Lesson 02: SharePoint 2013 Basics, Creating Lists

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okay so this course is going to talk about SharePoint lists as you know any SharePoint solution is going to be based off of a SharePoint list or and SharePoint libraries so it's very important that we understand how Liss operate how we can add metadata to them all the out-of-the-box settings we can leverage before we add on customization and very very powerful so there's a bunch of when you think about lists there's a bunch of list templates the SharePoint provides out-of-the-box there's also ability to customize your own template and we and in this course we're going to actually show you how we can start with some of the out-of-the-box templates build on top of them for our custom business needs so as you saw in Lesson one we talked about trading a team site and you can customize that site so actually this is the route site we're looking at here I created a sub site for the SharePoint ninjas department so here at SP classroom we have a department where all of our SharePoint experts reside and that consists of SharePoint admins developers architects and the managers who oversee everything so with this SharePoint team site this is where we go to get most of our core department information now one of the things we want to add here is announcements so every department is going to have announcements of upcoming events if a social or they may have announcements for personnel and say you know the reminder you know HR is having benefit enrollment this week are there it's a blood drive or something along those lines you may also have different announcements for the team in general so let's go ahead and add an announcements list and then we are added to the homepage of our team site so with that we just go to site contents here I will go to add an app and as you can see there are a lot of out-of-the-box templates because this is a team site template these going to have certain libraries some lists available to us out of the box now what I want to do is actually get started with the announcements list and what I'm going to do is just call it team announcements and you will notice that when I initially named a list I try not to put any spaces in between I try to get everything but it up against each other your reason for that is because as we go to develop and we call the REST API to interact with this list with client-side code it's it just feels right it feels natural with with these library names or listings do not have spaces in them but now what I can do is go into settings because you may need a space for readability and then just add the space and now and that's going to allow the display name now you once you name the list or the library initially you cannot change the URL name of the list which is what we see on the code side when we actually code against this list but you can come in here and modify the title after once the list is created so if you rename if you name this list with the space initially there's no way you can go ahead and modify this guy for it to appear nice and neat on the code side you just have to delete and recreate it okay so now we have our team announcements let's see what we get out of the box so I'll go to create an announcement so I have a title of a body and then I have an expires field which is great okay so I'm gonna just put this initial announcement up there for today and I'll have that expire this Friday and click Save and that's it so now if I go to the home page for this department what I want to do is add that announcement so it appears on the home page and I want to add it right below documents so I just go here at a part at a team announcements and now I have this announcement it's wet part on the homepage click say and as you can see the welcome message shows up it's not the best format actually i announcement so we kind of like in chair of sales where we can add images and things along those lines that's going to be a little custom - on top of this but we get to that much later in the course but for right now we're just setting up our baseline we're setting up our datasource and this team announcement is looking good so what we want to do with the team announcement um this is pretty vanilla all announcements are going to be weighted the same and we probably want to add some categories here so let's do that so let's add another field called category so I have my announcements list selected go to the list tab list settings and then under here I just go ahead and create a column now I know category is a I was gonna say this now with the Box column let's give it a try such a popular name reach certain is out of the box but if not if it doesn't stop me that means we're good to go okay so for the different announcement types we want to have let's start out with four types just call it social we have some personnel announcements we have technology related announcements and miscellaneous this would be a catch-all and then you get you can choose a default value to think about the default value it must appear in this list or L so they give you an error now you have a couple options here now if you want them to be able to select either a drop-down a radio this is really cosmetic but checkbox allows them to check multiple these guys is just designed I kind of like drop-down because if you have many options collapsing doesn't take up a lot of real estate if I do not need a checkbox option so now we're going to say add to the default view everything else looks great and now if we go to announcements look at adding a new one you can see the categories right here now it's kind of misplaced so as I'm typing in announcement I want to do a title I want to select the category idea and put the body then set the expiration date so let's change the ordering of that so we go back to the list settings towards the bottom of the list settings there's a column ordering option just want to bump this guy up to number two all right so now I go in there click new announcement okay so this would be a social one miss a meat all right and then this is only good for let's say Saturday so this is going to happen Friday and I'm just going to expire on the 3rd now that actually makes a very good point so we look at this announcement there's actually no start date so the start is going to be the created date which in most cases you know you may create these