Let's Build the UCS Millennium Falcon LIVE - Part 13 of ?

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hey what's up everyone i think i think we're live molly will be here soon but hilo hilo and i are holding down the fort we try to start this show at the same time every every week and then molly molly has to run to the bathroom right when it starts every time don't worry everyone the star is here hello i just i just i get distracted easily by technology and then i i pretty much always have to panic pee before we start a stream i'm gonna just say we're gonna start the streams at 6 25. i'll tell you that so then you panic p at 6 25. but we're back building the falcon we're back week 13. oh my gosh okay let's see hi to everyone in chat oh hilo is the true star that's true he is he's in like a protective mood today he's been barking a lot like every little noise he's run downstairs to bark at the door even if we make the noise thanks hilo see a lot of our regulars here of course we've got raymond and reefton brian bailey rd films doom slayer steven ray morris griff laser bolt how are you guys how is everybody the zindu what's up oh doomslayer says pippin is the true star so well yeah he is the biggest diva where he's like maybe i'll show up that's that's his shtick maybe i'll grace the stream with my presence which was funny because he did pop in earlier today when we were just like recording stuff i did include that little bit he uh he broke the falcon a little bit we were oh yeah we were filming the q a and he came over here and he wanted to go over there and so he stuck his paw in this and pushed the floor out from under it it was an easy fix but i i kept that in the in the q a because i think people will think it's funny oh uh brian says congratulations on being player of the week oh thank you down brian bailey yeah thanks brian oh exciting news um one of our favorite beers has come out with this is a local atlanta brewery they've come out with uh a variation of the beer it's just it's just an ipa we're we're kind of ipa snobs i guess but uh say snob can you taste a difference i think so so it's just an ipa but it says with tangerine and it's it's normally called a night on ponds but this one's called tango on fonts and it's orange right before the stream i asked molly if she wanted a tango and she said yes and then i started dancing with her i don't know how to tango but i thought it was a very funny joke you attempted to dance with me and then i tripped and almost fell that's that wasn't my fault you disoriented me oh i can i can i can smell the citrus immediately when i open it show off oh yeah alex can't smell i feel like people in this stream they probably know that by now i don't think that's hot goss anymore i don't i can barely taste a difference really i feel like i mean i haven't had like a night on pots in a while i'm supposed to shake it up it feels a little lighter to me i don't know it just tastes like a night on ponds to me i guess it's got a little bit of a citrusy aftertaste i don't know we're not beer connoisseurs we just said we were ipa snobs and now you're like never mind no i mean like we mostly drink ipas yeah that doesn't mean we're snobs we just like ipas yeah sure i guess i like a good pilsner or or a what's the the scotch ale although oktoberfest is probably my favorite beer the the marzin oktoberfest is probably my favorite type of beer that didn't take long immediately did something wrong oh rayman did you get a pc finally no oh hilo's more of a matte guy work lager is where's that yeah i like a a good logger too what what's the summer shandy is that is that a technically a shame i think it's just a shandy yeah those are good um all right so we got some super chats in one of them must have been from a while ago but it's it was from lawrence fletcher thank you lawrence uh message was whatever happened to cleeglars i assume he just passed away hopefully surrounded by i have a broken heart too maybe maybe that runs in the family i don't know yeah i guess i assume he lived his his days out on the lars homestead and i yeah i don't think we've ever known i just assume maybe his grave is there somewhere next to the others i wonder if he died during the clone wars like he's not there in revenge of the sith at the end not that he had to be but the fact that it's just owen and beru i mean that makes sense for just visual storytelling purposes i think but i'm like you know maybe he did just pass away between maybe he did die of a broken heart that's so sad but i wouldn't have minded luke having a grandfather for a little while you know yeah i mean step grandfather but still maybe we'll find out in the kenobi series we'll see his gravestone or maybe he'll be in it yeah or maybe he'll be in it i doubt it but since they didn't throw cleeglars on that cast list oh what's up jake berlin jake might appreciate that our our special beer it's a tangerine ipa does he like tangerines no he likes beer he likes special craft beer that's local so yeah what uh what number bag are we working on this is 13 i think we're finishing off these two panels so the butt yeah we're finishing the butt of the falcon uh and then i guess we'll just have the front and the little top here some of the sides there's still a lot to do how many bags total are 17 oh we're on 13. so yeah i keep forgetting that we're like nearing we are nearing the end good man time flies it really does it's almost my birthday hint nudge nudge almost fully vaccinated uh got two super chats in a row from red tornado 98 one is i'm waiting for the suicide squad and space jam explain it to me episodes i have them written down for uh on our schedule just when they come out so i know when i have not watched the new space jam trailer because i already was upset by the poster art and how they changed what's her name the the lady bunny really you were upset by that it's it's unnecessary she looked like an instagram model she was like she had like tiny little shorts they went the other way what they went that was the old lola bunny what did i see you probably saw did i see fan art probably but i either that or like in the original space jam she was like more wearing a crop top in the short shorts because people were complaining that they like made this cartoon rabbit less sexy in the in the reboot oh so i think you you probably got those images swapped oh that's why i was like wait what when you said that okay well still i just i don't know why we need a sequel to space jam it did like i watched the trailer and i was like this is very different it's not like the exact same thing i mean it's one of those where i'm like no this is probably gonna do nothing for me but i bet kids will love it although it still they included some very weird stuff like in the it's not just the looney tunes it's like everything in entertainment that exists oh yeah because i saw a picture and somebody's had zoomed in and it was like the dudes from clockwork orange yeah and like uh who is it uh chitara like the thundercats people pennywise just there yeah why it's like all these it is this weird thing where it's a movie for kids but like they're trying to pull in the adults who saw the the original as well yeah like it's been so long since i saw the original space jam i can barely remember like the plot and i liked it but i mean the music is the best thing about it it's we should we should rewatch the original