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hi guys this is pesan welcome to another scap for taco video today I'm covering the labs the terror groups Labs map it is probably the most difficult and frustrating map in the game when it comes to escap for tackle because you got to pay to get in there and it's a very high risk for high reward uh it's pretty much caned as the endgame PvP map so we'll be covering the extracts the spawns everything you need to know the good loot danger spots so without further Ado let's crack straight into it all right first up to get access to the terror group Labs you need one of these access cards you can find these in filing cabinets uh you can buy them from therapists there is B trades um and when you do your scav runs as you get higher scav rep you actually have a pretty good chance of getting them yourself so you can buy shirt flea once you get the flea market unlocked or therapist once you get a little bit higher level yeah I have a 7.92 fenp and I'd say probably one in one in four to five scav raid I would have a Labs key card you need to have it on you to be able to go into the map itself if you do not have a Labs card on you when you go to go to the labs map it'll say you require a card so every now and then they'll do an event that you'll be able to actually get access to the map without needing the labs cards but let's just St for now that you need lab cards to get in there and also you cannot scav this map unless it's an event that says you can all right so this is the terror group Labs um there is pretty much like three levels there's the Upper Floor the bottom floor and then the basement uh which there like ladders down there or staircase down there and there's also axises from the sides uh and that is pretty much where the layout of the map is it's not a huge map but there is a lot to go over throughout the whole map um there is keys for inside the map there are actual lab key cards like the colored key cards and there's the normal keys that you use that actually just unlock using a door that have limited uses these ones as of now do not have um a limited use you can use them as many times as you want and some of them are extremely valuable and some of them are just a flex for example it cost me like 60 million rubles to buy a red key card um and it probably makes about 2 300K a run um just noting right here offline mode has usually worse loot so just take that as a note but you can make a lot of money on laps I'll go through all the the things you need to know but starting off um from the center over here this is the hanger I want to say hanger yeah hanger gate uh door so some of these buttons when you press the button they will uh open up the extract and you would run out there to extract when you do open up the extract like that uh Raiders usually spawn in Raiders are like harder boss harder than scavs but not bosses um you do not want to be over exposing yourself on them um because they can be quite devastating as you can see there is a lot of good loot just naturally sprawling around the map one thing to note is every single computer in this map so I should actually explain this every single map on escap for Taro has like a loot multiplier and that is the chance of like loot spawning I guess good loot loot included in that and so um Labs has a very high loot multiplier so for example if you go to a computer and you go search a computer there's a pretty decent chance you'll find a graphics card I would say if you were to spawn into a Labs raid by itself no one else in there and searched every single computer in spawn you would find one if not two graphics cards every single rade all right so starting off that is the hanger gate that's where you can you can go down that way to extract this goes through a doorway upstairs to what we call Ice Cream over here and then this goes through a down around to a back office um I won't show you the way around the back but it is a good way to maneuver around if you are coming into this raid and you run out to the middle open area you are going to expose yourself to both Raiders and players players are pretty ferocious on this map they'll comeing in squads anywhere up to like a fiveman it's only 10 players Max so you know they could have half the lobby already locked down to themselves um yeah we'll go from there so uh as talking about going around that other side through the hangout down to the right and you can come up the staircase there's loose uh weapon spawn Parts over there a ladex spawns on top of here you got your jacket you got three computers uh card not a card a key spawns here I think it's like the weapon testing key yep weapon testing key and you got the weapon crate nothing actually spawns down on the on the server ax I'm probably just going to do it like level by level so that way we can kind of keep it nice and simple without me going up and down all the time all right over here actually I forgot a key over here we have the green key card access panel so inside green now this one's probably the most valuable card at the moment it might be a little bit more expensive than red it's it's more expensive than red because Red's so bad at the moment inside here you'll find a lot of Med spawns along the edges uh including steems there is a black key card spawn right there next to the computer uh and you will find l xes in here it is quite rare I have found why not to this one there's a letic spawn in that little container there steem spawn on this shelf right here uh on this shelfing