Let Not - Rev Tellis J Chapman

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[Music] the goodness of god [Music] [Music] and we thank god for his goodness [Music] church to those who perhaps share it as guests like my brothers and sisters how sweet it is therapeutic to even be in his house under the auspices of revival and in such times as thee not that there never has been a time when there was no need but there is definitely a need for revival in such times i want to say thank you to this generous spirited pastor for extended to me the invitation to come and share with wonderful people of jamaica new york [Music] thank you for your warm welcome and reception of course i have roots in new york that's harlem that is my father of course was licensed to preach at the convent baptist church and served for many many years on the late dr walter harlem at the same baptist church in harlem and it's a joy to come to new york and to uh revisit my roots and to feel the ambiance and effects of god in sanctuaries across this these burrows to see people of god worship god as you're watching here tonight and to give witness to the kind of pristine leadership that you have [Music] those were guests because i have sense enough to know that people who are of appreciative spirit and who have witnessed church growth and development under adequate and able leadership would express that [Music] appreciation [Music] [Applause] [Music] i did not i did not say that to flatter him or impress you um but i have in a recent conversation with your pastor made discovery [Applause] and they must go together the people of god will progress as a congregation i don't even ask you how you feel tonight i i witnessed the suicide excitement and elisha uh expressed in this place tonight as these great singers and prayers and individuals who addressed us tonight have so uh effectively done what they've done amen you can see our young brother hey matt fallon come in tonight he's he's a new pastor in eu area the mount island baptist church by friday night there will be some others who have come along listen i bring you nothing new it's an old story so i'm 2 000 plus years old and what intrigues me is that we know the story already [Music] but it's just something about the mystery of the gospel and the mystique of jesus christ and his effects on us as we worship we want to hear the story one more time amen and i i thank god for the a man with extraordinary powers performing miracles in the desert and who one day died for a dream took a nail in each hand and a spiky more feet a knife in his side and a crown that was too small for him to wear made soul in her form and who would have been it by a dehydrated throat [Music] died for those whom he loved took out a loan and borrowed another man's grave kept it for three days paid it back three days later with interest and one day with one foot on a mountain [Music] if you believe that you're already on your way [Music] to your left and right in front of y'all behind and see if you like them [Music] [Applause] thank you for your grace and your mercy thank you for sparing our lives and for bringing us across this day safely and i thank you for allowing our coming together in this sacred space you for who you are to be revived by your spirit to hear your holy word forgive us for our sins and our shortcomings please accept our prayers and our praise please accept our participation on your agenda give us your word tonight give me the essentials to deliver it give each of us the capacity to receive it and i ask that you will give all of us the ability to make it practical we're already committed to giving you the praise therefore this is your servant's prayer i pray the struggle and saving name of jesus the people of god said amen if you have your bibles as a word in the 14th chapter of the book of our words gospel as recorded by john john the 14th chapter beginning with the first verse once you shall have found that passage and reading them you may see these words lit not thank you you made me [Applause] when i was much more boy than i am father around church church place to place on one occasion as i recall he went to the hospital singing river hospital a little waterported town called pascagoula mississippi and upon entering through the lobby and boarding an elevator on which a white gentleman stood my father as do all boardies of elevators discovering that another person is already on would wait for that individual to receive the announcement of their desired shore and out of courtesy press the desired floor as they were the ones nearest to the control panel my father boarded the elevator announced his flaw the general did not press the control panel he stepped off of the elevator turned to my father with his palm turned upward towards the ceiling and gestured and said to my father sir is up to you while this might have come across initially as one being insensitive and anti-social and discourages his gesture and statement carried with us and hints for life's philosophy and some theological ramification yeah and that some people will always be still stuck static and stagnant in the same old stuff because they're all too dependent on other people to get them where they need to go lord i contend tonight that the god that we serve can get you where you want to go but some things he leads up to you god can answer your prayers god can lift your burden god can make a way out of no way god can do anything but fail god can mend a broken heart god can heal a sense of soul i'm trying to give you time to catch up i can lead you in the green passage he can lead you besides a peace believe in the past of righteousness god can protect you