Big Block 460 Van Parked 30 years! Will It Start?

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oh my God trouble please need we found a bone what e it smells are you kidding me are you okay [Music] oh oh sh click 429 carbet okay you got it 460 get out of here that's a vegan go go E I guess were you L I've read my manuals hash we got bad news Mysteries guaranteed I found it P [Music] side 24 vs ding ding ding he's killing that's fancy if it's a snake smoking up here still got a fire okay oh that's water completely full wow not the wies rocky it's still on fire oh hi mury that's what the people want welcome back to the sleeper dude Channel we're back to get our big block van I've been excited about this one the kids have been super excited about this surprisingly very excited I don't know why they're so excited but they really like this van so I think it's a mid 7s Ford Custom Van so it's a 3/4 ton it's got a big block for 60 from what we're told we haven't even looked at it we got some flat casings of course does it have a bunch of seats or is it just open yes it has seeds I know yall looked at the other day Okay do open it does it's just yeah you just got to wiggle it it's got one seat here so it used to have more probably this is going so it doesn't come with all these parts we got to unload these looks pretty good so we got some stuff to get out of it it might be cool see what's in here looks like some must stuff it's a tow hauler right there hey we can just haul all our stuff in there no license plate on the back at all it's been taken off so I don't know when it was parked but this makes like a I don't know like the 16th vehicle I bought from here pretty much everything I've been told has been like 30 years so I think most of these cars have been 25 30 years or more hey you know what we could do what we could make it a holler put a trailer hitch on the back put on stuff in the back come on yeah that I mean it's the same well it should haul just about anything with this big blocking it let's go around the driver side and look and with see well it doesn't appear to be infested like the Ford truck was is it got buckets in the front bucket seats man we're going to be styling and profiling I'm having a hard time holding these Gators down holding these alligators down woo bog lights looks like a tree limb just about took it out if you're not careful you're going to have that one popped down on us possible no broken glass or anything that's good door opens last time I checked it had a key okay you know this one actually look as bad as others yeah 72,000 Mi and the pedal is telling me that's a possibility okay should have a C6 in it and a 460 big block from what I've been told what year exactly is it 19 1976 it is a 1978 so you're close same year as the motor home though so that's cool I've been working on the motor home we just haven't videoed it don't you worry it's still there I guess let's see if we can air some stuff up unfortunately it looks like uh they're off the bead some of them that thing get get on I think two out of four off the bead maybe three how' that happen just SP on that back one get on the be real quick this is a lot heavier than load the Falcon uh uh yeah go guys if you're like me and you don't want to have to take your pajamas off and go to the grocery store and freeze half to death just to get food that you got to prep and chop and cook and clean up afterwards maybe you should check out today's sponsor Factor we absolutely love these meals it's Wawa's absolute favorite they got awesome stuff like garlic pork chop herb chicken breast they even got juices I mean they got something for everybody with our busy lifestyle working on these old cars we're all the time running here running there getting parts picking up cars we don't have time to prep a big you know seven course meal every day factor is America's number one ready to eat meal delivery service look how good this stuff is it's fresh never Frozen delivered right to your door ready to eat in 2 minutes pop in the microwave you're good to go eating 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ready to eat in 2 minutes look at this look that's real deal right there that ain't no chicken nugget just look at all the time I saved not having to go to the grocery store or to a restaurant and overpay for a meal it's my go-to meal when I'm in a hurry which is all the time I had to fight Wawa to keep this one we made a deal though she got the jalapeno one cuz I don't like hot stuff as much so it all worked out so head to or click the link below and use code sleeper D50 to get 50% off your first Factor box that's code sleeper D50 to get 50% off your first Factor box big thank you to factor for sponsoring this video let's get back to to it the ones are off the bead we may have to Jack them up I just about got myself back where where that Ford Motor Company cat Ford motoran is this the original hcat this feel like it's not oh that was on hey momy the same that's wrong now W are we going to turn this off when Daddy says off well I'm right here so I think I'll be to hear you all right go for it let's see if his Air's up all right it's doing it I think yeah my favorite part man look how buried it was I turn it off second that'll probably be enough to get her going off to a good start we yeah this one's off the bead so we probably need Jack it up see if we can get it back on the bead probably get it right under here they may should have brought a bigger Jack huh they usually can't get them on the bead when there's weight on the vehicle oh my gosh we'll be lucky to get this on the beat we did bring some spares in case we have to do a swap of rusi trouble Corporal corn stock having trouble there you want me to do it can I oh my God maybe a team effort I hit 100 now I'm back at 95 oh gosh you want me to do it please here you got this W oh my that's ridiculous that is absolutely okay oh thing that a scary there guys I don't think it's going to go the be I think it definitely will it's got dirt all in it I just need to pull back on right there oh yeah your fingers there goes your finger yeah there goes your L and there goes your L hey they can't thing on front and back be off oh gosh yeah I don't know if there's any hope for this go for it [Music] walk [Music] look that's not happening if you had a big bead seeder here and a bigger air compressor it might yeah we need to put a spare on it I guess I think I'm going to claim claim this claim it that don't how it works you got to buy it hey how much how much wa what did I get for this $500 think I gave $500 for this turn out this thing what are you want to do with the van I don't know I really like it she live it in the backyard yeah the creepy guy in the van that is a there ain't been a car in this whole place that had all lug nuts you know he's probably got d there nuts he must been selling lug nuts off these things so this is off of our Dodge motor home this is a 16 house we took off of it like two years ago that's kind of cool that we're using them now look at them bad boy breakes Ralph think they're unstuck that'll be better than the one we took off huh I would definitely think so hey we bought that car yay that track push straight over these are brand new like never been on the road yeah like finger with need in tre yeah look at that right [Music] there these are early Dodge ones and early Dodges and early Fords fit each other but I think the Chevrolet has a smaller hole in the center we lost one of the two like nuts we have four we have four okay going down here to even out oh nice she's heavy all right let's go to the other side this one doesn't look to be off the be back here yeah a man after my own heart no valim C once again glad we're doing this in the winter and not yes hey it's going up Ralph is it got a a bumper trailer hitch okay hey okay it has like our truck trailer hitch like an actual trailer hitch oh really like a receiver yeah no it's not just a bumper It's like mounted to the plane so this is a tow digger son oh I think they welded it there but look at it turn how do I get there from here through there hurry