Lena Miculek: How Rose by Sig Sauer was created

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there is nobody out there like doing what you're doing with rose and like I want you to explain that six hour your partnership with them you guys collaborated on on this a line called Rose and it's you know specifically for women tell me about that and that's I mean yeah how how awesome is that I can tell that like it's a huge passion of yours yep it's literally my dream come true so little story time here we go okay here's little Elena at 15 starts her professional competitive shooting career does that all the way up until Co that's like 200 plus days a year on the road competing the rest of the time training just shooting guns all the time um towards the end of that I once I turned 21 you know concealed carry could be an option for me and I dived into that market and was quickly overwhelmed what gear do I use this doesn't fit into my lifestyle so I didn't do it I was super lazy I had my permit left my gun at home all the time and then I had um a realization uh for me and it's my my why all about the why why we do stuff and I found my why for carrying and for me it was that I had the mental ability I had the physical capacity to be able to have this firearm in my life and on me but I was choosing not to and in doing so in choosing not to take on the responsibility of my own personal protection is also choosing that someone else would have to come in for meh whether it's to protect you yeah whether it's me yelling out and someone being kind enough to come in or a police officer whatever it may be I'm pushing this responsibility onto someone else and what happens if they lose their life mhm good oh and that for me it's like lose life trying to help you because of something that I had the resources and the ability to take on but just chose not to cuz it didn't feel like it I couldn't find the right answers for me MH and that was like unacceptable as soon as I made this realization had my little boohoo in my car and was like how how selfish of me can't do it can't do it so that was my big why dove in concealed carry bought everything I could fine took a lot of classes learned a lot of stuff and then Co came and um through facing those unknowns in the world of concealed carry and taking on their responsibility of my own personal protection also gave me the confidence to pretty much during all of Co solo travel with my dog across the country like everybody else was stuck at home and I was like I'm out of here load up let you felt safe we're going yeah and I finally had taken on this responsibility so I could do it uh and I felt felt safe doing it obviously I made good choices right yeah you're still going to be smart yeah still going to be smart um but it just opened up a whole new world to me and it was awesome and I got to face fears and accept new things into my life and then Co came and I saw everybody else just ridden with fear afraid of everything yeah all the time and my family has a lot of tradition no actually no my family has no Traditions outside of winning matches and uh my mom has me and her every year we pick a fear of ours and we face it as directly head on as we can MH um so like first thing we did together is I don't like heights so we jumped off 108 story building together uh went rock climbing and skydiving um I don't like water I talked to you about that so I got scuba certified we went scuba diving and then we went scuba diving in a flooded mind system because we also needed the dark and the cold um and there's been other things like that all the way down to not feeling comfortable about being I told you eloquent and like delicate so I joined an adult Jazz class and performed in a recital a dance recital for my karate and shooting background so I had this like history of if there's a fear it has to be faced yeah if there's something you got to face it head on in the most absurd way that you can is that whose idea was that was that your mom's idea that's my mom she's a baddy yeah little okay she's super awesome um and she instilled kind of that in me and we are we're fear buddies together we go and do whatever we're scared of her list is a lot shorter than mine though yeah um well and and she's like this incredible shooter also oh absolutely and your dad so tell they're phenomenal catch us up to speed on that real quick oh so much then we'll talk about and then we'll talk about Rose oh so close to talking about it okay okay um my mom and dad and my grandfather were all I would consider Firearms professionals so my grandfather my dad's mom um was one of the very first custom gun smiths and a lot of his Innovations are what we see today uh a version of them and he was the first civilian to win an old school type of shooting match uh Bullseye wearing you know classy suits in fedoras shooting tiny groups one-handed really and he was the first civilian to win a Super prestigious title there he got his claim to fame by building guns winning matches selling that gun to the second place guy because obviously that's why he won yeah the gun yeah it was the gun of course and uh and then he got his start in his name doing that um my mom has a just a bucket load of national titles uh she also is the only I think person but for sure the only woman to have a gold medal at our rifle pistol and shotgun World level competitions m and my dad has 21 consecutive ra revolver world records and a whole bunch of Speed World Records that he just has set and some other titles and shooting and so what we do what's the key to all that success if you had to if you had to sum it up I mean because that's incredible um the key to all that success just doing it dedic just doing yeah like my mom's my mom will always be like just jump like when you're on the edge and you don't know what to do go harder MH jump my dad is the person that he will tell you like he's the best because he's the first one on the Range and the last one to leave more rounds through the gun you're not going to outwork him mhm and you're my grandfather um being unafraid to do new things and to fully commit once again to to the craft in hand so yeah I mean if you just dedicate everything