Lesson 11 | New Covenant Sanctuary (Qtr. 2, 2021)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god we're coming towards the end of a series on the promise god's everlasting covenant it's been an amazing series learning how much god loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love and if you've missed any in this series you can go to our website hopetv.org hope ss you can watch the entire series that's what you call sanctified binge watching where you watch the whole bible study at one time today we're talking about the new covenant sanctuary it's an amazing study and i'm glad you joined us and welcome to the team i've learned a lot about the covenant haven't you how god continually pursues his people with an amazing love but we have a choice to make to enter into that covenant and we're just so thankful you're with us on that journey and we're always happy to hear from you you can write to us at sshope hopetv.org and we share your email with the team because it's so encouraging to hear what god's doing well randy writes to us from nebraska in the united states and says my wife and i have sure been blessed by your weekly study we've been watching hope sabbath school for several years we really like to watch and feel like we are part of your discussions we stop the program and discuss between ourselves usually a few times during each program that's what you call interactive isn't it we're interacting together even as we're watching the program we're shut down because of the pandemic we miss our in-person bible study hope sabbath school helps fill in the gap thank you so much well randy and cindy thanks for writing to us from lincoln nebraska and we've noticed that during this health pandemic globally that more people are watching hope sabbath school than ever before oh brazil we've got two team members from brazil uh would you give andre a wave uh pedro and sabine and the rest of us we can wait too yeah but we happen to have two we were just talking about our country of origin by the way look again we we look like the world we're not all from the same place right and we represent every country around the world andre writes from brazil and says i've been following hope channel and it's helped me to improve my english thank you very much may god bless this ministry he says i really miss travis it's good to see him again well give give him a wave travis all the way there in brazil big huck to the team jason while jason's here too and he names everybody including sabina from brazil and all the warriors of the lord who are dedicated to sharing the word of god through this program amen you know we really sense from an email like this that we're part of a global family right and we just want to thank you andre for writing to us from brazil it's wonderful to hear from you well a long way across the ocean to rwanda in the heart of africa bruce writes he says i am bruce from rwanda and i have been a follower of hope sabba school for many years i have been blessed by the in-depth interactive study of the word of god thank you may god bless you all amen amen well bruce we know a little bit about rwanda i was there some years ago it's kind of a garden paradise but i know your country has also been through many challenges and i'm so thankful that jesus gives us hope uh in our times of great despair thanks for being part of our hope sabbath school team here's a note from some donors a donor couple in oregon in the united states we just wanted to send this check we watch hope sabbath school every week during the sabbath hours when we're at home and enjoy learning from this program and a gift of thirty dollars to hope sabbath i just wanna say thank you you know whether it's three dollars thirty dollars three hundred dollars we can all be part of this great miracle and your gift makes a difference to this donor-supported ministry thank you so much one last note from joss fat joss fat that's kind of like jehoshaphat shortened right joshua in kenya and joshua writes and says hello hope sabbath school members hello well you got five waves it's a blessing to watch your program every week your interactive study of the word of god brings joy to my heart all the way in kenya may god bless you and your family for what you're doing to hasten the return of jesus amen amen well you know you say is that biblical the bible does say in ii peter looking for and hastening the return of our great god and savior jesus christ so i think part of what we do to hasten his coming is to do what he asked us to do which is to share his good news with the world right now we have a scripture song to sing psalm 105. oh give thanks to the lord i hope you'll feel even more thanks as a result of the study today let's sing [Music] together [Music] sing songs to him talk about his wondrous words let the hearts of those [Music] remember his marvelous works which he has done oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name [Music] i want to give thanks to the lord right now as we pray because he's going to guide us in our study of god's word our father in heaven we thank you we thank you for the ministry of the holy spirit jesus you promised the holy spirit would lead us into truth and i just want to thank you for that today the same holy spirit who spoke to the prophets would speak to our minds not just our small team here in the studio but our hope sabbath school family around the world some may be joining for the very first time speak to our minds life-changing truth we pray in the name of jesus amen amen amen what we're studying today about the new covenant sanctuary this whole series has been on god's everlasting covenant today the new covenant sanctuary to in order to understand the new covenant sanctuary we want to go back to the covenant