hurry hurry you have to see it now oh yeah got chain wrapped around it huh yeah we could Hollow this thing clearly Nock this one's off back in front beat as well we're just going to go and swap it out cuz we have the other one here A T 500 oh nice too bad it don't have an engine and it's wrecked yeah if you're wondering about other cars here if you look around like pretty much everything here is tall to with no engine so not a lot to choose from that's actually salvageable so the reason why we took those off the motor home is they're 16 1/2 in hoops they're very hard to find casings for it's a lot better just to switch to 16 or 17 and they're pretty rough really perfect for this exactly there's a wasper in there do no that's all the lug nuts incredible this want roll oh somebody wore the brakes out on that here roll that out F the wheel it's a little flat spotted oh my gosh yes it is nothing to worry about you think this one's a runner guys yes no it's a 460 what else need it has a point why would it be parked why do you parked bad thing probably because something is wrong n car FAS faster thought you were on the jack bro oh hey there you go that one rolls did you check the other one no I didn't check the other ones come on man well let's get the tractor over here see if we can pull this thing out hey there's pimps can think you a key huh where the key goes the key look on is there something hanging on the other side the I think I brought it over to it and I put it back I to move this car what you give me your little [Music] right there that's been there a minute ain't it oh we found a [Music] bone graveyard it picked that car right up didn't it yeah it did the first one I picked up with it man these are rough oh it's full of water and mud yeah I just blew out a flop what yep you blow out a flop and we don't even have a backup I know I didn't even bring a spare look at all these snail stuff there's ants in there too ant snails mom just pointed out looks like we're got about a flat casing on here I'm not sure how that happened I don't hear anything leaking but that is really low Maybe we can air it up with this little [Music] compressor that's good can't believe we about had a fly I know right it must have a hole somewhere huh it may ran over something in this junkyard with it that's what I'm worried about well I don't know how but somehow we don't have a key for it we had a key for it the day we came to pick up the Falcon convertible but now it's not there I think the steering wheel's unlocked so he may be all right there hopefully we can pull it out of here with this I don't know if this is a big enough strap to even do it if not I think we got a chain with us hopefully all right you got it wall we go ready it turn will it turn this way more left got it's rolling this not rolling on reminds me of Aon dog you want me to pull that limo three out of four rolling yeah I feel really weird driving a van you me to pull at least the steer whe not [Music] locked I I think it has all it one those yeah it does I think she got a roof rack on top oh it does doesn't it yeah it's got a rear roof rack oh wow let's go see what's under it let's do our dirt report here you don't see a key to the ignition do you anywhere where'd you find oh oh I'll throw that down look at this rot right here oh my gosh that a big tree it was sitting on one I think okay it's slam we under yeah that's skety we better grab our hug caps too all right well we got to go unload this van oh look it's got a step oh I guess I can be a step huh that mean now St you should yeah look that's good time to unload look it's right here that little guy there e it smells so like we said these are not our parts here so we're going to unload them under a shed for him let's get to it here this is lot here you go look at a star donke it dony squeeze go ahead I'm good I'm going to wait till someone something that was a whole transmission back here sh that's Falcon I believe right there falc he a rebar yeah I get her done son get her done got it squeeze is waiting on a box to be handed to her that says Club Wagon here get that small in there squeeze look you see CL there lug nuts somebody's candleabra what's the candleabra candles there's all his lug nuts you might can put them in one of those boxes up there Bubba what is this your step go ahead step all up oh there's the lug nuts here's a donut wall and a clutch look at that little clutch it must be like a for on a clutch look at that tiny clutch dang that's small what about that's that of mg I don't know if a falcon like six-cylinder Falcon if it's that small hey Mopar Mopar no car smells awesome I'm lying to you smells terrible y'all better get the bottom y'all about to be picking it up wire wheel hubc caps from a Chevrolet they look little here you go looks like a falcon or Mustang radiator this you got this lot of trim that's like a 62 Falcon quarter panel trim is that a eight Lug is that like what the ones we need to get it going out there looks like it oh shoot well these must go with it wen't we looking for a three-speed with a long tail shf are you kidding me he said he didn't have none come on man so this thing feels solid it is solid here it's got a pin in it there you go what are those dog dish KS yeah it's a spare cover isn't it oh yeah there's actually at least three transmissions in here what about these celaines here mhm man I remember when those were hot I like that style they probably pretty good on something we got looks like there's only three of them were these like the things in the back days that was the thing back in the '90s yeah look at that a headless pigeon or something we're going to have to carry transmission tomor all right that's a cast iron too got fmx or something that's probably a falcon there it's heavy wall let me get ity let me get it don't W hurt yourself or don't listen or don't listen Okay what it's just got glue as long as my P I think it's a falcon 3eed I think I'm not a pro on them I don't know it's very small 71 Galaxy 351 get on one side of the bell housing fling mom on the other 3 2 1 go H go ahead guys I had one of these years ago what one these transission I have a 69 oh it's getting lighter that's good I keep thinking about buying scales so we can wave Vehicles before and after and I never do it that's a big back end is it yeah we can all fit in there did you got that here let me get it I want to try it I I don't want you to get hurt let get this one by myself get the B I want to try that oh my God what that thing is it's that trans hey is this for it uh no that's that's how something newer that might have been for the F-150 that's the same type of thingy oh it may have been yeah this is later mall stuffff [Music] too got our Junction manuals huh is it for this speed or four speed color book here oh I just got it man got it you got this W Step Up Lines squee here's your header got it that Mustang Grill that Mustang 64 maybe this is this a seat yeah that's a seat frame for something CHP DX here's another Mustang Grill one oh man conso what's that from I'm guessing that's Thunderbird could be wrong though I know that 67 Thunderbird we had had one kind of like that oh yeah that's a twoo quarter trim on the inside I think for like 1 th000 or something what this was out of well it ain't reusable that's thr it too son rare s oh this is the matching cap isn't it yep that's our third one here's a pickup tube for that oil pan well there was another old P also something's been in here cuz they've chewed on this I didn't see R in that sing these things look brand fing new look at all that what your this F150 I don't know it's a wide it's a wide it could be I don't know oh there's a uh one with a reverse SL that was option A lot of Falcon parts in here lot of little trim pieces and mirrors and stuff here you go guys here's you some books book more Automotive paint stuff backup lamps there a whole box full of backup lamps for Mustangs think it's house stuff wall base I love these seats yeah they look pretty cool I like the like B bucket seats this is I guess uh some of his phone numbers and stuff in there D these