Let's Build the UCS Millennium Falcon LIVE - Part 14 of ?

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i want to go on live on time on time on time on time you trapped me on time molly was like yeah get up and go look at something and the second i stood up she hit go live i i just i really wanted to be on time this week oh did you fix the chat thing that makes it not go so yes i did okay i don't know why that got set to a weird setting that's right what's up guys welcome to another wednesday another wednesday build stream uh but it's 6 30 now right yes so as of right now hilo he's going to town on a calm yeah so we're doing a giveaway this week and uh the link should have just gone live well the link was in the description already but now it should be working and uh literally all you have to do is just go and it's like a youtube entry which if you're watching on youtube you should be able to just click a button and enter um but gentle giant has been very kind and just sent us we showed off that darth vader bust uh last week i think they sent us some more cool stuff they sent us this darth maul hologram bust from solo that you probably can't see it but it does it lights up oh you can see it cool so a little hologram mall if i wish i were recording when molly saw that they gave that to her just so you could hear the noise that she made it was similar to what i just made no it wasn't it was much higher pitched he's got his little balls of the bone broth this is my favorite now there's really i think so just because it looks so good yeah he looks good too but i have you already have a billion of them i have the real thing in my office um but this rebels ahsoka i don't know well you can see it but she's holding the convoy i don't know if that's gonna focus or not but i'm afraid to drop it okay but yeah her armor just looks so good her face looks good everything about it looks good and they sent us uh a first order storm trooper that's not going to focus that one's kind of bright yeah you might have trouble well i can hold it back but these are cool they uh they have like interchangeable arms so you can put them in different poses and is it like got a magnet in there yeah oh cool so you can do like blaster pistol shield or blaster rifle shield um so yeah that's neat but we have one other thing we want to give this away this is a first order officer stormtrooper so this one has interchangeable interchangeable pauldrons and uh also a blaster rifle and a blaster pistol you can swap the arms out just like this other stormtrooper and we just we wanted to give something away as a thank you for being on all these streams with us and so this is kind of like a hey if you're in the stream you can enter the giveaway so thanks for and it's been touched by both of us just the box yeah just the box it's unopened otherwise so thank you everyone for tuning in to our live streams and if you want us to sign the box we'll sign the box i mean i guess i'm kidding no one cares about our signatures well some people do which always surprises me but jesse in the check said wait i missed how to submit there should be a link down below in the description all you have to do is click on that fill it out right yep that's it that just enters there's not even anything to fill out i think it's just well yeah you put in your name and your email address so that we can contact you and get your shipping address but yeah that'll go the the link is just going to be live from now until about uh 9 00 p.m cause that's usually we we stream for an hour and a half to two and a half hours sometimes so it'll be live until nine pm that's how long you can enter and uh we'll choose the winner tonight and get in touch with you i don't think about this till now but oh yeah i could have put it in the nightbot should we we don't have a mod right now to do it the one time i need a mod to do something um do you know how to do it over there it's we'll just remind people it's in the description yeah we'll just try to remember every so often be like hey check out the description enter the giveaway i'm i'm sure the more people that come in we'll get i'll see it in the chat and they'll say more but i'm going to get building you get to building building more the front of the falcon this time she's coming along yeah she's looking good um yeah uh in case you're just tuning in the link is in the description for the giveaway and sleep of giant said no mods time for caps yeah i don't know why uh rain man really hates he hates the caps lock when people uh i mean as long as you're not spamming caps it's fine but you know sometimes you need caps for emphasis sure or for a joke did you turn the air off oh yeah i did it was like it's warm in here let me turn it back on um what's up jesse swift what's up jesse the chat he entered to win who else that we got here let me scroll up uh oh reefton is here but i think he that was from earlier i think he's gone to bed now laser bolt uh wolf boy anchorman uh ron burgundy i assume yes that's him artie films jane dalton lancelot boomstick doomslayer dan23 whipfilm rick the broomsticks here rick villanueva yes boomstick is here boomstick is working on something cool for me and i can't wait to show it off i cannot wait cannot wait can i give a hint as to what it's i feel like it's about sure i don't i don't know why i'm being cagey about it like i feel like if you know what has to do with may the fourth yeah and if you except it'll be may the third this year but because so many other things are happening on may 4th already oh so we're okay yeah i thought i'd i didn't know something about that yeah we're already going to be doing bad badge stuff on may the 4th so the canon timeline will be coming out on may 3rd this year but it's going to look better than it ever has look at last year's video and just know that it looks like garbage compared to what boomstick is doing total garbage that's what i told him he showed me what he's done and i was like i just looked at last year's video and it's garbage jesse asked if i prefer mrs maverick or mrs demon um just maverick spine preferably you have a flip out fan and you flip it out and fan yourself while you say maverick but yeah that's not everyone has extravagant fans oh thanks for the early birthday wishes i still got a little ways to get that's like two weeks right yeah my birthday's not till the first oh but jessie's birthday is around the same time oh nice well happy early birthday to you too all right let's get to some of these super chats because we've already got a couple 200 people in the chat 68 likes uh let's bump those likes up guys no big deal if you don't want to but it's there it takes two seconds um first super chat uh you said this was from earlier today was from brendan bozarth i don't know if you're still in the chat but thanks for the super chat do you guys think luke and leia knew they were siblings did they ever have a moment like that's your birthday that's my birthday too that's crazy um i don't think they really had time to talk about birthdays i'm trying to think if we've ever i feel like we have seen people celebrating birthdays in star wars but it's few and far between it's not something that you hear about a whole lot so i kind of agree but i i do hope it would actually be great if if they had written this into the comic or something just a bunch of hints that they were twins and that it just goes over their heads every single time i think i saw someone tweeting recently making a joke about like something similar do you think luke and leia ever had that parent trap moment where they both realized they were allergic to strawberries and it made him think for a second yeah uh someone in the chat asked how to use super chat uh there's like a little money sign dollar sign button and i think it's in the under the live chat you just click that uh oh what's up star wars re-edited hello there oh i didn't say that very good at all yeah if you're gonna say it say it right nothing behind it whatsoever hello there it's pretty good you should get a little nasally with it yeah i am feeling a little bit nasally today the pollen is still bad if anyone was wondering we're still suffering greatly from all the pollen him more so than i am but i think it's supposed to rain a little bit today so hopefully that'll wash some of that stuff away lawrence fletcher thanks for the super chat will we see any surviving jedi in the bad batch i think so other than ahsoka i assume yeah i think i like the idea that they try to use the bad batch to like hunt some jedi down and they're not they're not cool with that i'm not cool with that and maybe that's what causes a rift between them and the rest of the empire because it looks like in the trailer that they go on the run so what sparks that and i like the idea