Lego vs Box Fort Building Challenge!

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[Music] [Music] this is 300 legos welcome back to ninja kids tv today we're doing an epic challenge quarantine lego floor first is what are you guys doing trashing the yard wow we're doing an epic quarantine challenge we're going to make forts out of boxes versus legos actually that sounds kind of cool i love building box sports are you guys doing boxes yeah paige and i versus ashton paxton and they're doing legos all right guys this is epic i'm excited to be a part of this challenge so during this quarantine time make sure you're spending time with your family if you're so lucky to have a family and how about we raise the stakes put a little something on this how about the losing team has to serve the winning team means they have to do whatever the winning team says for a whole day no dad's on our team so we're gonna win okay this is gonna be epic and you guys get to help us pick the winner so where do you vote how do you do that i is right here in the eye who you think has the best sport you guys ready first we have the design phase we have 10 minutes to design our forts and then we start you guys ready three two one go [Music] guys we are on our design phase this is going to be clear exactly okay okay so what are we going to make we've got tons of boxes i think we can do something cool you guys have a plan um really kind of make it look like a castle or like guys we got to finish filming this so we don't run out of time because legos take a while to design yeah no kidding you actually have to take the design phase pretty carefully like specially kind of a big deal so like we could cut like bosses out to make them look like thrones like spikes and stuff so i think we need some support pillars so is that the correct length i'm just trying to check out these legos here they're pretty big i'm just trying to figure out how tall we can go okay so we're making this room right now finishing it up we have to make it a little bit longer because we're gonna have the ladder there and then that's how we get up okay what can i do to help i wanna help okay you're gonna probably four support pillars have like a castle is that what you're thinking yeah sweet we better win this challenge like they better let me help because i want to win because i am not going to be dead servant for a day that's what i think it's gonna happen what what you gotta do you gotta give us the legos and follow the designs okay what do you guys think what's the best strategy for this should we be going for the coolest looking like what are you guys gonna vote for the coolest looking port or the strongest fort probably coolest looking yeah whoa we have awesome crates this isn't cardboard but they're boxes and it's a box fort challenge so let's do it yeah okay whoa this is so apparently they're sleeping in it now that's your sleeping area yes peyton's going to do some reconnaissance work she's gonna go spy on them [Music] okay so do you want me to start building with the big legos should i do that no we should wait we're going to decide yeah okay i'm getting a little excited guys yeah we have to win this you guys yeah we have to we have to wait we lose i'm gonna be so mad yeah i so do we have enough legos to do this [Music] you weren't supposed to get caught did you find out anything like super black he's not that tall but it's so long good ideas for strategy um i don't know just her elements are so different that it's hard to copy we have four minutes let's figure out what rooms we're gonna do they sent peyton to spy on us so i'll be back we definitely do something cooler than them they're kind of sneaky i think we need the other big crate let's go get it okay they're going to get something what do they say they're going to get what did they say they're past the line no i'm not no i'm not okay fine what did they say they were going to get guys they said they're going to get something what are they going to get i don't know okay let's lift this huge crate up it's still a box it still counts yeah oh there's a little slippage there but i got it wait they got a giant wooden ball you know what we need to tell them this is not fair we need a break for this we need to go fast we need to design so tell them real quick why don't you come with me let's go one of your features um um excuse me what are you guys doing get out of here you can't have a giant box it's it's a box it's a box boy why can't we have a giant box it's cardboard box nobody ever said cardboard box they just said box well then fine we get something of our own to build a ceiling what do we have no yours is a lego fork oh yours is a box fort yeah that's why we have boxes guys we are almost done with our design phase i'm so excited yeah we gotta hurry almost up [Applause] that was 10 minutes okay good luck the design phase is over that means now it's time to build we have how long one hour one hour to build whoever has the best fort wins the challenge are you ready yeah yeah [Music] guys guys we're losing time like these guys can't decide on a design like is it gonna work ashton said it's not gonna work paxton says it does i just um told him that this one piece has to go this way then going in so i think we have an understanding cross our fingers let's go i'll just keep pulling it apart like you said what happened sebastian's right the roof just falls in we're doing the way i planned it so it'll work and we can use the top for something too yeah good idea wait so this is gonna be the front or the back this would give us strength if we wanted strength on the front yeah your secret passage coming out of the back then this would be you know what i've got an idea okay help me carry this over there there's a special way we're gonna do it with the safe blocks and it makes it look really cool we're putting holes in the wall holes in the walls is that a good idea okay what do you mean you're putting holes in the walls like look we're putting it right there like that wow well these boxes are in our way [Music] this is family teamwork you guys gotta vote for us because we're the most creative team this is going to be awesome we're getting along we're working together and that's what it's all about right yeah we got this yeah we can do it it's actually coming together pretty good these guys finally figured it out i'm glad they took some time in the design phase because that's super important you know whatever you design here is what's going to happen in your life okay okay okay okay oh the tape's not all open okay payton peyton i have a very important job for you you need to get all this tape open as quick as you can okay it's not good we are falling way behind we're running out of tape tape is becoming a problem guys we want the colors line up so we gotta make it exactly the same on both sides we're doing orange or we're going to green it looks like we're doing green guys okay i was told to get to work you want to be a button but you won't be the butler for the rest of the day i'm opening all the tape