Lenny Magill tries out the Holosun 507C, Part 1 of 2

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[Music] hey there it's Lenny McGill with a Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego and today we're gonna talk about the hottest thing going in competition handgun shooting in fact really one of the hottest things going in all of handgun shooting and that is the red dot optic as these red dots have become more robust smaller lighter better they're becoming more and more popular and there's a reason they actually allow you to shoot faster the other weekend just last weekend just long this today's Monday on Saturday I went and shot a match I shot it with my iron sights and then itthere was lucky enough to be able to shoot a second gun and I shot it with a red dot optic and it's faster I mean it's just really almost like wow that's almost like cheating because it is a one item sighting system just one thing you have to do and let's put that dot on your target and there's a whole lot of red dots out there and there's some new players just getting into the business people who've been around in the business for a while who are starting to make red dots and the one I want to show you today is the Hollis on red dot optic and this is it right here enters some amazing features about this and so I'm gonna lay it on the table so I'm not though can get a good look of this thing and so here you go there's the look and I'll turn it a little bit more and a couple things to know about this just looking at it one the body of the red dot optics itself is milled out of aluminum and it's basically one solid piece of aluminum that looks like it is pretty darn robust so you know I don't see any you know connections it looks like it's just one big piece that's been milled and it's pretty awesome so that said the other thing that's unique and awesome about this is that this site features a solar panel now getting close and check that out all right now that's solar panel will supersede the battery when there's available light and there's no available light well on the bottom it's got a battery compartment that takes your standard I think it's a CR twenty thirty two battery so this alone this feature alone is pretty awesome I mean when I saw it I thought well that's really cool does it work yes it does I did test it out re and you know what does that mean well it means that your battery that normal operation will last about a hundred thousand hours understanding that there's also some ambient light around usually right now if you shouldn't pitch dark all the time the solar won't work and the battery may not last as long but it's gonna last for a long time if you put the the red dot on its dhimmis settings and it's at least power setting which I'll talk about a little bit it's supposedly gonna last 200,000 hours which is a heck of a long time so those two things alone that the the aluminum body and the solar panel really just got my interest I said wow this thing is really cool but you know let me look a little bit further into it because of familiar with whole Sun for their other sites that they've had their rifle sights and what their claim to fame is this is that they have what they call a circle dot so a little illustration here we prepared to show you what I'm talking about so most red dots are that they're just a dot and we'll talk about that a little bit that's kind of your sight picture when you look in there you look through the window the glass window you see that red dot and the red dot is in the window it's actually shining into the window so whatever you put that red dot on that's where you're gonna hit your target but Hassan has taken it one step further they have added the ability to do not only the dot by itself but you can also do a circle by itself with these little aiming reticle things here on the circle itself it looks just like that but really the trick ticket is the circled dot and that's what they're known for is the circle dot technology and it's pretty amazing when you think about you know the circle dot for a couple reasons now let me go ahead and explain what I mean by that so when you look it through the site itself and you see that circle dot the MOA of the circle is 32 it's a 32 MOA circle the dot itself is 2 now for those of you who don't understand them away or don't know what MOA is MOA is minute of angle which means at a hundred yards the circle alright it's gonna be 32 inches and that's pretty big in fact I have a little demonstration here that I'm gonna pull up here this signage is basically 32 inches and this is 32 inches this way I mean I didn't have a 32 inch circle but this is 32 inches that means it's it's pretty darn big means it's it's almost too big for aiming but the dot itself is two MOA so that means that a 100 yards the dot itself is 2 inches okay so what does all that mean to you as a self defense or competition shooter what's really exciting to me is that at 10 yards which is where most of our competition shooting is and most of our self defense shooting 10 yards and in the circle now get this the circle that we saw a member the circle and the circle dot the circle is 3.2 inches now that starts to get pretty exciting as far as your self defense fast target acquisition and shooting because three inches in a 3.2 inches to be exact is a pretty good aiming