it's been so long since i've seen it um but yeah absolutely we could do explain it to me episodes i was planning on it for both of those i'm far more excited for suicide squad yes me too i think that looks great and our buddy worked on it i we have a couple friends who worked on it because so much stuff films atlanta but he like went down to panama yeah and did karaoke with margot robbie that's our i don't know if we should be talking about this i think it's fine well but he he always thought that the song panama the lyrics to it were had enough like had enough but he didn't know the actual lyrics until he was in panama and the song's called panama what a ding dong uh jake says so the plot of space jam 2 is they're all they're inside the wb cyberverse so any and all of warner brothers plus hbo property will be seen wow okay whatever i just i don't know are there basketball players in it i assume so i don't know but i mean lebron james but uh yeah that was one of the things that i remember enjoying as a kid even though i wasn't super into basketball but was like all the charles barkley and everyone else like had their powers taken away so the monsters could be good at basketball yeah i do remember charles barkley being kind of kind of funny yeah he was really funny so yeah that'd be i have no idea if there's any other basketball player but like i wouldn't know any of them i follow basketball even less now yeah i actually did kind of follow basketball as a kid i can't say that i followed any sports i mean i watched the occasional baseball game because my parents would watch the braves games that's about it i i watched a lot of like drag race slash nascar stuff um the occasional rodeo this all sounds right and it checks out i grew up uh just a little bit redneck so yeah i remember watching i i remember loving drag races because of just how fast the cars went nascar is nascar is just like a an adult mobile for grown men like the cars just go around in circles and then my dad falls asleep that's yeah that's what nascar is for puts adult men to sleep uh but yeah like every saturday just like the the sound of cars driving just was like on all day i'm like don't you get tired of this anyways i found the rodeos to be fun what's what is it called when you have to try to stay on i thought that was just a rodeo is it bronco bronco writing something i don't i thought that was all rodeo was i guess but yeah those were fun to watch someone's a not rupaul's drag race i i need to watch that honestly i know jill loves it and i'm sure i would love it some of these pieces go on like at angles weird angles and i don't like it there's my there's my lego hot take write a letter i will just like send an email i want them to go on the way they're supposed to it's more just hard to tell sometimes if i lined it up the right way i'm gonna i want to ask the chat this um in regards to our explain it to me shows cause right now we're doing them on twitch and then uploading them to our second channel which was our it started out as our vlog channel but we don't really do vlogs anymore so we might yeah well yeah once we can go out and do something we'll do a vlog do you guys want us to keep that on twitch or we were also contemplating just switching it over to doing something like this which is live on youtube i mean it would still be the same show it would just be on yeah same show it's just it would just be live on youtube instead of twitch that's it um i think that way like we'd be able to see the super chats easier and read them and uh just see the chat in general because it's hard to do that on twitch or not the chat the like the notifications if someone cheers like it doesn't come up on the screen i also like well that's not gonna change on youtube because of stream yard so that that wouldn't make any difference but i like that you can schedule streams on youtube and you can't really do that on twitch yeah that's true there are there are advantages and disadvantages to both platforms i've seen a lot of people say youtube or no preference i mean my original thought of putting it on twitch and starting a twitch at all was just to expand from youtube because there are a lot of things i don't like about youtube mm-hmm so we'll probably just change the name of the second channel from malik's vlogs to just malik's if if we can um oh reefton has a vote for twitch but i think everyone else wants youtube or doesn't care so okay well we'll take that into consideration we yes we will because that's something that we've just kind of been thinking about um and that way you know we can keep twitch for more games or just like chit chat videos like the lego stuff that alex does and i've got some ideas for my twitch channel uh but like i don't know just the format of the show i think would work better on youtube and the in the content at least through falcon and the winter soldier we'll keep it on twitch yes until falcon winter soldier is over we're gonna still keep it on twitch but then we might swap it when bad batch starts well batbatch is gonna stay here yeah that never mind not bad batch bad batch will be on youtube channel don't listen to molly uh what's the next one loki loki yeah okay oh speaking of bad badge i mean someone may bring this up but i'll wait because i wouldn't be surprised if someone wants to talk about it okay oh what's up brian brian is a famous online influencer now yeah he made a tweet that went viral he said he he was he's so fancy he said he was waiting for us to hire him is it the brian alvacino yeah wow a volasino a volasino yeah oh then i that time he said i said his name right i'm pretty sure i said it wrong yeah a volasino whoops i don't i think he's just too polite to to say each other messing with me the whole time oh what's up jesse swift hey jesse speaking of explain it to me mortal kombat that movie comes out at the end of april april 23rd i think oh that's yeah that's uh he was asking about trivia yeah give us whatever trivia you want star wars ig mortal kombat okay let's see i'm falling behind here phil ve thanks for the super chat looking for some more podcasts to listen to any recommendations for some fun nerdy shows star wars marvel d others okay well if you haven't already checked out hello from the magic tavern definitely start there that's if you if you like d that's a an improvised fantasy world podcast it's funny because it's like there's a guy in it who was transported into this fantasy world through a portal at a burger king and he's doing his podcast at the fantasy world he's got a slight wi-fi signal from the burger king so he can get his podcast out yeah but the characters and it's called the they call it the land of foon the characters like the regular characters are fantastic and the the like each show or most of the shows have like a guest on and they're all great and they have some recurring people on there we started that show probably about a year ago more than no it was like two years ago no it was when you started taking improv and that was like january last year because that's where you heard about it we listened to it on the way to the beach no we didn't we didn't nope i thought we did never mind anyways uh i would definitely look into that um that yeah they also occasionally play a game called offices and bosses which is the fantasy world version of dnd because obviously they live in dungeons and dragons so they want to