Phone Jail: Maddie Learns the Do's and Don'ts of Phone Use

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H Maddie 5 minute time out and your phone is also on timeout okay back to the mag L you can get out now thank you Miss B you're welcome can I have my phone B not yet not until class is done 3 + 2 okay class is is dismissed Maddie you can have your phone back you back remember to not use the phone during class bye bye using phones while driving is dangerous time out for 10 minutes Mr Jason oh what's wrong look I I can check but she's following the rules she's not driving while using her phone okay see you there then 10-minute timeout Starts Now a okay time out's over you can come out now thank [Music] you [Music] wow what you cannot use your phone while you're eating also you're making a mess sorry uncle time out for 10 minutes okay time out's over time to clean up your mess can I have my phone back not until you finish your homework I don't want to do [Music] homework and all ofone huh really another phone sorry UNC G Ro sit down and do homework [Music] [Laughter] [Music] please [Music] y huh where's Maddie Maddie I am big trouble thank you please get back to your [Music] home [Music] awesome that's enough Maddie you never learn your lesson here's all your homework make sure you do all of it ah and 20 minutes for time out time out is over did you finish your homework yes unle R okay you can get out thank you unle can I have my phone back okay just one here you go thank youle a a I just only at one phone Maddie you don't need so many phones also using your phone at the wrong time is not good let me show you when you're in the library and your phone rings you need to turn your phone off right away but why because phones are not allowed and you might bother other people okay D it never use your phone in the dark it's bad for your eyes D [Music] it 1 2 3 and no using phones when doing homework now do you get it Maddie yes got it [Music] help [Music] help B you fire Maddie stop I got you Maddie why because you were speeding earlier look Maddie time out for you Maddie next time no more speeding okay okay oh no oh I need your help can you fix my museum please before I fix it I'll put your jewelry in a safe place I'll help you [Music] wow I'll be back okay bye bye thank you oh no the jewelry what jewelry and diamonds how did she oh oh no Wendy stop Wendy you have to go to timeout why officer tell me where you got these jewelry and diamonds it's from the museum aha taking things without asking timeout now wait no no no no let's go after timeout you have to return this jewelry with me what happened Wendy he thought I took the diamonds from the Museum oh no hello a bed what about my museum I have to be ready to be open tomorrow don't worry Auntie Beth we're on our way [Music] ready bu sleepy need to get out to help Auntie bed but howy over there that's the key we need to get it open the lock how can we get out to get the key how we going to it outy have you found anything huh how are we going to get out Maddie you're already out yay lety get out uh Maddie help Maddie I don't fit pull harder Maddie what should I do how about the key over there oh [Music] yeah are you ready yay yay all right mad let's go what was that what they escap oh no don't wor on the left here yay let's [Music] fix done thank you but how about the jewelry uh at the police station so how going to have my sh we be back [Music] okay I can't find Ry and mad I wonder where they could be they're not herey shh what did you say Wendy aha I told you you too this time you have time out for an hour but we didn't do anything speeding taking things without asking you think that's nothing no no time [Music] out how come the kids are taking so long I'll go find them KS why you in time out he doesn't believe us believe what speeding and taking things without asking no Maddie was helping put a fire out at my museum and when you was keeping my jewelry safe wait is that true yeah oh no I'm sorry awesome here I'll give this back to you thank you let's go prepare the museum I can help you okay go go go cool all done thank you everyone to help my museum get back to normal you're welcome yay sh he's sleeping [Music] what's going on where did he go excuse me sir have you seen this person oh yeah I saw him he went to that car thank you sir wait we know you're in there come out W what he not in here I got you a he tricked us hey stop look at this mess clean up and then you can play done good job uh can you put them away from me please yeah thank you this is a good place to hide they'll never find me in here where does auntie want this I don't know this is a good place to put it I hope they don't see [Music] me that's the last of it are you think what I'm thinking oh yeah B it party get him off yeah yeah wait a second this looks suspicious yeah uh-oh we've got you Uncle come on we got you oh and this time you're going to stay in here for a good and this time I Want For Speed same here [Music] partner again see let's go partner hey come back here wo would you like some tea with your cupcake oh I'd like to play can I play too oh the more the areia get dressed dressed uh okay also don't forget your wig it is a wig teapot te oh wow delightful delightful let's have some tea oh yes please sorry for the interruption but have you seen this person no I'm sorry officer how about you oh my he's very handsome but I haven't seen him but would you like to have some tea with us sure take a seat please be careful it is very hot your turn next I hope they don't notice everyone pink up Cheers Cheers THS up oh dear H it's hot I told you it was hot wait a second uhoh after do this you can't get me hey come back here oh see oh no he got away this is my sheep that belongs to me no it is mine what's going on here why am I singing who are you are you I need a spot to hide just that B singing it's coming from over there let's go here please just stop singing thank you got a new friend I've got a new sheep wait this is my sheep give it back I'm the new friend why are you singing my sheep my she why are just singing what's going on I'm just seeing this person no we have oh you look similar as this I'm sure that's not me singing I give up that's him officer no please I thought was a friend come on let's go goodbye friend y we did it partner that was fun sorry let's play again I want to be the police officer this time let's switch [Music] costumes wait wait wait wait wait who stop stop you passed the stop sign and you get a ticket A Move Along you were supposed to hear you but what does youth mean you supposed to let Uncle pass you first sorry I'm going to give you a ticket but I already have one so I don't need another one right oh you're right you don't need another one but let me fix that fix it what should I fix ah what ,000 mhm that's one and three zeros hold on got to keep the traffic flowing I got a ticket and a find for ,000 hey stop stop uh I'll call you driving while talking on the phone is dangerous I already got a ticket see so I don't need anymore right you're right you don't need a ticket anymore thank you officer I'll be going now stop you can't drive anymore your driver's license [Music] suspended time to go to [Music] school finally I'm here [Music] long way to [Music] home today it's been so tiing how can I drive a car again ah I'll ask the officer officer officer what happened Emma how can I get my driver license back do you know the traffic law uh no let me show you okay these are the traffic signs you have to know a speed limit of 25 a one way and do not enter but what does it mean so what this time means is not to go faster than 25 M an hour that's 25 * 3 what this sign means it means you have to go in One Direction meaning if it's going left you go left oh I have to go this way not this [Music] way that's wrong and this side means what it means do not [Applause] enter uhoh I have to turn [Music] back I got it officer can I get my driving license back no you have to pass the driver's test I need to stop at the stop sign mhm mhm hurry up come on speed up you have to hurry up Emma no I can't drive faster than 25 good job you passed you can drive now wow thank you officer bye [Music]
Channel: Toys and Colors
Views: 3,538,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toys and colors, made for kids, maddie, wendy, phone safety, kids video, phone timeouts, classroom rules, safe driving, phone rules, learning lessons, phone use, kid-friendly, fun story, phone jail, following rules, safety tips, learning from mistakes
Id: RbXV6OuZlmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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