books are in rough shape well is that it Marge I think that's it so I keep seeing transmission FL balls in here and antifreeze so we'll see how this goes it's a piece of plastic and it's shattered when it hit the ground all right let's pull it out of here that got it go got maximum dead lift you okay it's probably going to be really wide hey that rope is way smoother to deal with than that cable yeah it is and so far so good it's been strong should be put it right there on that beam all right engage the wind chah it's surprising what'd you do are you okay oh my God what you do she like jump and hit the back of the trailer you hit the tailgate you jumped I didn't make it off okay here get over to the side you got to engage Ralph yep hold on let's just do hand signal wish that brake wasn't stuck yeah it's strugg I hope it has breakes Road breaks I'm taking the Missour boat rod come on BR put some soap on the bed what your battery smoking smoking yeah back up wall oh the cables are smoking oh oh it just messed our cable in half you done it now it's hot hot hot you want to come along I can't believe it was still working look how could this mess up I don't understand come what the heck no I knew it was struggling just touch it it's so hot oh my gosh oh my gosh it melted right through it that's hilarious I'm glad I seen that hey tell them literally the other day I was like talking about putting new cables on this I I think we should use to come we're going to have to that's like our only option now look the red side is cold the black side's hot so there's resistance in the black side so the problem is in the black side this that's a bummer I knew it was going to be tough at least we got this far oh my gosh that scared me so if you double it back like that it doubles the power of the camong what happened to your old dad broke my open I'm glad you mentioned [Music] it one more me thep I think it's good you look at it this time yeah I think that's yeah that's good I think we're going to have to knock the stuff off the roof before we go on this one you think so that may be too much debris in the Rope it's not leaves you know what are you doing you better quit I don't want my band to fall off we're going to have to put a new cable on this before we can unload it OMG it'll be a cool clean up when we clean it up yeah we're going to try to get it running first though really excited about it every everybody's excited about the van huh I don't know why I'm excited about the engine in the van you go frame looks solid you'll be a good tow truck driver one day what drop people's cars down yeah that's what I did when I was a couple years older than you it's done turn dark on us yeah it has we work like second shift don't we our filming is second shift our editing is first shift I think March is first third shift what's funny about that oh it's great couldn't happen to a better guy I'm just trying to keep the road safe after all them people we killed with those other leaves I bet it's got 300 lb of pine meals on the roof wow so [Music] big it's like a root system in this too hope it's not poison you'll know look at all that oh know crazy got me oh under attack we good now surely surely I Scar home guys we have just restocked on pretty much all of our shirts so if you've been trying to get something that's been sold out go check out the sleeper you can probably get it right now we got our new heill that's unfortunate we got our goldplated it's just a whiskey Dent shirts we got our stickers we got hats we got hoodies we got case and killer shirts on sale for 15 bucks go check it out at the come [Music] on she's big girl this you got to push a little we need to try to get that breake drum free pack Co it's coming free now that's yeah I hate working on big stuff like this I hate it my brake gun puller won't pull this too big of a diameter we can't get it we get her around put her in gear it' be a lot easier to unload off this trailer oh I brakes weren't locked up wow you want me to be on we don't want to go that hard on it yet nothing watch your KN CL scar hey we don't want to hit the ERS now I don't know if it can handle you what you think about it they want to eat those BS though I have an idea oh bucko something I've never tried before I've never seen anybody doain and put a washer on it this may be the first time is I think it might be that's all I got let me hit with him it no wow I think it might be starting to on you want make TR I thing back can't [Music] see I swear I thought move come on give her the P bring it back Toc it's moving it's moving it is yeah we Mya work in the comments have you ever seen anybody do that before cuz I haven't maybe somebody's done it we need to take away off the other side wow that's crazy oh man my back's going to be hurting yep Le it's turning that's awesome let's just try it there huh yeah I think the wait my bra tip sances will that work huh yeah good I think this thing was drove quite a while or something that TR is beat up looks like it's going to blow any seconds manbe can roll off for now pretty easy oh look at that it's got a heck of a plug in the sidewall oh my gosh I thought that was something growing on it no I if I found out who did this I'll have their head what do you mean who did it who did this look it's one cable hooked to another cable hooked to another cable oh you didn't do that this way you bought it this way yeah look at this what have I done oh I got hose clamps too oh what did I do I thought you bought it this way I thought you bought it this way you did this what what I don't even remember doing this but I did it l we keep talking about hling exactly I think it's you all the time it's been him ridiculous probably what it was we were going somewhere and I was like last minute you know how I am probably threw something together to make it there and never changed it oh my this is so it makes logical sense you just hook that up and then you use a thing what if you touch that you want to do anything you'll be fine if you touched from both of a metal piece would you die yeah no you wouldn't die but you get shot stay away from it children roll it all is it out of gear yeah it's out of gear oh a little bit I may have to H the come along to the back oh why don't you just use that thing that Loops it around we we don't want it to go to the back wall of the shop that's why oh go [Music] here hey I bet we can roll it now we got that brake fre up yeah that helps a lot brakes man that makes it so much hard flats and brakes y it's hard you can't get out of gear yeah okay sty flick checking it out Ellie I think you got it rafy keep coing guys we are beat tonight it's like bedtime school night the whole deal Jeopardy's already passed clearly so we will see you guys tomorrow and we'll start figuring out if we can get the thing run or not at least it's not this deep in Rat Duke in the bottom of the floor huh that's true sure that's been a nice change of pace like that you see it so cool we're back so it's actually been a couple days our life is crazy start here which the dogghouse is probably a better solution though maybe this will give us some l t in here okay this time all right okay this time there we go got it all right we got an AC compressor that's all I see what is this it's like a window frame Rando trim what about these fog lights with the vior did these things ever come with like a hood hold up it should should have one I've never seen I mean how many of these ve you been looking at well this is really similar to the motor home we had and they both of them don't have one that motor home we had was a 91 and it was like the last year they had kind of a squared off body style similar so there's nothing in the radio there so it's got the Ford electronic ignition cuz here's the box I think it's called Dura spark and look at all the goo that's the AP foxy or whatever that's inside of them that comes out fancy yeah that's our ignition system so we don't have any points is this electrical cord do we have another yes we do this is the second car at least the pin was like it's hold oh they're going in the ignition with it so