play this fantastical world where you work in an office and you have bosses and it's d but for the mundane and it's very funny oh brian says that you were saying it the italian way and i was saying it the american way oh well which way is right probably mine murica i don't know um or he's just still being very polite [Laughter] i'm trying to think of because like honestly that's the only podcast that i think about listening to when i'm in the car because it's so funny and there's so many episodes like this thing started like way back in 20 yeah they're like three or four years in i think so like we've listened to a lot but we're not even close to catching up um like there's a ton of great star wars podcasts out there uh it's like i always want to start rattling him off and i'm afraid i know i'm gonna forget because we're friends with so many but four center broaxie imperial senate blue bantha milk uh pink milk uh galactic uh word podcast we're gonna be on uh the galactic podcast this saturday yeah katana cast this is with sabres i mean resistance broadcast is still a podcast but they do like youtube stuff to uh star wars minute star wars minute yeah i mean christian does the sith council but that's on youtube uh zabok the block the block i always want to call it the block it's a back so bach the block is a good one um that's ace and or uh yeah ace and emma fife and there's like so many other ones i don't really know of any marvel podcasts i'm sure they're out there but yeah i'll stop rambling definitely check out hello from the magic tavern and mission to zix yeah alex has done videos about mission to six before and he loves them uh hitman hudson thanks for the super chat in light of the jedi what are the first words spoken aloud by belle zetafar also thank goodness demilanta hasn't taken over the world yet that's such a rude question that's that's so hard bill's first words it's spoken out loud i'm gonna guess it's something like that's not the trivia we want we want movie trivia that's just tough i'm going to guess something like by the force like he's seeing disaster strike and he's like holy cow this is crazy so dank ferric yeah something like that that's a tough one oh man people are just like yelling so many podcasts in the chat now oh good there you go oh yeah apocalypse movies is on youtube you can check them out uh brian and jake talk about movies over there yeah i have no idea about his first words oh uh andy merriweather aka hobbitfootandy thanks for the super chat just donating to two brilliant people andy thank you so much we have one more andy sent us some tim tams and we have uh one more package left you ate like almost all of the caramel ones i have had one and you literally ate and you just said it one time and i had one you literally ate the double pack i had one of those you lay off you hurry up no if you want some be assertive savoring them they are from australia they are very special to my heart and that's why i have like one at a time this guy i can't i can't with you eating my snacks there are snacks half of them are mine well leave me half of that act like you wanted them then i'd eat slower i do want them i gotta think about what else i had to eat that day and if i want to risk the extra calories right and i don't think about that and that's my problem that's my cross to bear jedi mullet 77 thank you for the super chat i remember seeing space jam in the theater in 96 when i was 19. they showed the preview for the star wars trilogy special edition connection question mark oops that's cool um i don't think that there's a connection but that's i don't i don't know i don't even know what the preview for the special edition trilogy looks like i don't think i've seen that i don't remember it i know i i don't even know if i've seen them to be on like i knew they were coming out and i just didn't need a trailer to know i was going huh yeah i can't remember what they're like at all oh speaking of tim tams um one of my friends from high school actually sent this to me on instagram if you google tim tam slam just watch the video that's all i'll say it's so bizarre okay i'll show it to you later i've just remembered it today jesse says x-men spider-man batman marvel dc or middle-earth questions uh let's go x-men i was i'm feeling pretty good about x-men there you go x-men x-men x-men uh steven ray morris thank you for the super chat sick episode one shirt molly thank you people always ask me where i got this and i think i got it on the wait i thought it was urban outfitters yeah yeah so this was from urban outfitters and i got it a couple of years ago and i i know they don't sell it anymore but you might be able to find it on ebay i don't know it's really nice and soft though it's like a true vintage shirt or maybe i've just washed it a billion times or it the shirt isn't as soft as some of my other shirts but like the print on it isn't super scratchy which is important that is important i was never a shirt snob until i worked at a company that worked with like screen printers and then i learned about all the different ways of screen printing and then i became a snob and anytime i feel a print that's like really thick i'm like uh-uh no not wearing that ooh who who plays caliban in logan steven merchant i don't even know who that is and i've seen that movie more than once oh and then star wars tales at lightspeed asked earlier uh what was wedge's wedding taylor's call sign well in which movie yeah red two or rogue 3 or red leader it occurs to me now though jesse could be spying probing for his faction being like how much how much does alex know that's true hmm don't you betray me jesse oh no my battery is running low do you not have the power plug no oh i should probably go get that uh so while i do that dan23 thanks for the super chat favorite naboo starship not the fighter and get the charger for this hmm good question honestly i don't really love the the all chrome look like i would have said the n1 i think the n1 looks great i like the chrome as an accent chromium i guess i should say um but i think i'll go the the j-type from episode one like that's i do really like the the wide one is that an h type from uh from attack of the clones i like that one too i think i like the shape of that one more i'll go with the one that explodes at the start of attack of the clones what's your favorite type you're talking about the j what type it called the it's like the one that the politicians use uh yes the one at the start of attack of the clones yeah it's like some kind of star yacht or what is it someone in the chat has probably corrected me by now i'm out of breath anyways i know it has like a something barge oh yeah that sounds right um i don't know anyways that's gonna bug me because i i know i have that in my notes somewhere but anyways we'll come back to that i i don't really have a favorite naboo starship i i guess maybe i'll say the the intac the n type no the h type star skiff that's the one in episode three oh then i was wrong no no you you're right the h type is the one in episode two it's the i know a letter is repeated is it another j type maybe it's the j type star skiff this is so nerdy which letter is it oh my god which letter is it i don't want to look like a fool on the internet diplomatic barge yes there it is thank you noah oh my god that was gonna bug me i was like it's have something to do with politics and yeah that's