of to the sanctuary in the wilderness exodus chapter 25 sabine excuse me kim if you could begin our study today with the exodus 25 and verse 8 i remember this is one of the first verses that my sons memorized when they were little boys exodus 25 verse 8 my wife put it to a little tune how does it read in your translation sure i'll be reading from the english standard version and let them make me a sanctuary that i may dwell in their midst now we can learn a lot of lessons from the sanctuary by the way the sanctuary is kind of a what what is the sanctuary it's a picture of the plan of salvation right that was a lesson to learn but what actually was the main reason did you notice in the tech sabine for building the sanctuary there in the wilderness is that god wouldn't dwell in our midst that he would house with us that's exactly what he's wanted to do all along in fact that same picture of the tent is used when describing jesus right the son of god pitched his tent with us right the incarnation he wants to dwell with us it's a beautiful picture but there's something else that we need to notice in that passage in verse 9. and kim i'm going to ask you to keep reading you read verse 8 of exodus 25 what does it say in verse 9 sure and i'll read from the english standard version exactly as i show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle and of all its furniture so you shall make it how did moses and i'm assuming he didn't build it all himself but those that he directed in the building we know some of their names how did he know what the sanctuary should look like travis you've built many buildings right you've had a construction company how did moses know was it like well i think i'll make it like this he had to have a blueprint a blueprint right now did he know at that point that it was based on a heavenly sanctuary do you think or did he just know he'd been given a pattern and he should follow it i think he was given looking at the sanctuary in heaven so i don't know if he knew that that was existed but but it was certainly looking at the one that did exist there to see the pattern so the answer is we don't know but there's a fairly good chance that i mean he was a prophet of god so he's received receiving divine revelation right that here's the blueprint it's based on up there you know or maybe even he was given a vision of what that looked like and he's told to to build a sanctuary but again remember we could learn all of the details you know what there's an outer court and what's in the outer court do you remember the there's an altar of burnt offering and then there's a labor with the water in it with wash and then you go into the first compartment called the holy place and what's in there a gold lamp stand there's a gold lampstand with oil right and there's the table of show bridges table of showbread and then the altar altar of incense and then there's a curtain right yes and only the high priest can go into the most holy place and what's in the most holy place the ark of the covenant but we really missed everything if we don't remember why it was built it was built so that god he could dwell with us and in fact what was the most important thing in the most holy place was what was between the cherubim of the ark of the covenant which was what kind of glory the shekinah glory the very revelation of the presence of god yes travis i would like to point out that the whole plan of salvation is that god can dwell with us eternally so even in a sense the whole you know the operations of that was to show us that he will uh wanted to dwell with us eternally so it's just an amazing example of god's love and how he wants to be with us it was the plan of salvation but it wasn't from afar right it was right here with us right yes a friend that mentioned that god wants us to to help us find him because we're lost so he created an arrow to pointing out where he was and that error was the sanctuary yes yeah jason and it was at this arc that uh god had them put certain items that were very significant including his law symbolizing his law being part of his identity part of his character you've also got aaron's rod that budded right which showed that god was working with him but then what was what was what was above the uh thing comments what was on the top of the ark mercy it was called the mercy seat right because mercy is what we need right amen it's a beautiful picture i like pedro's illustration it's an arrow pointing pointing to god who loves us with an amazing love now so this was built uh according to the pattern how did the um children of israel know that god fulfilled his promise that kim read at the beginning that he would come and dwell in their midst well let's look and see the record in exodus chapter 40 verses 34 and 35. jason if you could read that for us and what does it say i have the new king james version here exodus chapter 40 verses 34 and 35 then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting and the glory of the lord filled the tabernacle and moses was not able to enter the tabernacle of meeting because the cloud rested above it and the glory of the lord filled the tabernacle so this visible manifestation that god says i will dwell with them i'd like to keep reading in the same chapter chapter 40 because in verses 36 to 38 sabine if you could read that for us something very interesting people may have heard about the earthly sanctuary but let's see what moses records in verses 36 to 38 of exodus 40. okay i'll be ready from the new king james version and it says whenever the cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle the children of israel would go onward in all their journeys but if the cloud was not taken up then they did not journey till the day that it was taken up so