that green wire is going in ignition and the white and the black are not even hooked up so where's the other that look it's up against the steering shaft too look down here have a positive and a negative it's right against the steering shaft so that's a good sign and they going back look I just noticed too the dipstick has been out so long it's rusted oh there we go man well I mean it's not in the bottom I think that's the first time I've seen the dipstick out halfway and left what go down where are these Dad yes I don't know this is not a good oh wow you want me to open up the dogghouse yeah we should probably get get in the dogghouse see what we got in there see if this is 427 camera 429 Cobra Jette 427 side or or not this an a just the battery cables look pretty bad where's the hood prop at he's right there's a head bolt it's a good sign we got a headbo out I don't know it looks like a head what is that has a key this has a lock and some sort of cable operated deal with a lock like the parking l break or something no this is the breake I'm just going to say it smells absolutely fantastic in here getting help your brother with that door he can't get oh oh I just to pull hey both those windows pop out the bottom so the dogghouse is not bolted in somebody's been here working is that latch wall looks like it's latch look at this arm like real deal ain't it you got it so somebody's definitely been in here before us trying to do something Scary Just Take It Outside you got this okay you got it this time seat belts got you too oh okay there should be like a decal on there that says about the engine oh this talks about it up here let's see okay 460 yeah 7.5 L 460 okay so we definitely got a 460 there I was really hoping there was more access to the carb from here but it's like there's no good access to it like there's no good access from the back or the front so this is a C6 here you can see the big wide bell housing flange that these have and I believe the 400 modifi have the same flange got another one of those cup holders I love does it not have a glove box yeah I don't think so that's weird interesting okay we got to get that breather off see what we got there we also need to pull plugs and put oil down on the cylinders it should have a wing nut but looks like it's like a 716 something guess I'm going have to get some tool to get that off oh wo spider what is that man get off there get off there get out of here okay oh to a good start come on man no internal damage just very oily okay I got that top huh yeah that's a big I that's a 460 honey we can slide on that thing big block forward actually the only thing I don't like about Vans like this oh the way m home yeah it makes it kind of weird it makes some things easier to work on and some things harder I can't I just can't get it out the plugs aren't terrible ho again yeah not bad it's got a air filter in it still and of course we got a four barrel here too bad no is it so big that is a weird looking four barrel though eude what is that I'm not familiar with that style what what is it come here it's like Gunk like Gunk Gunk not on the spark plug but right beside it what is that that's just like years of valve covers l king tap it with is and uh heat is what that is yeah it literally will not move e that's gross and it like won't move I got to touch it oh it's hard as a rock yeah wow we got a Motorcraft D7 UAA so D7 should be 77 so this thing was a 78 I believe let me oil this thing up see if it moves at all we'll just give her the 150 shot here that that thing looks weird it is a weird looking caror isn't it yeah I don't think we went through this tole before soak it up right yeah well this one's like the same just oily I don't know how I want to get to this fourth one cuz I don't even see it think you can get it for the front I mean I'm sure can might as well spray all our brake stuff down too if this is dry I might just go and put brake food in it that was easier than I thought it was going to be come on back's dry front's notot perfect scenario for burnouts how long it's been it's all chunky and black surprised that's still there though I'll I PP the bre no not yet let me put some fluid in that back resir the front is actually the back oh makes logic sense the front brakes do more so they have have bigger ones I guess more capacitor yeah yeah we'll let that soak a while it's so nasty it needs to be like cleaned out and redone really you can't do your swivel like that you're at a 90° turn you're going to have to do it from inside the engine bay ralie couldn't reach this front one here it wasn't very tight CU yours mine were just gunked up tight I mean they weren't cranked down mine weren't tight at all yeah mine were easy they must had lamp wrister putting them in huh like you are you lter yeah these are all in line from the front to the back like front of the they look dead even don't they yeah which one did you get you got these two in the front no not in the front in the back but when you're looking in the van it's the two in the front is that bridging you see what I'm saying the engine's not backwards when you get in the know I know I'm just this is the front I know but if you're in the van you're looking this way this way it's the front but it really is the back now I'm saying the ones I got in the front see make sense look so you got the two back ones out yes basic does that second one have bridging on it do you see that I've read my manuals I've looked brid what is this word he's talking about the top goes to the inner part you you see that they're connected Bri that's called bridging # bridging we're going to look in the cylinders here this is what walk Halls the front but it's actually the back what we got we got bad news no not bad news it's just old and crusty just a little know what that is that's odd okay let me go the next one not that bad dish that's called the reverse top it goes in instead of out not bad not bad but there's like little flaky things probably carbon just very crusty what that you see the bo the boar looks pretty good at least it don't look like the old Galaxy motor right that look pretty good actually looks pretty good same deal what a deal I just noticed that somebody has stole the alternator off this thing so it has two belts still on it but it doesn't have the Third apparently this may have uh turned into a parts vehicle cuz right here is supposed to be an alternator down below here and the belt for it is just hanging free so it should be alternator right there we still have a power steering pump air conditioning compressor water pump all that stuff I want to squirt Marvel down the cylinder how Marvel work Mysteries exactly man these were heavy Motors it's all cast iron you got cast iron intake cast iron heads actually like literally everything's cast IR except for the transmission case we're going to do a long oh good lord made I think it did I think it did these are hard to get to one turn the front all right you got to fill her up just give her a little drink all right I think we're good that may be something to do with that cord well I think that's the fan switch and they have it just on on off now it looks like maybe it has a rear fan back there all right here's the big question is the carb stuck here's the mash ster stuck oh that's good news look at that free is a bird son free bird all right let's see this [Music] one oh it stayed there but it's coming we may be in good shape after all huh decent looking cylinder walls a carb that's not completely stuck only thing is I don't have a carb kit for this at all and we still don't have ignition key so that's a problem as well but nothing we can't overcome you know yes check us out on other platforms at sleeper dude88 so I've got a 15 16 socket here usually that's a size of these for crank bolts I'm going to try and turn it over there's our oil filter what is that I don't even know that brand somebody's had the oil pan off this thing for sure it's got like Ralphy level RTV on the oil pan gas maybe that's what I did wrong on the motor home was I just should have gooped it up yeah look you see that RTV goop oh