the j type diplomatic barge dustin duffy thank you so much for the super chat says grew up in atl woodstock in kennesaw for my first 14 years and ended up in houston texas everything from the braves nascar and rodeo is relatable yep yup yup yup yup i did i liked the braves for a while i mean i still like them i just don't follow them but i used to like watch games as a kid um and then i met star wars you oh and then you met somebody and star wars changed my life took away any chance i had of being cool i'm just kidding star wars is cool it's the coolest is it the coolest it's the coolest sorry i'm looking something up real quick diplo diplomatic diplomatic barge they already told us i know no it's not that oh hold on yes oh my god i'm such a dummy so the andy that sent that super chat is not hobbit foot andy oh it's a different andy i thought i could have sworn that was his last name but i think i've just seen the two names so many times that i got them switched up but that andy uh hosts a podcast called settle the score oh yeah and hopes to have us on one day i was telling molly about how to play that the other day and then we were quizzing i i am ashamed to be fair we know a lot of andes that's true settle the score andy we know hobbit andy uh we know andy cubs fan han we know andy from rooster teeth oh my goodness so many andes i'm sorry andy i feel so bad okay moving on lj penn thank you so much for the super chat trivia name the hot couple who likes star wars ken knapsock and joseph springshaw yeah definitely especially with the beard easy we are lucky to know them uh templin institute thanks for the super chat says you could probably build this thing faster if you didn't talk so much part 13 really a man of your talents okay well leave me alone then mark and i'll build it faster i sent if you haven't watched our two explain it to me episodes on godzilla they're up on our other youtube channel and they're both delightful i had so much fun doing them with mark even if he is a curmudgeon they were so fun and so funny go check them i cried laughing both times but i brought that up because i sent mark someone sent us earlier today images of like a godzilla versus kong children's book oh yeah which is a real thing and it's called like sometimes friends fight and it's adorable that i sent it to mark and he responded with godzilla has so much to teach us and then he complained about how his dorsal fins looked oh okay okay of course um sorry i had to scroll back up because i i knew jesse sent in another trivia question what two actors have portrayed angel in x3 and x-men apocalypse i know ben foster from x3 i don't know who plays him in apocalypse yeah i have no idea what this is i feel like i'm pretty sure i slept through apocalypse and like caught glimpses of it here and there i need to re-watch apocalypse i really enjoy the x-men movies even like even x2 and x3 x2 is amazing okay well even x3 x3 is not i i like it just because i liked what's her name as uh phoenix oh yeah um she has like a cool name but i can never remember it yep neither can i now uh you know it but you just can't think of it it's that the same thing as knowing it um famkee jensen fan yeah you're right i did know it uh x-men origins wolverine thoughts that one i don't remember as much about um is that the one that that we watched and it like wasn't finished no we definitely didn't do that illegal thing oh we watched a pirated unfinished version of it oops no dude you didn't do that you're crazy no one listened to molly uh mr tony thanks for the super chat i would like to give a shout out to youtuber lost acolyte his videos are great and you can tell he works hard on them he deserves more recognition there you go i'll write down to look them up coleslaw okay well now i want coleslaw uh thanks for the super chat for once i'm building alongside you i'm doing the discovery slash hubble telescope though the hubble part is wait no the hubble part really is pretty and shiny with all the silver parts i think i saw that one maybe when i was on my last lego store trip and there there's so many that store is the devil because you go in wanting one thing i went in for this i knew they had in stock and i was like i gotta go get it and i walked out with well i didn't walk out with a bunch of sets they like carted a bunch out because i was like i got this i got the cantina i got the grand piano i got too many things i was like i'll build these all on live stream i remember doing that and i was like never in my life would i think that we'd be spending so much money on legos and to the point where we had to pull our car around and they pulled pulled out all the boxes on like a giant cart and then we put them in our trunk and you know this is your fault this was your idea to do this i know and i mean we have all these lovely people giving us super chats which is kind of paying for the sets which is giving works out content yeah it all works out in the end but i think oh my gosh the the guy who rang you up at the like at the lego store i think that was you made his entire year that day he was just like oh okay you want this one and it was like the this he's like yeah this one's great and he you could tell he was like really pumped because it's not a cheap set and then we were like and we want this this this and this too and he was just like uh he was like do you know about our reward point system anyways yeah you gotta you gotta jump on those lego sets if you find them in a store because then they get hard to find and then people will buy them and sell them on ebay and jack the prices up so anyways why did i move this why did you move it [Music] oh jake berlin thanks for the super chat trivia what do they call gasoline and mad max dazzline really i think so guzzling pretty sure because they guzzle it because they're weirdos those movies are weird spoiler alert uh i don't want to break jake's heart but alex doesn't like the mad max movies like i remember liking fury road fury road's the only one i've seen but they still are just like i don't know they kind of make my skin crawl i don't i mean i liked is fury road the one with what's her name in it yeah at least yeah i liked that one [Music] but yeah it was weird and yeah that pregnant pregnant lady just dies yeah that that stuff just like i don't know i mean it's supposed to sit with you it's supposed to like it's effective it's just not a feeling that i'm like yeah i want to watch all the mad max movies after that said boom at a boy and then he said they're not weird alex i don't know i'm sorry jake alex alex has opinions but to be fair i've only seen fury ripped so maybe i'll actually like the other ones today i'm trying to look and see if i missed a trivia question [Music] now you're going to give away what we've been studying [Music] y'all superman 4 is such a weird movie we watched superman 4 last night woof oh yeah but but i did make the point that i cannot help but sing along anytime that like ever since superman won and i i haven't seen superman two in a while but like all the other superman movies are just writing the coattails of john williams theme song they're like we can do whatever we want we have a john williams song like people will come just to listen to this and they're right it's true that's why it's stuck in my head like even when he's getting ready to fight nuclear man after being like hammered into the moon and you get that