I bought an ABANDONED CABIN in the WOODS - Vacant for over a hundred years!

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okay so I just acquired this cabin this  thing has been vacant near as I can tell   since like 1930s and it could go back  even as far as into the 1800s my plan   is to basically restore this and bring it back  to a livable space so let's get right into this [Music] video [Music] so we'll do a quick walk through tour  and then we'll get right to work on   this thing or definitely need some  help this porch is all going to come off I just want to jump in here real quick uh  this is probably the last video I'll post in   the year 2023 so I wanted to say uh thanks  to everybody that watched these videos I I   really didn't think that there was that much  interest but the channel grew to over 10,000   subscribers as of today and uh that's pretty  cool to see so thanks everybody who watched   the videos and and all the support over  the last couple years I've had a lot of   people ask in other videos and in the comment  section A lot of questions about projects and   the mini excavator so at the end of this video  I will go over some project updates and try to   answer answer as many of those questions as I can  I'll put chapters down below so you guys can jump   around if you want to and uh hopefully I can  answer any questions you guys have had right   Max what do you think is this a good stick is  this a good stick how do you know it's a good stick you missed it says A lot happened here  hm 7:23 maybe July 23 that was recently foundation's like gone p f back let still a quick downstairs tour  so this is right when you walk in this would have been the kitchen [Music] originally should be like the living room this old piano it's a Henry F [Music] Miller everything this is the old fireplace and I found  this look this this is burned so like   theoretically the last time that  somebody was in here that was the   log that was burned like that log is from  the last time somebody had a fire in here   which which could have been almost 100 years  ago I don't know I just think that's pretty cool this room will probably be a bathroom  I don't know I don't know what it was originally how bad the floor is though  like I don't know if it shows up on camera and this is the entryway another hole through the floor just goes down into the basement that's the kitchen for  reference and this is another room let's do a quick tour of the upstairs  and then we'll get right to work coming up the stairs little nice Window Seat you know it's rough but  it just needs to be gutted really this is what would be considered  the master bedroom look at these for look   how nice they are like you clean that up and  sand it I mean these will be these will be [Music] nice still kind of work this is just like a storage area so  that's the upstairs it's a pretty small   house all right now that's done let's get  back to work so the first thing I'm going   to do here is bring my excavator  down and clean up all the trees   that have fallen around get some of this  cleaned up so we can easily access the house [Music] just threw a chain w [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Applause]   [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause]   [Music] anytime you're working around stuff like this that  could have aestus in it it's a good idea to wear a mask and it really needs to be a mask that's   approved for particulate so  the p100 is a good place to start [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check this out there's  writing here I think it says shorty maybe Harley I like finding stuff like [Music] that all right let's try to get some light in here and some ventilation how cool is that got nice natural light  in here now windows [Music] locked and   we get some ventilation while there's dust in here that's [Music] awesome [Music] he [Music] so it's raining pretty good  right now and I just drove in my driveway and   there's this puddle here if this was ignored  this would make a much much worse pothole so   the thing to do right now is to get this  draining off and get the water out of there you can see how much that puddle  already drained out that water   is coming from right here all the way up here on this running all the way down see I put this water bar here  so that the water would run over here [Music] it's important to notice stuff  like that and fix it as soon as   it starts to create a problem otherwise it gets worse is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh is [Music] here we are once again this thing stuck  I'm like perfectly flat ground I got   to fix the four-wheel drive on this  thing all right let's pull this thing out it's a good thing that thing's got full start  on it cuz batteries in the cold just they never [Applause] work [Applause] y know once again that thing comes  through that thing is so impressive   and this piece of crap the four-wheel drive never   works on this thing and this right here  is the problem never buy a truck that has this all right there's a couple coup of  trees up here we need to take down so   it's easier to get up to the house to load  out the debris this one probably that one [Applause] [Music] there [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] better there you go I'll dig a hole burn it and then bury it so I'm going to cut these old joist out so   we can kind of rebuild this  floor now it's all just dry rotted [Music] J [Music] [Applause] so we need  a piece that is 163 and half to   go across the face of that hanging on a Target out [Music] back just using this board has a fullum and a lever  so now when he pulls that down it pushes up on this 12 to be S and A4 wait  what did I say seven and a [Music] quarter [Music] okay that worked really well  that was that's what I like to   call a success so it's up into place  floor's back where it's supposed to be just added that post for I  guess a little bit better feeling so there's two floor joist in now those  are looking a lot better that'll make   that floor upstairs a lot more solid and  it's