Lend Lease Part 1 - Skier Task Guide - Escape From Tarkov

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hey guys and welcome to a skier task i'd lend this part one for this task you're gonna need to obtain three emoji controllers as well as two single axis fiber optic gyroscopes and then hand them all over to skier don't forget to leave a like on this video if you find this guide useful so for this task you are going to need a few keys now one of them that you are going to need is the west wing rumor 216 key now this key is definitely needed for this task there isn't any way of choosing it so this key does currently spawn in jackets as well as in the pockets and bags of scares now this key also has a hard spawn on shoreline the key can be found on the desk in the eastern part of the admin building upstairs and it spawns on top of the desk next to the light now i do have a full key guide for this key up in the icard up the top right hand corner as well as in the top link in the description and for the other keys you are going to need it is gonna either be the east wing room 306 or the east wing roma 308 key now when it comes to both of these keys both of these keys do spawn in jackets as well as the pockets and bags of scavs now you don't need um both of the keys you just need one of them when it comes to the 3a6 key this key does actually spawn in the tarkon's director office and customs as well and when it comes to the 308 key this does spawn in woods in the number one cabin there's a little end table that's in between the two beds and it does spawn on that now we do have key guys for all three of these keys but remember you do need either the eating room three zero eight key or the three zero six you don't need both of them by the way if you do need help unlocking any of these rooms we do have a helpline over on our discord discord dot gg slash runner basically what we're doing is a sherpa service so if you need certain rooms to unlock or you just need help to play with or even people to play with we have everything over on our discord so we're going to start off in words here in front of you is the map showing you both of the locations one is why the lumber mill and one is by the checkpoint so we are going to be hitting up the first motor controller and we are over here at the checkpoint now a lot of you guys should know this car this is the one that spawns the violet key card and the motor controller spawns right here in the middle between the driver seat and the passenger seat next what we're gonna do is head over to the lumber mill for the gyroscope so here we are over at the lumber mill up there sniper mountain and this is the lumber mill just like so you got three vehicles here by the entrance of the blue building and what we're gonna want to do is go to the pickup truck the violet key card does spawn here that's not where we're going we're gonna jump on the pickup truck and it's literally this open box right here that we need to gonna grab it out of by the way if you happen to die as you pick up any of these items and you haven't handed it over to skier you do need to come back into the raid and collect the items so once you get out of this raid of woods then the best thing you do is head over to skier and hand over the items to him before you go into your next rage which is gonna be shoreline so here on the map in front of you is showing you where we're gonna need to go on the shoreline so we got three motor controllers two of them up at the result which is what you need the keys for and the third one is out over to the eastern part of the map which is where we're at right now so over there you can see the dome right here is the radar or the radio tower the signal tower which is the um that you need to mark signal so the box is literally just here but i'm going to show you a few more points that you can use to point you in the right direction so just next to this um tower right here you have this um trailer and what you're gonna do is you can see it's kind of pointing in direction which is over this way what you're then gonna do is run in a straight line in the direction that the corner is pointing it's going to take you over two sets of hills and then the box should basically be directly in front of us it's quite inconspicuous but this is the box where you pick the item up over there you can see the uav drain that you're going to pick up for one of peacekeeper stars later on and you can actually see the box directly from there right there is a hidden stash as well so it's all just basically circling around a few open areas but the first time you find it it will be kind of hard for you to try and figure out where it is so here we are at the resort so we are going to be hitting up the rooms that you are going to need either the east wing room 308 or the 306. now that is these two rooms are just up over there and we're gonna point you how to get there so we're gonna enter east wing which is the right thing uh the right wing and building we're gonna go in through the main entrance and follow around to the left we're gonna go up the stairs until up at the very top floor just like so and then what you can actually do is look for door numbers so you can see that that's three zero eight and three zero six so from three zero eight i will just show you how to get to the task item but you do need to go into the balcony going in through 308 you can see this generator out here and what you're going to do is jump on top of the generator and it is in the box directly here in front of you and then if you are going to be coming from the east wing room 306 key basically this is the door that i just pointed out a minute ago you basically walk through here you go all the computers on your right and then here is the box right here that you're gonna need to elude from once again like i said in the woods run if you happen to die you do need to come back in and collect the task item again so here we are outside again on the right here this is the resort that is east wing and this is west wing which is the red key building so for this we are going to need the west wing room 260 inky and the way that we get to that is you go through the main entrance and then follow it around to the right hand side and go up the stairs one time just like so then you're going to turn to your left you see you got 210 in front of you gonna go right and jump over the barbed wire yeah jump over the barbed wire you see this chair right here just before you get to that chair here is the door the 216 room and this is the one that you're going to need to unlock once entering this room all you're going to do is look directly to your left we've got this blue cabinet and the item spawns right there in the blue cabinet again like i said last time if you happen to die you do need to come straight back in again and collect the items as they are task items are not physical things you can stick up your bum if you are struggling with this task or just in general wanting to find people to play with head over to piranha dot tv slash discord we do have a decently large looking for group community as well as a sherpa system so if you just need a bit more help than normal then we are there to help you hopefully you guys found this guide useful if you did don't forget to leave a like and subscribe or possibly consider joining the channel membership where you can unlock early videos as well as a few custom rewards don't forget to check out front tv as well that's a one-stop shop for all of your guides tasks keys all those kind of things in one location hopefully you guys found this guide useful and i'll see you in the next video and a big thank you to all of my patreons for supporting me over on patreon.com piranha tv and a huge thank you to j damn freddy and beansie without this kind of support i would be able to do what i do [Music]
Channel: Piranha
Views: 277,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lend lease part 1, lend lease, part 1, lend lease skier task, lend lease skier, land lease tarkov, play through, land lease part, full play through series, land lease, skier woods, skier shoreline, skier motor controller, skier gyroscope, woods map, shoreline map, lend lease tarkov, motor controller tarkov, beginners guide, esacpe from tarkov tasks, skier lend lease part 1, quest lend lease, skier mission lend lease, espace from tarkov woods, eft shoreline, eft woods
Id: E2jlBHvI9DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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