Let's Get This Done & Ready For Paint!

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all right so while the crew is back home doing jobs jamie and i are headed to modesto to pick up a parts vehicle that's going to have the parts that we need to complete the golden nugget so we're picking it up we're going to take it out to paul so that him and robbie can put this together we've been driving for like 10 hours how many how many hours of that 10 hours of you've been driving for like almost two okay it's another week of working on the banana the rest of the crew's gonna be here in a minute but i'm just gonna get started we're gonna be doing fenders and rock sliders and whatever else we can get to so here we go [Music] nominal that's today's word we're going to be cutting along this line nominally nominally is the word [Music] you want to hear a dirty little secret yeah i already did this side what when did that happen yesterday and this morning it's not finished but it's the parts are in there so that's why we've already got this bent is because we already know what it is from the other side all right just as i suspected it's going to be just like the other side all right we just got some cutting to do here claw hammer wins again okay the clearance is good [Music] this right here is the problem i need to come out here and then in here okay [Music] all right it fits jamie i need to come hold this for me [Music] oh i'm gonna have any gas we're gonna have to wait until tom time gets back with the gas we need a tomtom for our tomtom [Music] jeez louise i'm glad you took that not me lizzy you owe me big time why because i just saved your life all of our lives no you just saved trevor's life because they would have attacked me cause i would have [Music] you seemed to be using me as a target right yeah just aiming for you go when these are full argon they're really heavy how heavy is argon gas really heavy you're not a chemist [Music] chevy orange and smurf blue unparalleled [Music] oh i'll weld really quiet because it's nap time [Music] if you remember how we did this yesterday that's how we're going to do it today do you remember i remember it like it was yesterday right there good maybe [Music] okay all right [Music] how'd we do we're 62 and 3 8. oh wow we're within the biggest feat yeah that's really good for us okay if you want to go cut that i'll start cutting that out just do the same angle we did last time like 30 degrees [Music] so these rockers they're pretty thin but they were part of the structure of the body and when they get dents in them they're less rigid kind of like if you kink a straw it loses its integrity so these sliders i'm putting them there one so we don't get dents in the rockers anymore and two to add the structure that's been taken away by dipping the original rocker this video is brought to you by sand hollow [Music] look how much not rust is in here that's just sand [Music] sticking out the right amount on both sides from here pretty good we have about the same amount of patch right here as we did on the other side yeah okay [Music] so we're ready to put this in now and that's what we're ready to do and we're almost ready to do it tom's getting ready to do it that's what we're doing is tom awareness looking for a helmet wow izzy you got tall why thank you i've been eating my wheaties okay bomb up pretty good into that because we're going to be pressing up against it okay now bomb it right under there [Music] i'm gonna interact with my shadow oh no you you personally hi rudy i'm a little chef you're my favorite [Music] what have you done walk us through this oh you got a wheel i do i have a wheel but it rolls really smooth now like i mean once you get it wrong it just smooth still there it's not done yet the track really guides it i haven't bolted the track down yet so okay cool now let me back in no rooney rooney i can feel the heat yeah it's cooking all right so it's the end of today but not the end of this video but tom's going home it's almost thanksgiving his family's in town so so we're gonna go play football or something are you one of those families that runs 5ks on thanksgiving no no oh okay so it's tomorrow okay it's the next day time time's gone so what we've got to do we're gonna be putting some trim around these fenders something special here and then we're gonna be putting the the bead around the edge of the fenders front and rear and that'll get them done we're gonna be finishing that among other things so to deal with all of this we're just gonna be covering it with a piece of armor there's nobody here today to stop me from my favorite kind of fabric cobbling one little bend right there one little bend right there that might be too much nope it's the perfect amount right there it's gonna look good okay there's one got similar results here so that's good how's the weather ed windy and cold no clouds about 50 degrees we'll get her done well i'm trying to figure out how to do this and keep my sanity so i'm thinking i'm just gonna do that i think it's acceptable and you're gonna have to accept it you need to start a mini viking gang because you got two of them now don't you did you did you just weld that yeah i just pressed it in there with my thumb tight against the body [Music] what you doing i'm just uh figuring out this wheel system putting some rear support on it yeah it's not accepting the small span here i have very well that's a lot of leverage it's a 20-foot opening a 25-foot gate with five foot of cantilever and that's just a lot of pressure way out there so i've got a wheel on the ground out there to help guide it and then but when it's shut it's still only on five feet of cantilever so i'm gonna put a guide wheel over here on the ground for it because i only have 25 feet before i come to this gate anyway just gotta get that all sorted out perfect just gonna let it sit there on the ground i'm gonna i'm gonna get some hot glue so what i'll do is i'll uh i'll smooth out that piece of concrete there and then i'll drill some or i'll weld some tabs onto that box and i'll be able to drill it to the ground i see you drove your hog to work okay you want to go for a ride okay let's go for a ride [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for i ain't doing a good job but i did go for it it's welded together so as a derby car builder and derby driver i have a certain welding technique which is just like burn it burn baby burn and it warps metal when you do that so we're gonna have to straighten this out but since i lack the patience of a skilled welder this is what we're getting don't worry it'll look nice tom or rudy or somebody will come and fix all this for that part okay we're gonna start welding this i'm hoping that this has the fortitude to level all this out and pull some of this warping out i know i know i wish that had done a nicer job too all right so we're gonna try to straighten it as we go using mostly our eyeball here ed can you hold this up for a second hold this okay [Applause] okay i know what i'm gonna do [Music] i don't think i have the patience to be a welder yep did that straighten that out good that's pretty good all right flat black paint and you'll never know nope yep [Music] that's good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] how's rudy toots coming along i got it rolling a whole lot smoother watch this ready [Music] boom [Music] this one has less resistance than the other one because you're pulling it downhill wow that's easy oh that's easy [Music] we only need a 50 horse motor a one horse would do it especially right here [Music] oh hi lady she knows where the treats are at [Music] but look at this this is new that's how it's gonna sit there that's how it's been sitting there it doesn't have to be forever but it works for now [Music] so good job rudy you're doing a swell job [Music] all right well we didn't have tom tom today or rudy but ed stepped in and and uh helped me get this job done we got the fenders done we got the rock sliders done next week we'll be doing roll cage and sending this thing off to paint thanks for watching
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 639,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, Jeep, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, shop work, shop, shop build, off road recovery, matts off road recovery, car build project, car build, rescue car build, car build reveal, jeep xj, xj rebuild, jeep build, jeep tear down, jeep rebuild, fabrication, car fabrication, jeep upgrades, suspension, fender install
Id: EowxZGSFmjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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