not sagging anymore so this is the   room that had that big hole in the  floor and man that feels not sinking   into Oblivion anym that feels pretty  solid that's what we got we just got   to sh that needs a little bit of attention but  that's just a easy shim so that's good this is nice [Music] [Music] just make that a little bit easier to get down  here honestly without having all that Rubble in here okay for now the upstairs is completely  demoed my plan is to slowly take out   this plaster and put it in my regular  dumpster uh they can I can fill it up   as full as I want and they charge  the same no matter what I put in it and that'll be the best  way to get rid of this and   then for now I'm going to go out and work on the outside yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] oh [Music] oh a [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] oh [Music] I don't remember what else pissed  me off it was a long time ago that   work good funny how you get on that  Rusty paint off there it goes right in got to go higher with that J yeah make sure it slips off  and goes through my back window hold on oh this if this was pulling WR  pulling from the top should help like that yeah look at a freaking tap route on that thing holy crap that c it's like a big potato see this is why I didn't want you know I know your $40,000  kaboto will do that but that's   pretty impressive I'll have a $40,000 too  someday that's an impressive machine this size right two more yles look at the size  of this that's the same size as like right here I just wanted to show this here these are the  filters out of the Mask I was wearing from maybe   two days of work I mean that's what would have  been in your lungs if you don't wear masks when   you're doing stuff like this I know sometimes  it's pain in the butt but you don't really   don't want to be breathing that in what do you  think Buddy what do you think what do you think all right [Music] [Music] here [Music] job well done what do you think Buddy all right project update so I've had a lot  of people ask about the uh part two on the   Comming swap for this truck uh that's  in the works I'm not going to go into   too much detail on that cuz I I'll have a  full video out at some point there's a lot   of little Nuance stuff that just takes a lot  of time so yeah I'm working on it it's just   it's not to a point where I'm ready to release  a video yet so the shipping container has been   working great I've been really happy with  how this space kind of works out for me I   made a video on the putting the peers in um  that was pretty cool and and they've held up well skid steer still running great I I don't  have any issues with this thing ever really   except the tire except the tire went flat that's  pretty annoying really all the tires should on   these should come foam filled from the factory  it would give it more weight and you would never   have a flat tire so I got to fix that here is the  big block engine that I pulled out of the dump   truck this is pretty much going to the scrapyard  I have I have had the thing listed for months and   try to get people buy I had the thing listed  for 250 bucks which you know I thought being   as it was a 534 that seemed to me to be kind  of rare I I figured 250 bucks was probably a   fair price and honestly I would have taken like  200 bucks like I just wanted to get rid of it   and not take it scrapyard but it doesn't seem  like anybody is really interested in it for   parts so it might just go to the scrapyard I  don't know haven't done anything with it yet   here it is I guess I shouldn't say I haven't  done anything with it I did take a bunch of   parts off of it like the fan the I took the  air compressor the power steering pump stuff   like that I put them in my shot because I could  probably use them in the future and I'm a hoarder so what else is going on oh this thing this  thing's working pretty good I did a video on   this no really didn't do very well I guess not a  lot of people watched it I thought it was a pretty   good video but but this machine's been great I  it works good the the batter is always dead but   batteries are garbage and other than that it's  it's fine I like that thing a lot this thing uh   I did a video on this as well you can go back and  check that one out I don't really know what I'm   going to do with this I did a will it run video  on this I don't know what I'm going to do with this I'll kind of leave that  under the tarp there I have   a video started on that but I ran into some issues so here's that dump box I actually sold this to a guy just hasn't come pick it up yet all  right here's the other thing look I had   so many people that were about ready to pretty  much call the police on me for like dropping   the for like flopping this cab off and breaking  it look the reality of situations doesn't come   through on camera well enough the amount of  time and money it would have taken to restore   this thing literally the name of my channel  is 99 projects that's a gross understatement   I have far more projects than that going on  at one time and I can't really I I can't save   them all unfortunately I would love to but I I  just not feasible time and money I I just don't   have it so um this cab is here I haven't done  anything with it I I have a few ideas that I   think would be kind of cool it did flop off you  can go back and watch the video and it kind of   messed this up a little bit this will probably be  pretty easy to to smash back out from the inside   none of the glass broke and the inside is all  you know like this is what we're arguing about   saving it's it's pretty bad I took all of the  gauges out because I wanted to save them and   use them for something else I thought they were  cool I'm going to use them in the future the   other thing is like I took the engine out  of this truck and that's the donor engine   that's in the dump truck so this truck is going  to live on even though it's not in its original format you know the 855 that I  pulled out of that cab over is   in I mean it's in there like part of  