that they refused to hilo just sadly dropped a toy like it's supposed to have a treat in it but it doesn't he's like but i like the idea that they go on a jedi hunt and then they don't do it they don't go through with it yeah but like who do you think we might see um we know quinlan vos is still around rancis was a confirmed order 66 survivor so anyone that they it's it's someone that like they could bump into and the jedi escapes or maybe uh some of the other clones go through with it but the bad batch says no oh yeah joe costa knew it would be an interesting one i i would be hesitant to say her just because of her role in the darth vader comics but could take place before that yeah oh a couple of people mentioned the star wars schmodown match that aired not too long ago today i guess i will ask for no spoilers in the chat because i haven't personally watched it yet i'm gonna be doing my uh reaction to the match along with jake and brian on a certain point of view after this at nine o'clock eastern time so i assume it's a good match a lot of people have been talking about it but i also haven't watched it yet i could i'll go ahead and say like all the people that i don't think will be shown but would be cool um calcus i actually think we might see cal really there's right off the bat i was like there's no way i know right there there are a couple shots in the trailer where it looks like they're on braca which is where cal is hiding for those five years and i think that's a i think it makes sense because braca is a place where like the republic is literally being dismantled like republic technology so thematically it kind of has this reason for the bad batch to be there i don't think they'll see cal and be like jedi but if you're going to braca you could just sneak some little redheaded kid like trying to hide i think they they could do it yeah will they maybe not um i also don't know for sure that that's braca i just think it is caleb dune and dec depa well it depends on when this picks up but yeah deppa dies in order 66. caleb has his own adventure going on around this time so i don't think he'll show up um yoda yeah he should be in hiding i wouldn't be surprised if if the series gets into more forcey stuff maybe he'd be in a vision kind of like he was in rebels but baby yoda there are rumors that he will be in it there certainly are i'm not on the surface i'm not really on board with it but if i i trust in the team i'm sure they will do it in a way that i like it but right off the bat it makes me just think oh that's too corporate that's just too much synergy we're like oh uh we got this baby that everyone's crazy about put them in everything back into this oh hitman hudson thanks for the super chat real avaros in the bad badge question mark there's there's another one luck sponteri dogma masamita so many characters we could possibly see who do you want to see in the bad patch uh yeah i mean we'll just keep talking about this so rail that's one i hadn't thought of um and that one makes sense to a degree i don't i don't i wouldn't expect it just because he's a book character that not like people the people watching this show are probably gonna be big clone wars fans uh or new fans like younger generation so i don't think they're gonna know who real avaros is they could always explain it he'd be a cool character no matter what though yeah and it makes sense that he would survive because he wasn't as far as we know he wasn't part of the fighting he was just kind of doing his own thing so no clones around um that does make sense but i'm not expecting it jane makes a good point lux makes sense with saw being there lux yes that was that's the next on the list that hudson mentioned yeah yes uh lux i absolutely think we could see again because um the latest we see him is after a new hope in battlefront 2 we know that he worked with saw in the partisans for a while so yeah i'm totally on board with lux dogma yeah i think that's a fun one just uh yeah because what i want this show to be partially about is rex in the bad batch maybe helping their clone brethren take their chips out and stuff and dogma feels like a fun clone to follow up on since the last we saw him he was being imprisoned for killing krell yeah masamita is a good one i i think that would be cool to see him uh and like i wonder what happened to him uh he stayed vice chair of the empire until it fell but in that last year he was just kind of a figurehead like he had no real power well he stayed loyal to the end good for him i guess well he kind of was trying to surrender the whole time the second he got a chance to surrender he did uh rick villanueva thanks for the super chat says hey gang been thinking a lot about celebration chicago have a favorite memory behind meeting behind meeting me and my son of course cheers oh yeah i saw um he posted up that picture of us uh that was so cute his son was dressed as k2so uh he was acting very shy but it was adorable oh man just seeing everyone's posts about celebration has just got me so so so pumped for celebration next year i know it's like so long away from now but it's like okay unless things really go in the dirt we have something to look forward to um favorite memory i mean i i still have my phone lock screen as getting a piggyback ride from donald faison and being up on this celebration stage is pretty cool yeah that's that's kind of my go-to one is just kind of out of the blue uh a week or two maybe before celebration getting asked to go on the star wars dot com live stage to we didn't even really know what we were doing at first they said it was to break down the trailer i feel like we knew that right right so yeah that was i was like sweating profusely um and then this was like right after the trailer dropped for episode nine we ran and to go backstage and then we were like the next people up to uh break down the trailer and i was just like uh once i got up there and i was holding the microphone i was like i uh i like a star wars yeah star wars is neat huh ray can jump wow big wow i feel like nothing i said made any sense thank goodness there were other people up there uh jermaine was up there um haley was up there yeah with us it was definitely something that just like flew by and i don't really remember doing it i know we did it there's there's proof we did it there is proof i don't remember what happened yeah that um honestly just like meeting literally anyone who recognized us getting to meet them was uh like first off shocking the amount of people that recognized us and everyone was so super nice um especially at the my my very first showdown yep was at celebration chicago uh we did that the five-way and after that i wasn't too crushed for my loss in that one because honestly i didn't really have a ton of time to study for that because i knew we were going to be working a lot at celebration but after that panel ended i got to meet a bunch of cool fans one being a very young girl i think she was maybe six if that maybe like five or six she was adorable she was dressed like ray she set out she was my biggest fan and i just about cried i could i could talk forever about how cool celebration was i hope that all of you get to go me too at some point and in about a year a little over a year oh we might be buffering a little bit should be okay now okay um what was i gonna say oh and then we had tickets to do the disneyland thing to disney at night you mean this year last year last year yeah so i hope we get to do that next year yeah again yeah so many full memories ooh caleb diaz thanks for the super chat says hey just got my own captain cardinal helmet too nice that one was when we were doing the charity stream last weekend that one was not too uncomfortable to wear you can't see yet one of the better ones really um the most comfortable was probably the boba fett one but really i think the big helmet's easily the best to wear oh yeah i guess that's true but of the ones that cover your whole face yeah although you couldn't see out of the boba fett one either kylo ren was the hardest i think you have to like really look down yeah isaac in the chat says looks like the falcon is almost somewhat complete yes this is back 14 out of 17 so three more weeks after this one and this feels like a good time to quickly just remind everyone we're doing a giveaway click the link in the description if you want to win this first order stormtrooper officer uh from gentlegiant i saw that tip forward i know you were just trying to my heart skipped a beat i'm sorry uh yeah we're doing a giveaway just for the stream uh just for the next hour or two uh the link is in the description box below [Music] thank you gentle giant for sending us some amazing gifts uh stormtrooper with two a's at the end thanks for the super chat do we know