it came what did they have to do then if the cloud moved follow it they had to do what they had to do something before they followed it they had to pack it up yeah you ever been camping you know we have an ex what's the expression when you take down your tent wait do we call it talk about breaking camp breaking camp right pathfinders or whatever right you have to put everything together well they had to do that with the sanctuary why why why was the sanctuary portable later the temple is not portable right when the temple's built in the time of solomon pedro why is it portable because god was taking them on a journey to his place he says i'm work i'm going with you on this journey and uh the symbol of the tent is is important because it's not a a construction that he's gonna be there but they were going to the promised land so rather than say well the lord was with us back there back there yeah he continually he's continually with us and whenever god moves we we take this symbol of his presence with us right and did they even pitch it once they got to the promised land yes they did didn't they until eventually they built david says well i've got this fancy house and yeah you're still in the tent you know and of course he wants to build the temple but god says no and it's solomon his son who will build the temple for the children of israel especially as they were wandering through that wilderness what do you think it meant to them to have this visible sign of the presence of god and and then the next question is what so what does that mean for us today if anything what do you what do you think it meant to them kim that they had this visible sign pillar of cloud by day pillar of fire by night and this sanctuary made after a pattern that god had given yeah i think it just shows that god they can trust god to be with them and to lead and guide them wherever they go it's very interactive isn't it very intimate i guess you would say it's not like far far away yes it reminds me of jesus you know jesus became flesh so he can dwell with us you know if i remember you're talking about camp i remember going in a camp and uh some of the official leaders of the camp decided to go to the hotel because they didn't want to paint a tent now how relational they can be with the people that are there camping now jesus says no i'm here with you i'm putting my tent and when we're gonna gather together on this journey in this trip together that shows the character of god and we saw the same thing with jesus he came to this world that he walked with us he lived among men that's the beauty of the gospel all the new testament is showing the character of god is intentional and and that was true in the wilderness with this sanctuary sabine and i'm also thinking of when god first gave the promise to abraham to take him and his descendants to this special land where now we are seeing that they are moving towards so for abraham and for all these people god was speaking of a place of unknown so i think that for at least for me if i was in their midst heavy truly like this visible cloud upon the temple the sanctuary was an indication that god really was the one who was guiding and it was not someone else's idea of where to go or what to do it was just a confirmation that the promise that was given to abraham was continually being the promise that we were following towards and not someone else's idea so that was the 3 000 plus 3 300 3 400 years ago what does that have to do with us today if anything is there anything that we can learn maybe about the character of god or about his plan for our lives today what would you say sabine that god wants to provide us guidance just as he did back then so we would take that principle yeah and pedro said that that's most clearly revealed in the incarnation right jesus son of god coming and pitching his tent with us i think that the words of david right that word is a lamp to a feed and a light to our path that god is still you know leading us this way just like the pillar of fire led them and the pillar of cloud okay god wants to guide us anybody else what does it have to do with us today that there was a sanctuary back there 3000 plus years ago yes jason so the sanctuary was the center sort of of their uh spiritual walk their relationship and we'll talk i think later in the lesson about sacrifices and so this shows that god cares about our spiritual life he cares about our daily it's not just you know maybe once a week when we go to church but there's this daily experience with him let's take a look at some of the sacrifices can we and i don't want to read them all because there were a lot of them but just to illustrate some of the activities related to the sanctuary jason maybe you could begin in leviticus 1 verses 1-4 and then peter if you could read in leviticus 4 verses 1-3 let's look at a few examples of of some of the activity within this earthly sanctuary right i have the new king james version here leviticus chapter 1 verses 1 through 4. now the lord called to moses and spoke to him from the tabernacle of meetings saying speak to the children of israel and say to them when any one of you brings an offering to the lord you shall bring your offering of the livestock of the herd and of the flock if his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the herd let him offer a male without blemish he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the lord then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him all right pedro read on for us chapter four verses one to three yes i'll be reading from the new king james version uh leviticus four verses starting verse one now the lord spoke to moses saying he's speaking to the speak to the children of israel saying if a person sends an unintentionally