Let's Drive This Abandoned Rat Infested Vintage School Bus Out of The Forest! Will It Run and Drive?

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[Music] we all be the same [Music] something we all the same St at the bus we're going to take a closer look at it and uh I'm going to show you what's inside check it out here now I've been here about two times before kind of taking a peek at it let's show you guys you I don't see any damage to this thing couple light lenses or a piece of trim here and there missing door is a little rusty but it was in good shape when parked here walk around at once here show it must have belonged to a church at one time I don't know if that was original or Stafford Baptist Church I don't have much information or any information on them there's some phone numbers printed on the side should try to call and see if they're still around that'd be interesting now I did see a broken window here looks like it's been shot with a bullet but not [Applause] sure there's a missing window in the back door it's got some plastic over it but the Moss and ferns almost taking over right there he got an old W do the owl says give a hoot don't pollute and the door says uh Jesus said I am the way and the truth and the life John 14:6 you know it's pretty cool let's walk around nature is taking over [Applause] now it's not the original motor I was told that it's a 1957 312 Y block this is a 48 I think it originally came with a flathead so that's been swapped out at one time okay well I know you want to see what's inside let me show you it's the spider webs so somebody started to do a conversion to this they've taken out the seats and did a little modification I was in here once before you will not believe what is under this bed which is all chewed I check this out an old clth foot bathtub installed and plumbed in under the bed inside this bus that is crazy but cool a toilet and a bathtub let's see know this that a glove box hey oh nothing oh and the battery trays back there okay no battery there's no keys I was hoping the keys are still in it I do own this bus now contacted the the owner and purchased it from him wow that's cool how many miles this thing has on it course you can't see it there but the M's been replace who knows if that's accurate hey I got a quarter tank yeah we'll see I thought that was cool well as rough as this thing seems now I don't think it'll take too much to get it cleaned up it's not rusted through a little bit of surface resting spots a lot of cleaning obviously wi or two that needs to be replaced these things seem to be aluminum no rust not much anyway all right well that's it everybody that's what was in here get me out there she be okay guys so you wanted to know some of the backstory on this and how I I'm now the owner well we rent some property and that landowner and his friend had moved this bus out here maybe 15 years ago so yeah the story is that uh he had it out here 15 plus years ago and for whatever reason didn't continue on the project and it was left out here all these years we'd already been wanting a bus and we saw this one fell love and well we talked to the property owner which contacted the his friend the owner of this bus and we all worked out a deal I was able to get the title in hand and he told me that he'd purchased it and drove it out here to the spot of course and that he did put the bathtub and bed in there I didn't get much of the backstory on that but he was the one that did that and he told me it has a a little bit later 1957 312 Y block something that I guess it ran pretty good and here it sits for the new owners thing is really cool looking the way it sits well I do believe I can get this motor to run I'm hoping I have to take a closer look at it next time around clean all this out of here and I'll do a will it run video it's I said a 32 Y block that ran great when parked but hopefully the motor and everything is salvageable stay tuned for another video soon we'll see if we can't get this thing to run if she fires up and runs I might try to drive it out of here why don't you join me today is I get dirty cleaning this thing out well I say the next video I was going to get it started but before I can attempt to try to get this thing running I need to clean it out a little bit and see what we're going to need so yeah that's what we're going to be doing today we're going to clean this engine bay out see what what's missing what's chewed on what we're going to need on that motor well I might attempt to get this back door open too that'd be helpful for cleaning we'll see as well as cleaning up the inside I'm not going to mess with the outside too much today but I need to get it to where the inside is safe and it's got all kinds of crap in here right now that tub everything needs to be cleaned out I'm going to start with getting all this junk out of here and I'll take the shot back and I'll get the the room and I've got sanitizer disinfectant hey wish me luck well this is going to be a messy job I did bring a generator with my shop back and some lighting bunch of cleaning supplies I'll probably start by cleaning all this debris off here so I can get this uh Hood to even open all the way and then we'll start cleaning some of this stuff out hoping that scr's not in there if he is that might be interesting for you guys to watch but I think he's gone get some of this off of here well time to dig in to this Nest here hope nothing comes out at me [Music] I'll set it to the generator and the lights and the shot back [Music] [Music] here okay guys I've been working on this thing for about an hour and a half so much stuff came out of there this thing is half full making some good progress most of it out of here as I can to see what's going on somewhat now it's pretty Rusty but I'll get some penetrating fluid and some Degreaser and Marvel Mist roil at least now I could take note of the items that are missing chewed up rusted through and need to be replaced okay well I got that cleaned out of there finding out that it's been sitting out here a little longer than I thought having that pack rat living in there on that motor it's uh a little rougher than I thought so a little concerned on the condition of that motor but we'll take a closer look at that uh in the next video and once we get all that stuff cleaned out the inside it'll be a little more pleasant in there cleaning out the bus that's what we're doing today okay guys before I start cleaning here let me show you how bad this is uh if you have a weak stomach might want to turn away there's so much [Music] rat and just funk my God look at that oh man all right this is the worst part [Music] oh God okay that is horrible all right I start by just getting this junk out of here starting with the big stuff I'll just get most of this big stuff and just toss it out I'm going to clean up the whole area after I'm done I'll just get it out of here for now toss this stuff out all right here we go okay I'm all strapped up gloved up let's go get this out of here okay let's see some hinda should that better be enough okay guys I know it's far from perfect but much better than it was at least I can be in here without stepping and poop but I didn't get to the tub I'm saving that for a another day and I'll have to clean up in here a lot more but it's a good start you know what would you guys do if you guys had the this don't you guys tell me what some of your plans would be hey guys I'm at the bus let's try to get this thing started let's go hey guys well before I try to start this thing today I'd like to just add a little bit of oil to the cylinders and let them soak a little bit before we attempt to get it running um use this here Marvel my oil done this before just put a little bit of that in each one of the cylinders to the spark plug hole I just make shift a little dispenser and get it down here and