what the high republic symbol is supposed to be um it looks kind of like my fan yeah it looks like a fan uh no i guess not i where i put them all back there um i don't even know if the symbols on that one might be like on a chapter page or something um there you go that's kind of it that's most of it it looks like a weed it kind of does or like a flower it's like the blossoming of the jedi or maybe maybe you're right with the weed thing because of the drain gear and it's like this weed takes takes root in the jedi order and the republic during the high republic i don't know the drone gear the meeting plant things i haven't read you haven't read the comics um i read like one or two i've told you about the dream gear meat-eating plants yeah they're like spooky plant people they have tentacles and that's what they look like but no i don't think i just think it's a cool looking symbol should find like someone who like studies iconography yeah be like what is this what's it saying it might be an early incarnation of the galactic senate symbol yeah i think all the symbols are like a little bit similar yeah i mean it definitely looks and feels star wars-y but i don't know i couldn't tell you what exactly it's supposed to be or represent yeah red tornado 98 thanks so much for the super chat just scored a shirt that has all the knights of rin weapons that's pretty great oh that's a lot of weapons uh michelle cobb thank you for the super chat revisionist history yoda's no there is another is a reference to ezra not leia which is why obi-wan thought luke was their last hope thoughts uh i'm trying to you've broken hold on yoda's saying that's about ezra which is why um i think it's still leia because he wanted to originally train leia yeah and not luke also obi-wan did meet ezra so there's that too but no i think that they're not gonna i don't think there will be any revisionist history on stuff that like george intended because that was i don't think in the empire strikes back he was going when yoda says there is another he means leia but he did mean luke's sister like yeah from what i recall is that in return of the jedi he was planning to have like this whole plot where luke found out he had a sister and it got a little bit out of hand and he was like let's just condense this make leia the sister so yeah that's that's all i think that was yeah i mean i could see some people making this their head canon which is fine but like you said obi-wan had met ezra if you read yoda's is yoda's story in a certain point of view he talks about how he would have rather trained leia and not luke so i still think depending on what content you've read and watched or or maybe yoda was like no there was another and then it cuts and then he keeps on going but we just don't see it he's like there is another like a lot more like ahsoka's out there ezra's out there like don't worry obi-wan i like that better what's up john boos sleep of giants name all the knights have run got weapons god trojan's weapons trudged has the big buster sword aplex weapon there you go uh i think vic roll is the sniper one of them's got like a little blaster arm there's the mandalorian axe who has that is that ushar or kurak i don't remember i'm just naming i know i don't remember whose weapon belongs to who that's that's my next thing i can name the knights of ren i could not point them all out to you oh yeah i couldn't tell you who's who i highly doubt they would ask that in a in any kind of trivia because i mean they'd absolutely do that dragon con show you a dragon con sure i keep forgetting that's i do like that about the dragon con trivia as that visual component yeah i really hope i get to go up on like if dragon con happens in person i really hope i get to go up on stage i've never been able to stay ready i got to play last year i think they just let me play out of pity i mean i scored everything it goes out of pity i scored high enough but it was like right at the threshold i think i don't know it's the it's all it's the books and the comics stuff that gets me in that stupid test anyways oh what's up pld thanks for the super chat a what is the chance that talon card gets brought into canon b can i get ed harris in star wars please my mind would be blown talon card is someone i think would be pretty easy to translate into canon like he's just he's a smuggler like he would fit perfectly in the mandalorian especially if they're gonna i don't think they're gonna do air to the empire with thrawn and live action but heir to the empire esque ish like kind of inspired by yeah thrawn returns after years of absence and it's five years after return of the jedi like yeah get talent card in there get him in there why not uh and ed harris i'm sure he could fit he could play rail rail avaros if he was much older i'd see him as like a there he he would have been a good person to play draven in my opinion but i like uh alexander petry i i thought he did but like a character like that kind of a angrier rebel general i could see him doing that kind of like a stodgy like not stuck up but a seasoned veteran i know him best from the rock and uh so that's just how i envision him just kind of like that kind of i'll do whatever it takes to get the job done kind of general yeah but he still does have a moral code yes uh root villanueva thanks for the super chat another super chat did you know that oppa rancisis was yattle's padawan i had no idea confirmed by kelly knox on starwars.com i saw that today um i can't remember if that was in legends or not i i feel like it was but i didn't look into it anymore so if apparentis is still alive then potentially we could get some stories about yattle where are my yattle stories that's i mean we don't know if we don't know what happened to yaddle and cannon after episode one she could be anywhere well oh because her comic is not canon uh no there was a comic that kind of told her origin story in legends but yeah that's not canon it was a cool story though she saved like a whole town right uh hitman hudson in the chat hashtag release the yaddle cut i agree like what if yaddle was the yoda in all those movies and yoda was just kind of off to the side you mean just what if they switched roles yeah sure what could have been that what should have been what could have been uh nesty thanks for the super chat says hello guys do you think that the kenobi series will retcon what vader said on in a new hope in regards of his last meeting with obi-wan the last time i felt it was in the presence of my old master thanks and much love well isn't that he'd still be in the presence of his old master obi-wan so like i don't think that changes anything but there's the later line where he said when we last met i was but the learner now i am the master that might have a different meaning but if it does i think we're just gonna have to ignore it but it depends on how the fight goes because like if if vader he could be referring to being the learner of the emperor maybe i've i mean i've always interpreted as like the last time we fought on news to far yeah i was still kind of your apprentice even though he wasn't i was still learning but yeah i mean i i that that phrase has already kind of changed in its meeting thanks to revenge of the sith and the more i just accept the fact that uh star wars is a mythology the less i'm i care about little continuity things like that like these are these are just legends i agree and there's like obviously i do my best to try to make it all fit and stuff but like when it when it gets a little jumbled be like oh oh well yeah we can all move on and still have a good time uh we are up to 300 people watching now 143 likes that's a good good reminder for the get those likes up for the giveaway we are doing a giveaway if you haven't heard from earlier the link to enter is in the description all you got to do is check out that link and this is what we're giving away it's a a gentle giant star wars first order stormtrooper officer 1 6 scale mini bust and it comes with different pauldrons and arms and arms he's posable not posable so much he's got different poses yes i didn't want someone to be like he's posable and then break the arm off sure james alder thanks for the super chat oh my god i just i've been looking for this sorry i've been looking for this one piece for a while and i realized it wasn't it was this long piece not a tiny piece anyway sorry rude sorry james adler says would you be excited to see more of the resistance characters and future content of the mandalorian or the book of boba fett like griff or captain dosa uh sure captain doza i think makes sense eager makes sense um i'd love to see kaz again but he's too young for the mandalorian i'd be down to see anyone from that show pop up again yeah i feel like we had kind of speculated