LENTIL BREAD Recipe 🤩🍞 Gluten Free, Flourless Alternative + Savory Lentil Cake with Cheese and Herbs

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This week i want to show you how to  make a gluten-free bread from lentils actually 10 years ago even myself thought that  like really good bread can only be made by wheat   or like few other stuff but usually wheat is  the winner but actually from almost all kinds of   seeds we can make bread and lentil is actually  one of them the lentil that we make soup with   lentils that we make dull with can turn into a  great bread and to tell you the truth many of   the gluten-free flowers that people send me which  are really processed usually don't feel very well   i don't feel very well and i don't think that they  taste really well but this is this ordinary lentil   and very easily i want to show you how to turn  it into bread then i want to take you to the next   level making a savory cake out of it there's gonna  be cheese onions dill and it's gonna be great   here i have two cups of lentils you can use in  like there's the yellow lentil thinner one you   can use any kind of lentil including the green  lentils as well i'm going to just wash it through normally when we make bread what we do is like  the seed it's grinded in some place and it becomes   like a dust of course we cannot grind this in  our home conditions so we're gonna do something   different we're gonna wet this it's already wet  sorry guys but i'm just gonna put some water   and let it sit at least four hours preferably  overnight then it's gonna turn into something like   this what happens is as it sits in the water this  is exactly the same lentils it soaks the water   up starts to crack and that's what we want but if  this stays for another night the taste won't be   good because it will soak too much water the water  i put was drinking water because it's gonna soak   it so it's very important i'm gonna sieve this  and then lentils are gonna get in to the food   processor this is gonna be the grinding  in home conditions you might ask Refika   okay we do this from lentils then we can do  it with other seeds yes you can do it with   other seeds if you don't have a big processor  but a smaller one do this in two batches now as you can see this is like a puree i'm gonna  just take half of it out to create space   i add a cup of yogurt could it be sour cream  it's gonna be heavier if it's a sour cream   it shouldn't be sweet yogurt four  eggs so unfortunately this is not   vegan but you can one day make  a vegan version of this as well in turkey our baking powders are sold in these  small packs of 10 grams two packs of baking powder   which is in total 20 grams teaspoon of  salt and 60 milliliters of olive oil   usually some not so well grinded stuff  will be here so add them in that's all   here we go because there are a lot of liquids  you took half of it out but the measures you   put in was for the hole yeah it was for the hole  because it won't be able to fit in the processor   when i mix it it becomes thicker if you like your  bread very salty you can add a bit more salt but   that's it here i have a tray extra olive oil some  more olive oil rub it with my hands as you can   see the baking powder starts to work and there are  bubbles if you're using a baking soda usually it's   much bitter so you have to use much less and this  is really you can just like do it plain or you can   add some nigella and some sesame seeds like this  and this beer is ready to go to the oven and the   oven is 180 degrees top and bottom with no pan  on it's gonna cook here about 35 minutes in the   middle turning the fan on while you heat up the  oven is a great idea guys like if you just turn   on the phone you have to like wait for a while if  you turn on the fan on it's gonna heat up faster   now my brain is in the oven now i want to take the  idea of okay the bread same mixture same way i did   the same thing now i want to turn it into a savory  cake and for that i have 250 grams of halloumi   we can't use 200 grams but because now it's for  you guys i'm going to use the whole pack which   is 250 grams but it could be any kind of cheese i  guess no if it's a very meltable cheese like if it   goes away it will just like melt and then when it  goes dry it's not gonna be very good it could be   mozzarella feta cheese would do a fresh cheese  would be better as well i put four sprigs of   spring onions and a lot of dill dill goes really  well you can use parsley basil would also be very   good and half a teaspoon of coarsely crushed  black pepper this is black red white together   and i'm gonna mix it well would you like me to  add olives then it becomes a beta very close to   bitter from normal bread we have a cypriot bitter  bread recipe it's here it's very much like it yes   you're right we use not spring onions but other  dried onions okay then i already oiled the tray   now i used a deeper and smaller tray nigella  comes in i do this for my mom because for a   while now she doesn't eat gluten she loves it and  this also goes to my oven 180 degrees if you like   our videos and like watching us please subscribe  to our channel and also show it by pressing like   and if you want to share anything about this video  or any recipes or if you have any questions also   please write them below that really changes  a lot for us guys thank you chuck the shaker now my bread is ready and cooling down but i want  to also show you to check whether it's done for   example when i put it in and take it out as you  can see the knife is clean but i'm going to also   poke in the middle here oh this is also clean  it's done there are little leftovers like this   if it's like more messy it's not done but  it's clean like this this needs a minute or   two then it's ready it depends on the tray  so what i'm going to do i cooled it a bit   it would be better if it's totally cold but  i'm just making sure that the sides are free   the edges as well unfortunately we don't know  why but it's because probably the type of the   lentil this got out to be more orange than  usual but i want to show you how fluffy it is   and how bread like it is because the crust is not  as crunchy as bread it always looks like a cake   but how does it taste when you eat it it's really  a bread yeah it's really a bread it's very nice   it's full knife maybe in your tradition there's  cornbread it's very much like a cornbread yes this baby is also done why it has risen  no the tray is smaller so it was higher   so it took a little more time to cook now we're  dying to eat it and it's almost six o'clock here   and everyone wants to go home after eating this  but we have to wait for a while because if i   cut it right now it's going to be mushy inside we  will not be able to eat it no we're going to wait   um just the taste of lentil is more than you know  we should try this it's really going to be very   different than what you imagine and you'll  be very surprised magical so hope you try
Channel: Refika's Kitchen
Views: 452,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refika, refika's kitchen, lentil, lentil bread, gluten free bread, bread alternatives, healthy bread, lentil bread recipe, gluten free bread recipe, healthy bread recipe, gluten free recipe, gluten free recipes, bread recipe
Id: HKJOhs6oNrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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