Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt & Margot Robbie on 'Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood' | MTV News

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- Okay, biggest movie controversy of all time? Could Jack have fit on that door at the end of 'Titanic'? - Oh my gosh, I thought it. I remember balling my eyes out when I was, a girl. - I have no comment. (laughs) - That's telling, I think. - That is the biggest controversy. - Ever. - In modern cinema. History. - [Brad] Could you? Could you have squeezed in there? (laughs) - No comment, Brad. - Did you mentioned it at the time, were you like, "Should we make the door smaller, so I-- - Like I said, I have no comment. (laughs) - It's movie magic, my friends. - This movie is amazing. It's, you probably heard this before, but it is definitely a love letter to movies, movie-going, movie making, the unsung heroes that make movies. - Television, LA. - There's a lot there. But what I really wanna do with you guys is, 'cause I feel like all four of us are big movie fans, is let's revel in our love of movies for a second, okay? - Yeah. - What's the movie that you grew up with that made you obsessed with movies? What was the first movie that. - Ooh. - Got you obsessed? - 'East of Eden'. - All right, James Dean. - Well, the first film that I remember seeing was the black and white original 'King Kong' with my dad downtown and bursting into tears, and falling in love with movies at that point, but when I, you know, got to become an actor was watching that very vulnerable James Dean in 'East of Eden', who would just, blew me away-- - [Josh] Yeah. - Blew me away. - The first movie I remember being my favorite movie that I watched like 50 times over, was 'Robin Hood: Men in Tights' and, (laughs) I was like five and it was, kind of inappropriate of a movie for a five year old to watch everyday. - That's really funny. - But I loved it. - That's really funny. For me, it was the drive-in, we would see films at the drive-in, early age, and it was, it was the ones that made me cry, 'Guargantuan', 'Guargantuans'? 'Guargantuans'. - [Josh] Oh. It was a good guargantuan, bad guargantuan. - Don't remember it. - It's. (laughs) Only Quentin would know about it. And the good one has to sacrifice himself to take out the bad one. Tears, and then I went straight from that to Butch And Sundance, then the ending, tears again. - There's a great moment in the film, where your character Sharon sees her face and name on a poster, on a marquee, and on this big screen. Do you remember that moment for you guys, when the first time you saw your name, or face, and was that a big moment? - I do, it was 'Parenthood' and on the Warner Brothers lot, there was a big poster of me, and I stood there for hours, and I had my mother take a picture. (laughs) - "Sir, you're gonna have to leave." - Good on you for admitting that. (laughs) - There was a poster of 'Pan Am' in Times Square, and I remember like, I just gotten to America and now I'm in Times Square, and I'm like 30 feet high up there, and I was so, and I remember asking someone to take a picture of me. I was like, "Could you take a picture of me, like I'm gonna stand right here." And they kept cropping out the poster, and I kept having to be like, "No I need it, I need that, all of that in there, that's the point of the picture." And they're like, "Why?" And I was like, "I just need it in there, please." (laughs) - That's sweet, that's a little Sharon Tate-- - Yeah. - Going to see your own film. - Is there a classic movie that you would be sad to admit right now you've never seen? - 'Gone With The Wind'. - What? - You've never seen 'Gone With The Wind'? - I've never seen 'Gone With The Wind' either. - Are you serious? - I got-- - You guys have never seen-- - Oh my God. - You have an excuse, (laughs) I don't have an excuse. (laughs) 'Gone With The Wind' or 'Sound of Music', I've never seen. - I have never seen 'Sound of Music'. - What? (laughs) - I figured, have you seen it? - Like a thousand times! I remember when we did 'Wolf of Wall Street', you would get angry at me all the time, any time I'd mention any movie I hadn't seen. He'd be like, "How have you not seen 'Citizen Kane'? (laughs) How can you work in this industry and not have seen 'Citizen Kane'? I'm like, "I just got in this industry. You've had more time to watch this stuff." And I went home, and I'd go watch 'Citizen Kane', and watch all the movies, he's like, "You have to see this, you have to see this." - I figured I've gone this long, why start now? I'm going all the way. I refuse to see it. - I've never seen 'Star Wars'. - What? - And I kind of don't watch it now, just because it infuriates people so much. Like, "How? How have you not watch any, any 'Star Wars'?" And I just kinda wanna see how long I can make it. - Let's go deep, some big movie-going existential or profound controversies over the years. And one that struck me watching the movie, Sharon puts her feet up, her bare feet up on a seat, in a movie theater. - And they're dirty. - I don't even care if they're dirty, man. (laughs) I mean. - Dirty feet. - Dirty feet. - Quentin likes some dirty feet. - How dare you dirty feet. (laughs) - But is that ever appropriate in a movie