Pain 2 ingrédients : sans farine, ni gluten ! Recette rapide à faire et à IG bas.

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100 g flax seeds (About 3/4 cup) You can soak them in water beforehand, if you wish. 6 egg whites With 6 egg whites you should obtain 250 ml (1 cup) of egg whites Add the egg whites to the flax seeds Mix until you get this consistency (it's very fast) We don't want powdered/flour flaxseeds (we just want to grind them) Prepare a very small loaf pan (here I'm using a little big baking paper but it will work) I spread with 1 wet spoon Bake in the oven at 180°C (350°F) for 35 min After 35 min, turn off the oven and leave the bread in the oven off for 45 min (this prevents the bread from deflating with the shock of the temperatures) In the light of the day ♥
Channel: Un jour Une recette
Views: 1,831,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recette pain, pain sans farine, pain 2 ingrédients, pain sans gluten, recette ig bas, un jour une recette, bread recipe, flourless bread, 2 ingredient bread, gluten free bread, low ig recipe, one day a recipe, Brotrezept, mehlfreies Brot, Brot mit 2 Zutaten, glutenfreies Brot, ricetta pane, pane senza farina, pane 2 ingredienti, pane senza glutine, Ricette a basso IG, рецепт хлеба, хлеб без муки, хлеб из 2 ингредиентов, pan sin harina, pan de 2 ingredientes, asmr food
Id: ExlGq4eOOtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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