target for self defense right got it so that's three points to really you know is all your vital zones up and down right up here is 3.2 inches so that means when you bring the site up anything within that little dot at ten yards the circle itself will be a hit in 3.2 inches now take it one step further at five yards 15 feet very typical self-defense shooting distances the circle is 1.6 inches and that is an eye ball okay so all of a sudden the circle in a self-defense world is one not only easier to see and faster to see but at self-defense distances self-defense and even competition distances it's a pretty good aiming point and that's what I'm trying to demonstrate here and why I like this circle dot so much I mean it's truly awesome so this is the site inside it is adjustable to not only brightness but also the actual reticle what you're gonna see so this is the one I want to show you so either you have the dot you have the circle or you have this circle dot and the instructions show you how to do that but basically it goes like this you turn it on by just pushing the plus button and I'll show you that real quickly so there's a plus button right there and you turn it on once twice three times four times that kind of brings up your intensity and then if you want to switch between reticles you hold the minus button down for about three or four seconds just hold it down and as you hold it down then it will change the reticle from dot Circle Circle dot and then back around dot Circle Circle dot so that's kind of how you change that the other thing that was really interesting about this site and and it's the technology built into it it's got what you call a shake awake concept shake awake means that it's it's timed right now so if I had it turned on and I put it down and there was no movement and it's sat there it would automatically turn itself off after 10 minutes that's also adjustable too by the way you can actually go 10 30 and 60 minutes I believe or what the increments are as well as never to turn off and again I think it's pretty set from the factory for 10 minutes which is a pretty good time so again if you're at a competition match and you don't want you know obviously it's probably to be light outside so you don't have to worry about their battery because the solar panel is going to take over and power the the dot and so you don't have to worry about you know going off we're going on but if you're a match and somehow you're you know kind of still for 10 minutes you haven't moved and then when you go to shoot as soon as you pick the gun up as soon as you move as soon as you actually you know go to dry fire and look at your sight pictures till I turn itself on so it's pretty cool the shake awake technology so it's it's pretty robust and there's a couple other things I want to show you real quick just so you understand it comes with a little tool like this and this tool is a multi-purpose tool one it's got a little nib right there to allow you to a flathead nib to allow you to adjust your windage and elevation so there's a u4 up and r4 right obviously the other way you're gonna go left or down so that's the opposite way that's what this little guy is but what's really cool is on the other side of this are two small little nibs so you can see those guys real quick get in there and they actually help you get access to the battery compartment in the back here see these two small holes here you're actually put this tool in here like so and then you can turn the battery compartment to get access to the battery and I don't need to do with all that I don't think you know so I'll just tighten it back up right now and so this guy is really handy and it comes including the package also included in the package for those of you who have a mount that requires a Picatinny operation it does come with the Picatinny mount and you'll see the screws are included of course as well as the two posts you'll intersect with the holes that are drilled into the actual body itself right here so these are the screw holes and these two holes actually marry up with with the sight right here's like so now one of the things they did for this to make it I guess more Universal is they made the footprint of the site along with the hole placement of the site the exact same as a Trijicon RMR so they're pretty smart because the armoire is very popular very expensive very good but very popular and because of that a lot of people already have their slides cut to rmr or there's other mounts that will you know take the RMR so anything it takes rmr we'll take this the glock MOS which is the modular optic system will have a plate that will accept the RMR as well as this new Hollis on site it won't be listed on there because it's a brand new site but again anything that fits the RMR will accept this new policy so that's this site yeah I mean like I said I shot it the other day and it was way faster than iron sights and you know I haven't shot since a shot show so I really didn't hadn't shot about six weeks so you know I got up and I was I can pull the trigger fast iron sights you know you just have to take that extra Paul's to make sure everything's lined up with the red dot and especially the circle dot and when I was shooting in a play track is literally you just put the circle right on the plate and bang by my my bag bag all the way right