just pull each one of these spark plugs out which I I started doing this and these plugs actually look like they were new I mean they're not off the shelf new but they haven't had ran very long if any at all and I've already started adding some oil to each one of those so I just give some in each one of those cylinders and we'll just let that sit and soak probably for a day or two as I get the rest of these parts that I need and I did check the oil and there is oil in here so that's a good sign um I haven't tried rotating it or putting a battery on it or anything yet I'm going to get a new uh battery cable there a new cap en rotor here let me show you so this uh positive battery cable that goes through the firewall has just been chewed bare by a rat so replace that of course all the plug wires and cap and everything need to be replaced all the plug wires have been chewed through by the rat which has been back because there's more poop since the last time I cleaned this out but I'll get a cap rotor condenser points maybe a new coil this thing's looking pretty crusty uh battery cable battery yeah I'll let this thing soak we'll check back in couple days and hey guys well it's been a few days and back over here at the bus been letting that Mar Mr oil soak in those cylinders see if it'll rotate and try to turn it over by hand and uh well I guess we'll go from there let's see here that's the belt slipping it definitely appears to be stuck it's just the belt slipping all right well unfortunately it does seem to be stuck so all right guys well since I wasn't able to turn it over by hand um I pulled out all the spark plugs and I use a Snap-On a ratchet and a what is that it's a 1316 crank bolt so let's put this on there and try to get it to turn with a little more leverage this time all right let's see here so what I'll do is I'll ever so lightly go back and forth try to slowly work those Rings free hopefully it's not too bad well guys I'm trying pretty hard and it's not wanting to give okay well what I might do next is uh if I can't get it to turn over at all just pull those valve covers off and pour a little oil and PB Blaster down over the rocker assembly and see if that'll loosen it up I might also pull that fan and belt and pulley and the hose and a few little things off make a little room so I know it's going to put up a fight and have to wrestle it I got a lot more room to work now let's see if I can get this to move the crank Bolt's moving but the crank itself is not is not good all right it's not looking good but I'm not giving up yet all right well I took the valve covers off off they fought me a little bit and it is a bit Rusty in there side even a little worse so I'm going to spray these down with some PB Blaster and dump some oil across there and hopefully we can still free this thing up let's get some penetrating fluid in there little PEB blaster soak this down there we go a little more over here let's soak it let's give this another try and tightening that crank bolt apparently it was a little loose I see why it's spinning the crank Bolt the crank's not turning that big washer is broken and as I turn it it's just pressing it out I guess if I have to I can climb underneath and pull the pressure plate cover off and get a little pry bar on the flywheel teeth I'll be back with that and I'll give it more time to soak okay I'm back the next day I got some washers to replace that broken crank bolt washer they're not correct but for just getting this to turn over I should be able to make them work so let's give that a try okay guys well I'm still not able to get the motor to rotate pretty sure I'm going to have to go underneath and remove the flywheel inspection cover and see what's going on in there yeah from underneath I'll be able to remove that inspection cover and get a little pry bar on the flywheel teeth and kind of rotate it that way hopefully but I'll go underneath and uh we'll try it from there okay well here I am underneath the bus what I'm looking at is the flywheel at the back of the motor and the clutch this is the in inspection cover and it is rotted through and as I look in the clutch area it is full of debris I think it's the rat Nest yeah there's so I think that's my problem why it's stuck so I'm going to have to pull that inspection cover off and try to get all this freed up in there all right here's another look at that flywheel cover okay all right working on this last bolt here oh my goodness well looks like we're going to need some penetrating fluid wonder if PB Blaster could solve this problem all right well I'm back under here I don't know if you can see but if I put this pry bar up here on the flywheel I can rotate it it's a little rough but it's rotating it's free all right guys I'm back up top and it is rotating look at that all right well I'm going to consider that a small victory um we got it to rotate um I guess next I'm going to try to get the starter wired up and see if that thing still has any life in it uh so let's try that next I get a battery over here and hook that up let's go okay so I got a battery hooked up in here um I'll set you guys up front and uh let's see what happens okay that is not successful okay it's kind of what I figured everything's so Rusty grounds everything else I have to pull that starter off I think pull the starter off and uh either rebuild it or find a replacement so that's what we're going to do next I decided to call around some of the auto parts places and uh Car Quest or Advanced Auto Parts uh they had the starter on the Shelf uh for $55 complete um so I wouldn't pick that up so that's what we got here today is a brand new starter um so we're going to get that installed and um give it another try okay I got that starter installed so let me get all set up and we'll try to crank this thing over okay I started cranking it over by hand and it was going pretty good but this valve right here is stuck and it pushed this push rod up until it bent it so this push rod is is a little bent um I might be able to straighten it or it might still work good enough to get it to run but I've got to get that valve unstuck so I'm going to work on that for a bit here well I've been kind of tapping on that valve and it's still stuck so I pulled the push rod out and I should be able to crank her over with that valve like that but before I try to actually get it running I'm going to have to free that up I might have to bring over a torch and put some heat on it all right got that exhaust valve freed up did have to get the torch and heat up the head and worked on a little bit but it's pop free and everything's working now all right got the starter hooked up got a battery up here Let's cross our fingers and see if this thing turns over finally all right another small victory all right well what I'm doing now is uh replacing those points and condenser there in the distributor they're pretty crusty and of course then I'll get to the cap and plug wires and the plugs and we'll try to crank this thing over of course the carburetor is still a bit funky so after I get all the um electronic part of it done I'll get in here and clean up that carburetor and hopefully uh get that going all [Music] right all right well you got the new solenoid and coil cap some plug wires on there new plugs in there points condenser oh now it's time for me to check for spark let's see if this thing's getting spark and if it is we'll move on to the carburetor and get some fuel in it okay let's see if I can't jump this over and see if we're getting SP Park yes I See Spark all right all right guys we're back batter's got a full charge on it now and I was able to blast the carburetor with penetrating fluid last night and work those linkages back and forth and hose it down with the last my carburetor cleaner and was able to free up those linkages and get it to operate uh so I think we're