day in and day out and then allow two twins to follow your goodness i'm [Applause] he put in your hands this is the word that jesus christ conveyed to his inner circle of followers whom christopher has dubbed the disciples who would later become known as the gathered apostles them on a solemn night during an annual moment wherein they celebrated the passport christopher and theologians and commentaries call it the last or lord's son during this moment jesus knowing that his tenure in this mundane domain called earth was nearing an end and upon making this announcement to his disciples it created a move of melancholy among those who gathered around the suffolk and having been or catapulted upon the canvas of this firmness and despair and near depression because christ was about to depart he knew he needed to say a word to inspire be no more outpatient certainty for the city by just touching the culture of the christ and be healed of their infirmary they know now that there would be no more interruption of funeral processions and being converted into family reunions he's about to go he senses now that their tears are about to be churned and he does words of consolation by saying let not your heart beat something you facebook [Applause] it was rough enough for them with jesus present it would be even tougher and harder for them in that jesus was about to default [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] landscape and observe the social economic and social religious status of things throughout not only our cities our states our nation but the world itself it will jerk [Applause] it will trouble your heart to see how that humanity can come to sin to such a corrupt level to the extent that they would do anything to anybody just to get to where they want to be it will break your heart jesus christ saying he'll be preaching your heart be true he rendered the word dr brown [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is an associated word of an english derivative that we pronounce cardiac c-a-r-d-i-a-c or cardiology it is that science and breaks the medical science whose object and subject of study is that forum that pumped the life giving strength throughout your anatomy called blood but that's not what he was talking about there is what is called heart disease it is when the blood flow throughout the anatomy is impeded in that the heart is weak and the blood flow therefore is such a quickly weak and accounts for one to not only be anemic but weak [Applause] there is what is called gastroesophageal reflux it is a burning sensation in one of the tarsal and esophagus when food and beverages that they have ingested disagrees with their digestive system in labor's terms is called heartburn but that's not what jesus was talking about there is what is called cardiac arrest it is when that organ in your chest decides it doesn't want to work anymore in labor's turn it's called heart attack but that's not what jesus was talking about he said let not your heart be suffered because your thought process in mind and the seat of emotion in man so as to indicate that really the pain to come your way could get you upset but you gotta learn how to exercise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes i believe the disciples are sitting in here tonight and what should be a celebration a song is a time of special strategic instrument because we're wondering now as of how we're going to fight and function and move forward we've got to continue those who have oversight of public policy and public affairs are so fulfilled and terrible and friendly there are some helpful holding that heal from this passage we can become for us some suggested scenarios what we could possibly employ that we could keep our emotions on the wrath can i try to tell you you didn't have any absolutely [Applause] you didn't get it [Applause] we live in a real world but pain is real problems are real plight is real trouble is real trials [Music] [Music] [Applause] but careful how you determine your outcome based upon the facts and don't deny the facts the facts are statistical the facts are indicative of due diligence to democrats the facts suggest that somebody has tabulated the truthful stipulations and they cannot be discarded face-to-face come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can cause hysteria facts will have you pulling your hair out of your head that's right facts will have you seen at a stop like it's on red green [Applause] with a remote with 3 000 [Applause] but don't pray [Applause] that's what jesus said dr young here do you believe in god [Applause] i've still got my faith hebrews 11 1 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for corinthians 5 verse 7 says we walk by faith and not by sight romans chapter 1 verse 17 says that the righteousness of god is revealed from faith to faith and that the just shall live by praying matthew chapter 17 verse says [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you prayed you didn't answer me won't he reward your faith the facts the facts told moses and israel that you don't cross see [Applause] the fans told joshua that 20 by 24 feet walls don't just fall without demolition plans bulldozers and diamonds but faith said walk all the little children and don't you get married there's a great kept meeting in the promised land the facts told abraham said that 100 [Applause] and that there must be the retention of legal counsel in the violence where the junction are judged to rule on it but poland [Applause] [Applause] human beings you will never participate in the patriotic process let alone occupy public office but on january 20th 2009 the rock hussein obama stood on the