that we'd see captain doza in like a couple of things here and there and i still think we could see him pop up in something just because he had history uh with like the rebellion and stuff and well he also had history with black spire didn't he are you talking about yeager or doza oh dozer was the oh i'm thinking of never mind yeah he he was on bought two with his family igor was on bottom with his family uh and was at the battle of jakku dozo was the imperial who defected but was a good dude um but yeah either one of them and uh eager is someone who like i think scott uh it's not scott derrickson that's a director the person who voiced eager i'm like oh yeah he could play eager so yeah that's what i was thinking of we talked about maybe seeing him pop up somewhere just because he has that history um but yeah i think i still think we've said this before but like lost lost opportunity for for us to see or even get a mention of the colossus or some of the characters in episode nine because apparently they were there you can see the the fireball the fireball is in a shot like that which annoys me if you're gonna do it do it show me laser sword says cavs would be perfect for live action if rogue squadron is set post tross i agree they'd have to i think tone kaz down for live action which is fine because like animation different medium yeah i'm cool with that but yeah i'd love to see christopher sean uh play kaz in live action uh bakey thanks for the super chat a communications disruption could only mean one thing invasion dash jedi padawan ram [Music] jamirum oh uh he's that's actually very clever so ram is going to be the protagonist of race to crash point tower daniel jose older's middle grade book that's coming out but his story is centered around him getting like realizing there's a communications disruption and like having to solve it and him noting that like oh a communications disruption means we're about to be attacked interesting yeah perfect excuse to to reuse that line bakey says i win alex called me clever marlon rando thanks for the super chat trivia what planet is galen erso hiding on at the beginning of rogue one llama sue oh close uh what is it called la mu lamu yeah what is llama sue uh that's uh came and owen right yo yup that's right tanwee is it lamasu or can you tell that i have not even looked at any star wars trivia within like the past three months you still knew it it was in there i think if i if okay if i had gotten that as a schmodon question i would have said lama sue in my head and then been like wait a second that's not right we all just well i i think out loud on these streams and llama stew why do they have to make names so similar like that i mean let's write a letter to george you're like barely in frame i gotta read all these instructions that way over there i'm sorry this is hard to see she's louise or i could have just given you the wrong answer because i'm trying to make people think that i've forgotten everything we'll never know the truth uh sleep of giants thanks so much for the super chat dream lego favorite condiment here's a money uh start with favorite condiment ooh for your condiment i think mustard for me ah this is a tough one because as a kid i was like ketchup on everything and like a lot of ketchup but now we have a lot of different types of mustard we do i love i love mustard a whole bunch like especially on sandwiches but if we're gonna go on or go off what i would use the most or like get the most use out of for the rest of my life i'd say maybe sriracha that's true but i wouldn't put it on a sandwich and i do love a good image sriracha spicy sandwich sometimes maybe i would i would probably mix it and make like sriracha mayonnaise or something put that on there uh but yeah mustard's a good one i i love like a good warm pretzel with mustard but yeah what kind of mustard i would go spicy brown mustard i'd probably just go regular yellow mustard i mean i always i only ever think when i hear condiments i immediately think hot dog and i just put mustard on my hot dogs i just i'm a mustard man call me colonel mustard okay um well my hot dogs i will put ketchup and mustard and relish those are like my go-to's if there happens to be freshly sliced white onions i'll put some of those on well that's if there's the chance for a fancy hot dog like a chili or a slaw dog then that's what i get if we're just at a barbecue where it's like the main condiments are there just mustard yeah that's all i need i i also eat my hot dogs like a little kid i don't do the bun most of the time i just cut it up and dip it in all the condiments use a fork same with my hamburgers oh and dream lego oh right um i'd love a ucs indiana jones set of some kind uh i don't know what maybe the flying wing or that's like i just i feel like i missed out on the lord of the rings and the indiana jones sets and now you can only get them at ludicrous prices yeah that's true uh so i i'd wanna just even if it's a set they've already come out with like give me something indie and i'll build it i'm trying to think of stuff that i like cause like maybe uh what was her name what is her name from the from the dark crystal oh i have no idea the old woman oh i want to say oga but that's probably not right i do not know i should i should know but because this was like one of my favorite movies as a kid but from the original the dark crystal her big huge kind of like turning oh yeah yeah okay i know who you're talking about now that would be a cool lego set okay i was close ogre yeah some people said ora grass and people said ogre um oh speaking of that this would be very very similar too but like the game of thrones oh wow the spinning thing that would be absurd like to have also things you could turn to make the castles come out of the ground and stuff come on come on it's you know what i'm so sad about game of thrones because i loved it so so much in the last season just ripped my heart out and went over it with a steamroller honestly i think the problem was that it was just too fast i think that if they had taken the time to do more episodes and showed danny in more of a descent i think i it would have been an easier pill to swallow but yeah like i'm not excited for the upcoming game of thrones prequel series oh well i i would say the prequel the idea of a prequel i do think i'll watch it i'm still excited for the idea of a prequel but just the way that they handled her character yeah if they would have changed things small things here and there more to make her character more kind of like hateable i guess the end would have made sense but i just i loved her character so much and i wanted her to like succeed and then she just like takes it too far and that's it i think i get what they were going for kind of like this maybe you shouldn't have been cheering for her this whole time to kill and murder everybody but it's like i'm so okay michelle i agree with you uh i wasn't surprised that she burned the place to the ground because that's kind of that was her whole spiel the whole time and i was like yeah she man she did it i was i was i mean maybe i'm a bad person but i was pretty psyched to see that happen um [Music] yeah it's not even like it's it's a lot of stuff when it comes to game of thrones that just felt like out of the blue like who has a better story here than bran you're like we didn't even see him for like two seasons i know bran like really okay we didn't see him because his story was boring at that point in time anyways i i'm i'm excited i can talk a lot a lot about i'm excited for the game of thrones prequel series because i assume we'll talk about it with ken a lot yeah yeah oh what's up rayman fully vaccinated rain man is here since you're just joining us rain man the giveaway that we're doing the link for to enter is down below in the description box all you gotta do is click on the link and put your info in and that enters you to win this uh gentle giant first order stormtrooper officer um what's this called bust yeah and then we showed the one the other one that we have that is similar it's it's got a nice weight to it and it's like the details are really nice i know everyone's afraid of me dropping it do you see my eyes like every time you go over the falcon i'm like so yeah if you're interested um the link is only going to be live for the giveaway during this live stream so check it out where are we at i lost my spot um grant thank you for the super chat grant what advice do you have for learning arabesh i want to learn it for my trip to galaxy's edge uh it's a good place to learn it for yeah uh just study it a lot i mean like write out phrases in arabesh and then just every once in a while read them i mean i'll just say i'm still not fluent in it if you want to call it that like yeah i can usually