hey! Well! Ohh! Oh, okay, that's the end of it. That's how it's supposed to end! You can never escape. Wow! I've never seen a horror game throw so many things at you in such a short amount of time. That was... astonishing! [chuckles] I mean, I think it was one of those games, that had to hit you fast. Or else, you know, the scares would've become dull over time. But still that was pretty good, so either way that's the end of that game. Oh, it took two months to make! Damn! It was well made, like, I-I'm not saying like "Oh, this took two months? Jesus!" No, it was actually pretty good. I like this a lot. I don't know about the longevity of it and how much it could be expanded into another game But for what it was, it was very good. So thank you everybody so much for watching and thank you for being patient while I get my new recording set up all up and running, so, we will see some new stuff coming outta here very soon. Thanks again everybody and as always I will see you in the next video, Buh bye! [Outro - Haunted by Shurk] [Top left] [laughs] I'm makin- whooo, getting a little too close for comfort there buddy [Bottom left] WHY'M I DOIN' THAT?! [Bottom left] THAT'S NOT NORMAL! [Bottom left] Now i'm a head shakin' spazit-
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,023,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, play with me, play with me game, scary, horror, clown, scary clown, horror clown, clown game, play with me markiplier, scary game, horror game, jumpscares, screams, screaming, facecam, lets play, indie horror
Id: DXOpw3LbHsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2016
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