Let’s Talk About the Weird Return of Shane Dawson...
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Channel: Smokey Glow
Views: 518,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shane Dawson, Smokey Glow, Ryland Adams, Morgan Adams, Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson Ryland Adams, Jeffree Star Ryland Adams, Ryland Adams Podcast, Dangelo Wallace, The Sip, The Sip Jeffree Star, The Sip Ryland Adams, The Sip Shane Dawson
Id: RwKIh3t0yFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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Shane really isn’t being subtle at all. This is probably some 10 phase plan written up by a PR firm and I hope people don’t fall for it. Obviously his die-hard fans will eat it up but they would’ve accepted anything he did.
I'm so glad she talked about the calculated manipulation of asking people to flood the internet with positive stuff about him because "Ryland might show it to him". He's absolutely trying to cushion the internet with positive content about him so he can make a return. I also 100% agree with her theory that he's filming this entire time and going to come out with a docuseries about himself.
Her video made several really good points, but I think the main takeaway is, is that this isn't innocent. This is calculated manipulation done a few different ways. He does have a young fanbase, and asking them to send positive things to Ryland/flood the internet with Shane -positive things, is one of those ways.
At the end of the day, he hasn't apologised for his actions/behaviour. He may have "taken a break" from the internet, but that's only because he was pushed into doing that. I don't believe he voluntarily took a break to figure things out or work on himself, and the lack of an apology is proof of that. Also, the fact that SG bought up that he referred to this "stupid internet drama," is very telling of how Shane views this. He thinks of this as an inconvenience to him, and that it's just silly or petty internet stuff. No, it is not. People got hurt because of this, and people will continue to get hurt because you (Shane) are hoping to sweep everything under the rug and just not address any of this.
And again, J* popping up and referring to cancel culture as toxic. And again, as SG pointed out, people asked J* to take accountability for his actions. That is not toxic.
10/10 would be not be surprised in the slightest if Shane makes a docuseries around this, or uses parts of this as fodder for a wider narrative about how much the internet hated him/was against him and he is the victim in all of this.
Shane Dawson clearly does not understand the severity of his actions. I’ve said it before and will say it again, he has no place on the internet and needs to stay away forever.
Thank god people aren't going to just ignore the way this sleazy bastard is trying to make his way back onto Youtube. First iNabber, now her. Nice, talk people, talk!
I get that people want to stop talking about Shame (deliberate misspelling) and yeah, they have a point that Shame only has popularity as long as people talk about him. But at this point, if he's planning this soft return, there might be newbies who won't know what he did and subscribe to him. Just like how he managed to do his resurgences in 2015-2018. So people DO need to talk about it and make others aware so they won't fall for his schtick and be exposed to his manipulation, if not to hold him accountable (bc lbr, "accountability" doesn't seem to be in his vocab). But that's just my take on it.
Here before this get deleted
He’s making his comeback by asking for sympathy for the kitten he irresponsibly allowed his dogs to kill.
No one wants to hear from him. The best thing he could do is disappear forever.
She talks about how Shane is attempting to make a comeback-. - how he has the audacity to make this comeback before addressing his actions/fans he has hurt
-how he hasnt changed
Just to say if you support Shane Dawson you support: -RACISM
-THE USE OF HOMOPHOBIC STEREOTYPES TO 'TAKE DOWN' JAMES CHARLES (leading to JC consider taking his own life)
*If you try use homophobic language to justify the takedown of JC I will report you