little like i'm like yeah get it superman get it superman um jesse if you want to put redo your trivia in the chat i can't find it scrolling up or you can just dm dms yeah that's true that might be easier for us to see uh getting back to super chats oh bill rudd thanks for the super chat of 11.38 nice lovely uh how many episodes do you think the first season of bad batch will be on this week's full of sith kevin this is what i almost talked about and i was like someone's gonna bring this up all right on this week's episode of fellow sith kevin keiner mentioned he's currently working on the music for episode 13. oh i read 14 but either way like that's in the teens yeah i'm i'm very happy about that like if it's gonna be i guess there's a chance that like now that i think about it i don't want to get my hopes up but there is a chance that with the way the animation goes he could be working on like season two it could be episode 14 overall but i think that's unlikely because the music tends to be the last thing worked on in most productions so i'm hopeful that that means we're getting episode 14 this year which means that bad batch is going to be at least that long i was afraid it was going to be like a six episode show because loki starts six weeks after it starts but i was like you know they have to start overlapping at some point and especially if this is an animated show versus a live-action marvel show like i feel like that's a good time to start overlapping because there's definitely a cross-section between marvel fans and star wars fans but probably less so with star wars animation and marvel like that feels like a good way to start entering into like okay let's all get used to the idea that these shows are going to overlap because it's definitely going to happen but if it if that means it's going to be a full on like 20 something episode season like clone wars used to be and rebels sometimes was that's great like that'll last us into september august or september and then like we'll have visions at some point and then book a boba fett is going to come out in december so uh someone in chat brought this up uh is loki and bad badge gonna air to like on the same day i assume so that'd be my guess i wish that they would do that on doing on different days because that's just that just makes it hard for us it is interesting like that so disney plus was kind of the driving force behind you know what we're done with this binge model we're doing it weekly and i'm so glad they did that but everything comes out on a friday and i don't know that they're gonna change that because i think they want people to be tweeting about stuff all weekend yeah but i just i feel like we're missing an opportunity to to get back our saturday morning cartoons um kind of kind of feel like if it came out on a saturday morning it's like no one's out i mean well obviously people are at work but like people who don't work on weekends it's like they can sit down and watch it with their kids and i don't know it's a little less stressful to look out for spoilers that that is a nice feeling i agree but they already announced it was going to be may 4th is the first episode and then that following friday which is the seventh i think is the second and then from then on it's every uh what do you call it friday that's that's what you call it okay i i did say see uh jesse's trivia but he's sent it in the super chat so i will thanks jesse put that i will read it when i get to it i mean if he's gonna spy on us he said he's not spying he's just trying to help i'm just teasing quirky merc spy oh those quirky mercs haven't they done enough that's true right kidding uh okay caleb kirby thanks for the super chat what is your favorite gag slash joke in the films you know what like the first one reoccurring i'm just going to say the first thing that jumped into my head is from the rise of skywalker something that makes me laugh every single time is r2 saying like i can put your memories back into 3po and he's like you want to do what like in no under no circumstances and then it just smash cuts to him the hard cut yeah that makes me laugh every time i love that gag i i do think that you know i wish there were more consequences to like threepio's sacrifice of giving up his memories and everything but that smash cut cracks me up i i'm gonna say in rogue one when k2so smacks cassian and he goes and there's a fresh one where that one came from and if you watch that scene you can see diego luna just right before it cuts away from that shot he there's like a little smirk on his face like he's about to laugh and that just it it's so wonderful to see stuff like that and like i remember when we saw that in the theater and that happened i i literally laughed out loud it was hilarious i do honestly anything that k2 did or said was funny and i was about to say that basically anything 3po does like an empire strikes back he gets kind of annoying i think he's i mean it's more the things surrounding him i love his interactions with han and empire so maybe that's my favorite gag is just kind of stuff happening to 3po i remember being a kid and just cackling at han saying joey take the professor and plug him into the computer like just the names they call him not entirely stable i'm glad you're here all that stuff makes me laugh uh caleb diaz thanks for the super chat trivia name oh name of tatooine's sons thanks for all that you two do it's do you remember this i do i think it's tattoo one and tattoo two pretty easy to remember [Music] uh the french taunter thank you so much for your super chat thanks again for recommending pirate's price my head cannon now says hondo and onaka transport services were at the battle of exigable thoughts that like yes i want a headcanon that too but it just makes me i love that scene i love the it's just people aspect of it but i love the way they handle it more in the rise of skywalker novelization where they can you know to be fair they can take more time and they actually have like what i love to hear what i what i love in a new hope is or in all the movies is like red squadron standing by gold squadron like all the call-ins that just builds so much hype for the battle for me it personalizes it so in the book you get these callouts of like alphabet squadron standing by team fireball standing by and then you hear a voice that i forget what he says something goofy and they're like cut the chatter kaz like little things like that and in hondo's voice even if that's all you got if if hondo said the name of his ship and that he was standing by like that would have meant so much to me i wish they had taken it just that step further to as the ships are coming in spend a little time like the ghost standing by it doesn't slow anything down it's something that's always happened in star wars movies and like i'm getting chills thinking about it that would have been great by the way people liked your han voice your annoyed han voice someone on patreon this week asked what our best impressions were you know what mine is is it boba frick i don't know what mine is i i feel like i do good pelvis i do palpatine the most i was surprised i did a hondo on a whim the other day and like i was like that wasn't bad bondo's got a great rub kilo's got a great chewy is that what chewy sounds like i don't know oh he's i can hear a motorcycle motorcycle going by but he does not appreciate it he's like you