Lesson 12: Control PiCAR-X Robot Car using mobile app | Raspberry Pi Smart Robot car by SunFounder

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Hi! welcome to a video tutorial from  Robojax. in this video we are going to   learn how to use the mobile app for  the P car X Raspberry Pi robot from SunFounder from Al just read it here 20 cm as you can see go left right  down this is SunFounder’s P car   X Raspberry Pi self-driving robot car kit hello friend how are [Music] you turn left [Music] gear count down to 3 seconds 3 2 1  one rock I [Music] [Applause] [Music] lost [Music] [Music] when you come to docs.sunfounder.com you  will see this page scroll down under the   robot kit you will find P car X car kit version  two with battery click on that on the left side   you will see different options select play  with python and all our lessons are listed   here we will proceed from hereon and number  and number 133 is our lesson controlled by app here on the documentation it says that  when we install the application this is   integrated with button switch joystick  d-pad slider throttle slider widget digital uh router slider widget digital display  ultrasonic radar gray scale detection speedometer   unit widgets there are 17 areas of AQ where  you can place different widgets to customize   it so first we are going we are going to make  sure that uh we have installed the first step   which was installing all the modules and  after that we need to install this module   Sounder controller module which we going to run  this code and then we're going to run the code   and here it it it explains how to customize  the app which I'm going to show you step by step now we need to run PowerShell to run  the application on the start menu just type   P or Powers shell and you will see Powers  shell click as run it as administrator so   you will see a screen something like this  then we know our IP address and we know the   username so let's log in SSH Pi at 1 1926  uh 1681 do10 and enter password now we got   there first let's go to this directory we are  already there but if not just type CD and you   will be there now let's get this line this  first line copy right click here it will be pasted that's done now let's go to that  directory that I've been created like CD   Sun as soon as you type sun and press tab  it will be completed then run this line of code SUD sudo python three set up. Pi install finished so this is done this portion  will be done only once but later when you want   to run the code this is a code that we are going  to run let's go to P Core X example so CD dot   dot you go back CD P CarX and then ex example  and then let's run this code let me clear the screen sudo Python 3 just type 13 Dot and  press tab it will be completed now once I press it Pi camera 2 is running and this is  the path that we can view the image if so 1 9,000 M jpg jpg so this is a camera my hand is there  so the camera is running and if I go back   here it shows that a machine from this  IP address which is this computer is connected let's install the  app just type SunFounder and   search as you can see it says SunFounder  controller this is the one let's install it and ready I'm opening it and now we will touch  here to add our robot to the list because this can   work with multiple type of robots move this  screen left and right until you see P car X   the name have been already entered we just click  confirm it tries to get connected but we can close   it at this stage doesn't work when you touch it  click on manual and enter the IP address and then   connect so it will get connected if you if the  robot is on and you if the robot is on and you   did that and you did this code up to here so  it's ready and now this button it brings the   camera here that's my hand and some recognition  is also on and here it shows the distance this   is the distance from ultrasonic sensor you  see my hand it just just read it here 20 cm this is for obstacle avoidance the rest  I've not tested them and from here we   can turn on and off the we can move the  camera this camera can be controlled here   let me show you if I push it up it goes  up as you can see go left right down and release so with this you can select your view what   to view just bring it down  mean brings the camera down and and now our robot can go left and right  if you control it with this I moved forward go right and now you see it's doing this once you got connected  you can check the video stream and this is the IP address for the robot and now let's just turn it on  Once you turn it on you will see the   video from the camera this is the video and  we can control the uh first of all with a   camera you can look up so the camera let  me show you this camera I'm moving it up right any angle that you want so we can control it on this side this is for moving it back and forward so responding very well here now  let's see if we can move it on the so that's a picture I'm getting SC now let's just disconnect or turn off thank  you for watching I will see you in the next lesson
Channel: Robojax
Views: 800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robojax, sun, founder, sunfounder, course, tutorial, kit, learn, learning, step by step, arduino, wifi, raspberry pi, picar, picar-x, picarx, robot, smart, picamera2, game, fun, ahmad, remote, app, mobile, android, ios, iphone, camera, control, powershell
Id: 19HIXnFood4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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