Lentil Balls Recipe | A Healthy & Complete Meal Idea! 😍 It's VEGAN, Bugdet-Friendly and SO Easy!

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today is the day for March making of the lentil Cafe that is originally and naturally vegan and so so delicious here we have two cups of red lentils it could be yellow it could be like their pinkish versions all good I'm just gonna rinse it this is two cups double the size if you're like single or living as two people you can do half the recipe now we have two cups of lentils I'm going to put twice four cups of water water a little more a little less is not important it's okay we turn the heat on just a bit of salt that's it we're gonna add the salt a little later I put the lid on with a bit of opening on the side why when it boils I don't want it to boil over so the lentils are gonna grow in size and then crack and it's gonna be like a thick soup and that's what we want and this is gonna take about 20 to 25 minutes meanwhile I'm going to have my green morning juice looking at the phosphorus [Music] okay as you can see it became like a thick soup we turned the heat off ideally we let this sit for five minutes until it cools a bit why if we make the burger directly in the booger is going to cook too much and if it cooks too much it's gonna be more mushy but what I want I want to thick and stiff because this so I let this cool down for five minutes and then continue [Music] now the magic is warm with the warmth the booger is gonna soak the water expand it's gonna become a thicker if we did this while the lentil was really hot then the bulker would expand faster but it's gonna lose its consistency and thickness to hold everything together and it would be a looser cuffet now this is gonna sit for a while with the lid on and we are going to prepare the thing that is going to give the booger and the margarine it's extra taste the number one help will come from two onions I'm going to dice the onions first foreign now I'm going to put three to four tablespoons of olive oil first we're gonna need more olive oil because Google love it's olive oil but I don't want to heat it all up so I'm just gonna use this much for the onions and tomato and pepper paste now raw onion is nice but when the onion starts to cook it's gonna take its sugar out and it's gonna have some moist uh little pillows of moist in the cafe which is going to be lovely by the way I got your message we are not going to do any AI Club at least for a while we might do it yeah or something but for English it's you and me guys don't worry and I have to tell you the truth some of these recipes are the recipes that I've done in the Turkish Channel but sometimes making it again for you guys is so much fun I find out different things about the food while I'm trying to tell you guys I feel much better to wake up and do a video for you so I didn't want to do that anyhow so I have to tell you anyways I did put a bit of salt because while anything is cooking adding a bit of salt helps The Taste to grow the onion is still very strong hitting me in the eyes two or three minutes later it's gonna start to Brown on the sides then I'm going to add the other things spring onions spring onions are great to increase the taste of the food so what we do there's the white parts and the green Parts white Parts a little stronger so I'm going to slice them a little thinner and slice the green Parts a little thicker like this you might say raw onions are too strong for me what we do we're gonna knit it and when we knit it the intensity decreases a bit making it really really flamboyant and in taste wise variants I thinly sliced my parsley as well and everything is almost ready as you can see the onions are softer and instead of burning me in the eyes started to smell really tasty now it's time to add the tomato paste and the pepper paste tomato paste we use a lot why because it's Umami The Ripe Tomato in itself carries a lot of umami what is Umami making the other Forte sweet salty sour and bitter better tomato paste pepper paste if you don't have it in your like please get it especially if you're vegetarian or vegan it makes everything taste much better without guilt we have to wake the tomato and pepper paste a bit and to do that I am beating it together with the onions this is done now I'm going to let this cool normally I would take it outside but the outside is as hot as inside so what I'm going to do with the clothes why did I do this for it not to slip yeah I have a train the biggest one you can this is called cheeky of the raw meatball tray with a bigger surface area but you don't need to have this any tray would do or a cup would do for it to not slide have a damp cloth I want to show you this guys as you can see the consistency is really good like this and we tasted a bit I don't taste any raw cracking booger as this cool down to the lentils I add the cooled onion and paste there's still goodness in the pan so I'm taking it with a little bit of lentil like this this is important this oil is good there's taste there lentil sponge and then a tablespoon of cumin cumin is really important the intensity sometimes differs I put a tablespoon if yours is a little less strong put more a teaspoon of black pepper and I'm going to put a bit of salt but depending on your tomato and pepper paste first you knit it and then taste it we need it now knitting in is gathering it everything on one side and then pushing it with your hands like this started to smell amazing [Music] the nice thing about this is after knitting for a while have a little taste a bit of salt I'm going to put a bit more cumin because it's lentil it's easier just two minutes and I add a bit more olive oil I mean not a bit more a lot more olive oil because bulgur loves the olive oil and it is almost done the word of the means is to mash and to bash so knitting is basically what we're doing we're pushing the taste of the lentil to bulgar bulgur to lentil and every other thing all together and so nice take it with your hand if it's all coming like this and in this case it is it's really nice it's ready now it's time to add The Greens Greens are first of all spring onions knitting a bit poor before adding The Parsley killing the first intensity of the spring onions for a minute at this point if you like hot stuff you can put paprika or red flake pepper then here comes a lot of parsley normally you wouldn't be able to eat this much parsley but with disgusting it is so easy is ready really good but if you think that this is over no what we're gonna do we put some green lettuce at the bottom then we make our curved this if your hands get sticky at some point put a bit of water and time to time dip your hand in the Water Rinse the excess water off and then continue shaping the curves there at least for 10 coffees it's gonna go so as you can see we have more than 50 60 coffees while eating it we put a bit of lemon on top and wrap it with the lettuce and then eat it together so many greens some protein from the lentils and carb from the booger if you say if you get too much effort squeezing it another idea is put a big bowl in the middle of the lettuce and then each person in the house who wants to eat it can take it with their hands wrap it with the lettuce and eat it that way it's hard to think really it's so nice but I want to make it a bit cooler and more modern we have the version for that as well we can do something like this a more modern way we can do that by making brown balls and then dipping it into red pepper some parsley or Sesame and they will look really nice like a salad and Bahar suggests it's good idea is eating it just like a salad from the middle or if it's too much work to make a lot of balls make big balls like this and if you say rafika I want to eat this hot you can also make eat balls like this and fry it in the airfryer or on the pan and eat it with a bit of yogurt and that would be again marvelous so that's it on the marriage maker system please please try it it's Heavenly if I move to America and make a small restaurant chain I would either make a custard chain or a Matchmaker of the chain with versions of this and I know that it's gonna sell like crazy take care as you can see our marriage make Crafters are really better very sustainable like we ate probably 10 15. we have this whole thing together with the fancy ones and so much and so tasty [Music]
Channel: Refika's Kitchen
Views: 183,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refika birgul, refikas kitchen, lentill balls recipe, vegan lentil balls, how to make lentil balls, lentil patties recipe, vegan lentil patties, lentil fritters recipe, vegan appetizer recipe, vegan meze recipe, healthy appetizer idea, vegan food recipe, easy vegan food, healthy food idea, easy appetizer, vegan lentil kofta, lentil meatball recipe, vegan lentil meatball, red lentil balls, red lentil patties, lentil patties at home, easy red lentil patties diet
Id: O02HGxF22QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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