youngsters get off my lawn he's an old man at heart alejandro barrera thank you for the super chat for bad batch you think they'll do the kamino rebellion to show the empire stop using clones or the bad batch attempting to assassinate palps or or moss masamita i kind of don't think so just based on like i mean i'm going into trailer speculation to me it looks like i i don't think the bad batch have chips or if they have chips they don't work because of their uh genetic modifications or whatever so i think that the other clones are going to turn on them the bad batch is gonna be like why are we why did you kill all the jedi why are we doing this like we're an empire now i think they're going to kind of see through everything and all the clones are going to attack them and chase them off camino maybe we could build to a clone rebellion i could see the show building to that because i really i don't want the show to just be about the clone the bad batch i wanted to be about all clones so i could see it building to something like that but i'm not expecting it in the first season yeah agreed sorry i'm trying to stay caught up in the chat and stuff okay so we we got to jesse's trivia question which very nice of you to send it in as a super chat jesse thank you so much in x-men apoca oh and i think i might know this one in an x-men apocalypse what movie were scott jean kurt and jubilee walking out of while at the mall yeah i think you know this too and now i'm trying to figure out which one it is oh really is it return of the jedi yeah yes that's i was gonna say empire and i was like nope i think it's yeah no they make a joke in 1983 right yeah and they make a joke about the third one always being the worst quote-unquote which is supposed to be a stab at x3 amazing callback and joke love it love it love it now i want to re-watch apocalypse i probably really liked that one you do like the 80s yeah uh oh yeah because the third one is always the worst oh lindsey brown i like this joke like button looking more like a light button a light button as in it should be heavier with likes oh i think smash that like button guys it helps us out on the youtubes oh what uh [Music] oh brian said i i'm wondering if they're gonna show the killing off of clones because there are like none by the time of episode four not that we know of but i do think they're going to address that i still think it would be really cool to see a clone pop up randomly in the mandalorian agreed i mean i mean they already have him he's on set like just it would it would just be such a cool little nod to have him to pop up as a clone just like trying to technically boba fett is a clone well you know okay just trying to live his life make a decent living mike gieb thanks for the super chat been without a phone for a month missed watching you guys do you think we could see beerus offee in the bad batch first of all i don't know how anyone could go a month without their phones kudos to you i i feel like i couldn't i couldn't get anywhere without direction like we're so spoiled with gps now like i know how to get to like the spots that we go to normally but if i have to go somewhere i've never been i have to use gps plus i'm just on my phone all the time anyways some days i wish i could throw my phone like kylo ren into the ocean get out of here well then how would people talk to you they wouldn't that's why i don't do it what a grouch i don't do it this guy's being such a grouch today i did joke about um the other day i was i got to see one of my very close friends who is about to have a baby and her husband called when he got off work and was like hey i'm headed home just want to let you know and like that's just like a thing that they do and i was like me and alex never talk on the phone and i was like we're around each other all the time like there's there's the occasional time where we go out and do like separate things but then we just text each other we don't talk on the phone but you're not a big phone talker neither am i really but yeah i was never a phone person even before cell phones did we used to talk on the phone well i think we texted i can't even remember i do remember like back in back way back in the day like during middle school and high school the the uh immense amount of time that i would spend on the phone it's so crazy to me that i spent so much time talking to people on the phone back then although actually it's not that crazy because when you're that age you have a lot to talk about you have a lot to say i didn't well i was just like what i was thinking like what what were we talking about and i was like oh probably boys or you know what what we want to do that weekend or school or whatever but like nowadays if i call one of my friends i was just like i'm so tired and they're like me too and it's like i just had to let you know it's like yeah uh i gotta go but we should get together and have a drink or something and then that's that's where the conversation is like we want to get that like in person conversation this no one has time to talk on the phone let's be honest anyways i hope everyone enjoys my random sidebars oh i just happened to see this uh jessie said chance i could have either slash both of you on my channel flick and reel for a review or to just or to just shoot the stuff and talk movie trivia shmo down yeah sure love to just let us know also this has been months in the making but i don't know if jake's still in the chat but we gotta go on whiskey jedi yeah while we still have whiskey why what is that whiskey scotch whiskey yeah i wouldn't mind getting more of the jamison that we had because that jamison and sprite it's pretty good that was good anyways that'll happen sometime jane dalton thanks so much for the super chat and hello by the way hi jane we're not mad at you for all the pranks that you pulled last week i promise trivia when canonically is the first appearance of the red royal guards in the star wars films as in like chronologically i assume canonically canonically i so yeah i think chronological because like return of the jedi is the i mean i think i was going to say that episode three i think they're in episode two are they i believe they are because i know they're in the opera scene i think they show up in episode two somewhere oh she says yeah chronologically um i'd go episode two unless it they pop up in a book or a comic somewhere which they might be in like the anakin and obi-wan comic because palpatine's in that a bit but i'll stick with episode two i'll go episode three just cuz that's my guess but i also oh yep you're right episode two as the star destroyers take off at the end of attack of the clones and the senators watch oh oh the red guards are just barely visible behind them okay i know exactly what scene that is and that's a really good trivia question thank you got another super chat from mygeeb thank you so much i'm gonna keep bugging you until you watch the original battlestar galactica and say it is better than the new battle circle oh that's gonna be uh i'll watch it i'm i won't like i'm not gonna waste my time i i could see myself watching it but i i've seen some episodes of it or i tried to watch the first episode one time and i was like um if i can't handle watching doctor who or star trek i know i can't handle watching the original battle star just because i love the new one so much and i'm uh i'm i'm very crotchety about