here there stems I don't they used to be spawns along here but I think they've taken them away and then should really be picking up the show so right here and on the chair can be uh gold spawn so gold spawn are anything from like the key the the the press pass you've also got um Bitcoins rollers GP coins green uh gold chains Pro kills all those kind of items so steems all along here and then there's another uh gold spawn and leex spawn and graphics card spawn on the ground there you can Al also find Intel spawns on the on the Shelf there and on this table yeah like I said offline mode very bad loot now this I don't have the access card for it's the actual lab card with blue tape uh I'll have a video playing right now showing you inside there but pretty much there is uh about five or six stim spawns in there but it's needed for a quest you usually get this key um from killing sanit on Shoreline um there's a staircase here that goes back downstairs to the lower level and then you can run all the way down yeah so there is the another extract located this cargo elevator I think it's called yep cargo elevator so the button is down in the basement there are buttons that you have to press to unlock certain elevators you've got the med spawn here there is a couple of rooms back here that you can loot I I generally never see anyone back here if you trying to hide from players uh and you try to like I don't know do the guide or something if you came back here make sure you shut the doors as you came come in and if you hide back here right and don't move and wait for your 7 minutes or whatever or however long you want to wait if someone comes and kill kills you they're definitely a cheater cuz no one ever goes back there to loot all right someone's going to be in comments right now saying I down there to loot all the time no one does all right um so yeah nothing really too crazy to loot back here there are a few steems and Med spawns around here so people will check all the med spawns on all these tables and that because anywhere there's a med spawn technically a l can spawn um so you just got to be wary of that um but also stems can actually be quite valuable so when you come into Labs if you are like a Labs Farmer they will nearly always come in into Labs with an empty injector case they might have like one injector in there maybe two Max um or they'll come in with a second one I like to bring in a second one that's completely empty and have half the other one full uh that way I can just make cash so this is All Med spawns in this room here but see you got loose steems so You' be putting them in like that and uh this is how you can come to the labs and this is why I started the whole pistol backpack thing because it just makes you so much money my labs load out would probably be those not in there and if be that maybe one extra injector case if I really wanted to but I'd probably just come in with just an injector case with a propal this is my pistol back backround load out so when you come to these rooms you''ll be searching all the computers um there is a lot of computers so we're talking pretty much all these rooms have about 10 computers so there's 1 2 three now this is a ladex spawn right here pretty common letex spawn too um four five six seven computers in this one there's also gold spawns on here so you got to check both sides of this checking up and down and then on the uh the end sides here so this is another what of gold spawn so the the Golden Rooster there and this one's also got gold spawns a lot of these get missed by people you also have the safe here and this is why coming in with um a docks case is always so important on Labs um cuz you'll be able to fill up your dock case with random items if you check the filing cabinets as well you're going to find stuff like Intel uh ssds and stuff like that uh and they also go into your dock cases so that's why you'll hear people smashing through these office Windows if you hear that glass window noise it's nearly always someone coming through these through these out here so gold spawns on these shelves you've got all your computer spawns again on the on the front sides of these more gold spawns on here another safe over here to loot this is pretty much how I loot it that MFD is worth 100K all right so right up here this is where a management office key spawned it's not as valuable anymore but it's just good to know if you're running past it you can check right make sure you're also checking these computers on both the front and back side here another filing camera down there all right as we run around this way we have the yellow key card spawn not yellow key card spawn sorry the yellow key card room inside this room you got gold spawns on the chair here here and here up the top um you can have a little bit of loot up the top and then this is turn off the announcement so what this does is it turns off the actual vocal announcement for when you open up the parking gate so if you were to do that hit parking you could run out and no one would even know that you open the door besides them hearing the door open if they're over in this area yellow is actually still a fairly valuable key I find I'd say fairly decent gold spawns from time to time so it's worth checking out on this side we got gold spawns here and on the chair and also at the top on both sides and then this opens up the parking gate so see how we turned off the announcement and you can only hear the door you can't hear like the lady Go sector G and all that stuff so you can