struggle my way through a sentence like i can i know enough letters that i can then fill in the gaps and figure out what the letters i can't remember mean learn the vowels first that's what i would suggest yeah because a lot of times if you can read the vowels in something you can kind of fill the rest in yep and that's only six letters yeah a e i o u sometimes y yeah and also um maybe like go through the whole alphabet and i don't know find a word that starts with each letter of the alphabet and write it out in arabesh so you know what that first letter is because then if you know the first letter the vowels again just piecing things together the letters like yeah e and y uh what else there's also not all of them kind of match but some of them do some of them you can look at it and be like oh yeah that's a t and if you can just remember the ones that actually kind of match a real world letter that helps a lot and they're easier to remember ooh someone said like wheel of fortune r s r-s-t-l-n oh yeah that's smart what is that like wheel of fortune gives you the most common letters which i think are i think that's what they're doing rst l and e i i think that's because they're common letters and they don't want people to waste their time yeah guessing them i don't watch enough wheel of fortune to know that but yeah i don't either i would always kind of zone out during wheel of fortune until jeopardy came on amy catherine thank you so much for your super chat i'm sure you've been asked this before but have you been on rise of the resistance going to galaxy's edge for the second time soon and hoping to get on we have not not yet i haven't been able to go since it opened up yeah we went to galaxy's edge early on a couple years ago uh back when you had to like you were you were only allowed to go during a reserve time that was the first time and only time that i've been he's been one other time and yeah haven't been since then but hopefully fingers crossed um we might planning to go later this year i see a lot of people or i know a lot of people that are like trying to get tickets to go as soon as possible because i know it's opening up soon um but i think uh cubs fan han went today really okay so maybe it's already open uh but yeah maybe sometime in the fall i might plan a trip to go but uh if it's you're not going to oh you're going for the second time hoping to get on yeah hopefully you do i don't know if they're still doing like a raffle type situation to be able to go get on that ride but i've heard it's like just one of the most amazing theme park rides ever yes same z's we're we're gonna be working on just we get fully vaccinated next week monday and then it's like okay now we can start hanging out with our vaccinated friends which already feels weird i'm going so hard on my birthday we're gonna have people over friends over to the house that have also been fully vaccinated um it's gonna be a hoot maybe we could vlog it if you want it's cause like if we've done anything with other people it's always been like oh i don't want to take pictures and like show off that we took a chance and like hung out with people so now that we can say we are all fully vaccinated and then we had people over at the house and everything was fine i said oh knock on wood everything was fine uh got another super chat from hitman hudson so like the prophecy and master and apprentice what did the egg mean will you ever release another video about it i have no idea what that egg means so i probably won't until i have an idea but i haven't to be honest i haven't thought about it really since master and apprentice i don't even remember what i what my guess was it's probably a metaphorical egg but i i don't know i think claudia gray was just having fun writing crazy sounding prophecies yeah i barely remember the egg i did read this book but i barely remember the egg it wasn't a big part it was just like qui-gon going through a bunch of prophecies and that was one of the ones he listed off so it wasn't like a crazy important thing that you should remember it it was just one of those things that you know star wars fans latch on to oh uh i see farrell is in the chat and we missed a stream labs from you last week sorry about that we typically don't check the stream labs during our lego streams because we're checking super chats but you remember what it was yeah their question was if the schmodown factions were star wars factions who would be what so who would the dungeon be it's got to be the dungeon right yeah okay yeah all right scum and villainy scum and villainy corruption would be the empire quirky mercs would be like bounty hunters i assume but like a fun group no they're like quirky mercs mercs is in the title but they're they're all about like having fun and being good guys so the rebels or or they're just like regular citizens trying to have a good time and not worry about war i think they'd be a group of fun-loving bounty hunters okay um they would be the robot chicken version of the bounty hunters um yeah uh what about the stars um we're an interesting group because it's like some faces some heels i don't know that's tough you could be um kind of i i'm go going back to the to resistance you could be like the crew the colossus kind of like i'm mishmash but like a crew of a ship that you got your this and you got your that and you got your uh guy that talks a lot and runs his mouth and you got how about just mandalorians okay because we're like not all mandalorians are good not all of them are bad fin stock would be all ooh fin stock is all of palpatine's advisors [Laughter] because they're also bougie okay yeah i get it and i like it i didn't get it at first but that's funny yeah i guess that would or canto bite i guess that would make um gucci palpatine well if you can ever pull off some crazy manipulation like palpatine can you be very impressed the usual suspects would probably also be that could be the rebellion or the jedi or because they're supposed to be faces right i mean that's that's what the quirky marks are all right they can be they can be the rebellion quirky marks can be rebellion swag would be uh the partisans good guys but they're still kind of extreme not extreme but edgier yeah they have to be like a little bit flashy the separatists hmm flashy i don't know i could still see i mean sagara's partisans aren't flashy but they're noticeable they're loud yeah they're loud um did we hit all of them what am i free i don't i don't know is uh nexu geonosians oh yeah the den can be the g notions i guess uh michelle cobb thanks for another super chat what do you think vader did with ahsoka's lightsaber i bet he kept it somewhere i don't think he'd get rid of him or it i saw this when this question popped up in the chat people were kind of talking about it and someone said he sold on ebay and i liked that idea uh yeah i think he'd keep it i think he would keep it too just like as a trophy trophy but also kind of like that's what he tells palpatine it's a trophy yeah every once in a while he like picks it up and is like i'm sad i'll miss her oh what's up brian brian avocado apparently that was the nickname he had well i shouldn't i shouldn't talk about this because it's part of our q a for the patrons just a taste go check out a certain point of view patreon um anyone five dollars and up gets the q a it gets to ask questions i don't know it's it's a fun time we talk about our nicknames we talk about food that we hate and i mean a lot of deep discussions about food anyways uh darth eloy just sent in a super chat with no message so if you have a message for us let us or one of the mods know but thank you ben potter uh thanks for the super chat has some trivia who was the first pod racer to crash in the bunta eve classic i was gonna let you go first if you wanted the first to crash i mean ben quageneros doesn't really crash he just blows his power coupling and uh rats tyrell i believe he's second i can't remember mahonic that's right smashes him into the that one always confuses me because he finishes the race mahoney does is he listed as finishing it yeah what'd he do run his pod gets destroyed i believe you i i'll double check but um i could be thinking of someone else again this is all a ruse to make you guys think that i forgotten all my trivia until uh while i'm while i'm doing that um [Music] jalen brooks thanks for the super chat thoughts on the logan movie like logan the x-men movie i assume that's what that means love it love it i thought it was great super good such a good movie uh perfect movie to go hard and go like fully rated r with but also just the end is so sad yeah um that's uh it's been a while since i've seen it but we've seen it two or three times and i just remember liking it a lot yeah it's logan is fantastic