against any of the commandments of the lord in anything which are not to be done and does any of them if they if they anointed pre-sin bring guilty on the people then let him offer to the lord for his sin which he has seen a young bull without blemish as a sin offering i'm thinking boy that was expensive if you were a sinner right you had to bring bulls and goats and sheep travis read one more verse in leviticus 5 verses 14 and 15. one more reference these are just a few of the descriptions of some of the sacrifices and i'll be reading from the new king james version then the lord spoke to moses saying if a person commits a trespass and sins unintentionally in regard to the holy things of the lord then he shall bring to the lord as his trespass offering ram without blemish from the flocks with your valuation in shekels of silver according to the shekel of the sanctuary as a trespass offering so help me what was the significance of all of these animal sacrifices i mean can you imagine how much blood was flowing how many animals were dying what what was what was the purpose of all of that travis sin kills it really is um sin um in and of itself um kills and i say i believe god was trying to get a point across to the people that that sin required death you know and so um it was it was a solemn ceremony that reminded them that there was a penalty to be paid first you said sin kills and then sin requires death is it both that's both it's both that sin brings death but it also requires death what what do we mean by requiring death pedro oh this reminds me the in hebrews 9 22 it has a mention of what the the symbol represents would you read that for us yes hebrews chapter 9 chapter 9 verse 22 verse 22 and it says here in hebrew chapter 9 verse 22 i'll be reading from the new king james version it says according to the law almost all things are purified with blood and without shedding of blood there's no remission of sin so we look at the symbol of blood here shedding is that somebody needs to pay for the penalty of our transgression we see that all the sins here are the the offerings are related to breaking of the commandments either intentionally unintentionally so there will be a neces to to bring uh the line to fulfillment of a killing of animals so does the killing of a lamb or a goat or a bull does that actually take care of the sin problem jason no that's simply an example or a symbol if you will because it shows us the person who's committed the sin or you know done the wrong that we have a part to play in this that we have done something and it's a reminder that because of our action there's going to be negative consequences someone has to suffer and we know this was pointing to the person who ultimately suffered for all of our sins which was jesus on the cross so if a israelite believer came and offered that sacrifice was it in vain or was that forgiveness actually available to her or to him available it was available how because it was pointing forward to a lamb that would be slain the lamb of god in john chapter 1 29. so let's look at a couple of verses that emphasize that because we can't say well they were just foolish primitive they were following god's direction according to the pattern but it was not the blood of those animals that would deal with the sin problem was it pointing forward hebrews chapter 8 verses 4 and 5. kim if you could read that for us sure i'll be reading from the english standard version hebrews 8 verses 4 through 5 now if he were on earth he would not be a priest at all since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law they serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things for when moses was about to erect the tent he was instructed by god saying see that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain so there is a heavenly sanctuary and that actually provided the blueprint for the earthly sanctuary is that right look in hebrews chapter 10 verses 3 and 4. sabine if you could read that for us sure i'll be reading from the new king james version uh chapters 3 and chapter 10 verses 3 and 4 and it says but in those sacrifices there is a reminder of scenes every year for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins yeah it's not possible for the blood of bulls and ghosts to take away sin according to the author of hebrews and yet if by faith they looked toward god's provision what had god told abraham on mount moriah do you remember god will provide yes yes a sacrifice right that's why they called it jehovah jireh the lord will provide right so by faith they were saying god is going to provide and as jason said this is all pointing forward to the fact that god will provide and god provided travis you quoted a bible text in john 1 29 when god came and pitched his tent with us right in the incarnation what did john the baptist cry out when he saw jesus he said behold the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world why didn't he shout out behold the son of god why did he say the lamb of god did he believe jesus was the son of god yes yes absolutely in verse 34 of that same chapter he said i have seen and testify that this is the son of god okay but why does he call him lamb of god yes sabine i think because he had the prophetic understanding that jesus was the one who would actually accomplish the forgiveness of sins that the animal sacrificing sacrifices were pointing to now most of us don't don't uh speak or read hebrew but the name jesus from yeshua right means what salvation the lord saves right the lord saves it's in his name yes behold the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world did you know that 700 years before the word became flesh and dwelt among us a prophet wrote about the lamb of god what was his name isaiah