actually uh you know get the loot get out without being heard as easily now something to note when you double tap o if someone's pressed a button you can double tap o and you actually can see which Gates have been opened um it's another little cheeky way the cargo elevator hadn't been opened that was green because I'd ran up to the actual cargo elevator now in this room we've got the purple suitcases and uh also the jacket there the main things you're looking for is you're looking in this shelf for gold chains there's got the computer there you're looking at this shelf graphics card on the floor just like that cheeky uh gold spawns on here and also gold spawns on the table here then there's another three computers usually one 2 3 maybe a fourth one if you're lucky yeah four computers so U you want to search all those computers like I said for the graphics cards graphics cards worth 900,000 at the moment moving around this way so gold spawns along here so we got RFID we got the badge looking at the Shelf here another badge here looking at this here and over here here Intel can spawn up here vertexes don't spawn in Labs anymore but they used to spawn up here coming around this side now this is to the red key card section before we go into the red I need to show you where the green key card spawns green spawns right there make sure you check it I found one this white you know that's an extra 60 million in your pocket you all the computers along here two in offline mode I don't know why they done this but in offline man you can't loot these so what I do is with pistol backpack runs when I do Labs I'm not ching this is to do a loot run but when I do them I check all these crates and you'll be amazed how many times you'll find Armor All Right Violet key card probably after this video the value will go up because I'm going to say it's actually pretty decent I don't know what they're selling for at the moment but there's probably about seven gold spawns in here so you've got in this shelf there's like three spawns alone just in that shelf you've got another one on the floor another one there and another one on the table so so I'm not saying you're going to make hundreds of thousands of rubles every single raid but sometimes you'll make 2 or three maybe 400k every time you like each time you open this so not only do you have all them oh and there's also gold spawns in here as well either on the floor or in the cab the cabinet tree that you've got the three weapon crates and then you've also got um like weapon parts that spawn in these shelves so it's not like oh my God you're going to make Bank every raid off this one but it does add up falling com as well so what I do particularly if I'm going like solo I let people like kill each other off in the raid this is if I'm trying to make money I let people kill themselves off in the raid and whilst I'm doing that I'm hiding in the Violet room looting this up filling up me Dock's case with like random stuff that I've been finding getting better Rigs and stuff and you can always just run away you can always just run away the more you play this map your more you'll learn how to one make your money back so you don't lose anything from going in but two you can also um you know find little ways like you shoot the the glass out of this window and then you can uh you know if someone's coming up to the door as they come to the door you can jump P like I want door but power slide on top of the actual uh desk itself you'll slide out the window land on the ground and run out all right red key card room this one's the most controversial because of how bad it is for how expensive it is so weapon parts and all that on here you used to find a lot of pimped out m4s uh and also full full stock m4s on the shelves you've got gold spawns on here so these are what I reference what I mean goldwn spawn so everything pretty much here besides RFID um Intel spawns on the table uh loose ammo boxes like these spawn here you actually do get good ammo um they have added that to the the loot table inside here now this is you do need the actual key for it this is the Armory like Arsenal storage room key um now there's gold spawns like up here and you see that dot that's what you're looking for to know if there's a gold spawn up there sometimes they'll be up here at the top the trick to doing that is you open two at the same time you jump and Crouch get up there boy boy get up go and then you should be able to get along the top if not you jump stay on top of the uh the uh out of stamina you st on top of that some like sometimes you get a big Co that will sit right there there that is the way of doing it the other option is um you can sometimes like glitch yourself up the wall a little bit it's only if there's a Bitcoin really and it's right there you used to be able to like lean your head through the wall a little bit um if there was an issue but yeah anyway moving on now there's no real good loot in that back room hallway at all um but there is a spawn over there so just be careful if you spawn up that end you're running up to the to the parking gate sticking your head out sometimes people hide in this bush or be laying down on the ground there waiting for you to come out they've got you've got a really blue backdrop silhouette whereas they're you know in the shadows in darkness um yellow key card can spawn on top of here so just keep an eye out for that one um moving this way now there's no loot in this section on this floor just be careful of people falling from this area cuz a lot