ready to put some gas in there and uh see if it'll start let's go okay let's give this a try a little bit of fuel down the carb it's leaking out a bit but it should be okay so let's give it a try that battery's not turning it over very fast I might hook the charger up to it and run it as we're cranking it let's do that we got a backfire something okay let's try that again a little bit of [Music] gas I don't know why it's cranking so slow I might need to get a new battery on this this [Music] [Laughter] thing [Laughter] oh [Music] go it's going to go any moment now [Applause] been Smokey up in here [Music] woo it's running for oh all right guys that's running in my eyes of course we're going to need to do a tuneup on it rebuild that carburetor get the linkages and throttle linkage hooked up yeah so she runs [Music] [Music] all right guys she's running for okay be honest who was doubting me I told you I'd get it to start well she's a runner of course I'm going to go through and overhaul everything in here ultimately rebuild the carburetor and pretty much overhaul everything but she's a runner she ran of course next we going to address the brakes and the clutch um I think it'd be to be able to drive this thing out of here from this spot so please follow along and watch me as I take you step by step on this whole process we'll drive this thing out of here get it back to the shop and ultimately go through this whole thing um get it back on the road um so let's go okay guys here's that old Hol two barrel carburetor that pulled off the bus it's pretty dirty and Rusty you know it was completely locked up when it was on there but it needs a complete rebuild so that's what we're going to do all right guys got the carburetor all rebuilt and mounted on the motor here um I'm ready to give it a try see if it'll run I've got a little temporary setup here gas can and electric fuel pump and got the battery just setting up over there but let's give this thing a try [Music] yeah [Music] okay guys that carburetor is working of course it's going to need a bit of a tuneup but yeah it's working uh one more step to getting this thing to drive out of here next major obstacle we have to get this thing to drive is to be able to get that clutch to work it's got a hydraulic clutch system on here so I'm going to have to replace the the master cylinder for that clutch system the slave cylinder that's down on the Block and run some uh brake line between the two and then hopefully bleed that system and then we'll get some clutch and if we get some uh pressure at the pedal we might be able to get that clutch to separate from the pressure plate and be able to get this thing in gear and drive it out of here rest the clutch get that to work so we get this thing into gear you know what we're want to do is drive this thing out of here um so that's what we'll be working on I got it all lifted up with my handy candy farm jack wood blocks to keep her lifted up you know safety third she should be safe enough so I guess first thing I got to do is climb under here and get to that slave cylinder which there's not going to be a whole lot of room for me let's get under there yeah up under here with all the spiders oh there she is okay I'm going to try to get up in there and remove that slave cylinder there so I can put the new one on all right guys there's the old slave cylinder all right there's the old ones and the new ones all right now we need to start Plumbing them together okay guys well I got that master cylinder all mounted up now I got to climb back underneath and get that slave cylinder hooked up so let's do that all right well underneath the bus here bolting up that slave cylinder see if you can even see where I'm at what I'm doing in or on there all right guys I got that slave cylinder all mounted up now I just need to connect it to the master cylinder with some uh steel brake line I picked up from the autoart store all right I got the master cylinder connected to the slave cylinder with that new brake line it's not the prettiest but it'll work I'm going try P this clut pedal seeing what happens down there I got the camera set up down there as well a little stiff to be expected stick oh it just went to the floor and stuck I don't think it's working you know how much more pleasant this would be or easier even in a shop soad of being out here on the flest floor where I'm at underneath the bus is actually the base of that Rat's Nest that went all the way up to the motor Department well I'm going try to get you where I'm at and show you what we're looking at up here and the clutch [Music] so you can see this is the pressure plate and then here's the clutch discs and they're fused to the pressure plate one thing we're dealing with you guys suggested using a putty knife up between the flex plate and the clutch discs so I'm going to get under there and get that clutch depressed hold it in place with maybe a ratchet strap or something and then use a putty knife and Hammer that up between the flex plate and the clutch discs and see if I can't get it to separate so let's do that okay well I'm up under here under the bus and I've used a ratchet strap to connect over to the clutch Fork which I've pulled taunt and got the clutch fully depressed with that ratchet strap which in turn is pulling on that clutch still frozen to it but I do see some separation in there so now I'm going to get the putty knife and try hammering it up through there and separating those two well here's a closer look at that clutch and pressure plate and you can slightly see a little bit of Gap in there so that putty knife in there I don't know if I could do this one hand on the phone one hand on the putty knife but it's already going up in there so I'm just going to work this thing around and see if I can't get it to pop loose it took my knife damn it give it back all right I'm just going to keep working at it oh my goodness it's free this came free oh yeah oh that thing's horrible looking but hey it's free he get me out of here oh guys that clutch freed up pretty easy I was expecting to put up more of a fight um but that gets us so much closer to driving this thing out of here I can start her and run her from the driver's seat [Music] now I wonder if you go here forward forward that's reverse of course she ain't going to move with flat tires all right guys I could runner from the driver's seat you know how close we are to driving now there's only a couple things keeping us from driving at this point one being this very flat [Music] tire which I can attempt to air up and with luck it'll hold the air and then other than that we just have to make a road cuz I'm telling you there is no way out of here hey guys I think today's the day you know it's taking us a long time to get to this point but I think the bus is ready to drive out of here you know we've had to clean up Rat's Nest we had to free up a stuck motor rebuild clutch parts carburetors of course there's going to be a few last minute things we need to address to be able to get this thing to drive out of here today so let's go take a look now first thing is uh the front tires that one seems to be holding air but this one on this side it's completely flat okay let's put some air in this thing that might be enough maybe enough to roll anyway well guys I did lift it back up again cuz I figured that would be a good chance to check if those drums are locked up and the wheels move so I got to back up put a little prry bar in here and they do not want to turn I'm actually bending the bar you have to get something different and I'm going have to work on these hubs of course these are reverse threads too well there's the wheel off now let's work on that drum all right guys well I've been pounding for a while it's not coming free maybe get some channel locks and just take off this whole hub assembly one of the spindles in the