the prophet let's take a look at what to me is one of the most remarkable prophecies in the old testament scriptures in isaiah chapter 53 and jason if you could read verses 4 through 7 for us i have the new king james version here isaiah chapter 53 verses 4 through 7 surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he was led as a lamb to the slaughter as a sheep before its shearers is silent so he opened not his mouth you know that whole chapter is a profound revelation about the ministry of messiah but here he is with he is revealed as the one who will bear our sins right let's see what jesus has to say in matthew 26 and verse 28 what according to jesus was accomplished by his death him do you have that could read it for us matthew 26 28 yes i'll be reading from the english standard version for this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins so all of these worshipers in the earthly sanctuary later the temple right they're trusting in the blood that's shed to deal with the sin problem but but the hebrew says it doesn't deal with the sin problem it only points forward to the one who deals with the same problem namely the lord jesus and jesus says that my blood was shed for the remission or the forgiveness of sins can you think of other places by the way it's enough if jesus said that for me yes okay someone said well i don't think that well i'm not a follower of you i'm a follower of jesus and jesus said that his blood was shed for the forgiveness of my sins amen so i rejoice in that but can you think of some other passages in the bible in the new testament that speak specifically about the blood of jesus for the forgiveness of our sins any anyone have a verse you'd like to read any any ideas yes i see you travis to opening what's the text you take hebrews chapter 9 verse 14. all right the book of hebrews that's that's where we've been reading that the blood of goats and bulls didn't accomplish the dealing with the sin problem right but it was not a waste of time if by faith the believer was looking forward to god's provision how does the author describe what's accomplished in chapter 9 verse 14. i'll be reading from the new king james version how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god praise god the blood of jesus his death for us and i'll come to you your point sabina not only deals with our sin but it sets us free to serve the living god amen amen isn't that beautiful in fact i don't think anyone who's forgiven can just stay stationary i think we've got to declare the praises of the one who called us out of darkness right we've got to serve the living god because what do we know we know that we didn't deserve what was just given to us right right thank you for sharing uh hebrews chapter 9 sabina now i was thinking also of revelation we have chapter 5 verses 8 to 13. revelation chapter 5. okay let's go there you must be looking at one of those scenes that john was shown where they're just praising the lamb right exactly yes revelation chapter five and what verses will you be reading from verses eight to thirteen the the response of the heavenly host to this uh truth and it says now when we had taken this crow the four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the lamb each having a harp and a golden bose full of incense which are the prayers of the sins and they sing a new song saying you were worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals for you were slain and have redeemed us to god by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us kings and priests to our god and we shall reign on the earth then i looked and i heard the voice of many angels around the throne the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb who was laying to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in them i heard saying blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb forever and ever i want to hear that that anthem don't you yeah i want to sing with them you know blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne and to land the lamb that's the one of the titles for jesus right the risen christ the eternal son of god the lamb forever what an amazing testimony now some people say well okay but you know really you read the text i mean jesus he did many wonderful works he helped the poor but then he uh he was betrayed by one of his followers and he was taken by soldiers and they killed him you know where in the scripture can we find clear teaching that jesus was not lynched by a mob and he then he died but that he actually willingly laid down his life for us why why did he willingly lay down his life because it was part of god's eternal plan right it was part of god's eternal plan that was the pattern that they'd seen in the earthly sanctuary where do we find in scripture evidence that he willingly laid down his life for us anybody have a text you'd like to read jason well you have the story literally of where he was taken in the garden of gethsemane and y and i can read it here you can see the facts and the descriptions uh for yourself which make it very clear and i'm thinking of john chapter 18 verses 3 through 11. all right let's turn to john chapter 18. that's actually a story in the garden right jesus has been praying there and so this is clear evidence that jesus willingly lays down his life let's see how it reads all right i have the new king james version here john 18 3-11 then judas having received a detachment of troops and officers from the chief priests and pharisees came there with lanterns torches and weapons jesus therefore knowing all things that would come upon him went forward and said to them whom are you seeking they answered him jesus of nazareth jesus said to them i am he and judas who betrayed him also stood with them now