it's i love the little the little girl i forget her name but she did such a good job daphne i'm trying to remember daphne something no i get okay i must be thinking of a different pod racer because now i'm just looking through this well i'm just about done with this set or not the set the this bag okay uh jedi mullet 77 thanks for the super chat where did the white walkers and the army of the dead get the giant chains to pull the dead dragon out of the frozen lake good questions uh they've they have their own chains lying around i guess they were they were white walker giants yeah they probably used big giant chains for stuff they must have just been carrying stuff around they weren't they weren't like full on zombies they were smart and knew how to use crude tool rudimentary tools there we go oh man definitely shouldn't have this leftover every time hold on maybe it's not done dragon is prime thanks for the super chat it's your boy what star wars movie would you want that we probably won't see i'd love a horror movie with surviving jedi where vader is the monster that's like a very popular thing is like people really want to see vader hunting down people in a specifically rated r fashion i mean it makes sense he's a very like michael myers freddy kind of just unstoppable monster like i understand the the connection but i really liked kevin scott's take on a star wars horror movie where he's like he's a huge horror fan and was like i don't think you can go full horror with star wars because so much of his so much of it is about hope and to him horror is about the absence of hope and he thinks that it would take away from star wars if you went that direct too far that direction yeah star wars has done some horror stuff but never strayed too far that way but i mean that's probably why the question was worded that way something you want but probably won't get um i would want a tag and comedy where that's good it's just like we're jumping from era to era it doesn't make any sense tag and bink's age would be vastly different oh what'd you just do no went too hard oh no did any of that fall on the floor uh probably he's not even in here he must be on the bed uh but yeah i think it would be just hilarious to have looks like a full-on slapstick comedy with tag and and have them show up in just like all these different places uh that we know and have already seen happen in star wars that or like a full-on lego star wars movie kind of like the lego batman movie that's okay those are so good that's now my answer i would want that so much i love the lego movies the lego movies are so funny even ninjago i don't know anything about ninjago but the lego ninjago movie i was like i watched it on a plane and i was like this is fun and i honestly can't say that we won't get that because we got the lego holiday special that's true you know oh dirt that's why that happened oh we got some f's in the chat for what you did it's okay i fixed it i still have some pieces that need to go somewhere but grant ga thanks for the super chat says hi hope so hope all is well do you think we'll ever get a deadpool like star wars movie maybe darth revan with keanu reeves just a thought like hold on like a like where revan is deadpool or do you mean r rated a deadpool like star wars movie maybe darth revan with keanu reeves see like a dead if you're gonna go deadpool with star wars like to me you do what you just said and you do tag and pink someone who's breaking the fourth wall a lot mm-hmm or if we were to ever get really weird with medichlorians and go like george lucas talked about he he's wanted to explore like the force at a micro biological level and two of my favorite stories in both of the from a certain point of view books are from the wills where they are going through and writing the crawls and one of them is writing and he's like this is great and the other one is like why did you put four dots there and like none of this makes sense what is this about like i love the idea of critiquing star wars as it's happening um darth revan was was a hot topic the past day or two all over twitter today he's blowing up um i don't i wouldn't care for a darth raven movie i still think i i just don't think they're gonna do revan in the new canon for exactly the part of the reason that he was trending today or she is because everyone sees revan differently revan is the player character that's the point and there there is they did they make reven cannon canonically a male yes in legends yes so in canon no okay revan exists in canon by name only so far but it stands to reason a sith lord named seven named revan is in star wars but i don't think they're gonna specify anything about them and i think that's smart because the point of code door is that like you are revan and you make reverend who you want them to be okay so we should make reven cannon and it should be the first non-binary star wars character i mean that that's the the more nebulous you can make them in star wars i think the better like revan is the most openly accepting character to anyone not as a person because they were a sith lord but like literally anyone can put themselves into revan's shoes that's what the game is for yeah it doesn't matter if revan is male or female it doesn't matter if he's light or dark in the end like you can do what you want with him in the story and so i kind of think that's what they should do is leave it at that just be like someone named revan existed and legend has it they did this or that and someone could be like i heard reverend was a girl and somehow i heard they were a guy and like yeah we can talk about revan but never nail it down because then all of those personal stories that people told for themselves still exist and i think that's a beautiful thing i do too i agree why not oh uh someone in the chat brought up tarek and sarah sarah they are non-binary um characters i meant more like if they were gonna make something live action uh but yeah no that if i said first non-binary i was wrong um where am i oh uh darth eloy i'm not sure if i'm saying that right who sent in a super chat earlier sent us their message and it says most and least favorite arcs of the clone wars also grant meant r-rated oh i see so like an r-rated deadpool kind of yeah style movie um that's it always happens the we we talk about the whole r-rated thing in our q a this week so yeah oh yeah so saturday you'll hear our thoughts on stuff that is r-rated but essentially why does star wars need an r-rated anything just for more violence more bloodshed is that what star wars is about i don't know um but so favorite and least favorite clone wars arcs i will say uh [Music] i love all the night sister stuff i love obviously i love all of ahsoka's stuff do you have like a favorite set of four or three episodes i don't know that i do yet because we're still going through our re-watch and i i don't think i can form an educated opinion on that until i finish our re-watch because there are still episodes i've never seen but least favorite [Music] [Music] maybe the blue virus arc i don't know it's it's like it's hard because my least favorite ones i just forget about right what do you think i think i got that right um i think i think my favorite is still maul in the shadow collective i i really like everything with sauvage and i like the way that it ends in that arc and least favorite can i say that my favorite is all of the last season no that's cheating um like the one that jumps out of me for least favorite is d squad which we're coming up on but knowing that that's george lucas's favorite like i'm really looking forward to watching it again and just trying to understand it more and have a more open mind get in george's head yeah just i i want to have an open mind and re-watch it and see what i think of it another time around because it's like the first time i watched the clone wars it was just to watch it and the second time it's like i'm trying to understand it and we're going into the themes and everything every episode uh wolfboy762 thanks for the super chat have you guys made a prediction list for return of the jedi's from a certain point of view book yet not a list i think we've talked about it before we've brought up a couple of things one of which i said that there should be an ahsoka story yes like that's a good one towards the end after we get anakin back and he dies i think we should get an ahsoka story where maybe anakin visits her or she just like feels his death in the force i just gave myself chills like what if the story is about her doing whatever she's doing at that point in time and like she feels a shift in the force and she doesn't know what it is uh and then like the last line is she heard a voice behind her that said like hey snips oh and that's you we know we know what it is