bearings look great they're all greased up no rust it's just those brakes on the hubs so I'm going to take those brakes off and put the hubs back on I think we'll be ready to roll all right we got those hubs back on now I get those wheels back on it and we'll get it down off the Jack so let's go these are the heaviest wheels and tires I've ever worked with all right all we got left to do now is build that path out of here this is going to be our best route straight forward and I'm going to have to cut down all these blackberry bushes and make a path I probably have to take down a tree or two but about 5 600 feet that way the tree line does end and it opens up into a meadow we're going to have to drive through that Meadow and maybe another 800 ft we'll reach a dirt road and that dirt road I could get to my house from so it's not too far of a drive but we still have to make a path here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] B okay I think we made enough space for the bus to drive out right here and it's going to be a little bit of an uphill slope there's still some small stumps and few rocks branches but the bus should drive over that I think we've got it ready to roll and Hope hopefully that clutch doesn't come apart but we're ready to start this thing up and give it a try so let's [Music] go [Music] oh [Music] it's time I'm going to start her up and see how well she's running and if she's good to go we're going to try to move her out of her own hole here uh so let's go [Music] go check her out all right guys let's see if your move will we rocked her all right she died Let's try her again all right guys she's ready to drive let's go [Music] is she runs great guys I'm going to town [Music] [Music] here woo love it there's a rat outside the window kid you not I can't believe how well this thing runs all right guys we did it man she runs awesome guys thanks for sticking with me and watching as we drove her out of there her journey is far from over though we got lots more plans for her now I'm going to need your guys' help though so leave in the comments what you think we need to do to this bus you know she needs brakes new wiring couple windows but overall we're need to get her back on the road and I want you guys to help me so leave in the comments some tips advice things we should do and guess what the next video is going to be yeah that's right pressure wash video so we're going to need to clean this bus top to bottom so stick around for that video now we did get her out of the forest but we're not out of the woods yet so let's finish this trip out of [Music] [Music] here okay guys we're going to give this old bus our first bath in 25 years uh first before we get started on the pressure washing I need to get the rest of that bathtub and structure out of the inside that bus um I started on some of that yesterday so let me show you that footage and get you caught up to where we're at today all right guys let's open this door oh God so much rat crap in there yeah there's the base of that tub there's a propane hot water heater it looks like oh God now I'm just going to cut this stuff out remove all of this so we can get a pressure wash in there all right got some of that stuff tore out of there and it is nasty in there got that top out I'll show you how bad it is so much rat crap in here you know but this is how the whole bus was when I started got most of it except for this last area let me go inside and show you all right it's bad all right check it out this is how bad it is I am not going to clean this out I'm just going to tear it out and get rid of all this it is bad but once all this structure and tub and framing is out I'll be able to pressure wash this all out all right guys well we got all that structure and tub and everything out of there it was disgusting there it is on the ground most of it all saw alled up and kicked it out the back door well there is more paneling with some insulation back here that I've got to start digging out next so on to that okay so that was all yesterday and I was able to get the rest of that insulation and paneling ripped out and let me show where we're at now this is what we got left is to clean up all that rat crap um I'm going to go ahead and sweep it up and get it all out of here and then we're going to get the pressure washer in here now I did find out that we were not equipped I did find this bottle of nitrous oxide in here so they must have been partying in this bus Good Times all right onto that [Music] mess so much rat feces this a disgusting I'm going to catch some kind of disease now [Music] it gross all right it's time let's give her a go apply a little soap all right there's the soap let's turn this puppy on high give her a try there we go [Music] [Music] okay well that's a bit better than it was before still not perfect but we got all that rat crap out of here now for the outside now before we get started washing I got to get up on top and remove all that debris and get a ladder and a breake climb up there and start pulling some of that off so let's do that all right guys we're going to climb up this and start pulling on that and seeing how well that'll come off there it's coming off pretty easy actually all right I'm just going to work my way around guys this roof looks pristin up here there's like no rest still got fresh paint guys the roof looks great the paint and everything is good up there I'm going to blast it with the pressure washer really quick and get some of that debris off there and then I'm going to show [Music] you [Music] let's go there and take a look look at that I mean it's it's dirty but there's like no rust it's completely solid and there's something else I was noticing you know I know the the inside of this thing is skinned aluminum but I thought the outside was all steel but looking up here that's aluminum I believe this whole roof is aluminum and that's why it's not all rusted out well let's get the pressure washing and get a closer look [Applause] all right guys now for the fun part I'm going to do an initial wash down get some of that debris off there and then I'm going to add the soap and then we'll systematically go and pressure wash the whole Bus Let's [Music] [Music] Go [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] aah [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] n [Music] the all right guys check it out look how good she looks and know I'm discovering is a lot of this is aluminum that's why it's not all rusted out look how good it looks now there is some damage right here and this is where on the inside was a big old Rat's Nest and that rat piss and crap just rotted through right here and I'm sure the rats chewed on that and they made entry and there's also a path that goes down and it goes uh on top of the gas tank which is located underneath here and goes all the way through so there's that damage but this is aluminum she's looking good after that pressure while let's see here there was another little whammy in the back here let's see here's a little whammo right there nothing too major this is a plexiglass window so something obviously broke this window and they replace it with plexiglass but for the most part she's rest free I can't believe how much debris came off this thing there's just a pile of dirt around this you have to go get the wheelbarrow in the shovel just to clean up that mess now the inside turned out a lot better too here look how well this door opens all right this bumper is pretty cool it's a little scratched up but it's a three-piece bumper says Superior right there oston to it all right well I'm going to get the family out here and we're going to give her a bath here we go [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] w [Music] Bo [Music] okay guys check her out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n guys I am blown away look how