of people will be fighting and coming up this staircase the thing I'm going to say with being careful is you won't hear them so the audio is so busted that you won't hear people coming up the staircase you'll be like you'll like okay there's a Raider out there there's a Raider out there and next minute you get shot in the left ear right that's what I mean for it this is what we call uh ice cream or storage freezers whatever you want to call it um all right that's back at the starting point we're just going to go over this way to show you the management office and then that would be this floor done to its entirety so green key card spawn on the uh table here there is a a Intel spawn on the ground yellow key card spawn on the table inside here they're rare but they do still spawn so those yellows greens and black cards you definitely want to keep an eye out for them this used to be the best bang for buck key in the map is now pretty trash but it does still spawn stuff so if you have fully cleared Labs there's no more players around uh you've got loot that spawns on this table here and under the bottom it's still very very rare it used to be like five different gold spawns like you'd have two Bitcoins and a line sitting there you've got the F cabinet and then also you've got the uh the two computers and a safe like I said if you're looting all these saves and the good thing is like if you do die after you have cleared it all and you you filled up your your uh your dock case with a loot yeah it's kind of nice you know you could go dog case SASE as well if you want to collect all the dog tags if you're a mad pvper um but yeah that is the top floor done all right we'll head down to the bottom floor I'll start on this side we'll pretty much do a very similar lap so gold spawns right here you got the four computers this is the weapon testing room now this one is definitely worth getting the key this one is way better than management office now this one probably set you about 100 or 200k it's probably cheaper maybe it might even just be at Cost PR us now you're looking at the ground on both these sides you will find lades constantly but constantly I mean like one in 10 one in 15 that's pretty good odds you know so you if you in a key you'd probably find between two and four lead xes um obviously you got the three weapons uh boxes you've also got a f pimped out M4 that spawns on the table really good uh s spawn on the this table and you'll have m4s that spawn up here uh also sorry check this spawn right here I know it's cash there right now but you can also get like uh graphics cards that spawn right there there are some B trade items that spawn on these tables I wouldn't stress too much about them but you know you you might find one of those pipe wrenches or whatever worth 80k there used to be a Vertex BN here it's been removed but they might put it back one day it's the only reason I'm I'm telling you and then like fire Steals and and uh clean gun lube used to here um I don't know if I'll put those spawns back or reenable them but just you know they do mix it up from time to time for the middle of the map section here there's not really a lot um of loot to be uh desired as in like in this section here there's pretty much just food and drink so if you do blow out your stomach um there's computers on the ground here there's computer parts that spawn on the top and then there is I believe it's a yellow key card that spawns here and a black key card that spawns here I might have got them back to front but that's uh there's definitely colored cards that spawn on each of those two locations so you should check it every time you run past and then stems that will spawn on top of these tables let oh yeah and also check this spot here cuz computer part spawn you can get a graphic scun letex is used to spawn in here I'll show you the spawns in case they come back but they haven't for ages uh right there and you're looking on top of all these barrels so they don't spawn at the moment but you never know they might come back inside here you're looking at the ground for um Med spawn so this could be steems or lades or any other meds along here there's also a couple of gold spawns that's pretty much what you do you run along like that all right heading down this way I've already showed you the server room in this section here from above you don't need to go in there for any loot there aren't any this is black key card room you can access it from either side most people usually go from the other side I'm only just coming in this side because I opened the door this is the most valuable key in all of labs um so you can get the key from doing the B train sorry the B quest of handing over 10 founding raid lab access cards an AF h1m and the 3 btg uh steems to like it's therapist uh and then you instead of killing sanitize it's called colleagues part 3 you do that Quest that you get a black key card given to you that's why it's so cheap if it wasn't for that and you only found them in raid the black key card would honestly be worth I'd say like the actual value of the card would be 100 million plus the actual cost of it probably would only get to about 30 million but I would say it'd be 100 million plus value easy and the reason for that every single time you come Labs you can loot it and there is uh steems in here I found there is no steems in offline um I'll try and do an online raid and and show you the kind of the steems I can or maybe a screenshot of some stems I get from in here but we're looking at every