down so it was a lot of fun and certainly faster now this is a Glock 19 that I built up you know kind of a self-defense gun and I'm going to go ahead and we're going to remove this upper and just gonna get this magazine out of here make sure the gun is safe and empty and pull the trigger in a safe direction remove this upper and then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna replace it with a an upper that has been drilled and tapped and cut up for and RMR and you see what we do here so you get in here close you'll see kind of the concept I've already got the co witness sites on there which are the suppressor sites and see how tall they stand relative to a regular site so I'll bring the other one out here this is the factory and these are the suppressor sites and you can see the height difference if I put them side-by-side there you go that's a good look Factory and over here this is the this one is the suppressor the idea is with a suppressor you're able to see beyond the the tube the suppressor tube itself or with the red dot you're able to any of the optics you're able to see through the glass now I know we've shown this before so I won't put a whole lot of emphasis on this but this is basically how this thing works so we go like so and once we get the holes lined up we put it in there and then we're gonna go ahead and and get it rolling now this one I've already this is a different one I wanted to get a brand new one because I want to cite it in as well and we're gonna do that in just a little bit but right now I'm gonna go ahead and show you the technique we're gonna do to mount this now what happens in our shop all the time is that people will send their slides in their standard factory slide or any other slide to say you know what I want the RMR cut and we do that so that's on our website as an item we will cut the slide and we'll tap it for the two holes so it's directly related to the holes that are in your arm are or now this new hosam so something you can do for us now often people say I want to go witness which is not a bad idea it's more expensive because you gotta buy the the suppressor sites and it's not necessarily necessary either because in reality you know you're just gonna be able to look right through the sights and you don't have to co witness so but it's kind of fun to do it because you're really you know again you know kind of now what's going to be the objectives put that red dot right into that front sight so that they both line up and so soon as soon as I get up there bang I'm ready to go so when we co witness you'll see that we retain a small portion of the dovetail right here and let's see you can see that yes you can like so okay and that allows us to capture the sights as no and the front sight just goes in there as it normally would so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and if you sent us your slide say hey go and cut my slide up because I want to put an armoire on it we would send it back with or without the sights it look kind of like this okay and if you don't want Co witness we just push it back a little bit further but so we go ahead and do that and we look at it and now we send it back to you and then you get your sight and here's your sight and now we're going to go ahead and we're going to use some Loctite and we're going to install the sight and it's fairly simple it comes with two screws of course like I mentioned and it comes also with this Picatinny rail mount we're not gonna use it because I'm gonna sit this directly down on to the slide itself the Picatinny rail mount will fit on an optic mount that could be for a handgun we've got another product for that if you wanted to use this and not cut your slide and I'll show you that in another video or for a rifle but typically when you use it on a rifle you're gonna want to have a riser so you don't have to get so low there so you want to get that thing there usually you know an inch or two up off the Picatinny rail little easier to see when you mount that to your face but that's another video altogether so when you get this you're also gonna get a torque wrench that comes with the piece and so we're gonna hold the screw with our torque wrench now Loctite a couple things about lock tape one so I shake it up okay it's very important to make sure all the chemicals or totally mixed there so you get the best action on this thing - the other thing that's real important about the lock type is you don't want to leave it open because the good stuff is gonna boil off in the air so when you're done with it you close it up okay people always wonder well how's the best way to install your Loctite and this is the Loctite number 262 this is the red loctite there's a blue loctite as well red loctite says high-strength now this slide is reciprocating very fast I like to use the red loctite but keep in mind it's not the end-all all right you've got to always double check yourself every time you shoot or after you shoot how are my screws looking are they getting loose if they're getting loose one they're gonna screw up your sight picture you know for sure but - that thing may fly away someday and you're not gonna be happy because you got a big investment of that so always double check your sight your screws you just because you put Loctite on it doesn't mean it's like you know done all right you