good the paint still is I cannot believe how much we were able to wash off of that thing well after we washed it I went around with a scotchbrite pad I think I washed off the patina look at her she's got a shine I I cannot believe how good this paint still looks would you look at her just look at her amazing let me show you up on the roof even not a speck of rust up there like I was saying most of this bus is aluminum I still can't believe how nice she cleaned up and how well some of that paint is held up over all these years guys I'm still in shock at how good this bus looks I can't believe how well it turned out now if anybody has any information on the old Superior bus bodies or the fact that this one was half aluminum please leave that in the comments I'd be interested to know some of that information and you guys got to stick around for future videos we've got a lot planned for this bus well guys another thing I'd like to do is get a hold of the old Safford Baptist Church and find out a little bit of history on this bus see if anybody remembers it uh maybe they have some old photos of the bus um so we'll have to do that on upcoming videos uh track down the old church they're up in Wilsonville and uh see if they remember this well and you guys left a lot of great comments about what we should do with this bus and some of them I'm right on point with you so you're going to have to stay tuned to Future video to figure out what it is we're going to do with this bus on this episode Country Boy gas garage I'm going to give you all the new updates on the bus the future plans and what it's going to take for us to get it there so let's go you know chapter one of this was getting the bus out of the forest and now we're going to discuss chapter two and before we get too far into this I want to thank everybody for the support well now some of the greatest news that has happened since the last video is that we are now in contact with the church uh Jeff Hart the pastor at Stafford Baptist Church reached out to me and we've been talking and they're very excited about the bus um they had all kinds of questions uh they played the videos at the church and they've all kind of watched them and got up to date to where we're at and uh well and with that that leads us to what we're doing next and part two of this bus series is driving this bus back up the highway to Wilsonville to the Stafford Baptist Church we're going to have a reunion we're going to get this thing running under its own power get it roadworthy and we're going to drive this thing to the church and I think it's going to be a celebration so for us to be able to drive this up the highway we're going to have to fix a few things all right guys so let's go take a look and see what we're going to need to fix to make this happen so the first thing I want to do is replace these tires it's obvious to me there not going to go down the highway with those old ones on there but being the split Rim Widowmaker Wheels I was having trouble finding somebody that would work on them but Jeff Hart the pastor saff for Baptist Church has a member that is manager at a tire store and he's stepped up to help us I'm going to order some new tires and he's going to put those on those split rims so with the church's help we're going to get those wheels and tires taken care of having those tires replaced is a must and we're going to be getting that taken care of next so what I'm going to need to do is get this bus up on jack stands or blocks and get those wheels off there so we can get them replaced so why the wheels are off I'll be able to tackle those brakes I'm going to order all new brake parts for this thing brake lines master cylinder all the shoes wheel cylinders it's going to have all new brakes on it of course the brakes aren't the only thing that we're going to have to fix uh this thing needs a new exhaust system it needs to be rewired it has no wiring in it left because of those Rats of course we need to replace that clutch a rotten clutch that's not going to make it we need an alternator we need to address the cooling system here let's check it out there's a few things in here that we're going to have to replace rebuild now hopefully it doesn't take too much but you know of course we're going to have to address the cooling system the exhaust and the wiring but we'll be able to do that over the next few weeks but we're going to get this thing back on the road we're going to drive it down the highway all the way up to Wilsonville it's about a four or 5 Hour round trip you hopefully the trip goes without any is isues it should be an amazing trip you know it's a beautiful country up there and the church has all kinds of History it's over 125 years old and I'm sure we're going to learn a lot more about that in the history of this bus by the time we make that trip apparently there's an elder that remembers riding this bus as a child to Bible study so there's going to be all kinds of cool stories and history we're going to learn and with your guys' support and help from the church we're going to make this happen so now I just got to start getting that money together to start placing those orders and getting those parts on the way so I can get started on those videos you know I think uh this bus deserves it it's pretty special bus and uh it's very unique I'm glad it never got painted over the years and you guys have a lot of interest in it as well so let's make this happen guys let's [Music] go I've got a t of GRA in my shoes on my shoulders [Music] in on this episode of country boy gas garage we disassemble these old wheels and get them ready for new tires now wait are those widowmakers am I going to die is in the greatest danger when inflating the tire if the rim components are not assembled properly air pressure in the tire can force the rim to blow out and strike a [Music] mechanic okay guys thank goodness I do not have those deadly split Rim Widow makers and what I do have is the less deadly but still dangerous split ring and lock ring rims and we're getting new tires put on these and I like to get these things sand blasted and powder coated but to do that I got to get those tires off so what we're going to be doing today is getting this bus up on blocks getting these wheels off and disassembling these locking ring and split ring rims and getting these tires off of them so that way we can get these things cleaned up first things first we need to get this bus up off the ground on some blocks and my options are limited there so well you can see what I'm doing here is I'm using some wood rounds for my firewood pile so let's go ahead and get some of those out and uh get the jack up and we'll get this thing on those blocks and go from there all right guys this is going to be a little sketchy uh I ain't got much options we got to do what we got to do so let's get this thing up let's hope it doesn't fall over here we go it was at this moment he knew he up now that is not what I wanted to happen well we're fine guys but she came off that Jack that's for sure all right let's reassess it might be time for a new Jack all right guys she's off the ground not much but enough to get those uh wheels and tires free and I'll kind of show you what we got going on here some stumps some blocks whatever I could find to get this thing lifted up same with the front couple stumps or firewood rounds from the firewood pile some blocks well she's up wheels are free I'll be able to remove them then we can get the tires off of them and get them all cleaned up ready for the new tires all right let's get these wheels off [Music] guys [Music] all right guys we got all those wheels off okay guys what we're W to do now is pull these tires off the rims and to do that we're going to have to separate that ring off of the rim and then the tire should come off let me bring you in close and show you what