Lethal Company - Advanced Terminal Guide (fancy tips and tricks everywhere!)

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this is worbs and welcome to the terminal guide whether you want to do fancy stuff like this or just go visit your Dad in jail the terminal is how you do it now I'm going to show you all my fancy tricks I have gained over 250 hours of playtime a lot of it being on the terminal now the very Basics are you just go on the terminal and type what you want to do like moons and if you want to go to experimentation you can shorten it down to like exper or EXP and then confirm which can just be con even so you go to store say you want something Pro flashlights you type Pro you want more you put a number pro eight confirm there you go there is a more convenient way than these buttons to switch around the camera Target and a more convenient way to put in the commands if you open up the terminal you can type view monitor or have a macro for it like I do where it's one button and then you can type switch or use a macro like I do and if you don't have any macro software or are too lazy to set one up you can copy paste the word switch into the terminal like this see I just have switch on my control V and I'm just control Ving it into the terminal every time I want to switch which isn't slow but it's one step below the convenience of a macro so you can do what you want there it's not that bad to type view monitor in every once in a while since you will need to toggle it back off to view the store for example if you wish to purchase a tactical drop pod to distract dogs see this little F2 right here coming up this is linked to a door now that door can be toggled open or closed provided it has power as long as you type that into the terminal the landmines and turrets will also have a little letter and a number associated with them that you can use to turn them off now you'll see a lot of dots on the radar like these and it can be pretty helpful to know how to differentiate those we'll cover that as well so here you can see me toggling off this turret from the terminal by typing i1 and hitting enter that will shut the turret down for not that long just a matter of seconds and when that turret is coming back online you need to send that command again right when it comes back up you have a very small amount of time or it will shoot here you'll see some various timings for closing a door as someone is passing through it the doors have a brief delay as they shut and doing it too early or late can heavily influence what you're trying to do if you're trying to shut a door as a player is passing through that is being chased by a monster your timing window to do so is very narrow and you can accidentally either either shut them in with the monster or not block the monster so look at these timings all in all you usually have to close the door slightly before the player reaches it but it does depend on their speed and the speed of the monster coil heads for example can zoom through a gap in a door almost instantly so me and my friend here have identified a dead end past this C7 door and what we do with this is we are currently baiting a Bracken to enter that room by having my friend face the wall to encourage it to approach and what we plan to do is as the Bracken is approaching I will teleport him and then go up and close the door sealing the Bracken there can only be one Bracken on a map Max and if you seal it in a dead end like this you don't have to deal with it anymore it's gone and the three power level it takes up which can be a lot is completely locked up in that room and you don't have to deal with it anymore so using these techniques is pretty nice if it's a Bracken you'll pretty much have to teleport or it's too lethal but other monsters can just be led in a room and then you just jump over them and lock them up far easier than this you also May notice the monitor on the right actually shows what's happening in there and that is because I have the helmet cameras mod which I will put in the description this allows you to see the view of your current radar Target which is a radar booster right now which I'm kind of using as a Bracken jail monitoring camera now there's a little issue in knowing when to teleport someone it's very tricky It's Tricky so you want to bring back the corpses right but you don't want to bring back alive people that just look like corpses there's some ways you can tell it's usually through context clues as you can see here my friend's corpse is the same brightness as it was when he started because that's just how the lighting is at that time you can sometimes tell because the lighting will change and their little dot will no longer have little highlights but it's variable it it depends on the lighting of the map so it's not a shire method if they haven't moved in like over a minute they're probably dead but rare cases you know you don't want to teleport them back too early some people might want to get teleported back because they're scared you just tell them no you'll bring back their Corps when they die and they need to make money so make them go back in if you have to just use the inverse teleporter cuz we got to hit that quota ceiling monsters is very strong in this game if you do it correctly and when you're watching people go through a facility like this you should be on the lookout for these red lines on the walls those are vents what you saw there there from me sealing the D6 door is I have isolated that vent so if anything spawns in there it will not be a threat it is locked away sealed due to each monster taking up part of the max cap that can spawn on a map based on how powerful they are with more powerful ones taking up more room a monster being sealed away is a very big Improvement to the stage so the circuit box can free monsters if it is not on and if you lose power via circuit box or someone taking the apparatus out which is even worse cuz it can't be fixed the sealed monsters will be free and you can no longer toggle the doors the turrets will still work the landmines will still work the lights will be off and the doors will be disabled they will all be open which can be a benefit in some Niche cases you can use the circuit box to open some doors if you don't have a terminal guy but yeah this will free