theater, for someone's bare feet to be put on a seat? - In the 60's it sure was, right? I mean, I wouldn't know. - I don't know, it's a good question. I did think about it, I was like, "Does this? I don't wanna convey that she's rude or impolite because she's neither of those things. - If you had the space, if you don't have neighbors close by, I'm gonna say. - No one is seating in the front. - I'm gonna say it's okay. - Okay! - Maybe not shoes anyways, it's not shoes. - Right. - Just your feet. - Right. - Larry David may have a problem with it. - But they were dirty. - They were dirty feet. - A couple other important movie discussions, perennial movie arguments, True or false? Floyd from 'True Romance' is the greatest stoner character of all time? - Absolutely true. - Really? Thank you. - Absolutely true. 1,000%, "Get cleaning products." - 'Cause there's been some good ones. - "Condescend me (bleep)." - "Condescend, I'll (bleep) kill you." - Godfather One. - Written by Quentin Tarantino. - Of course. - My favorite movie of all time. - [Josh] 'True Romance'? - Really, is that right? - I walked down the aisle to the 'True Romance' music. - Come on, oh that's a good guy. - What? - Comic book movies, I was saying it to Margot earlier, there is a connection in that, Margot's next film, or upcoming film is 'Birds of Prey', which was shot under of the title, correct me if I'm wrong, Fox Force Five. - Correct. - Do you guys know what Fox Force Five is, do you remember? - No. - Fox Force Five, you tell them, Margot. - Guys! In 'Pulp Fiction,' - Ah. - When Uma and John Travolta having their five dollar milkshake, she's explaining the pilot that she, which I think in real life Uma had done, I think that dialogue was based of the fact-- - That she'd done a pilot like that. - She'd done a pilot like that. And then he turned into dialogue, and then she talks about, Fox Force Five. (laughs) And it's like a whole scene. But, in our movie there's five prominent women, and, like everything we always throw reference to like, oh Tarantino moments that we pray to like inject into the film. So it felt fitting, and then, also I asked Quentin, I was like, "Would you mind if we used the working title, Fox Force Five?" And he was like, he thought it was really funny. - Does it have a little bit of the anarchic subversive Tarantino spirit in 'Birds of Prey'? - I mean, yes, the spirit's definitely there, yeah. - Leo, on this group is the only one that's eluded comic book movies. You've done your time as Vanisher, congratulations. - Thank you. - Your role was amazing in 'Deadpool 2'. - Thank you very much. - Oh yeah, I was like, what are you talking about? That was really funny, actually. - Is that it for you? Have you capped out, have you topped out? - I think I've taken it as far as I can take it. (laughs) - It's kinda mic drop that, that was a good scene. Ryan Reynolds came up with it. A part that I could fill. - It's very funny. - I'm completely lost in everything that's being talked about. (laughs) - You're so Rick Dalton right now. - Oblivious Rick Dalton. (laughs) - Oh my God, Leo's still in character. (laughs) - By the way. - I carry my characters a year after. - Last thing for you, there's an epic kind of a brain freeze moment for your character in this film, where he's just like melts down, and he can't get through it. Did that remind you of any particular moments of your career's work, like you just could not get through a scene for what ever reason? - [Leo, Brad, Margot] Yeah. (laughs) - Yeah. A few of them come to mind. - Definitely, so many come to mind. - I think we've all had those, and they're the worst. They're the nightmare of going to school in your underwear. (laughs) The real live version of it. - And just can't get out of your own head. - You got a 100 people on the set. - Yes. - And you're, everyone wants to move on to the next or go home, you have a co-star who's already done theirs, and done it well, and they're waiting on you. - I once had to do a scene where I had to be speaking Lingala, and there was also like stunt stuff happening at the same time, so it was really crucial, and I just couldn't speak. I couldn't like, I was like, and I practiced this for so many months, and I cannot get my mouth around this language right now, and I kept messing it up. - It's usually has to do with being incredibly exhausted, I remember doing on 'The Aviator' a massive dialogue sequence, and I then I just had two lines the next day, that was my whole day, and I couldn't, literally couldn't say those words. Of course Scorsese was just sitting there waiting, like 40 takes later like, "Oh my God!" I could not say these two lines. - Did it make the movie? - It did.
Channel: MTV News
Views: 9,859,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Quentin Tarantino, Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, hollywood, Titanic, Jack, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Kill Bill Vol. 2, Inglourious Basterds, Death Proof, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, Al Pacino, Kurt Russell, Luke Perry, Roman Polanski, mtv news, celebrity news, entertainment news, pop culture
Id: m7zrrj-nD8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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