when he said to them i am he they drew back and fell to the ground then he asked them again whom are you seeking and they said jesus of nazareth jesus answered i have told you that i am he therefore if you seek me let these go their way that the saying might be fulfilled which he spoke of those whom you gave me i have lost none then simon peter having his sword drew it and struck the high priest servant and cut off his right ear the servant's name was malchus so jesus said to peter put your sword into the sheath shall i not drink the cup which my father has given me so where's the evidence anyone that jesus is willingly laying down his life for us where's the evidence from that's from that narrative but we see his power he's like you know they he they're struck i mean he and then everybody fall down like he could take him down with just his word because he's a creator but he says no i'm i'm giving myself this is the moment that god that my father has placed for my sake for your sake all right he just needed to say i am he again they don't fall over again yeah right because he is the i am right he's the great i am what other evidence do you see that that clearly this is not just an unruly mob dragging him off but that jesus is willingly laying down his life peter i i in galatians one we have a clear evidence paul basically says that he gave his life for us it's in galatians so i'd like to read galatians one three to five so this is this is a poll confirming what the narrative just described that jason read okay yes galatians chapter one i'll be reading from the new king james version galatians 1 verses 3 to 5. he says grace to you and peace from god the father and our lord jesus christ whom who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from the present present evil age according to the will of our god and father to whom be the glory forever and ever amen and you know that's interesting paul points that out but if someone could find that little letter first john chapter three this is the same john who wrote the narrative that jason recorded or read for us in first john travis do you have that chapter 3 and verse 16 this is now the aged apostle john what does he write to the believers and again i'll be reading from the new king james version by this we know love because he laid down his life for us and we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren amen this is love no that the great i am the word who became flesh the creator of all things according to the gospel of john lay down his life for us now that is a mystery i know theologians argue over all of the details of that but he willingly laid down his life for our redemption how does that impact you to think i mean we've got the pattern from the old testament we know the lambs and the bulls they don't really save they point forward to the lamb of god right jesus is that lamb of god we look back and we see what he did for us he laid down his life for us sabina how does that impact you sir derek i'm being reminded of growing up i used to go to a church in which we always would during the service and the ceremonies we would always say the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world and this was part of every every ceremony and me growing up i didn't understand what it meant so i remember when i was maybe around 14 years old that's when i started seeking god and the true one god and i eventually encountered the biblical truth about jesus when i finally understood what it meant that jesus was the lamb of god that took away the sin from the word which is what we are studying in this lesson right what it meant to have a sacrifice that was pointing to the true lamb of god and what it remain what it means to me into my life and what i can say of all the things that is my greatest response to that is my desire that other people will also understand that pastor derek you know i really wish that all little sabines that maybe are listening to that in their church or in whatever space they might be that or even that they have never even heard about it that they will really comprehend what it means to have a lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world and that this represents forgiveness to them as well and not only like some words that are spoken to the air so i think that that's my main you know response to this truth like there's someone else that needs to know this yes maybe watching hope sabbath school today yes right maybe you watching and you're saying really jesus laid down his life for me to deal with my sin by the way you talked about death the wages of sin is death isn't it jesus is god's solution to the sin problem thank you for sharing sabine is someone else pedro how did it impact you when you when you when you realized that jesus son of god it changed laid down his life for you yes it changed my life i can say that this this this verse here is the combination of my life today you know we ought to layer down our lives to the brethren you know sharing jesus to others you know i agree 100 what sabina says it's it's it's so much you know i i usually share a quick story when to explain my feelings towards this wonderful blessing is you know if i got hit by a truck and i and i survived without no damage i would tell people about it but here i got hit by the god of heaven with the love of with the everlasting love and i won't share to anyone i want others to be saved and i'm willing to lay down my life so they can hear also yes amen so that's what you're doing now yes that's where you're here on hope savage school right amen beautiful beautiful it's interesting you know to see how that realization can drastically change the way we look at our lives yeah anybody else how did it impact you when you finally realized that the