yeah so it's definitely been into before please turn over easy last one didn't remember we had to use the starter oh yeah oh wait it moved oh are you going to work with me is that what you're doing here fan sh's broke I'm looking from the top thank you man' keep going keep going keep going oh yeah it's moving this is nice it's been a minute hasn't it mhm I was worried especially with the big motor like that so this is like the biggest mass-produced V8 that Ford made now they did make a m engine like TSH 67 linkoln had and it was a 462 but they only made them for just a few years to my knowledge they were only in those Lincoln Continentals so these engines they made forever they made these engines all way up until the '90s so these are pretty readily available really strong block they have blind holes for all like the head bolts and stuff they're really beefier built than the big block Chevy is yeah I think we're good guys this is going good so far you want to try to spin over the engine with the key too soon ra go get all the Ford Keys you can find I think that's a full Revolution isn't it I think so that was something I was really worried about and it just spun right over you got hey I just noticed something the inspection plate is hanging down what at the back see that plate right there that's how you get to the torque converter bolts oh let me look at that I hope somebody didn't take something out there oh looks like the bolts still in there I don't think we have an issue there I don't know why that was loose maybe somebody was just lazy we've still got our multi-piece drive shaft here no cataly converter or anything maybe we're all right I see you what's tell you was in here messing and I turned around I see what youve done here what's funny is I didn't do it somebody put it right here and I just moved it cuz I thought he's going to be messing up the engine next well you gave yourself leg cuz I saw around the corner that you were you were over here be more sneakier next time guaranteed I got multiple different keys this all least but I just found a key and I was like that's the M's proj before year what is this key that one I found on the ground in the shop and I think it was a spare for that F-150 or the one we found the cuple didn't I found it first try these fors are wait what about this F100 try it I'm just wondering if it works F100 is not what is this I don't know Galaxy maybe I have no idea what is that for it has no tag it probably is something we've sold already well thankk the Lord you're welcome oh oh yeah you're welcome lost it and he found it hey nice key chain yeah I'm going to clean these sparking plugs cuz we ain't getting an extra I got our dinky doodle Ru King battery here I don't know if it'll crank this big 460 remember red goes to the POS side let's see if it doesn't any spark in here are you ready this mhm I'm ready nothing so far nope I'm really wondering what the extension core comes to hey tofy what about the cool wire we'll get there what is it why is there a dinosaur to day what was that do it again do it again do it again do it again the fan or the horn it's the fan sounds really nice oh my gosh there a radio work turn the radio oh it's freaking up oh sounds like a coffee maker that's hilarious it should turn off there it's not turning off who's having issues I heard it what was it it was a fan back there oh it was a fan back there okay I don't know how I get turned off I'm on off it's having issues just let it everything's off wash they got they got that thing straightwire don't they I wonder if that's what that extension cord does too oh probably this is probably what's going on here let's see if that FES it yeah problem solves they just had straightwire well they want it on all the time must have been rafy wants to try the radio sorry bud nothing nothing at all dang it horn horn oh no horn come on why don't you try them power windows Ain got no power windows you're oh my gosh hey they work all right let's try what about Headlights we got headlights or tail lights no head hey we got one little okay we have one we have one tail hey we got them son got them let say hey at first it was only one of those small oh yeah okay yeah perfect well let's try the starter we still have no spark plugs in it and no cool wire so it's not going to start but hopefully it will turn over here starter is this like the same thing the last one did like aoid or something everybody was saying last video to mess with the shifter oh now it won't do it look at that what gear is that that's anti come on it's a c oid click yeah yeah has to be yeah the eight 24 BTS okay let me get hmer why you need a hammer I'm going hit the starter with a hammer yeah just a little ding ding ding you need a screwdriver for that little squeeze you got your corner cleaned up yeah I um got the stuff from all the fanil that I haven't unpacked yet got it ready got your canvases ready look at your easel and your brushes I need more brushes you don't need more brushes yes I do and a bunch of pain very good I think I can tap it from right here with this extension just keep clicking like I did and if it starts to turn over let it turn over come on all let me get over the bottom how is it going to help if you hit it Dad I don't know but it does it just does I mean how's the py work in a plum it just does right try it again okay no luck what whatever well let's start checking power terer what have you found to kill he's killing it's all covered up with junk isn't it oh I think I see an issue already look at our cable in here they put the old your family on it look at that it's like just hand start that thing maybe that's all is a connection issue then lubricate that and tighten it up is this going to fix it w yeah 100% M 99.5 everything else looks tight I don't know why they would have took that loose seems odd huh you know what seems odd is the fact that that thing fits your big head this thing this is 2x probably probably four try it my percent off fast let me check Vol here put it there and hold it there okay I'm getting no voltage coming out of the the C is clicking it that's really odd okay it's a connection issue so right here at the base up against the solenoid I'm getting a connection but I'm not getting any power here you can see the difference there it must be cuz all this is Rusted up I'm just going to have to take it back off and clean everything I think we can shine this back up and make it connect wow they're going to think I sped that footage up aren't they yeah it's funny sometimes especially with battery cables don't seem to take a whole lot and they won't connect I'm getting your rust off for you one's found a chair and one's about to find another chair you remember that van truck we saw in town yeah what if you made this a van truck what make it like a crew cab truck would you hul it of course well I'd Hollow it like this cuz you can put all your tools in the bag or should this engine go in a f don't even think about it what it's a band man they're cool they don't make them like they used to come on they don't make nothing like they used to I know that's why I got to keep them and not swap them he's going to be a hoarder he's already started try the key again rph you ready [Music] yeah what's smoking smoking oh it smells terrible uh try that again let me see what's smoking over here [Music] get it's where we worked on it at it's getting hot there that's weird it's got some compression I can feel it you can feel the compression yeah you might have felt a mechanical fan no I you could see the plug wires blowing oh well let's get the plugs back in it oh this is going pretty good he said to De Downer we knew this old man was ready to rock on on didn't we he he's Negative Nancy as what he is I always like to spin them over like that before I put the plugs back in it's just a lot easier to get them moving with the plugs out and I like to get a few turns on it like that with the plugs out that way if there's any junk in the cylinders it'll push it out of there you don't want to have junk in your cylinders do you Ral no let's get these back in real quick and