things but you want to you know maybe say event type our announcements start day or when you want this announcement to publish so so now let's take a look at this so let's add one more column and let's just call it start date so we go to create column so actually let's go back here let's see if this guy exists already start date so we're going to say add from existing and normally what I do here is just select something and start typing so I just start as Titan St and it pumped me down here see us so there's a start a so let's just use this guy alright so that's the start date and column ordering I want this to come right above expires just a natural order of things okay so now team site new announcement are actually going here and modify your guy so start date this is going to be let's say I want this to go out on Thursday and only stay up for a couple days and then expire okay so now if you look at our homepage in the announcements area you still notice how many have title modified but my default view on that list I had a lot of other columns showing so the most important columns to be displayed in this page on this page would be the title of the start date in the category so let's go ahead and select those so what I'm gonna do is just select one of the items so where I'm in a team announcements my ribbon will update because this in context I can go to list settings and then I go to modify view so when I modify view in this case I'm just modifying the view for that list view web part so I want to select category and then I want to select a start date and I want to start date to come before category so I'll put it between 3 & 6 it looks like so I'll just select 4 click OK looks good okay title modify start let's get a woman um I'm gonna fine yeah we can keep that that's fine now as far as the ordering we want to make sure that these are first group by category and then they're sorted by created date in descending order so once again I'll just go here and modify the list modify the view and we go down here and say modify descending order let's do create it so that way if there is a change the trade date still hold and what else did we want to do oh we wanted to sort by category then you want to sort by category we'll just alpha which is fine okay great so now we're looking at we actually did not modify this for because I think by modified data was still it's still looking good okay so now we have we actually have several people in the group so when it comes to announcements we have different types of team members so as I mentioned before and the SharePoint ninjas the department we have admin administrators architects developers so sometimes when we do an announcement it's only for target group of targeted group of people so innate to enable that you can do this out of the box you just go to list settings and then go to audience targeting and then you just want to enable audience targeting so what does going to do now that on each list item you will be able to specify a group or profile property or where the case may be it says this announcement is targeted for this audience and this audience only and then that way when a person logs and that matches that audience they will see the announcement so let's take a look and see what that means so for all right so this is a tech bash and then we're going to say this is under technology okay but all you want this announcement to be displayed for developers so when I go to the target audience I've already created for the SharePoint ninja group a developer SharePoint group and basically what this developer stripling for it what I'll be able to do oops this global I think it sent out you need to select groups here so what this will allow me to do is that in any developer and you can use an Active Directory group or you can add them to the SharePoint group individually then you can put everyone in the group and then this how this actually helps with when you start setup document libraries if you want a certain folder only for developers are you know really for managers you know for example you may have a document library that's shared across the department but you want to carve out an area that's only for managers are only for developers from a security standpoint not necessary for a filtering but you actually want this to be locked down target audience is going to be a filter it's a hard filter there's and there's a lotta out-of-the-box REST API and in SharePoint object model that's going to respect this filter but it's not meant to be a security component so I did not lock this head when I do target audience on you I'm not locking this down that says this announcement is secured for the developer group only it's more of a filtering mechanism versus a security mechanism so now that I have that set if I logged in with a user account that had SharePoint app man credentials I will not see this developer tech bash I will have to log in what credentials are a user ID that's part of that SP group and that would be a natural filter of things the final thing I want to show you another cool thing you can do with lists is that this announcements list is just going to grow right so what we want we want to archive these based on a certain set of rules so you can actually do this out of the box what you want to do is leverage the information management policy settings we that allows you to for announcements and this is driven by content type so I have a content type here for announcements out of the box you're going to get the folder content type for a list as well so for the announcements one I want to enable retention and I want to add a stage and what basically well would say is when this guy expires you know this is an expired date psychology having a content type I'm going to say you know after 30 days or 20 days after it expires let's go ahead and push this guy to the recycle man right you can add additional stages you can actually say ten days after expire or 19 days have to expire send the email with a notification that says hey the next day these guys are gonna be moved to the recycle bin or you can get even more aggressive so you know what permanently in this case because announcements are announcements these are really just throwaway elements are not really documents that you know someone has to approve to make sure before they get to leave it I'm just go ahead and permanent delete this is important because I actually