know a lot of guys will you know call us a week later and say you know hey my sight flew away and we said well do use locked at well yeah I did but and you know so a couple other things they didn't possibly do is it and let the Loctite sit for 24 hours before you went out and shot it it has to cure a little bit all right so what I like to do personally is put a drop of Loctite right on the threads themselves and it will find itself and marry itself up into the proper position here we go this is not pretty but you can put it into the hole but I think I like to get it on the threads themselves personally and there's a lot of people who all have a different opinions but I think that's the best way there we go now I'm seated in there now I'm not gonna tighten it down too far I remember like a tire and a lug wrench I'm going to just get it started and then I'm gonna work on both down a little bit more okay so it's a big drop it's not a little small drop if I get any excess around there I want to clean it up later okay so now we're starting here so now let's get that out for there okay all right so I've got it started - no magic here right all right so I'm gonna go ahead and start it again on the other side and before I tighten it too much I just want to make sure that it is centered and it feels like it's centered and you know I see as much overhang on both sides because there's a little bit of play and you know it will affect you now you're gonna cite it in anyways but might as well do as much as you can to make it equal on both sides alright here we go now I'm gonna use this side just a little bit more and it's finger tight right now and then I'm gonna go ahead and put the other side in and crank it a little bit more and again the secret to this is to let it sit because the heat and vibration alone will make it defeat the Loctite and you don't want that to happen because it will be a problem now like I said put your cap back on right away done with that and that's basically how quick it goes to install once you have the the slide cut and tapped ready to accept it and again the key here is I'm gonna let it sit for about 24 hours and then we're going to go ahead and go to the range and we're gonna shoot and see where this thing actually places the the mythology we're gonna use and I'll talk about it real quickly here before we get to the range is we're gonna shoot one shot at the distance that we're interested in sighting the Internet and because I shoot competition because you know most of the stuff I want to shoot is its close-up I mean they're gonna do 10 or I'm gonna do 15 yards I think I'm gonna do 10 because I want to pull this guy out and actually marry it up to that marry that circle right to there so I'm gonna get a ten-yard distance which is 30 feet okay and I want to go ahead and get that dialed in to 10 yards and I'm gonna shoot one shot and see where it is and then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna walk the site over to that shot you follow what I'm saying so you know that way the site will will dictate the shots gonna dictate where I want to go so if the shot is to the right I'm gonna go ahead and walk that I'm not gonna try to bring you know well it'll be both the two things but I'm actually gonna go ahead and bring that site over to there so that it is exactly where it's supposed to shoot and we'll do that like I said in the range and I'll try to describe that a little bit better so you understand exactly the concept of trying to cite these guys in because you know you can go click click click click and really mess this thing up you want to be careful not to over torque in the clicks that's I guess really what I was trying to get to there's a real methodology here and when you're at those shorter distances it will take several clicks to get you there but we'll talk about that and when we get to the range this is the newest hottest red dot optics I'm telling ya the circle dot concept that alone you know not to forget the solar shake awake different reticles that you can do all that but that circle dot is awesome and I'm telling you what if you're looking for a red dot optics or something that's gonna be easy to pick up because a lot of guys I mean I was at the range of the day and the guy said yeah I'd probably sign up and I couldn't see the red dot and I had to look for it oh there it wasn't he would then he went so a lot of that's practice you know you when you mount him and we'll talk about that in the range as well but the circle and the circle dot in my mind just seems to be a little easier to pick up a little faster and of course that's what we're looking for this speed and accuracy let me McGill this is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego and we've got red dot optics here if you ever get into the shop you say you know what I just want to try one out well we'll have one for you to test and see for yourself you'll be faster thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: GlockStore
Views: 186,400
Rating: 4.8855634 out of 5
Keywords: GlockStore, Glock Performance, Glock Performance Parts, Glock, Glock Handgun Parts, Custom Glocks, Custom Handguns, red dot optic, holosun 507C, lenny magill, glock optics, glock sights
Id: hGmTZpJmtT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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