see what we can do Ralphie noticed that there's no transmission dipstick either so we got a messed up oil dipstick and a missing transmission dip stick and a missing fuel cap as Welling what is that hose going back that way oh my gosh this stupid thing what is this this goes back that way what is that big hose there is it rubber air conditioning is that what it is it's rubber he's right it's air conditioning so this thing had rear air that's fancy back then we pump the brakes a little bit and he says we got a pedal we probably a stuck caliper is what we probably got up hey my good boy yeah like's coming in the shop now hey wall will you go get me a cool wire please it's on one end on the other end we know I that may work I think that's for actual spark plug in but it will work yeah you did good good job good job I need you to put the this plug in and the back spark plug wire on no it did have a spider living in it yeah I think it's just loose buddy it's on there oh quit quit Che your o why you been teaching these kids nothing they've been around my dad on that one probably it's fine you're not supposed to wipe your face with dirty hands goofball goofy goober have a little ey with how you doing how you doing how you doing you're such an idiot safe it oh since the factory fuel system is for sure going to be garbage Garbo we'll just try to run off the boat tank why one yall get the boat tank we also need a probably a 3/8 fuel hose and a 38 fuel filter guys I'll get the fuel hose I'm just going to cut it right there so that's going from the fuel pump Inlet over to the fuel line going to the back tank it's really a good idea to do this before you even turn it over but we're we'll pass that point can't find nothing if it's a snake and it do bat you well look who showed up for work you go to help us on this van I got a heater yeah Mama sitting by the heater hi buddy oh Rock's here yeah he's ready to help oh good they found some stuff finally we had to get our heads together on the side think this should work [Music] here we're hoping to go to the drag CH thing guys that's why we're loading up everything keeps getting delayed for weather purposes yeah it's been rainy you think about it he loves to inspect he probably wants you to park this in the field for him yeah don't eat the seats roll it out there give what the roll is go run CH it actually ended up being 516 which really surprised me so I guess let's see if she'll pump any fuel and get any fire I may just pour some fuel down it and try it should we clean out the carb or should we just pour fuel down oh just pour fuel down it you think we'll say hot guys later tighten that lid down and push on that like CPR just pushing no not CPR just push down trying to get all the air out of the line here we need a bow stand on it we're not getting anything yet is it working I need to pick it up put it over my Ed it's leaking SC over wall I'm surprised it's not pushing through that let me get down lower here try boom there we go there we go so see that gets all the air out of line I'm putting in our bottle here that has the uh Marvel in it so it's got a little bit of lubrication in the fuel is it this Oh see it's my Ral power all right let off it back you ready to try to start it she always comes in at the most untune moments for herself she always gets so scared all right I want to spray it right down the carb here usually we go through the carburetor first but I got out boed on that one see if we have any spark we should find out woo we got spark like do that oh you got something smoking up here my S go out maybe is it clicking anymore feel it I don't know you can't really tell okay come here again here I I'll just bet that just one out all right go yeah it's just buzzing it might be a battery con let me try that first is that positive terminal was loose that may be your problem there let me try [Music] that woo back the [Music] carburetor hey that was really close why I don't know could be well y charge that could be a timing issue either ignition or cam timing [Music] [Applause] [Music] now why wow yeah we didn't even touch that carburetor yet it is smoking back there is it yeah it's smoking up here too that was a fire right as I went to put more gas in [Music] it wow what was that I don't know wait what that anything going wrong no I I heard something yeah that's incredible I I don't know we may have some issues here with our caror I [Music] bet you still got a fire okay still no we're good now right yeah fire okay on fire did you did you try to Pat it out with your hand I did Pat it out with my hand I yeah the insulation C fire I smack it that's okay we better open his door that was like as soon as it caught fire that went off that's funny it worked to smoke out of here mom's got the twin turbo fan go going trying to get out of here TI is after Rocky he's stalking Rocky and Rocky doesn't even know it hilarious T's about to go go for it he's like a line out on the saring gy he's trying to pick his pray between granny Granny's too old you don't want her is he going pounds or not oh he got rocky going bow up at it what's the plantat I'm surprised Granny's not chasing him off I know right we're going to try it again I'm hoping it'll pick up and clear out but it may [Music] not come I think it's only running off of what I pour down it is the fuel pump working have you try that look look at the fuel filter out front while I do it he down there by the power steering pump here we go [Music] what not [Music] alone get on really let here watch out let go there run yeah the transmission's not doing nothing we get some fluid in that that is crazy yeah it's popping it's pping look look at the fuel filter it is popping is it l out anywhere wow it's going to sit there and odle oh okay he spoke too soon you think it just grown I thought I put in it that long no it it's pumping no it was pumping see it pumping she just got to get warmed up okay we need to put some transmission fluid in cuz that uh didn't do anything you want me to start it no just just give it a second wow that's crazy that's awesome I told you this thing was running you tell me that every time I know I just had that face always in the mud oh my gosh I want to drive this thing yes why can't even see through the windshield all that I think it' be pretty fun it in a little I can't believe it's running yeah that's crazy definitely know going look you see that pile of blacket popped out the back sound like a Ste in the back yeah all this stuff came out I can't believe she's choing away it look definitely that's incredible it's going to be at least 2 or 3 quart low in a minimum considering it's not doing anything hopefully it's just low yeah I was going to say it sounds like the other truck we just did huh how am I going to get that we need like a flexy long one yeah you need something different than what you there like no way to get it in there good I can't believe it sat there and idled I knew it would and I thought the fuel pump wasn't pumping but I think it was at the end I think it got loosened up and started working that's C maybe it had junk in there or something I really wish we had dipsticks that would help the motor doesn't sound like it's do anything weird we have a dipstick am I right we should probably just go ahead and change the oil yeah that we know we have the right amount in it since we don't have a dipstick it's probably just a 51515 oil filter if you want to grab that1 and grab some of that 1540 diesel oil all right you want to get me a drain pan paboo yeah aren't you so excited squee yeah we need to put some water in it this thing may be a ripper oh my goodness y going to rip it in the field we' be stuck out there today probably does that work possible possibilities now so look little guy got this I got to get underneath here and take thatour it's actually right out here in the front pretty easy spot to get to well that's convenient I just don't recognize the brain on this or through right off oh wow what the uh oil filter was pretty much loose just sitting there everything's loose Goosey on this girl yeah like I barely touched it and it