but although i feel like if we get that story i would want them to tell a story of a conversation that they had that see that's where i stop only because i'm like now i don't know what to do like leaving it open to interpretation is more because that that conversation has to live up to some expectations sure but but but but a more capable writer give it to claudia gray or charles soul or like give it to someone who's not me and uh or it would probably turn out great or um the story itself could just be like all of ahsoka's favorite moments with anakin that she's remembering after she realizes or finds out that he's died and then yeah we get that at the end that'd be good oh dj kento uh sent in a super chat and just said hey friends hope you're having a lovely week hope you are too dj lovely so far um still need that to get yeah the the pollen is the only thing gtfo pollen psychopaths thanks for the super chat trivia how are you doing today honestly i feel like i'm doing pretty good i felt like i accomplished a lot more yesterday than i have today so far but i got a lot of sleep last night we made four videos today you accomplished a lot you made most of them you were here you were involved we shot four videos yeah i mean the day is definitely not over but i you're about to do a show i am about to do a show i did laundry i vacuumed we got a new vacuum guys it's amazing it's the cordless dyson honestly it is highly recommended it's awesome wait we we got it solely oh well not solely for this pretty much for only this reason but pretty much only because we were like we need something really powerful that's compact so like the the cordless the one you can take like the big long piece out and it becomes like this big and we literally just vacuum our bed because hilo sheds all over it every night before we get in it we just run the vacuum all over the the fitted sheet and the comforter because hilo sleeps in the bed with us and he's a hairy boy you don't you wouldn't think he sheds that much but he does a lot my goodness um that's yeah i'm i'm doing well you got to say how you're doing how are you doing i'm doing pretty emotionally mentally i'm doing well physically allergies are kind of messing with me but it's passing i think we're coming out the other end we're starting to anyway you just needed a beer it didn't hurt um real quick before i read these last couple of the super chats i'm going to mention once again for those of you who have tuned in since last we brought it up we are doing a giveaway um and all you have to do to enter is check out the link in the description you just click on the link you fill out your information and it puts you uh in the giveaway yup for this it's a first order stormtrooper officer from gentle giant and it's pretty cool if it's anything like this one which it should be it is very cool interchangeable arms you can change out what weapons they're holding and stuff yeah the head comes off too there's nothing to change for that but it does do that and so that giveaway is only going to be or that giveaway link is only going to be live as soon as or as long as we're live here oh i thought you said as long as we're alive as long as we're alive uh no i'll leave it up until nine okay that's that's what i set it to go to oh okay okay well then it's gonna it's gonna be live till nine uh michelle cobb with another super chat thank you so much michelle uh two yes or no questions one do you guys think palpatine killed padme and two do you think jason syndulla ever studied under luke to palpatine killing padme i say no but if that's your head canon go for it like i say no to both of these i i don't hate that theory at all but i don't think that was what lucas was intending i think that padme died because of anakin's fall i think that's what lucas wanted if he had wanted the theory being that palpatine was like siphoning padme's life away to keep anakin alive i i don't hate the theory if if it makes you happy believe it all you want yeah oh yeah but it's just i think lucas would have made it explicitly true if that's what he wanted yeah i think like padme's death means more about anakin's vision about her dying and what the everything that that led to than anything else because yeah the yeah the self-fulfilling the little fulfilling prophecy the robot medical droid is like medically there's nothing wrong with her but we're losing her so it was it's kind of like which still is like okay yeah it it's just it's just that vision that he had whatever that was prophecy wise like it was going to happen no matter what and well i disagree i think it was the that's like a the self-fulfilling prophecy trope where you have a vision of the future and you do everything you possibly can to avoid it and in doing so you make it happen yeah and then that's what i meant like oh i thought you were saying there was like nothing he could have done to avoid it oh no no like assuming anakin did all the same stuff this was gonna happen yes no matter what but if if he had just been like huh weird dream then it probably wouldn't have happened right if anakin had not fallen and did what he did they might have this might not have happened yeah but you know it's complications and childbirth happens all the time but according to that little droid there was nothing wrong where's dr ball when you need him i know and uh jason syndulla training under luke um i don't think so i feel like jason would stick pretty close to hera i hope so just because like in the alphabet squadron books she talks about how she can't be around for her son and i'm like i just want her to be able to rest and be with her family yeah and like i don't i just don't know that we'll do you think we'll ever see his story play out as a force user i don't know i don't know that we will i don't either and i also wouldn't mind if he did not become a jedi if he were just force sensitive that's it that's enough for me yeah knowing that he got that from his father like a piece of his father is with him yes he doesn't and it's partly because i'm like well if he studies with luke we know how that ends so well but maybe maybe jason and grogu hung out for a couple years together and then went their separate ways um i always think about characters like turret when people are like oh if they're force sensitive they have to train and become a jedi no not necessarily the case uh you could be force sensitive and like we learned in the mandalorian if grogu were to continue living without any training he would eventually lose it right or lose it to an extent it would probably still always be there but ahsoka said that it would fade you wouldn't be able to like force choke somebody probably no i i see that kind of the same way as sometimes i see the forces like imagination almost and childlike wonder and just those things that you kind of lose as you become an adult taking improv classes our improv teacher said that one of the things we're doing is just teaching you how to use your imagination again which is something you used to play improv games all the time as kids yeah and that's basically what kids do yeah and then at a certain point you just stop it gets beaten out of you and so connecting back with that so that's kind of what i see ahsoka saying in that moment where she's like without training his powers will fade his connection to the force his imagination whatever you want to call it like that's that's the way i interpreted that yeah yeah moving on um hitman hudson with another super chat says do you think there will ever be an autistic jedi i mean sure trying to think if there is one and well they've never i don't i don't think they're ever going to say this is an autistic person i don't know like i think it would i think if they were to do it just knowing the way they've done things like this in the past i think it'll be kind of open to interpretation or just heavily implied yeah yeah somehow and not straight out said that this is what this person is like i this just randomly made me think of community um and abed's character do they ever openly say he is autistic um i mean they make jokes about him but because that i think they do that character was based off of an actual person who it was autistic it was on the spectrum he is autistic we met him actually we did at karaoke which was very random oh there's healing i was chiming in but i think because of that absolutely we could see a jedi on the autism spectrum i just don't know if they're gonna come right out and say i don't think they would i but i'm trying to give them that label i feel like i feel like this has been done and i'm not i'm just not pulling it oh my goodness he was like i have something to say uh headbutt in the chat says such a thing would need uh need to be handled with care there's been a history of autism