we're going to do okay so this is a split ring Rim this is a solid Hub rim with the split ring around the outside that holds the tire in place what we're going to have to do is H there's a little teeny Notch right in here for a pry bar we'll get in there and pry this out and then we'll get the second pry bar to lift it up and should be able to work over way around the whole Rim popping that ring out and then in turn I'll be able to get the tire off then we can get these all cleaned up and powder coated or painted or whatever we end up doing but we need to get these all cleaned up they're really rusty and they got a bunch of buildup here and this uh mating surface needs to be clean of debris so they need to be cleaned up and painted before those new tires come on so let's get that ring off there all right here we go now I've never done this before so there's no guarantee we're going to succeed let's give it a [Music] try [Music] yeah [Music] well there's the [Music] ring firewood coming in handy again [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we moved on from the the firewood we're using the Jeep now shoot I don't know let's try is there something I'm missing here all right I'm giving up on this one and moving on to the next I just cannot get these off tried everything well guys I was unable to get those tires removed I could get that split ring off but I couldn't get the tire all the way off it's fine though they're going to a tire store in a few days um I'm sure they'll be able to remove them uh Jeff Hart the pastor of the church he's coming down he's going to grab them up and he's going to take them to a tire store I just ordered six brand new truck tires it's not cheap but they're being shipped to the store and they'll be able to get those tires mounted on those rims and once they get back to me I'll be able to sand them up and paint them and they'll look good we're also getting those brake parts ordered too uh that wasn't a cheap order either but once those breake parts arrived we'll be able to Di and get all that replaced so this is the hour the darkest Place Dante infal the devil's maze it's a good World good world guys let's get these old drums off here and look at the condition of these brakes okay well with any luck this drum will just come right off now we got new shoes on the way and a new wheel cylinder and we'll get all this switched out all right let's do the other side came right off there oh man these look great there's not much wear on those brakes but we got new ones coming so these ones are coming off all right guys let's get these old brake shoes off here and it looks pretty simple just a couple bolts at the bottom and the one spring so let's go okay the brake parts came in you know we got the rear drums and the front drums uh we got a new master cylinder uh the rear wheel cylinders front wheel cylinders all the rubber lines I did get a bunch of the copper nickel brake line with all the fittings and Junction block and retainer Clips uh I also got the new front seals to put on okay and it's time for the master cylinder all right guys well let's get these brakes put back together let's start back here on the rear and I got the new wheel cylinder here all right well I've been working on these drums for a while now uh I used a little wire wheel on my drill and got them fairly cleaned up now these front ones were really bad they were super Rusty and there's still some pitting left so ultimately we're going to have to take them to a machine shop and have them resurfaced on a lathe well I got those rear drums mounted on there now these front drums are going to need new seals put in and the baron repacked with new grease so let's do that all right we got the drums all mounted up we got new grease in there with new seals and the bearings are all packed now we just got to start Plumbing all that Hardline okay we got the brake line connected to the master cylinder here and I topped it off with brake fluid all right guys it worked we got brakes check it out the wheels and tires are back brand new tires they were sand blasted primered and now they're just ready for paint now I'm getting them all taped up that's what we're working on now getting these all taped up and ready to paint so I'm going to continue doing that so let's [Music] go all right well let's take a look at these wheels I'm going to start pulling some of that tape off so we can see how well they turned out all right start pulling this tape off well there she be now I'm going to continue on the rest of [Music] them [Music] now in the last video we left off making a parts list for that motor and we're also waiting to get those drums resurfaced at the Machine Shop which I just got them back and I gave him a good coat of paint and got them mounted on the bus so let me go ahead and show you those and then we'll get the wheels that we painted back on the bus as well so let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] all right guys we got her off the blocks she's on the ground now those tires uh are a little bit bigger than the original ones uh they look good but it's pretty tight right up here so this might be a concern we'll have to keep an eye on that but they are looking good now I'm ready to drive this thing but there's a few few things we have to deal with the motor first still all right guys got her all topped off with oil uh got the battery hooked up uh let's try to give her a start you know she's been sitting here for a few months all right guys she's ready to roll let's drive [Music] man she runs great guys yeah I went up and down the driveway a few times no oil leaks she's not overheating runs great that's right guys we got a pile of new parts to put on this old bus you know I picked up a flow master 50 Series it's not the Super aggressive 40 series but the you medium exhaust notes um 50 Series U should sound good on this bus you know of course we got the the gm1 wire alternator and that new uh bracket that hopefully will Mount that onto the old Y block and that crossover pipe up there the exhaust right in front of the motor was rusted through so we got a new one to put on there uh you know a couple chrome valve covers I wanted to use the old ones but they're just too rusted um air cleaner and a new fuel pump and spark plug wires and well we did pick up a new radiator too an aluminum one now this isn't what I prefer to get I wanted to get a stock replacement which I cannot get and uh have my other one record bit spendy so we picked up this one it's kind of cheap and we might be able to spray paint it to hide it in there see if that'll work for us well let's get busy all right guys well I started clean her up already gave her a Degreaser and pulled off some of those old parts now you guys remember how bad this thing was with the Rat's Nest and all the old rusted Parts well she's looking a lot better now and like I saying I cleaned her up pulled off some of the old parts and started putting on some of the new ones now let's try putting that Radiator in here and making sure that's going to fit all right come on baby let's fit you in here [Music] oh yeah I'd say that's a perfect fit all right got that crossover pipe mounted now it's just on there Loosely cuz uh well next week I'm picking up that tail pipe from the exhaust shop and when I do that I'm going to pick up some new uh exhaust studs and mounting hardware um but there she is all right let's get the rest of this put back together all right guys check out the new exhaust pipe just got back from Junction City Muffler and uh now we even went up besze the the old pipe I think it is one and 3/4 new pipe is 2in pipe and he threw in a chrome tip awesome as well as couple hangers and some clamps so we'll just trim this long piece to fit and we'll get that in there and I also picked up some new exhaust studs and the nuts as well okay well now we're under