came out okay what oh look how milky it looks is that good or bad it's not good looks like it's have water in [Music] it well it ran maybe not the color you want to see yeah not a good color always the color you want to say that means extra lubrication from the water duh exactly what brand is this what's that say d e u t d what brand is this I have not seen isn't that a tractor brand I thought that was like a a German tractor brand Goods Precision filter huh okay well let us know in the comments cuz I'm not familiar with that one I haven't seen that one on the Shelf been on there a minute did it ring come off yeah it came off oh Ralph you got me I think that's good Ralph this will make me feel a lot better about running it you know mhm I don't want to hurt a good engine especially at 460 that would be terrible wouldn't it Ralphie yeah I don't see any glitter yeah I'm just wondering why it looks so milky that scares me well let's drain the pan itself and see what it looks like this oil plug is a 9/16 if you're oh that's water I know that see how easy it comes out yep that's definitely water okay well that's not good you hate to change oil in one if you don't even know if it's any good I might should have on this one oh shoot off the side how much water I can't do anything oh see how it's clumpy if we would have drained that before it would have been straight water and then straight oil afterwards yeah that's clumpy that's definitely got water on it okay good thing we're changing it you see it like changing well it means the oil pump's working cuz it turned it all together at least we know that we'll let that drain a while oh clumps remember that F-150 we did for the neighbor M for Mike's mother-in-law that like was straight water forever it was yeah it was it had like gallons of water in the bottom of it this one may have too it's still going is it going to fill the pan it's a th extreme still she 7.5 l so my nie is scary and get another pan just in case oh my gosh looks like it's going to go get me another pan please hurry it's about to fill this one up they're in the Shelf that's the that the device is on oh it's getting clumpy now we have filled this to the max look at that it's completely full well it looks like it had plenty of oil and water wow oh man that's so clumpy wow you see it coming out why is it like that is that water or Clump CLP it's water and sludge and oil all mixed together looks like something I've seen before Oh gosh wow that's terrible that's gross we're going to have to let that drain for a while what is this that's that inspection PL I was talking about oh is this an overdrive or no no no not this year three speed yeah overdrives didn't come around till that's some clumpy stuff yeah mid late ' 80s does this win the clumpiness award uh it's pretty darn clumpy yeah that is so nasty looking ooh gosh that was [Music] terrible that's so gross well it was a mess was it I don't know Rocky I don't I don't need help filling the oil filter up yeah I kind of spil it a lot I noticed that and then I was like I ain't going to clean up he can do it oh thank I want to make you don't you don't have those servants hard at all do you not the wires Rocky not the wires that's the old one yeah these Vans have like a big extension it's like that big yeah our van our motor home had one of those too originally is it that big though yeah yeah so you can pour it from all the way out here this see nice I don't know why the transmission dipstick isn't longer than that so we changed the oil and filter all that's good now we put three quarts in the transmission and Ralphie the radiator up let's try it again and see if she'll run it's pumping [Music] gosh on [Music] fire it's still on fire put it out still fire oh it's still there you got it you got it it seems like the timing's off doesn't it yeah really good yeah I hate it when they pop like that I don't know if the choke is hooked up or not it's been like choke the whole time so maybe we need to pop that open come on girl yeah he you [Music] can't still nothing transmission it's shifting I'm watching shift all right let's put some more FL like might have a radi Le I can't believe this thing sitting there sounds better this time I think yeah it does little s machine I can't believe we didn't have touch that car bre she's running like a CP someone call in we got plenty of fuel in our can right yeah and it's that's crazy we may run out of transmission fluid again I just went and bought this it's not dumping out the bottom anything is it I feel water spraying yeah it's a little water lake we're going have to buy an all there now this thing run that's six qus which these probably hold at least nine or 10 more or something like that let me try there see watch out for that fan I forgot about the fan I can't see I think it B down a little bit I feel it yeah it's do a different sounds [Music] different yeah it was starting too a starting to move C forget to get the boat tank up if pie takes off this thing running like a how beautiful we got to move the boat tank the way clear out oh what is that why it do that scir you scream freir and die that don't why is it rain when youut off that doesn't make any sense to me try to start up now let me get some more transmission put in we'll put another two three quarts at least in it Rocky's trying to wear your toog in we got our fuel line installed here put our boat tank in the back I think we're ready to hit the road if she'll run I don't know why she keeps dying squeeze didn't want to ride in this thing his little too nasty for her I guess just a little bit watch out for fire guys I got an escape I'm keeping this door open there you go I like it watch out wall it might flame up here you got an inside handle you can get out oh no don't do that to me it sound like our battery's getting low too doesn't it yeah yeah Rocky they didn't do that for you it back car we GE yeah and nothing did blow out stuff at the [Music] [Music] to all right now our battery's dead oh man okay let's swap batteries [Music] well hey you don't got to be made come on I'll give you some more I thought you didn't want no more [Music] not pulling transmission not doing nothing we put 10 quarts in it it ain't leaking out below is it oh waa oh that I don't know your belt nothing we' got a bad transmission are you sure pretty sure it's try transmission's doing nothing perfectly good running big block you want to put more in it we put 10 quarts in there's no way you can feel it do feel out you can feel do some they won't go hey it's TR [Music] yeah oh the brakes the brakes aren loed up though are they yeah no they weren't they weren't we got all I know but after maybe or something it's do the same thing it did earlier but it's got four more [Music] Cent all right we shoot let me look up the capacity on a C6 and make sure that uh that's unfortunate it doesn't need any more than that but I would think with 10 quarts it P it tried a little bit the brakes might be locked up after I imagine that P them a lot it's a 460 it pull it it do something more than what it's doing it's definitely slipping transmission something in there I don't like it this is saying if somebody's took the pan off it'll take seven quarts to fill it back up this says dry with a stock torque converter is 11 quarts well shoot we put 10 in it says Service man manual says refill capacity is 13 1 12 I've seen a couple different ones that say 13 quartz do we have any more here I have four more quarts I mean I wish we had a dipstick you know usually my problem is I don't have enough dipsticks you know but this time I just don't have enough dipsticks all right well I'll put two more in it I guess and see what that does it's definitely trying to move but it's not moving I see a transmission flood drip oh yeah ding transmission FL yeah it's like the front seal on the Transmissions so that might be why it didn't have any could be why the inspection cover was off so our air conditioning belt is what came off that's no big deal I saw dirt dobbers go down yeah so we still have water pump and power steering hooked up literally we did the same thing