through my years of consulting I I walked into a lot of SharePoint farms and stripling installations to where these you know they were set up eight you know five eight years ago list is just running rapid especially announcements thing surges that should be cleaned up over time they just don't do not have any archiving or purging process in place and it really just blows your day I mean you just really hang it on to unnecessary data really bloating things up and slowing things down so so now our announcement is healthy is self-managed it's going to archive we got purge all set and configure and I think we're good to go so in order to show you this one last feature before we wrap this video is actually getting wrong we try to keep these to 15 to 20 minutes most so this warmer feature I want to show you and to do that we're going to go in here we're going to add a custom no we're going to add a links list right so with the links list I'm not add a list that holds my links right my links is really just going to be kind of like a personalized list of links for the current user looking at the department site so a way to enable this hold on let me just go in here and get my naming right there's so many options always clicking to the wrong stuff all right so I'll just add my space there okay so now for my links let's take a look at see what do you get with the out of the box when you get specify URL the description that's going to be the title of the link and then you can specify us is great so what I want to do is go in here and just add in a link together and this is going to be personalized to to make more yeah we're going to make it personalized something to myself okay so what I want to do I'm going to add this guy to the home page and that should go right under news feeds oh they put it at the top there okay let's see if I can drag and drop haven't had a lot of love dragons now for these guys I don't know why here's another way you can modify this if you go into web properties let's just stuff is great I don't know I don't know what's going on here there must be something what either my permissions I'm cycling at me I don't get it I'll figure this one out and then I'll let you guys know so but as of right now I'll the my links I can go in here now and add another link and just call it you just have one to Google let's say that all okay now a so right now these links to show up for everyone but what I want to do as I mentioned before is only how these links show up for the current user so these are links related to the current user and then when they go in here to add new links or to edit or if they click on the list right here to show all of my links you only want to show them the ones that they added that they create it so there is a list setting you can do this both phone lists and document librarians if you go into the Advanced Settings there's item loan permissions now the cool thing about this is I can set this to say only allow the user to see those items that they create it this one and this is security right so this is security component this is more than just filtering this is actually security so this is it's just going to lock this down and this in this example is very simple but this becomes important if you're submitting time off requests or you know some type of private or personal workflow or process that you have you only want that individual to see those components now so that's I'm on security including the ilm security that setting you do not have to break inheritance on this list to enable that which is you know which kind of rolls into your governance model and things along those lines so that's a very nifty tool to secure a list down but still have it available to everyone to where everyone can can add in links and personalized links for themselves now the trick with that one caveat is that when you set the item level security the site collection that man or the site on a row will be able to see everyone's links that's because they they're the owner of the site and because of that role if say for example if I leave the company but I have all these links out there there's no he's no longer but two company let's delete those things you know he's the only one who can manage those but you need a level above that to manage this list on the behalf of the user so that's and that's um a curse and a blessing at the same time so in this case you don't want the shirt share our collection sorry site collection admin to see everyone's links because even for site collection that man they wanted to have this personalized to themselves as well so what we can do now we can add a quick filtering trick by this hi this was modify the view and then in the view I'm just telling us I hae only display those links that were created by the current user and we just so created by this equals to me and brackets and as you can see in this description these are some key terms or key tokens that you can use to filter by me which is the current user far today which is the current today's date and once I click OK this is going to look the same because I'm not logged in as a different user but if I come in here and log in as a different user this screen would change if I come in with a account that's not a developer I will not see the developer tech patch and I will not see it because I'm a different user other again Deshawn Clark I should not see Deshawn Clark's links that were created by him and then I can go in here and cut and customize mine my own so as far as the list our concern and some of the settings and options that you get out of the box that very powerful and again understanding your options to understand the information rights policy some of the settings you have on in advance some of the options you have on the versioning an approval process and along those lines which we'll get into in the documents piece because I think this is more relevant in that case they're very powerful and you can do you can go a long way before you start adding some custom development to them so with that that's list and I'll see you in the next course when we actually talk about libraries
Channel: DeShon Clark
Views: 195,229
Rating: 4.792531 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Lists Basics, SharePoint Lists Advance Settings, SharePoint 2016 Preview
Id: B-pG7k2vVK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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