that truck's going to carry on and   and be used right Max it's tough to  kind of show everything on camera I know like I said I'd like to save them all but  you can't so there's that Gantry crane I built all   right so I just picked this truck up I'm working  on a video on that this is the chassis from that   cab over um I tried to explain it in that last  video like it's it it's rusting it was kind of   cobbled together as a double frame you probably  can't see it but there's a quite a bit of rust jacking the leaf springs  on one side are pretty much junk the the wheel the drums are  locked to the shoes on the brakes   the wheels are like rotting out like  I mean you can't go down the road like this here you can see there it's all  this is all rusted out the tires are   dry rotted they're all cracked on  the front let's see if I can find a crack like all these are dry Rock cracks all  those all these all the lines going this way   those are all dry cracks so like honestly this  front axle is pretty good that's that's probably   salvageable um and I'm keeping this thing around  cuz there's parts that I can rob off it for this   uh for this truck here so you know as a lot of  people said that I like destroyed that truck   and I don't know what I'm doing and I I should  never touch another truck again it's like okay   but I that truck's like kind of saved and I  still have parts and pieces and I mean that   truck will live on for a long time really  I don't really care I'm just trying to give   some context to some people who don't really  seem to understand that what else we got going on lots of stuff buddy huh I don't know what else to talk about I I  had that uh I had that blue and gray Ford dump   truck that I did a video on with in the same  video as that I saw so that to a guy I think   I mentioned that in that video I'm working  on building a new road over there into my   shop but then there was an incident with my  Dozer and so I got to get a new one of those   we'll run back up to my mini excavator  and I'll go over a couple of things on that [Music] all right so I get comments all the time on this  machine asking about the Mak model there is not   really a making model this is technically a digit  em15 I think but if you Google search that it's   really only going to bring you and show you some  of these machines this is how this works there's   a factory in China that makes an excavator that  looks a lot like this and they paint it yellow or   orange or blue they stack they slap a different  sticker on it depending on who they wanted to   depending on what they want it to look like and  they send it over to the United States people   buy these and import them by the container load  and then they sell them at local auctions and   Facebook Marketplace and all that stuff I actually  bought this on Facebook Marketplace from a guy who   had done the importing himself another question I  get asked all the time is why I insisted that it's   important to buy a machine with the pilot controls  up here there are machines that are cheaper that   have the controls here and yes they're cheaper  they're also lighter and I don't think that the   operation of those machines is as smooth and nice  as this machine is I guess you can argue that   it's the same machine it's a little bit lighter  and it's cheaper so I guess if it works for you   then great but I would only recommend getting a  machine with the pilot controls on the armrest I   think it's a smoother operation I think it's more  comfortable I think it's more comfortable for the   operator as well I say this all the time with  this machine this thing is so incredibly useful   I I 100% recommend this for homeowners that have  any kind of property um and and honestly even even   if you have a small business and you trening and  stuff like electricians and plumbers this thing is great so I got 44 hours on it right now I've  gotten a ton of use out of this thing I've   changed the oil once I've lost the track a couple  of times I've broken the thumb I think three times   mostly my own design flaws we me and my buddy  built that back up on that last on that Barn   cleaning up job that I did and and it's it's held  together pretty good but I abuse this thing I mean   that's kind of an understatement like I'm pretty  hard in this machine and I want to be because I   want to find out if if I can if I can use it and  it holds up then anybody can all right the other   thing I did to this is I added a a lever here  for the blade control it was a a foot pedal   rocker that was really a bad design because you  couldn't get your foot far enough over to push   it down and so it wouldn't go one way and then it  was really backwards from what I felt it should   have been like one way the way that should have  been down was up it was just kind of annoying and   I ended up leaning over all the time to run it  so me and my buddy actually built this lever I   mean it's crude but it definitely works and it  makes operating that blade so much nicer so I   I definitely would recommend to take the time  take those panels off and and make that blade   control like that it it just makes it a lot  nicer any final thoughts from you on the mini excavator how do you feel about it have you run  it yet I don't think you have you're just here to   make sure everything goes according to plan which  I think you're bad at that job buddy yeah I love   you but nothing ever goes according to plan all  right I think that kind of WRA wraps up projects   that I have going on and hopefully answered  anybody's questions again I appreciate you guys   watching this all right well I guess I'm going to  kind of end this video here it's a good start on   this and there will be more videos on this to come  this will be like the first video in a series of videos come on buddy oh
Channel: 99 Projects
Views: 4,104,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LseYFLk4y8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 40sec (3640 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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