single one of these chairs on the ground here there you got to take my word for it guys there is like usually up to 15 stems in here uh as well as LX bores in here and um oflos Scopes the reason why that's so valuable is you got an an empty injector case you can fill that if you survive the raid if you get anything like a mu that's 200,000 rubles uh propal will sell for 30 or 40K uh M donut will sell for 50,000 plus and even if you do die sj6 are about 80k at the moment even if you die you can vendor all these stems or use them yourself but you could vendor all these stems and you'll usually get 200,000 plus rubles which means you loot black key card room and die you've already paid for your Labs raid your Labs access card if you go pistol backpack that's your pistol and your backpack covered if you survive you've just made probably 3 to 400k just from looting black key card and that's only taking up one square of your container so that's why it's so valuable not to mention there's leex spawns in there and I'd say ladex is spawn in there probably one in 10 one in 10 raids so you know it adds up it adds up all right running down this way now there's just a couple of Med spawns in this section not really anything too crazy this is blue key card room um we'll open it in a second but down here you've got the green key card that spawns here 100% should check it and then also meds that spawn up on the Shelf here if I didn't get that back to front the LA key card spawns up here but I'm 99% sure it spawns here cuz I've picked one up recently it was last one all right so blue this one is the most overrated um overrated card probably so they've buffed it a many times but it's still trash so you're looking at steim on there the only ladex bwn that I've seen is in this spot right here uh up you're looking at the top of all these on all the stretcher beds in that all these little uh like I don't know what you call them like rack shelves checking all this on top of here and then through all these and that is blue there is literally not that good loot in here all right running down this back Corridor just be very careful that none of these are like bulletproof I guess so if you know someone down there you can spray through these and you can actually get kills quite often right management offense key right there spawn um you've got the computers spawning throughout this room another safe no no safe in this one sorry you've got all the computers that you should be checking anyway um and then the jacket in the corner and it finally come to here like I said you check all these computers you'll definitely find at least one graphics card raid if not multiple now if you're in offline mode also and you go in with uh you you need the access card to go in offline mode um you don't consume the labs access card to go in offline mode so just so you know all right gold spawn right here you'll find lad xes as well probably something I should also should have been pointing out is um pretty much everywhere you can find a ladex is where you find the gpsa and also the I can't remember the name of the other item but the the items that are required to upgrade your he out we've got um this back Corridor and they only found in labs this back Corridor goes around to the section over here so that's why I'm just not running around there it's FAS to go this way you can go through here as well and that takes you down to one of the uh it's called main main elevator which is located directly below here there's actually no real good loot in this bottom floor section here as for over here you've got um a folling cabinet and some duffel bags there's more duffel bags in online mode another safe here all right cool and then as you come down this way uh another one of the keys spawn on there there's not really much good loot in these back offices just a few duffel bags and stuff there used to be amazing loot inside here I I've done 50 plus raids and haven't seen anything decent like a fully pimped out MPX used to spawn on top of the um top of here and also an MP5 then up here there used to be an M4 spawn and then a Vertex one us to be an M4 spawn up the top here and a Vertex spawn they've all gone so if you're watching an older gu you'll probably see me saying stuff like that used to be a Vertex born between the shelves I haven't seen that one in ages well vertex don't don't spawn Labs anymore but like graphics cards and that used to spawn here don't really see them anymore either all right and then we come around here and we are pretty much back at the beginning all right as for the rest of the map so downstairs there is no actual good loot downstairs but there are some things to show you so I'll try and get that done nice and quick some tips for fighting the Raiders is make sure you don't overexpose so when you shoot at a radar um peek out shoot him and then do not rep peek if you're going to repe you want to wait like at least 5 or 10 seconds otherwise they'll instant kill you they are very brutal all right so down from black key card you take a left you run down here and you flick this one and this is the medical elevator so medical block elevator this is directly below black key card room and you flick that one right there well the extract before that we uh we ran up to being the cargo elevator the power switch is also just over here and you flick this one here if you flick either the medical elevator or the cargo elevator power um there's a fairly decent chance will spawn Raiders so just be wary of that so if you're going to go a