national council ranger's name was spawned into the office of the president of the same nation that's all in three fifths of human beings if you believe also [Music] [Applause] me in an insane environment you've got to realize that your future is far superior to your presence [Applause] [Music] you do agree that it's rough now it's tough now it's hard it's hideous it's hideous and cherished and i know they're going around here saying it's hard out here for him [Applause] it's hard when you help everybody nobody helps you it's hard when you run to everybody's rescue when you're in me nobody comes to you for help and the only one that's coming that you want is coming to tell you ain't nobody coming it's hard when you're trying [Applause] don't think that this is all there is it gets there do you believe that it gets bigger with negativism and believe and embrace positivism and believe that optimism that despite how bad things are in prison eventually they're going to get back i believe that the crooked can still be made straight i believe that the lower places can still be engaged if you believe that god can bring to high places you know i still believe that the peace of the world can [Applause] [Applause] that's why jesus said in verse 2 in my father's house of any man and what i saw never said let not your heart be true your future is better than it is can i ask your question [Music] um now this question references your pre-jesus days before you let them know how many of you all remember your days you used to drink you still usually [Music] we have nothing in common [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from out there and save the soul that has forgiven you [Applause] club hopping [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] remember old english [Applause] when old english speaker came on they launched a series of commercials to market their product one of which featured a fisherman on a lecture who had been caught his catch and cleaned his catch and while cooking his catch raised up a can of old english beer and said before the camera it doesn't get any better than this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and it's got to get better than this and all we have are security bars and alarm system to protect us from pooping and raring it's got to get better [Applause] peace now jesus said my god in my father's house and i'm gonna get out of your way [Applause] jesus reference jesus reference a cultural phenomenon in mediterranean society and in agrarian culture wherein the father of the home who in the event of discovering that his wife was pregnant automatically built on another room to the already existing house and the objective for that was so that in the event of some unforeseen incident for that child once they shall have become grown and move away from home having to come back home would have to worry about a place to call home because the room for their residency was already provided before they ever left them [Applause] our youngest son he's 21 now six foot three brother and county before he was born and pastors of our church sponsored a baby shot you know and these women here the brothers might struggle with a baby shower but these women here they know about baby showers you know you know republican party people bring all kinds of commodities and goods for their fathers for their unknown and uh they brought all kinds of good baby diapers you know baby bottles babies probably baby food baby clothes filled up a whole room for almost a whole year and i noticed that when i was assembling [Music] i had no idea [Music] [Applause] and i wasn't sleeping [Applause] arrived on the scene you miss me come here for me then god be certain [Applause] incident that you don't even know that you're going to come to yet he's already working on it before you ever get there talk to me somebody will be working at a time what are you doing [Applause] he had [Applause] guess [Applause] you made it before [Applause] you've got to find your consolation in the statement of the savior i need to hear somebody's shout is what they say to say [Music] and if you're wondering and the weather what i said carries with it any creepers or credibility you gotta go back and see what happened the first time i ever said what i said when i said what i said how i say what i say when you read in genesis chapter one moses who wrote the book of jesus said that in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void of life and then the spirit of god moved upon the face of the deep and then god began to talk and he had no one else to whom to talk or went home to speak so he spoke to himself and again say let there be and all there was that was to become what it has become has become what it had become because he said what he said now when you read in the book of john chapter 1 and read at verse 1 it says in the beginning [Applause] the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men but when you get to verse 14 of john chapter 1 it says and the word may flesh so the same one that was taught in genesis chapter one in the same one that's mentioned in john chapter one and the same one that's written in john and see what happened the first time he ever said what he said i believe that's just what happened the first time he heard what he said press down [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] you might be also [Music] if [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] ah
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church of Jamaica, NY
Views: 4,505
Rating: 4.8048782 out of 5
Id: _DY3s8kx2vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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