PAW Patrol Yummy Food Adventures & Rescues! 🍕 w/ Marshall | 90 Minutes | Nick Jr.

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sounds like you're a hungry pup Rubble well now that you mentioned it the cake batter is already ready okay Marshall batter [Music] up oops sorry Mr Porter not a problem fill them up that's better I mean better cake pans coming through we'll have to hurry we still need 997 cake bricks yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great job everyone if nothing else goes wrong we might have just enough time to ice the cake before the contest ends icing coming through W look out sorry Mr Porter I tripped over something my car's in track I should have cleaned them up it was an accident Alex but now I have to make more icing we'll never finish the lookout cake in time it'll get finished in time if we all pitch [Music] it woow awesome it looks fantastic good enough to eat but something's missing the slide there's no slide we don't have time to make one we have to get the cake to city hall right now Rocky let's get this cake loaded you got it megaphone R okay Rocky take it slow aim for the base slow slow you got it yay wao Rocky it's tipping over it's going to fall we need something to keep it straight oops hey how about there's got to be something here we can use Ryder grandpa just a minute Alex we're looking for something something that can hold up the cake like this my RAC track we can curve it around the tower just like the slide great idea Alex come on everyone let's build a slide good thing I left all my Carson track huh Grandpa well using the track to hold up the cake was a very good idea what kind of pizza toppings should we bring to the pizza party Rubble an important question like that needs the help of an expert so tummy what do you think liver bites sausage nuggets pepperoni chew pepperoni shoes hey can I help choose Pizza toppings wo how does he do that M we should definitely bring pepperoni tooth can I get a paw here [Music] Rocky [Music] amazazing what look we can divert the tomatoes with those logs on it you did it Rebel we're not finished yet those tomatoes are still rolling uhoh those tomatoes are going everywhere they'll be easier to Coral if they're moving in One Direction Rocky Zuma it's time for a tomato tomato Roundup sure Ryder we can do it don't worry you'll catch up get it Tomatoes catch up yeah we're on our [Music] way okay pups Crow these veggies and get them headed into town let's get ring yeah a got to move out this H or is it move out this salad yipp y yay but Ryder how are we going to get them to stop rolling that's part two of my plan tomatoes are round and roling but not when you turn them into sauce huh Chase we'll need your net to train these Tomatoes into tomato sauce meet us at Mr Porter's Cafe you got it Ryder sir Zuma Rubble Marshall keep the tomatoes rolling towards Mr Porters Rocky I'm going to need your forklift let's go [Music] W tumbling Tomatoes here they [Music] come we did it great job oh thank you Ryder you saved the day again in two ways two ways of course you stopped the rampaging tomatoes and M add a little Basel and oregano and you made the perfect pizza sauce whenever there's a problem just yel for help hey poy yum and Marshall I've got one more job for you and your Cannon okay but after Chasing those Tomatoes I'm feeling a little strained get it Tomatoes strained oh yeah this is going to be a record-breaking pizza for sure Mr P I couldn't have done it without farmer yumi's wonderful giant veggies my pleasure and the Paw Patrol just a smidge more sauce Marshall coming up Mr Porter sauce you're all such good pups and that's such good sauce yum oh you need help with that oh oh water C [Music] in you welcome ant pal hey my [Music] ball thanks Ryder help what's wrong pups we got to get to Katie but we can't get past the fire breathing dragon fire breathing dragon no way huh look out okay this is serious seriously delicious nothing like perfectly barbecued liver sausages Rubble how can you think of your tummy at a time like this cuz I always think about my tummy Ryder what are we going to do we can't even get into the lookout don't worry Marshall we can do do this without the lookout no job is too big no pup is too small Robo dog it's go [Music] time Paw Patrol to the air patroller Rider needs us why is it so hot all of a sudden yikes oh I can't [Music] resist [Music] uh-oh Marshall let go finally someone else swipes out for a change [Music] W oh no W help Skye lower your harness but be super careful we don't want to knock the bunny loose Roger that Rider harness [Music] uh-oh Skye hurry the sun's melting the chocolate Chase go to the bottom of the gorge and get your net ready you got it what's happening