the bus here we already got the flow master mounted there and I just installed that back tail piece using the existing hangers that were there um now we just need to get the the center pipe that connects the two and I'll get a measurement and we'll cut that to length all right I got it all mounted up it's all complete even all the way down to the Chrome tip all right and I'm glad there's still a gas cap on there that probably saved it some and um that's pretty rough looking actually I if you guys can see probably not what I need is a Boris scope or an endoscope which I don't have at the moment but uh what I do have though is a a stick so let's stick it down there and see what we find so that must be bottom oh there's something in there it doesn't look Rusty it's old gas all right we got a little 38 uh Square plug in here it's moving yes oh does that mean it's plugged cuz I know there's a couple gallons in there let stick something in here and see if we can't free that see what's going on oh oh yeah well at least it's not water it's just old gas okay it's still coming out a whole bunch of bad gas has been in there for 25 years and spliced in a couple filters um they're kind of looped down low so we could uh see them easily let's put some gas in this thing I got five gallons of premium all right I guess we start her up now and see what happens okay we're getting some at the carburetor let me show you it's not a very strong flow but it's there and we're still running guys it's working and that doesn't look that bad guys check it out she's idling and running off her own gas tank woo all right guys we're installing this painless Performance Products complete wiring harness this is the 21 circuit classic customizable Muscle Car Harness it comes with everything you need to wire your vehicle from front to back um this one's fully customizable so it comes with extra length in the wiring so so you can cut it to length uh depending on your vehicle and it comes with all the clips connectors relays and flashers um to make your uh connections now along with this wiring harness I also picked up all the necessary components we're going to need a headlight switch and ignition um high beams all the ground straps relays um I've even picked up extra uh Clips connectors um we got some heat shrink and some wire loom also got this electric fan that we're going to be installing with all the hardware we need and connections um some new headlights and tail light bulbs and you know all the tools we're going to need to install this and it does come with an instruction manual as well so shouldn't have any issues getting this installed um now the first thing we're going to have to do is uh cut an opening in that firewall to mount this bulkhead and fuse panel it comes with a little diagram that we can attach to the firewall to make our cuts and drill our holes and well let's get started okay well I pre-drilled those pilot holes and well let's get started with this hole saw Here There we go all right guys as you can see we got the fuse panel up protruding through the firewall there and now that fit pretty good so I went ahead and mounted it up and now we got the engine base side of that uh wiring har um I went ahead and put some dialectric grease on all the connections there keep them from corroding and we'll install this right here all right well now we can start running these wires out to their desired locations all right starting to get the initial layout of this engine uh compartment side of this wiring harness as you can see it's already kind of separated into its different areas run position try the the blinkers I hear a flasher oh left blinker is working I'm sorry right blinker right blinker is working first sign of Life guys well big question is will it start I guess I'm going to try hitting ignition once in the accessory mode and see if it even works W should we try it well it didn't fire but it's cranking she's idling it works we got headlights guys it was just a bad ground on the headlight switch on the dash that Dash is pretty Rusty so I just uh cleaned up a little bit of rust and tighten it up and voila we got headlights all right we got it all wired up guys and I mentioned I had a surprise for you guys so check it out it's the ugah horn from the swap meat okay one more time I love it got the Ugo horn installed that's right got the one from the swap meet and installed it in here sounds great in the bus all right guys now we've gone through most of the Mechanicals on this bus and the electrical and what we need to do now is replace that clutch so I've already got started in there and let me show you where we're at all right guys as I'm digging into this transmission and get getting ready to do a clutch swap I'm now realizing this is not the t98 that I was thinking it was this appears to be a much bigger uh transmission uh maybe the np435 I'm not sure yet but uh I ordered the 11in clutch for the t98 and I'm not even sure what Clutch I need now for this so really the only way to find out is to go ahead and finish pulling this out and pull that clutch out and see what we got got and we're running out of time for that reunion so I'm feeling like the pressure is on so let's [Music] go [Music] w [Music] h oh no oh guys this is like worst case scenario we just broke a pressure plate bolt off in the flywheel all right guys I've been at this for like 2 days now I broke that bolt off in the flywheel and I've been drilling it out but as I got about a/ inch or so into it it's almost as if it got hardened in there none of my drill bits will go any farther and I don't want to mess up those threads and look how pitted up this is from the rest I called a local machine shop and he'll have it turned and that bolt removed within 24 hours it' be like $60 so I'm going to pull this fly off and take it to the machine shop and we're going to do it right guys all right guys we got the flywheel back and I am super impressed with H Brooks machine shop you know they did a great work and quick I could have picked this up the same afternoon if I wanted I chose to pick it up the next day though um but man he did great work that was so Rusty and pitted and he got nearly all of it out of there we knew we weren't going to get it all but he did a great job and uh he left this uh etched surface on there too um this machine surface is a supposed to be uh an improvement of sorts too so I appreciate that and he he drilled out the bolt that I broke and he tapped all the threads on all those um oh and also as a bonus um he flipped my ring gear around um you know one side gets a little worn over the years from the starter and uh he has a service where he flips the ring gear over and uh so now the starter is going to be riding on Fresh teeth um so I appreciate all that they did great work and it looks good so I went ahead and picked up some new pressure plate bolts and some blue Loctite um so let's get this back in the bus all right 80 foot PBS tort all right I got the starter back on and we hooked up that slave cylinder back there and I just put some new uh transmission mounts in well now it's time to get that transmission put back in here all right got the transmission fully seated and engaged um we just got to put in some bolts and we'll put that drive line in all right video I had a couple issues with it dying and me having to restart it and the issue was well that fuel tank I was sucking up all kinds of crud um not just rust but like a tar substance you know that old fuel still in there and we're pulling varnish and rust and everything through there and filters aren't stopping it and it totally foued up the carburetor um once I got home the bus wouldn't even idle anymore I had to pull uh the Carburetor part and clean out all that crud and uh decided I'm just going to bypass that fuel system for now we don't got much time to come up with other options