great god of heaven son of god word of god laid down his life for you travis well for me i just decided that maya was time to start living my life for him so it's actually why i am here on hope cyber school because i've decided you know what if if god could do that for me he can do that for other people and it's this message as was just stated by sabina and my brother hear that it's important this is a message for the world it's a life-changing message and uh so it's a blessing for me to be here and and to be experiencing god's grace even now while we're doing hope's episode now this lamb was of course a key part of the sanctuary but the priest and the role of the priest was also key right and the book of hebrews tells us that we have a great high priest and the the thing that's really amazing is that the great high priest is the one who's also the lamb right he's he's the whole plan he's the whole plan he's the whole plan now that doesn't mean the father and the holy spirit are not involved because god so loved the world that he gave right just as the whole godhead was involved in the creation but jesus is the whole plan when you look at the heavenly sanctuary let's look in hebrews chapter 8 and verses 1 through 6. and kim if you could read that for us sure i'll be reading from the english standard version hebrews chapter 8 verses 1 through 6. now the point in what we are saying is this we have such a high priest one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in heaven a minister in the holy places in the true tent that the lord set up not man for every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices thus it is necessary for this priest also to have something to offer now if he were on earth he would not be a priest at all since there are priests who offer gifts according to the law they serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things for when moses was about to erect the tent he was instructed by god saying see that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain but as it is christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better since it is enacted on better promises so here is the great high priest and we're going to read a little later in fact maybe we should read it now because someone says well who's that you know jesus is the lamb worthy is the lamb that was slain but let's look in hebrews chapter 4 verses 14 through 16. and then we're going to ask what our high priest is doing first now but we don't have to guess who that high priest is do we travis could you read for us in hebrews chapter 4 14 through 16. and i'll be reading from the new king james version seeing then that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens jesus the son of god let us hold fast our confession for we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weakness but was on all points tempted as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need so our spotless lamb is also our perfect high priest right and here's the question we want to look at in the last section of our study some people like oh you mean there really is a heavenly sanctuary and that this pattern that was built in the wilderness was to show that the son of god jesus incarnate is he's the center of it all right it's all um what's he doing now what are some things that we could learn from the bible we're talking about the new covenant sanctuary the sanctuary in heaven the old sanctuary has been dismantled the temple that was there has been destroyed what are some things jason maybe you could start and answer one thing that our great high priest is doing now so he's doing something called intercession which is uh putting himself in our place this is one of the activities that the priest in the earthly sanctuary was required to do by basically putting himself as the representative of the people before god and so jesus is now doing that for us in the heavenly sanctuary and can you give us a biblical reference for that sure so we're going to go to the book of hebrews okay and chapter 7 verses 25 through 27 i'm going to read this now and it'll describe more what this process is have the new king james version here again hebrews chapter 7 verses 25-27 therefore he is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to god through him since he always lives to make intercession for them for such a high priest was fitting for us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and has become higher than the heavens who does not need daily as those high priests to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins and then for the peoples for this he did once for all when he offered up himself so here's the the high priest who's also the lamb right and he's making intercession for us give me that in other words making intercession for us he's praying for us praying for us he's putting himself in our behalf like his intermediate like he's the um like the mediator the mediator yeah now is he trying to change the father's heart is it like the high priest jesus son of god is on our side but the father is not on our side and so he's having to kind of come and support us travis i think of ephesians chapter one verse six where it says we are accepted in the beloved so jesus presents himself his our it presents us but we are in him when the instead of the father saying jason or derek he sees the life of his son and we're accepted so we're provided access to the throne of grace through jesus so when i was talking about jesus is our great high priest intercessor somehow changing god's mind some of you were wrinkling your brows and saying no no um sabine i can also think of the word defending yes defending exactly coming before the father and because he can and he is worthy he can defend me okay for instance so