Gunsmith Part 7 - Patch 0.14 Guide | Escape From Tarkov

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hello everyone we're back with gunsmith part 7 this time we modding an M4 and the sticking point about this one is the 60 round extended mag these are hard to get hold of early and so I'm going to use the 100 rounder in my build here today so that everybody can do it let's move over to the flea market and we can see that there are a bunch of m4s here mechanic sells one for 70k that's the base that we're going to look at there's one on Peacekeeper which is three CPUs and one CPU fan which is sometimes pretty good but let's start with the mechanic based One to begin with so on this the first thing we're going to do is change the upper we're going to change it to the tx15 this is normally pretty cheap on the fleet cuz no one really likes it then we're going to put the 370 mil Barrel back on the gun after this you're going to buy a 100 rounder from the flea market then we're going to apply the Windom RG block this thing to the barrel next for mechanic 2 we're going to replace the carbine buffer tube entirely with the M7 A1 PDW stock now we're going to change the pistol grip over to the m a from Peacekeeper and we're also going to change the AR-15 charging handle to the masp this is also from Peacekeeper after this we're going to put on the same sight as we did for the last gunsmith because it gets to the sighting requirement the Romeo 7 in terms of handguards we're going to attach this one the M Mo SL this one is the magpole mo SL carbine L mlock handguard and onto that we put the 4.1 in Rail and on top of that we're going to use the Knight's Armament vertical forgrip for muzzles this time around we're going to use the war comp cuz this is accessible on skier and is not sold out and on top of that we're going to use the mini monster make sure you use the socom 556 mini monster buy this from the fleet now we're just missing one ergonomic so we're going to put on the chis Defiance low profile flip up front sight you can really use anything if you want if you can't get access to the knights armor vertical forgrip just put anything else on and do a combination of the Defiance rear site or something like one of these mlock can leave amounts cuz these give plus one as well so there's one two three Ergo to spare here if you can't get access to the vfg so let's go and assemble this guy make sure it's actually the right one and we'll go back to our character we can see this is turn inable and we will go over to mechanic and hand it in ready for guns withth part eight
Channel: Gigabeef
Views: 80,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 2sec (122 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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