having people saying that i have to watch something because they think it's better and so i'm just like no i'd rather watch buffy again for the thousandth time are you going oh i gotta see how this plugs in oh what's up maxwell i am first of all schmodown people in the chat real quick sidebar the fcl is phenomenal so far and i cannot wait to see maxwell's first uh match in the fcl i also look forward to that i've heard great things oh he's gonna dominate but yeah it's it's so fun for me to play along with those matches because like i don't want to say they're easier because there's still a bunch on there that i'm like oh man that's hard but i don't know maybe it's just more surface level stuff so that i i can play along a little bit easier and know more of the answers but i don't know makes me feel better about myself another super chat super chat from jake thank you jake what is the name of the mute female character in the original planet of the apes who later reappears in war for the planet of the apes i don't know why i looked at you as if i were giving you a chance to know that no thank you it's nova okay i'm just used to giving you a chance to answer first alex is uh he's he knows a lot of ig trivia at this point i'm i'm shocked at some of the stuff that i've quizzed him on that he just knows and remembers it's almost as if every category he studies once it's like boom it's in there locked ready to go you just move on to the next category and like eventually he'll do that with all the categories and be unstoppable except for mara you're not going to be mara i'm sorry fine you can beat mike all day long although uh if you if and when you do play mara for the belt i'm gonna be i don't know who to root for me i guess i'll root for you i'm i'm sure mara would even root for you she's too nice uh steven ray morris thanks for the super chat started playing the pod racer game again now that's on the switch do you ever think we'll see pod racing and star wars again in any meaningful way in a meaningful way i always thought it would be cool again to bring up the mandalorian to like so kind of like in episode two where they had that like wrestling ring where the two gomorian guards were fighting it out to have like a super back water like illegal podrace area thing happening just like kind of in the background of a episode they say in a meaningful way so that wouldn't really be meaningful it would just be in the background but i would just love to see it again technically you can see it in uh in the outlander club that's true yeah but you can see it on the screen i would like to say yes like it feels like eventually given enough time anything can come back uh but i don't know like it's appeared a handful of times in random stuff like comics but i wouldn't consider that meaningful in the way that you're talking about but i mean like in a movie i could i could see it you know i could see it happening in a the way like the mandalorian has been i feel like we'll see it in the mandalorian at some point that's what i'm saying i think it would make sense i think you're right especially uh yeah jesse brought up comvance speeder bike with the the one little podracer engine thing i don't know if it'll like affect the plot but it just seems like you said with the pit it seems like they could just be sitting there having a talk about something and that's the noise they make yeah what's the noise subulva's speeder makes oh [Laughter] it's really loud and and and repetitive that's like kids toys where you'd pull a crank and it would like land on a farm animal and be like what sound does the pig make it's like we need one of those for uh star wars babies what sound does subulba's pod racer make what sound does a seismic charge make oh no it's a little more high pitch it's like that's a seismic charge yeah no what do you what do you it starts a lot it's like wow all right no more we should we should go through all of star wars and redo all of the sounds with our voices oh man i mean i'm not against doing that maybe we could make that a a patron exclusive video that would take a lot of time but it would be funny it would i'm i mean we could cut it down to just specific scenes sure nick inn thanks for the super chat building along a custom ewing this week what are your favorite ships created after the original trilogy to put the caveat on there no i'd say x-wing um after the original trilogy um [Music] i like the eta twos a lot the the jedi interceptors oh we talking timeline created before i think just any ship created like after 1983. okay yeah i always did like the e-wing but it's basically a battlestar galactica viper um it's i like it but it does feel a little bit close to like an actual ship actually i like the vulture droids again they remind me of battle star because they're a lot like the cylon ships i just think that they they work really well as droid ships the way that they can move their what are the the wings yeah so it's like they can crawl but they can fly they can do it all uh i like the delta seven b specifically from the clone awards movie where they move the droid to be in the front and not on the side just saying i know my ships come at me star wars trivia i got a lot of extra pieces here you see that every time no oh boy um joshua bernard thanks for the super chat hi molly and alex just got home from work who do you both think killed more people darth vader or chopper i love this question well chopper i feel like destroyed multiple star destroyers or cruisers at some point he ejected stormtroopers into space and that's just what we saw in star wars rebels yeah true honestly i think i think it's probably pretty even for i don't know but like you're right we don't have a count really on either of them i mean yeah vader took out everyone in the jedi temple anakin slash vader i think vader is probably the correct answer but i don't want to say that was a clear-cut thing what is this good this feels like it shouldn't be extra but is that just one of those things that fits into it's just like a little like yeah detail maybe that is extra i feel like also vader probably choked a lot of people to death on accident when he was first learning how to do that because i don't know some some of the force choke deaths and the original trilogy look look a little bit like he was just trying to you know be scary and aggressive and he's like oh they're dead oops i don't know bird church that's a that's a cool name i like that bird church thanks for the super chat i am reading darth bane right now and i'm picturing dave patista as darth bane as i read it if there was ever a live action bane who would you both choose to play him i could see dave batista doing a good bane um let me look up a picture of them real quick i don't think i have uh i know tom hardy is popular casting that'd be two banes that's true double bane double bane but he kind of looks the part i'm just going to assume this goes here boom i know who would look cool he's he's too old um i think unless we were gonna get like an older looking bane but jk simmons he's beefy enough yeah to be honest yeah and he's got the bald head uh lord hosk thanks for the super chat next april fools videos star wars sound edits or sound of sound effects sorry yeah that'd be a good one it'd be funny to do like a unexplained video treat it very seriously on the sound design of star wars and be like here's how they got these