that i can be accepted right in the presence isn't there a text that says my little children i pray that you would sin not but if you sin we have an advocate yes right jesus christ the righteous the righteous one so he's he's on our side but help me now is he trying to change the father's heart yes jason no because the father is not the one against us but there is someone who is against us and that is the devil and so the devil is pointing and saying look look at all the sins that jason has done and travis has done and because they've done those sins you need to punish them with death and jesus stands in place and says no i've taken that penalty amen so he's he stands on our side by the way behold what manner of love the father has given to us right god so loved the world that he gave so he's not changing the father's heart right but he is he is um he's our defender our advocate our accusation he's everything check them all right our comforter yes pedro i think what jason put a point is very important the advocate part you know i work with law for many years and sometimes people say i can defend myself and the person the people say you can't it's not because you cannot just put yourself and bring the the values of of your side of your story is that you have an accuser and that person is a professional in accusing you and you need a professional to protect you so the place of attorney is important for those that to have same level of agreement in front of the judge so what else is this great high priest jesus is also the lamb of god what else is he doing on our behalf in the heavenly sanctuary right now besides intercession anybody um judgment the judgment where do you find that there's a judgment going on in heaven in daniel and in revelation so this idea that the books were set and the thrones were set and the books were opened in the book of daniel daniel chapter 7 and this idea that when jesus returns he says it's finished there's a judgment going on let's look at a beautiful promise regarding jesus and the judgment in john chapter 5. i'm thinking of just a few verses we could read the whole portion from verse 22 on but i'm thinking of john 5 verse 22 26 and 27. sabina if you have that would read it for us because you know this is so amazing he's he's the lamb he's a great high priest he's also our judge yeah and he's the one who's on our side you say we can't lose how can we escape if we neglect so great of salvation amen it's like what more can he do for us to save us well john 5 22 26 and 27 i'll be reading from the new king james version and it says for the father judges no one but has committed all judgment to the son and verses 26 and 27 for as the father has life he himself so he has granted the son to have life in himself and has given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the son of man and what happens after that work of judgment is completed and by the way the work of their day will come when the work of intercession is also completed right what happens at that time well you'd expect we would find that answer in the book of revelation revelation let's look in revelation chapter 22 verses 12 and 13. revelation chapter 22 last book of the bible last chapter not quite the last verse but in revelation chapter 22 verses 12 and 13. jason if you'd read that for us have the new king james version revelation 22 12 and 13. and behold i am coming quickly and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his work i am the alpha and the omega the beginning in the end the first and the last that means every case is settled he says i'm coming quickly what's it going to be like one last verse acts chapter 1 verse 11 let's trust the words of the heavenly messengers when when jesus had just ascended to heaven acts 1 and verse 11. sabine what's it going to be like when the lamb of god also our great high priest and our judge is also king of kings and lord of lords acts 1 and verse 11. okay so acts 1 verse 11 says who also said men of galilee why do you stand up gazing into heaven the same jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will soon come in like manner as you saw him go into heaven same jesus who literally ascended to heaven we they saw him they heard him that's pretty dramatic just going up into heaven he's going to get come again this time with 10 000 times 10 000 of his angels right and a shout that will wake the dead the righteous dead who will rise from their graves it's going to be an amazing experience lamb of god great high priest judge king coming back to take us home what are you going to do when you see that great day how are you going to react hallelujah someone even the conservative ones among us will probably shout my favorite hebrew word my friends i i hope with all my heart i pray with all my heart that you'd be welcoming jesus on that glorious day the lamb of god great high priest judge king of kings lord of lords he's come to save us and take us home let's pray together father in heaven what an amazing plan of salvation we do not want to neglect your unfailing love but to accept your grace and jesus even what you're doing for us now in the heavenly sanctuary thank you we open our hearts we surrender to you as savior lord and soon coming king it is in your holy name we pray amen amen amen well thanks for joining us for hope sabbath school what a journey you have good news don't just accept it go out and share it with those around you [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 41,460
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Keywords: Hope Sabbath sschool, HSS, Hope, Bible, Bible study, Hope Channel, Sabbath school, Derek Morris
Id: g6DiPPp7hX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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