you know after the reunion I can drop that fuel tank and clean it properly but uh in the meantime I went and dug out one of my stash piles an old fuel cell now the thing looks rough but it's pristine on the inside and I went ahead and uh strapped it in down here and plumbed it with an electric pump and ran a separate fuel line um and fuel system and it seems to be running perfect uh now this is only about 20 gallons compared to the 40 gallon tank I believe that's under the bus so we're going to be stopping at every single gas station everything seems to be checking out um I think we need to take it for another test run though to find out so that's what I'm about to do so let's go well let's fire her up and I'll show you how easily she starts and how smooth and quiet she is oh I didn't show you the new mirrors either either uh me and my buddy Kelly from spider hole Customs on Instagram uh he helped me install these mirrors uh passenger and a driver side one I'll be able to see um fire her up we got oil pressure about 30 between 30 and 40 oh yeah fuel pump she fires right up and idles smooth and she actually drives really good too so let's uh load up and take her for a test drive and uh we'll get some more gas put in that fuel cell and uh well we've only got two days before we leave on that trip so I got to get all these bugs worked out now cuz uh we don't got much time left so let's head down the road check her out all right let's go good guys really loud in here that's only a four speed she's loud w [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] all right guys she's running great well the bus is running good guys and I hope I did enough to get it back to the church cuz well we're out of time tomorrow morning we leave to the church I can't believe it's taking us over a year to get to this point and I really appreciate all of you guys for watching and sticking around the whole time you know it's been quite the journey so hopefully she makes it now this trip would normally take a vehicle maybe 3 hours to drive on the interstate but this bus is going to take us all day CU we're going to be making lots of stops it's not very fast and we're going to hit every gas station along the way I'm sure and next time I see we'll be on our way to the church reunion peace and [Music] r [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] all right guys we made it to Junction City Muffler uh it's really loud so you probably can't hear me me but the bus is running pretty good uh the little issue with the wiper um but it's running good so we're going to load up and we're going to continue [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're passing through Monroe Oregon still running good we're going to keep on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] trucking [Music] a [Music] all right guys we made it to Country Boy gas uh I come here a lot to take pictures of the old cars and you see in my intro I had to stop here with the bus cool gas station Country Boy gas stop here and take photos of the hot rod sometimes and you've seen it in my intros I had to stop here in the bus well we're going to load up and keep on moving guys let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she's running great guys a little loud in here mostly Drive Trin noise wiper stops working but RX is helping she CHS out at about 4550 but we're Gooding all [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] all right guys I stopped at a truck scale just to see how much the bus weighs what do we got 7,400 lb I don't know how accurate that is but that's what we got she's doing good guys let's keep [Music] going all right guys well we're stopping for lunch at Burgerville USA it's about the halfway point on our trip the bus is doing pretty good um we're doing good on gas too um after we eat lunch uh we'll get back on the road you it's taking us a couple hours to get to this point and we got a couple hours more to go so after lunch we'll be back on the road [Music] again [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys we made it to Wilsonville Oregon we're about 20 minutes away from the church but it's been a long day we're going to stay the T night here at a Motel 6 and uh first thing in the morning we're going to finish the trip to the church you know tomorrow about noon is the reunion and uh well we'll see you there all right good morning it's a beautiful day the sun's out and the reunion is in a couple hours well let's get this show on the [Music] road [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys there's the ch they're rolling up [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] a all right guys we made it uh Stafford Baptist Church uh we took all day yesterday to drive here it was rainy but we made it here no issues um it's a beautiful day and we're here a little early and people are starting to arrive now um but it won't be long and we'll show them all the bus and uh it's going to be a beautiful [Music] day [Music] let's walk around the church once here show you how beautiful this place is you know 125 years [Music] old [Music] he [Music] all right guys I would like to start by saying we had such a wonderful time and this little Church reunion was so great now there were only a couple Elders that showed up that remember riding the bus and they were a bit camera shy so I didn't get to sit down and video anyone but hopefully I have enough video to convey to you how much fun and joy we all had that day so the food was served the band played and everyone enjoyed the day you're so tired a bit of rain here and there didn't damper our Spirits we all enjoyed the food the music in everyone's company gas4 in the forest got it running and now we're back here at the church reunion have a good time then eventually we all gathered together in front of the bus for some stories and to take some [Music] photos oh one [Music] morea now this is Mary Mary is the one who remembers riding this old bus as a child turns out her dad would volunteer to drive the bus and she rode right behind him in this very same spot of this photo taken by my wife so thank you Mary is very wonderful to meet you and I loved hearing your story thanks [Music] everybody now I did learn a little bit more history of the bus from Pastor Jeff Hart like that the mechanical restoration and paint job was done just down the road from the church in a barn owned by John Duncan and all the hand painted signage was done there by Barbara Angel Schultz now during post editing I discovered the special message from my brother love you bro proud of you good job love you brother that really means a [Music] lot well as the evening grew close and the range got stronger everyone started home that included us so we loaded up and quickly hit the highway knowing it was a long drive home now I want to say thank you to everyone that helped make this trip possible including Pastor Jeff Hart and everybody that helped donate or support this trip in any way and a very special thanks to my amazing wife Peggy and to my children and thanks to Tim and his son for helping me video this trip and of course course thank you to all my members subscribers and viewers I couldn't do it without [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Country Boy Gas Garage
Views: 76,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #abandoned, #schoolbus, #fyp, #willitrun, #reviveanddrive, #vintage, #rats, #pressurewash, #firstwash, #firstdrive, #viral, #fastspeed, #timelapse, #willitdrive, #revival, #nature, #moss, #classic, #churchbus, #church, #ford, #1948fordf5bus, #countryboygasgarage, #car, #truck, #rescue, #forest, #woods, #abandonedbus, #forgotten, #ratifested, #infested
Id: 3F8uUz7-UxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 17sec (9377 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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