noises and it's just us making noises into the microphone ben bert how did you get the noise for sebolda's pod racer held the microphone up to this woman here and i'll be like hello couple people said john cena he's too friendly yeah he plays i'd be interested to see him in peacemaker but or as peacemaker and suicide squad yeah but even then he's playing like a goofy character like i i just i see him as kind of friendly happy john cena well i think we are all caught up well we have finished another bag the butt is done the butt's done oh yeah you can kind of see it are these solar panels yes so we have to do the front area here and like the okay we did the bottom one good i was like are we gonna have to flip this whole thing over and attach a gun to the bottom no my gosh we have the top turret these two little side things we're getting close yeah we need to we need the the cockpit oh yeah oh man i'm gonna have even less space over here i wonder how far it sticks out so thick what's thick with two c's i still have leia sitting in here next to the hollow chest fin is just like finn and bb-8 are over in there we'll put them in canonically this makes no sense but yeah i'll allow it well uh to the 300 plus of you guys watching thank you so much for tuning in thank you for everyone who sent in a super chat uh who liked the video if you haven't already give the video a like thumbs up we'll be back next wednesday and on friday we'll be doing explain it to me for the falcon in the winter soldier episode four yep five uh i believe it's five okay uh but we we just got a couple of a couple more super chats in so i'll read them quickly bar tech cubica thanks so much for the super chat hi how do hollow projectors work does it scan the body i assume i have i i have a theory about this oh boy because when you break it down when you really start to look at hollow projector technology it makes no sense like sometimes you're holding a projector in your hand like with with palpatine and cody cody's got a tiny palpatine and little palpatine's looking up at him but then you cut to palpatine's office and like palpatine sitting down i think he's standing but he's looking at like cody in the holo projector and and cody's looking down at like his hand where palpatine is not there or like look at the the jedi council where yoda is on kashyyyk and then he's sitting in his chair in the room but he's looking down at like the council like it's a tiny little mini council on chic but when he's in his chair he's looking around the room and addressing who he's supposed to address so my theory is that hollow projector technology is able to guess intent it knows who you're addressing and it's not like a literal uh we're taking exactly your body movements and then projecting them i think it's saying that oh yoda his eyes are looking at mace windu in real life so then it takes his hologram and it just communicates that so while yoda in real life might just be shifting his eyes around the yoda hologram is like it's tracking his eyes i haven't put any thought into this wow it's the only thing that makes sense that's a lot that's a lot of thought that i had no idea that you had about such a thing i've been asked before well and that's that's what we do we try to make sense of the things that make no sense i i believe you i think that's a good working theory um i have no rebuttal that's we need that technology so when you're on a zoom call or something and you're like you're looking at the person on the screen but you're not really making eye contact with them we need we need some sort of webcam technology that'll just take your eyes and shift them up so it feels like you're making eye contact that's true because like whenever i'm doing a show i don't look into the camera because i want to be looking at the people that i'm talking to so it's like my line of sight is which can be annoying but i'm sorry i'm not going to just stare into the camera while i'm talking to people that are on my screen well i try to look at the camera when i'm speaking and then when they're talking to me i look at the screen oh i don't even do that i just molly's looking after that wall over there well yeah i'm looking at all my baby yodas in the background anyway great question anyway yes good question and then last but certainly not least miranda here thanks for the super chat it's looking great happy wednesday thank you thanks everybody she's coming along she's got it where it counts all right that's gonna be it for us um [Music] you mentioned explain it to me on friday explain to me on friday uh if you watch the show down you can check me out on a certain point of view tonight and tomorrow i think and i don't know if we're doing anything friday because there's a pay-per-view match but friday is the next star wars match with john hoey uh who is at my faction and i have a feeling he's gonna crush it i just i just know and i almost forgot saturday oh yes right of course saturday saturday we're doing a six hour stream for amfar it's a charity stream all super chats are going to amfar for the last two hours katie sakhoff is going to join us and she's got a lot of she'll be streaming on her channel and on her facebook as well she's got a lot of really fun incentives and prizes and stuff uh we're basically just warming up for her for the first four hours and the first two hours of that is gonna be another lego race like we did a couple i guess that was a while ago wasn't it because it was before we started this thing yeah uh but we're gonna we're gonna do a lego race and there are gonna be a bunch of different ways to mess with us then we're gonna play squadrons for two hours uh with some friends and there will be a bunch of ways to mess with us basically it's like uh all of our donation incentives for that day are going to be to make things harder on us yes for what we're trying to do and then we get that we get to basically take a break and when katie gets here and then everything's messing with her mostly some stuff will mess with us too but we're gonna play battlefront with katie talk star wars with her uh i'm gonna put together a list of questions basically a bunch of dumb questions that i know she can't answer uh but like a certain donation amount i will ask her another question like is baby yoda a diva and uh obviously she'll have no comment on that she can't she can't or she might talk crap about the star of the show honestly there there might be some things that she can and might answer are you saying there's tea to spill about baby yoda there's always tea to spill on anything so yeah uh we're very excited obviously about saturday and yeah that's it youtube youtube's not taking a cut of anything everything is going straight to amfar tune in on saturday we will have lots more to say about amfar and all the great things that they're doing as far as hiv and aids research we're gonna get a cure soon from them they i honestly didn't know much about them but seeing what they've done i'm like holy yeah oh holy poodle all right that's it for us uh we will see you guys hopefully on saturday and if not then we'll see you next week for more lego bye
Channel: Star Wars Explained
Views: 6,742
Rating: 4.8790498 out of 5
Id: Ov25w5KTXUI
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Length: 93min 10sec (5590 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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