cargo elevator in the fastest path I don't know why you would go cargo over medical if you just flipped it but maybe because someone's coming from the medical side or you got pushed back down here and the Raiders will spawn down this section too so just be very careful if you press those levers and you're running this way all right we got to go all the way back up to the top and this the cargo elevator cargo elevator is one use only once you you've used it that is it and then running to the other side of the map I can show you the medical elevator down below there's also the sewer extract um I'll I'll show you the fastest path there well technically the fastest path there is probably from um the black key card as well um if you're doing the quest say the guide and you're trying to get out of this raid without dying now we got the medical elevator sorry the main elevator located over here so this is where the red key card spawn or red key card room here sorry you run down you flick the power over here run around to the left and this is main elevator now if you were at Main elevator and you were to take a left and run around the back this will take you to the Sewer the fastest and easiest way to remember is if you can see any of these tunnels you're going down to the Sewer extract this one is located think of that the basement is like a square right and there was like the northern side would be like the medical button and the and the cargo elevator button the southern side would be the main elevator and then the western side this would be the store You' go through these Gates and way it works this is actually probably the one if you if you're doing the guide this is you can just run straight down here at the start of the raid wait 7 minutes and then extract this is the the safest way to getting out of the labs raid without dying so you run straight down into the basement you run straight to sewer uh you wait till about the 5 minute marks it takes 1 minute after you press that to extract you press that and then you extract on that side so you wait you wait till about the 5 5 and 1/2 minute Mark you flick the lever you wait the 1 minute you wait till the 7 Minute Mark and then you get out and the only reason why I say wait wait a couple of minutes to to actually flick it is so you don't want people to know that someone's hit sewer while you flicking the lever and then running on top of the extract wallets and it goes green uh or you can flick it earlier in case someone comes down there you could kill them and extract straight away all right following that left around that Western Wall we are now back over to where the black key card uh staircase is so that's the medical elevator button up that staircase goes to Black so I've kind of done a bit of a I don't know like a backwards C or maybe a c around the bottom and the only only other extract that I forgot to show you guys was this one over here this is another one that if you're doing the guide is actually really handy um or if you're getting a quest item so like an ah f1m or a ladex or whatever uh you drop your backpack and then this vent here is the no backpack extract so you have to drop your backpack to be able to extract and then you're out in 14 seconds there's a lot in Labs there's a lot of loot this is offline mode it's got crappy loot in offline mode and I still found that loot all right and I didn't check any of the computers I just skimmed most of the spawns uh and didn't do anything crazy if I'd been checking everything in online mode there's no way I would have fit it all in my backpacks and Rigs and stuff so there there's tactics on how to make it so you can hold more stuff for example in your backpack when you kill someone put a rig inside there you'll be able to hold more stuff in the rig all that kind of stuff I'll be making plenty of looting videos looting guards and all that kind of stuff but the purpose of this video is to show you how to get around the map where the uh the more danger areas are pretty much everywhere in Labs that's open and the black key card room is the way places to watch out for and stay in the side corridors and back corridors where where all the access rooms are for the labs key cards and all that the colored key cards and then hopefully you have an understanding of way to extract from the map hopefully this has been helpful I'm trying to get all these guides out for you guys that are newer to the game so you can learn the maps and all that appreciate all support so far you guys been phenomenal make sure you keep subscribing help us get to that 1 million Subs if you can like and comment for the YouTube algorithm that would be appreciated and share any of these gues with friends if they're new to tarov and they're trying to learn the game all right that is it for me much love do appreciate it and lastly I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Pestily
Views: 44,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eft, escape from tarkov, escape, from, tarkov, pestily, streets, of, new, guns, 10000, hours, 10k, lighthouse, customs, factory, streets of tarkov, labs, woods, interchange, reserve, shoreline, raid, twitch, live, stream, playthrough, gameplay, loot, looting, tips, tricks, guide, big, insane, maps, guides, tip, trick, highlight, streamer, how, to, pro, chad, 0.14, .14, patch 14, patch .14, keys, priority, key, ultimate, map, beginner, noob, tutorial, help
Id: 9UDaKjHRNns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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