them for the switches in the circuit box they should all be on the left if you want them to be on they can occasionally spawn off which is annoying for the terminal guy so you can ask your teammates to help there pay attention to the walls here as they're walking through you'll notice they're not fully revealed on some maps they are and on some they have to walk into the area so you see what's going on which can make it much harder to make good decisions as the terminal user this is based on the weather conditions outside and and I don't like that personally I think it's kind of a dumb mechanic but that's just how it is so if it's dark outside it's dark inside now I kind of like my terminal setup like this just cuz it looks nice however I have been considering over here with the mod because now I can look at this middle Monitor and watch what they're doing but also see the radar and the terminal now what you can also do if you are worried about your allies getting you killed is put it here now this spot has some advantages which I'll show in a moment but what you can also do is if you are being haunted in the ship which is fairly frequent if you're the host and if you're alone because if you're alone in the ship your Insanity increases the fastest and the ghost will probably haunt you so if you are on a higher tier moon what you can do is use the cupboard as a safe spot if you press B to highlight the cupboard like this you can now walk through it from the sides you can't from the doors but you can from the sides in the back and what you can do is walk into it then jump and just scroll your mouse wheel or confirm the placement by using B and you can do this you just jump scroll and now you can Crouch and you are now on top of the cupboard this can occasionally help from dogs don't rely on it they can still kill you up here but the ghost girl can't get you cuz she is short here's why this spot is so powerful hello hello now dogs can walk through Furniture if you make a sound while behind the furniture but I didn't make the sound so I'm fine yeah that worked pretty well there you heard me taunting the dogs to Showcase this kind of safe spot in the back corner of the ship back there is considered outside this a pretty good spot you have to be careful where you're talking exactly and where you stand because you can't die through the wall there you nothing you nothing and that's what happens if you speak when you are behind furniture all right let's get into the tools you have access to as terminal user you can use the teleporter to pull back your teammates dead or alive from anywhere to the teleporter they will drop all of their items great way to recover corpses so you lose less money now you can also use the teleporter to save people that have a snare Flea on their head if they have no way to deal with it themselves and this will kill the snare flea and save them you can also use this to take them out of the grasp of giants as long as you start the teleport kind of close to when they get grabbed usually hopefully a bit before I also did something else in that clip you can see this yellow button that is the inverse teleporter if you press the yellow button shortly after anyone that's on it will be sent into the facility randomly with no items which is a great way to make money but if you hit the yellow button then the red button shortly after like this you can teleport someone onto it and then send them in randomly here's an example of a save from a giant grasp which is a little cooler since I actually have the monitor helmet cam there's also the radar boosters which you can use to look at on the radar and it's not that useful you can ping it as well by typing ping and then their name ping blue in this example and it'll make a noise that's kind of like where my friend is it's not that great yeah these could use a buff maybe if you could teleport them in with the inverse and teleport them out with the teleporter they'd actually be useful but in their current state kind of eh so this is the loud horn this can be useful you can hear this anywhere on the map including in the facility now you can make a code like one short pull means so and so two short pulls means other thing long pull means something else entirely you can make this be whatever you want so you could set up a system like one specific crew mate if I do a short pull that means they're going the wrong way and should turn this allows you to steer them in the right direction if you don't have a walkie-talkie even for example you can still communicate with them using this the long pole could be used to tell them there's danger around the ship which also could be good because this can make dogs go to the opposite side of the ship back there away from the door so that can be used to make the door a little safer if you want to anger the dogs and make them bark at the other side of that wall here's a breakdown of that first clip again now what you can do with the landmines is if you have a threat you want to deal with and you for some reason don't have a shovel or it's just a difficult to deal with threat you can get a teammate to stand on a land mine and just teleport them out at the right time which will kill the threat it's pretty useful okay time to start getting into identifying the various dots on the terminal screen this smallish dot not the smallest but smallish kind of medium is usually a snare flea they like to sit still hoarding bugs are very small on the radar and will often be carrying something including a corpse like in this case you can see my friend's corpse being moved around and they like to just collect stuff now the larger one that you'll see in a facility is a slime there's also a lizard dog trapped behind it Slimes like to block other things these need to be sealed behind a regular door or a pressure door can you guess what this dot is on the map it's moving kind of slow it's a little bigger than usual kind of player sized it's a Spore lizard non-threatening nice to see this one is is a thumper you can usually tell cuz they have a bit of slippery movement especially when they change direction or they can charge insanely fast around if they think someone is close so these are a little difficult to tell apart from some because a lot of the most dangerous threats are at this size you