because it's all shut so actually really fast box cords are cool but they aren't shiny they're not sturdy and they take way longer to build guys i almost made a mistake that would have made it like terrible clapped instantly it would not have worked but jackson caught it good job that's why he's like a master sorry i'm i'm a lego master too legos are coming together really fast we gotta move faster we've already almost got the door set up it's looking good we got the green tape it looks great if we do it halfway out like what you were saying we'll have more room to sleep and the roof will still stay okay guys i'm gonna use this box cutter to finish this last side of the spikes guys their box fort's starting to look really cool go guys look at that there we go i finished the last one now i gotta take these so they stand up right now right now guys that was so funny their boxes just like flew everywhere it was crazy yeah funny check this out what do you think guys look that looks great at the top of the castle it looks good now let's tape it down guys their box fort starting to look decent but check this out guys i'm so proud of you this is turning out really cool look at paxton over there what's going on buddy right now i am thinking you can totally lay down guys i thought we were gonna be able to do this with four pillars but the wind keeps gusting and picking up and we're gonna need more pillars to keep this thing strong finish the the second spike box let's put it up they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand how is this even possible half our time has gone and now like everything's destroyed guys the whole wall blew over this is the chance that we need to catch up it's crazy okay move those out of the way let's see if we can pick this up ready all together all together all together teamwork teamwork teamwork lift it up okay okay we don't have to start all the way over that's good we need to make sure they're really tight this time though because they apparently were not tight enough guys this is going to work out i really hope so and if there's a ton of wind we gotta like brace for impact all right guys our time's halfway up this is barely coming together we don't even have all of our walls yet guys we didn't have the bridge secure right there yet so that's why everything tipped over okay let's get that secure things up more wind comes and we're not gonna have the same problem [Music] guys this is going crazy um it's starting to make shape we've only got like 15 minutes left we're gonna run out of time we got intruders what are you doing here guys you guys i just looked in there [Music] good job paxton guys over here um we were moving to put this piece in packs and realized that it wasn't the piece i was off it was a building that was moving forward so that was a good catch no no one walks back sorry dude it's not ashton's fault yeah i'm sorry dude i did not mean to do that okay guys we brought some spray paint so i'm gonna start spray painting so it looks super cool [Music] guys it is time time for what you may say i've been saying that for like a while so hold this okay all right oh my goodness whoa guys they're putting on a roof on their lego story i thought legos you guys can't do that it's sweet right oh they're using spray paint so i don't feel bad about using a little spray paint's not changing our core it's just making it colorful [Music] oh right guys time is up we could have done more with more time but i still think we did a pretty awesome job i haven't even really seen it all yet because i was so busy working on the outside in the room how'd you guys do it well we could have done more we had more legos it's incredible since we finished first let's check out ours let's do it this is a secret passageway you can't get into it like by pushing so nothing can just barge in so you can either pull it or i would normally say push it but that works too well that's the door but first let's check out the outside hey what's this that's not a lego whoa a second floor what makes you guys think you can use this you spray paint that's not cardboard that's just for decorations that didn't yeah we didn't build it out of spray paint guys we let them use giant wooden crates they're boxes or crates i don't know you guys decide it looks pretty cool okay so it looks pretty cool on the outside but what about the inside if we can even all fit on the inside i don't think we can guys this is awesome this is like the main hole you can also sleep in here with a nice breeze coming in it's awesome there's no room in here uh how big are you i think there's plenty of room i can't stand up yeah everyone's in here and there's like three people in the bunker sleeping people too it's my favorite spot because it's the perfect view of our box she just likes to be the queen of our quarantined castle all right guys it's time to go check out a reel for the quarantine box board let's go check it out come on everybody so first let's check on the outside so this is the security if someone's coming this will make a noise and we'll know you're coming who's this guy mr doodles charles actually oh that's the truest thing i've heard all day it's so epic and we've got these towers so it looks like a real castle like it's awesome oh yeah so let's go inside come on in guys cool fort right there cool fort man if they have to stay cool for and how awesome it is on the walls everywhere they're just trying a little bit too hard what do you think ninja mommy oh it worked oh the security section early detection system works [Music] yeah dude this sport is epic if we had an overnight challenge in here we do epic because he's kind of so spacious oh you're gonna vote for us yeah okay guys you heard that everyone here would vote for us even cases all right guys this time for you to choose the winner vote in the eye which war you would want to sleep in more which four is better for quarantined castle no no ours is a castle no way okay so casey is going to vote for which one he wants to sleep in tonight boxing oh [Applause] i thought he was going to vote for the boxers so much bigger you said you wanted to sleep in the box [Applause] in here yeah but he didn't see how cool the lego fort was at the time so i still think our fort's the best okay well we're getting a little hungry so it's time for you guys to go inside and make dinner because we're hungry yeah let's go make dinner guys who's going to carry us inside you have got your kids hey guys just because casey voted for them doesn't mean you have to you should totally vote for the box fort it's awesome hurry up i'm hungry so make sure to like and subscribe and thanks for being awesome bye [Music]
Channel: Ninja Kidz TV
Views: 33,655,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ninja kidz tv, lego, box fort, lego fort, building challenge, family activity, vs, challenge, fort, lego vs box fort building challenge, bryton, ashton, paxton, payton, myler
Id: iq-oUe29boA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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