LET GO = BURN In LAVA! (Pummel Party)

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today we're trying a new game called polar yeah I don't know how they came up with that name it's similar to party panic we're playing minigames and the person that wins the most minigames wins everything in the end there's $100,000 on the line so it better be me now listen since is this fairly new game and I'm not sure if you're gonna enjoy it if you did enjoy this video leave a like on it so I enrolled that you want more Bubble party if I don't see 100,000 lights in this video I'm never uploading it again yeah let's try this game what's this we wait every knockdown is a point guys previous round we get back where's jelly going stop that oh I don't have a single boy Josh yes he's got eight kills Julia I don't know how he is getting good jelly is my greatest weakness burns no Josh please please let it open yeah I wanna get second place please oh did I get second yeah you suck cleaner uh why I didn't know which bite it was to go forwards like it told us the instructions didn't it didn't say for me uh-huh this is easy all right guys great it listen we have to work together here because josh has one too much all right so let's go get that guy bad guy wait already I guess struggling survived done racing for many years of my life Josh crash alrdy I want to catch y'all now when I cut up a bike though that was the end Jilly wait why would that be the end it kept going man I'm confused I guess you didn't start looking yeah just a loop right I don't think I can wait pennies and fuss guys oh we did it right I think it's about knockdowns wait really knock down hey but they don't know big arrows with each other why is dirt why do we all have zero points I don't know I thought you guys know you guys read the controls okay driving my broom broom like that's crash into each other let's see we have a good slogan wait whoa okay I don't know I'm just driving anything thank you josh is hiding something we really have to start working together josh is winning too many hey Craner came second this is dumb this is my god was just two laps I hate this game I am walking across here and you say something like oh you have to make your own thing appear on the ground to win oh well these diamonds appeared if you know you control the environment basically feel like one's gonna come here is so much of the gray leading man am i leading for what Shelly's ex no no no no no no definitely not leading anymore the diamonds are mostly in the middle right it kind of just all depends on the last time I won their jock spit not is that oh just shoot somebody oh wait wait crater it's me Bo's you oh hey Josh how's going no no no where's my gun where's my gosh one shot oh it's one shot for gone I don't have anymore I get a new gun new guns every time in front of my face give it to me hey wait hi I'm Ian crater eco Rana crater let's kill Josh because he's been winning every single match and you realize that I hate you Craner I'm against you now and now I'm in third place to get Josh babe hey I didn't kill you when I had the chance okay I was with you oh my god no no it's no it's over Anna back in dark place oh wait being credit drew putting me right now hit the lava you kind of died the map is shrinking the mat is literally shrinking I'm Josh leave me alone you Harry Potter freak it's just me and Josh it's just me and Josh I like that I have not been in the rolling things alright George wait hold it doesn't oh oh man it doesn't hold it's really odd know how to do that guys I am gonna die then he said I am so dead well they're really hard to fine Oh 0:13 it's inverted it's really it's easy the controls are horrible I mean I haven't missed a single circle so far I don't think I've hit a single one of them let's pull up and down it's like a plane oh really Josh I might actually just make it crashed four times oh ok one point to me stop dragging Josh nobody likes a bragger wait you just need to do left how to joint and then up and down how did Josh get a point yeah I got I want that very first I got a point it's really easy control you guys figure it out yet no I think josh is just flexing but he's really having a hard time yeah looks like I'm having a husband we all at one point it's not like you're doing any better than that I guess this is how many times you go to true the finish okay are you guys gonna make it to the finish in second I think I think I'm gonna get a second point I think I have been odd because then well okay so yeah cuz then it didn't matter that I died point let's see if you guys okay wait wait wait I'm ten seconds away but I think I can do it you can seven yeah I think so no one less time count is writing pandas okay Tigers riding my mind says okay we don't see how loudly cut Tigers writing pen yeah Tigers right you know see the tiger writing a pandemic oh yeah I got it I have wait you guys wait great how did we what do you mean how do we count this raccoon striding riku's in my hand Josh you need to practice a raccoon oh I was looking for the gray ones wait did I what was it it was I don't know bears writing deer oh this is too stressful Josh can you stop being oh look I hate Josh right now he was winning every single one of I can we get rid of this guy we've got an is it gonna go invisible now oh no I'm gonna remember it yeah oh no like this I got pretty far did you remember it that well we're going from here I've actually forgotten hood oh okay wait let me it's called being a I might just wait I I might be better to do wait yeah bleeding is definitely better okay it's over here and then it's not great service come on one more see seconds oh here we go Oh No hey Josh so much up guys it's okay Bob right it's like back right you got me why did I only get of course Josh got double defense what is this because boys didn't read this one it's Bomberman it's literally Bomberman okay okay I wish usually really good at Bomberman so let's say yeah of course Josh already found a power what was the power why have I not found a single powerup and Josh already found two I think all the upgrades guys really now I die we all die okay apparently not wait no we didn't say that it crater one I won't wait I win oh it's row - boy is so cool i won yeah but we have two rounds so it doesn't really matter body it's right over there I didn't even get any points yeah no I know okay Bomberman okay okay oh me right now fine a you guys just killing you I ain't killing each other why do you care what am I saying you ain't killing nobody each other stop Chile that is dangerous hey I'm blowing stuff up y'all that's what this is about oh I'm dead okay I was completely stuck why what me vs. Craner i'ma do it okay wait no I was block my way out my loved one finally for once for once Josh lost we're in a pool of acid and we got to throw some some of these barrels Barrett swear oh wait a minute jelly are they blowing oh oh destroy believe me yo there's too many Oh crater jelly you uh who's that Oh God down the practice are shooting oh [Music] that's OC red one boys wait and this is we all died I love that okay are we all yeah we didn't know that that was gonna be the mistake there's a stressful bro okay now don't you come on focus be kidding me no that's funny that's funny you're missing there if you shoot too many I am NOT missing some Andy excellent excellent whoa I think that's the first excellent I've seen any no I'm not gonna long I was winning but then I yeah I shot a shot these ones okay Josh we're both we knew each other shoot no jelly one I I was of course he did of course he did who else would it be oh my goodness okay see you later boys is really confusing just to stare Thank You off you think crater fell off I'm literally crying I got too excited Carina crater has officially given up yeah I think I don't think that's gonna work for you I asked you haven't died yet what if you do that final lap wait I'm gonna turn in work I didn't die a single time wow you're so good all right you guys why is the AI of me dying okay hey second place of course Josh I like this one we're in like I think apples like suck up the sand and a vacuum and then you yeah you know pick you make you I know you Artie and look it's happening at home wait what I've got a diamond wait what where's my tie well yeah I did yeah I'm sorry oh I just found the Trisha whatever oh my god of la-z-boy of course it's Josh I didn't see it I have not found a single diamond myself yet how did you get seven points I don't know I had the treasure it was really good I guess he moralizing I mean I found a diamond just them without realizing it yeah and I picked it up oh pretty sure I saw that the points no actually wait okay I'm four no I'm nice place now unless [Applause] wait wait did we was that eight the points will be hey guys look first I got second place but I stole the throne in the end so I'm technically first me and Josh was splitting the money yes $50,000 for me $50,000 for him click right here for another video go ahead you can do it
Channel: Jelly
Views: 2,965,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, pummel party, new, game, games, gaming, funny, jelly, lava, let go, impossible, hold on, funny moments, LET GO = BURN In LAVA!
Id: 2peM4w2YLRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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