not exactly being shown well in the media i completely agree which is why i wouldn't know exactly how they would go about doing it but i think it could absolutely be done it just you're right it would have to be handled with care and and done properly and respectfully was was someone attacking yeah someone was trying to break in and rob us but hilo scared him away thank goodness good that's what i choose to believe every time he barks for no reason oh uh and hitman brought this up uh niku we've talked about him before that's who i was thinking of because yeah we have i i think i think hitman and i and i have talked about niku on twitch yes so yeah in resistance niku it could be implied that he is uh on the spectrum of autism but they never but they never say either way give him that label and it's just like it's it's niku and he's and like fan favorite character from that show he had i mean he's got like some quirky mannerisms to to him that i guess could lead you to believe that uh he was autistic but i think that there's plenty of room in the future to do that with other characters honestly especially with the way the high republic is going and the way they're showing people relate to the force in different ways oh yeah for sure but that's that's a great question hitman uh joshua bernard thank you for the super chat hi molly and alex good luck on friday on joshua d i think molly is going to win i thought we were on a team no uh oh no uh so yeah we are gonna be on the good people's association which is our friends i'm sure you probably know ken knapsock because we've had him on the channel a lot he's part of four center podcast and he's part of the good people this is a good people association and every friday uh josh mccooga hosts a game of josh pretty and i guess we're playing against each other i don't know why i thought this was gonna be a team thing but uh molly and i are gonna be on him we're gonna play josh pretty the last one i watched yeah it was the people that they had on they were kind of playing against each other okay fine well i will destroy you we'll see i there's a million things that i want to say back but i won't okay that's a tina belcher insult i know okay all of my all of my uh you're gonna immediately be very rude to me no all my rebuttals are dirty uh-huh that's what i said very rude and uh the last super chat i have on here is another one from michelle cobb thank you michelle almost forgot i'm taking a family girls trip to atlanta in the fall and i was asked tasked with finding a good brunch spot can i ask you for some inside intel i mean there's really really good places that serve really really good breakfast food and then there's really good brunch spots that's true like they're kind of two different things if you want amazing historic breakfast food i'd say go to silver skillet if you can get in yeah that's a hard one to get into but it's amazing uh just old school very old school they've used that restaurant in a ton of movies as a set the people that work there are super nice but you know they're very southern and it's just like there's a ton of stuff on the menu but it's all like good southern yeah now i want so biscuits and greens the one that popped into my mind for like a brunch instead of just breakfast food but more of like a brunch spot was west egg yeah west eggs i would silver skillet over west egg i would suggest but if you can't find anywhere go to any waffle house like that at least you can't get mimosas no no i know i agree it's not that's not a brunch place but if you're like everywhere else is full up or whatever at least waffle house is still like a southern tradition yeah i man there's so many places get breakfast food there don't be like space doc and get spa space stock and templin institute and everyone got freaking not breakfast food and then they were like i don't see what the big deal is it's like yeah you've got a steak at waffle house you fool i'm never not gonna be jill came into the chat and said i heard brunch i'm always gonna be mad at them for that they're like waffle houses and good you got the wrong thing you didn't even listen to us that's like there's so many amazing brunch spots like in buckhead where they have these beautiful salmon decatur i would say check in buckhead indicator is a good one uh they have these like beautiful outdoor areas with porches and stuff and like amazing stuff on the menu it's gonna be pricey but the experience of going and doing brunch that'll that'll give it to you if you're in buckhead or decatur i can't think of anything off the top of my head other than west egg i still go to decatur just regardless for dinner or drinks or something because that's another just downtown decatur has a really cool square yeah it's been also used as a film set and a lot of stuff we have a friend that's working on a tv show that's filming there right now yep but watchmen was filmed there uh-huh it's so weird to see like the climax of the watchmen tv series takes place in decatur square and i'm like that's we've been there a million times like it's not that epic of a place but i mean aside from having the whole brunch experience like with the mimosas and like the cool atmosphere honestly waffle house is the place to go i mean that's kind of more of like a go there at 2 a.m after you've had a great night i guess but i like it for breakfast too i like waffle house and i will champion waffle house yeah also uh jay christopher's yeah that's a good one has amazing breakfast food again more of a chain but they don't serve alcohol i don't think but they have good breakfast food star wars fans talking about brunch there oh there's a nerd bar um oh yeah they have good brunch not too far from decatur uh it's called my parents basement we've had brunch there a couple times and we've gone there several times it'll be a lot easier to get in there and they have uh beer moses are good yeah well you can get a regular mimosa too but they have beer moses if you're into like super nerdy stuff i would say definitely check this out whether you're going for brunch or just for drinks or dinner because my parents basement is like they they have a full bar they have like a full menu but then they also sell comic books and funko pops and it's a bar comic book shop pinball arcade yeah they have a bunch of pinball machines that are super fun their patio is super amazing uh that's in avondale estates and they they always have really good beers on tap but ah now i'm getting really excited about going places again uh yeah phil ve says what a great name yeah check out my parents basement we actually took hello greedo there so this is a couple years ago when he was coming through passing through atlanta on a trip um and we took him there and it was a lot of fun and now i want to go super super bad i hope that helped and then we got one more from joel davis thank you joel for the super chat how would you feel about a set of stories where at the end the light side character became a darksider and the darkside character became a lightsider essentially a character bait and switch i think that'd be really cool i remember people were speculating that was gonna happen in the sequel trilogy that rey was going to go darkside and kyla was going to go light side yeah yeah i think that would be cool that half happened i like that more if if they were able to do like a what if series kind of like what marvel's doing for them to do like a star wars version of what if it man and yeah if if ray and kylo were to have switched and if marvel what if does well i wonder if they'll consider doing it for star wars yeah i don't know i still think that we're a ways off from that happening but i used to beat them but that would be a good place to do that yeah i i think that would be a lot of fun to watch again i'm like have they ever done that and i'm just not remembering i had a beer i can't remember anything anymore on that note that's gonna be it for us today guys uh don't forget to enter the giveaway the link is in the description it'll be uh the link will be there until nine o'clock or yes for the next 45 minutes and it is for this bad boy right here uh first order stormtrooper officer with pauldron and pew pews accurate description but yeah so if you watch the show down you can check me out in 45 minutes on a certain point of view we're gonna be reacting and talking about the star wars match that happened today but other than that we will see you guys here next week to work more on the falcon three three weeks left yeah thanks everyone bye
Channel: Star Wars Explained
Views: 7,036
Rating: 4.8886309 out of 5
Id: CppfTgQWra0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 45sec (6345 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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