with that Ford truck M we put tons of fluid in it but this one's not pouring out the bottom I don't think this is going to fix it if it ain't going with 10 quarts I don't think it's going to go with 12 I could be wrong I hope I'm wrong I really do I hope you are too cuz I want to same Dr what do you think Rocky H now's got 12 cords in it it's got to be enough s right back up it's getting better come on girl yeah got it oh oh it almost did that carburetor has amazed me that's the best carburetor in the world almost come on come on with it I don't want to burn it up [Music] I's going to happen [Music] guys if we hold it there it's just going to burn the transmission up yeah you can feel it take gear it's mov a few inches yep well oh man well shoot it's a a good runner though it's unfortunate like it amazes me how good it runs I would have never thought we could have had it run that good without even touching the carburetor or fuel pump or anything and I found a key for it you did trashy transmission that's all it is well well it's kind of part of it at least we got it running you know yeah that's that's a plus that's the main thing right now D Rocky we haven't started on the cleanup yet he eating it supposed to wait it's EA those pine needles why don't Pine need taste good I have no idea that don't taste good Rocky it's like I baked a differ Rocky you got any suggestions here there's definitely a possibility that draining it changing the filter and putting it back together you might get it to do something I've seen that happen before it would be great if we had a dipstick that was right that lost it didn't you twe just about lost it well guys turns out she is a runner yeah not much of a driver yet um you know it did move under its own power for like a foot you know yeah but I think what we're going to do here I'm going to have to order some parts so I need to get like an alternator coming I need to get a transmission filter and Gasket and stuff coming and some more fluid and I think we'll come back clean this thing up put an alternator on it put a a filter and some new fluid in it and try it out your homies exactly ready Rocky in has been so long since you have ended off a video shoing I know he's been slacking finally we get some work out of him I know he was a great help this time I don't think that car r would ran like that without Rocky's help I don't think it would even after getting attack by line in the yard he made through it he was stopped yeah if you guys have been watching us a long time the 64 Galaxy Nascar car that we did it had a similar issue remember where it was like you put it in drive it go in reverse something and we dropped the pan it was full of sludge we end up putting a filter on it and getting it to work yeah so we'll come back and do that I just got to order all that stuff I think there's a possibility thing may have a little bit of breaks to it even but I cannot wait to pressure wash this yeah crazy yeah so I'll get on the horn as they say and get us some parts coming for it and you guys will see that hopefully soon in a video it's awesome to get some stuck in your braces oh I bet man that's an honor save a little for later exactly you can check out our second Channel Apple you can check out our third channel app SLE they got it now you can check us out on Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok sleep8 sleeper d888 and you can check out our website at the sleeper we appreciate all you guys support this year with that that has really come in handy it's kept mom busy as well which is good you know you got to keep mom busy out there working that's what she's doing immediately after we video this we really appreciate you guys help with that yeah we're wanting to go to the drag trip soon we were supposed to go 3 weeks ago and you had a thing going on with school we're supposed to go two weeks ago and the track ended up getting shut down because of weather we're supposed to go this week and the track got shut down for weather so maybe maybe we can go to the track they're only going to postpone it this one last time so yeah this is our last shot if it doesn't work out it may not work out and I load them on the trailer for nothing we put through a lot of effort getting raise Fuel and parts we actually swapped the car B with the pinto to a 650 and that really seems to have helped good you can expect to see a video on the 64 Galaxy wagon soon we got Parts in for that so I think you're going to be excited what we're going to do with it also we got some parts on our way for WAW Beetle so her Beetle uh you expect a video on that soon as well um that's good we got to fix mom's Yukon at some point Lord oh wow all we've been driving is the wagon and the truck and we got to get that Yukon fixed but uh thank you very much for watching we appreciate all the members we appreciate everybody those super thanks we really couldn not do it without you guys all the subscribers everybody likes the video all that stuff helps us we appreciate you guys watching our Channel and helping support our family we would not be able to do any of this without you guys but we got to go see Murphy Murphy Murphy's going to be so sad if he don't get a Vine we going to have to get another another can we got another can here we got an emergency storage facility for Vine he is amongst it is he mhm good to the last that noise did he growl at me what was that he's been a good little protector out here he loves playing with Granny too getting big oh he's faster Murphy hi Murphy hi hey buddy we got some vinas for you buddy speed test he's in gear he's he's he is not very energetic big though he is yeah you better watch out Gran's going to get all your vinas he's too excited to eat here I'll get it I'll get it murf here there you go look they're all getting some rocky Junior oh the nails oh the nails they got them double claws don't they a that how they work the donkey the donkeys want a v you they don't no they definitely want some all right who get the last one the donkey look try it let's go try it we've never tried it waiting for I'm going get bits what's going to happen yeah the donkeys are funny oh they're scared of the pig look oh take it down oh right who aggressive look those table man he's like I don't don't mind if I do yeah lick the gate chew the gate eat the dirt under it oh are they going to go for it no you don't want it no I don't want nothing to do it look she'll get a bite from here probably look at granny Granny's foot is on a top rope her so close right now so close give her that last one she worked for it I was hoping the donkeys would try it you go there you go granny some juice oh you know she does oh yeah that's what the people want God that's what the people want that's what the people want to see [Laughter] every now and then Murphy drops that goat fainting it is the funniest thing you've ever seen he'll chase her and she'll get excited they do that even when they just get excited yeah it's not just scary like you'll pour out feed for her and she'll drop sometimes sometimes he'll chase her and she will just starch on him and go straight to the ground and remember Jesus saves and dollar GS there seven miles facts tell them bye hey tell them bye tell them by come come oh he got me oh he got me
Channel: Sleeperdude
Views: 386,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ford, econoline, van, will, it, start, drive, run], junkyard, rescue, e250, e150, e350, big, block, 427, 428, 429, 460, horsepower, torque, fast, towing, tractor, station, wagon, delivery, panel, club, custom, hippie, classic, antique, old, digs, vice, grip, garage, mortske, puddin, nononsenseknowhow, econovan, full, size, e100, vn, 7.3, diesel, bus, f250, xlt, super, 385, series, revival, saving, from, the, saved, crusher, scrap, run, first, in, 30, years, conversion, goats, kids, family, funny, comedy, sleeper, dude, sleeperdude88, fire, caught, f100, v8, stuck, winch, 426
Id: uFsVd73kRm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 58sec (5698 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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