that you do to something you'll get good at it you should I mean I I that's the thing is people want shortcuts and there there there are no shortcuts not a one not a single one keep hammering yep absolutely but um so that's my family yeah so then so Rose yeah your pride and joy yep so I decided exciting how exciting is that so I thought I was going to get fired from Sig yeah why and instead I got a whole brand well I mean my job is to win them shiny titles you know like in this Evolution I'm finding out concealed carry for myself I'm solo traveling I'm competing Non-Stop and then I just have like this moment and I'm like um I'm going to use my skills and experience to be able to help other people take on this responsibility and learn to incorporate Firearms into their life and be competent and confident users like that that competent and confident you I've probably heard me say it 25 times because it's what makes people good at some yeah but that is so different like even if you talk about your mom and dad and your family's Legacy and then your titles you're supposed to win shiny thing so that's all very personal oh achievements and then all of a sudden your mindset now seems like it's more of a you know a service mhm it's helping people so did you always have that mindset or did you just have a was there something that just clicked and you're like I want to I want to switch gears I mean you still are competitive you still want to be the best you can be but also now I can see since the the energy and the excitement in helping others M absolutely well it's like um I got so much support and help to be where I am don't I never acted like I just set out on my own and made it this far I've been blessed to have support to do all of these things to face fears to dedicate myself to a craft to to take on the responsibility of my own personal protection these are all like they've all been helped MH and then when I look around the world I still I see people filled with fear and they don't have any help right and in within my industry I was like damn like if I don't figure this out who is MH and wasn't anybody else so I figured I would you said you thought Sig was going to fire you so tell me how about that well um I mean I had my light bul moment and I was like okay U I'm going to teach everybody that can possibly get in a room to listen to me about guns um which means that you know that 200 days a year competing and the rest of that time training it had like it had to come from somewhere this time to teach had to come from somewhere so um usually when you go and tell your boss hey the job that you pay me to do I'm not going to do it anymore I got to do this I got to do this other thing usually you know they're like goodbye good luck yeah and it's small thinking on my part for thinking that this is my dream this is my passion my mission who else would want to be on this with me right and when I went to Sig and I had my boohoo moment with them and I was like I got to go teach everybody can um very luckily I told that to a good friend at Sig and a week later he called me up and he said your dream we're doing it no way and I said we what do you mean we are doing it and that's when my little mission to educate everyone um truly became something that the Firearms industry hasn't seen because we've had female Educators before we've had classes we've had that you know we have guns we have all this but what we haven't had is a bar Setter in the Firearms industry like Sig sour saying we are no longer just providing a product but we're providing the user with everything that they need to be that competent and confident owner mhm it's not only just a gun but it's gun it's safe storage it's education it's Community because it's our responsibility to build them up right um and no one else in the industry has done that kind we have these little segments you know we have these people that instruct these people that make products these people that'll be in the and they not related and they're not related and they're not cohesive and most mostly manufacturers they want that sale and once they got the sale they're done with it y they're like okay now go learn from somebody else how to do it yeah go go figure go figure it out yeah and it's like oh where do you go and then you go on the internet and then it's got so much information that it's like who do I listen to what's a good source what do I do here and then also this new demographic that came into Firearms they were on the fence because most likely the people in their life are not about it mhm so I had to or my goal was to provide a completely self sustaining uh line you don't need someone behind the gun counter to talk to you you don't have to have someone that knows about guns to teach you like just get this kit go online let's start this video series together let's learn everything that we need in the comfort of your own home tell me stop I you every comment hate that makes my feel GA up my energy and boom I hear them talking saying the way that I move is so reckless that is a part of my mind I've been blessed with giving my blood so I am Relentless my fault they want someone to blame they sent that hate it fuels my Pace I am Roy tough I am the change the in dirt feeling like cams me no I give you my heart I to work give me that impossible Das I'll give you that unbreakable cage give me that right s in that hurt I'll give you that that mindset that I earn give me that last question on ear that I just died did I end dir give me them odds nobody wants I'll give you my heart I carry the work give me that impossible task I'll give you that unbreakable curage give me that right off and that hurt I'll give you that mindset that I Hur give me that last question on Earth did I just die did I end
Channel: Cameron Hanes
Views: 4,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cameron hanes, keep hammering, cam hanes podcast, keep hammering collective, khc podcast, cam hanes bow hunting, Sig Sauer, rose, lena miculek, cameron hanes motivation, keep hammering collective podcast, bow hunting
Id: dSpe2M3gGkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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