can ask teammates if they hear thumping or not and I've got a few examples of brackens approaching here as you can see they're kind of a slow and steady type approach they can also have a variable Direction they come from based on where you're moving or looking they have pretty Advanced AI you can see this one creeping up on them from behind a single glance is enough to send him on his way but these are very similar in size to a few other threats such as snare fleas Thumpers and one that I'm about to show you these will sneak and sometimes even wait they will just wait around a corner somewhere and basically be a landmine can you guess which of these is the Bracken because it's very similar ilar to this enemy the jester in box form moves incredibly similarly main difference is that the Bracken would be heading towards someone while a Jester would be patrolling this is what a spider looks like when you catch it mid web spinning it will just stare at you as long as it sees you and it will move if it loses sight of you and continue its job now once it's done with that it'll just chill on the wall and it's radar blip will become some little oval shape now this one's a little hard to identify as well because you don't usually see them going around like this it almost looks like a Bracken but just a little too fast now what you're seeing there is a coil head in its patrolling State without it seeing someone you're probably used to just seeing it Zoom insanely fast at people and stop but it does have a patrolling state if it happens not to see someone and it's almost bracky and Jesters kind of an annoying enemy these little boxy dudes will begin following someone if they spot them and a little while after that they will begin cranking it and once they finish their little song they will erupt into a skull guy and ramp up speed insanely fast over a short period of time they know where everybody is so they will kill everyone unless you can safe spot these by sitting on a rail or someplace they can't reach you kind of just have to teleport everyone out if there is a Jester that's going to go off and people aren't aware due to lack of communication or anything like that so yeah just teleport him out you can always teleport him back in with the inverse it it'll be worse if they die you can delay these with a zap gun but it's not really worth it most of the time because you should just be evacuating anyway if they go off when nobody's inside like this which you're seeing with the camera they will just go go back to box for so that's how you deal with them or seal them away this is an earth Leviathan or as I like to call them sandworms you pretty much just warn your teammates and if they live they live there's him jumping out there's also a giant here chasing my teammate in this clip you can hear those a lot faster than you can see them on the radar pretty obvious when they're around it's kind of the same with dogs they're just little medium blips on the map you'll be able to hear them if you can see them so they're kind of obvious little tidbit about the baboon Hawks though the different sizes of baboon Hawks have a different dot size doesn't mean too much but if you see variable dot sizes this is why now for the Forbidden macro section if you really want to be a hacker man's you can modify certain macros on the fly to make it so you can shut down groups of turrets or mines nearly indefinitely with certain timings that I'll show in a bit this is an example of me turning them all off and the thing is this macro will repeat on a specific timing that's divisible by the duration of shutdown by the landmines and the turrets so they'll actually both be shut down most of the time so I use the original Logitech gaming software which you can download if you want they have the ghub now Logitech ghub I don't like that program so I use the older one and this is how I have it set up it's a text block macro that's set on toggle with a specific delay to make it so landmines and turrets get shut off at a pretty good timing this delay could need to be changed based on how many things you have shutting off at once this is a pretty good starter delay though and will work for most cases take note there is an enter after that last code because you have to press enter to put in the codes right so each of the enters in this macro is being considered you can set this up with other macro Styles but you will have to space it similar to how I have it if you use a different format now for the global shutdown macro this is loud and everyone around you can hear it sounds like this we'll go ahead and mute that this goes through every single possible code from a0 to A9 to z9 so this hits everything it's timed in a specific way so that it just loops and the turrets are shut down almost the instant they come back up this is only really viable if the apparatus is out on facility missions or if you are on a mansion that does not have doors this is definitely probably a forbidden macro it would be notably good on dine and perhaps Ren depending on the spawns if there's actually a lot of turrets I would use the other macro most of the time because this is a little much this is how the global shutdown macro looks I just have a text block where I type literally everything I went to chat GPT for this and had it give me the full list so I could just copy paste it in but I'll leave this list in a paste bin in the video description because this is kind of annoying to get and is not feasible to type out I do have to note that these macros the timings it's all very spammy and depending on your latency to the server or your FPS it's possible it could mistype some of the codes which could get people killed in some situations so you know do it at your own risk they're pretty consistent but things can happen thanks for watching I appreciate you here's some other videos you might want to watch they're bangers I assure you
Channel: Wurps [on the lethal company grind]
Views: 324,528
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Keywords: lethal company terminal, lethal company terminal guide, lethal company terminal tips, lethal company guide, wurps, lethal company wurps, lethal company best
Id: tkabFueSUOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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