oh no I almost had it R [Music] net oh Ryder the bunny bounced and now we've got a floating flopsy help me help me hang tight mayor we're coming Chase SK stay with that bunny Zuma we need you and your hovercraft stat let's dive in Kandy coed be up [Music] ahead H I've heard of chocolate floats before but not like that Zuma use your booy till I sew the bunny and pull it to shore on it yikes ah go away no ah missed pups he's headed towards the bay let's stay on it to the pier oh no we need to rescue mayor Humdinger before he crashes into those rocks Sky try to move it off course all right time for some rotor power nice work Skye Skye what are you doing come back for me now we just need to get that bunny to Shore Ryder we've got a problem oh yeah those dolphins look way too close Zuma I need you to tow the bunny to Shore and fast Ryder if that dolphin bites a hole in the bunny it could sink Zuma new plan use your booty to rescue the mayor booy what's happening wet mayor Humdinger grab the [Music] buoy budy help me Scott use your harness to carry the judge to safety Roger Rider harness now that's a record-breaking rescue thanks we'll get you down kitty go on kitties go help him do something notm goodways Tulip Garden huh Cheta come back you shouldn't wander off so far especially now I'm on it m good way next [Music] my kitties they're heading for the bridge come on Chase uh-oh that's not good Sky we need your help I'm on my way hold on kittens Sky use your basket to rescue those kittens you've got it Riders [Applause] okay kitties now jump [Music] in phew close call there goes another Pizza we'll never win that record now it's not over yet Alex that's it that's the last pizza and that is the world's tallest Pizza a tower a real record Setter we had to bake a bunch of new pizzas but it was worth it and now for the record-breaking photo Alex would you like to do the honors congratulations you're our youngest record Setter that's a record too woohoo thank you and thank you Paw Patrol for saving the day you're welome welcome whenever you have a runaway Pizza Tower just yel for help Grant this wish to a pup so clever one big bone that'll last [Music] forever wo my Wishbone did I mention I'm still kind of learning my barn don't worry farmer we'll get Rider well now I've seen everything Rubble use your crane to lift that bone off the roof I'm on it hi you must be Jeremy who is this all knowing and very powerful Genie this is Rider he leads the PAW Patrol nice to meet you Ryder the genie oh [Music] [Applause] TR I can't get a grip on this I know what you need this Bone's so big it's a scandal we need to lift it with us a candle no okay how about this this Bone's so big it's a scandal we need to lift it with a a sandal okay one more we need to lift it with a a handle yes that's perfect thanks Jeremy the genie okay Sky you can fly Rocky in his supplies up now you got it Ryder got to [Music] go hammer wow how does he do that without a magic Sparkle ball oh I can help with that too a genie and a puppy fixing a roof okay now I've seen everything yummy can we take it home now you bet ready Skye ready [Music] Rider awesome M smorgus bone my friends are so great I really wish I could do something nice for all of them done good pups deserve lots of good eats reward these pups with tons of treats [Music] yay Rubble wake up time to go home farmer Al said you were a big help I'll say you good pups deserve some good treats no thanks I ate a bunch from the sky are you all right Burns give me weird dreams they make you messy too no way am I taking a bath nope he sounds like me I'll take those since your first batch was ruined everyone go inside and get those pies out of here the pie clone is coming but my pies are too hot to move oh I can help with that kitties [Music] oh that brings on a Brisk Breeze that's where the cold air came from we've got to stop it before it makes another pie clone as long as that Cyclone has hot pies inside it'll never stop spinning then we just have to get all the pies out sky Rubble I need your help let's take to the pies Rubble long the double GL to see you pups Sky Lift Rubble up with your hook Roger up [Music] hook now fly him over the pie clone and slowly lower him into it into the py it's kind of windy down there don't worry Rubble the winds are Cal in the center once you get inside knock all the pies out with your shovel that should pull it down and stop the spin okay AR shovel well here goes woohoo bam home R you did job dude yeah M squid jerky pie thanks for everything Paw Patrol you're welcome whenever your pies start flying around just Yelp for help and here's some strawberry and pup treat pies made especially for you wow Marshall that was lucky I bet it's my new collar it makes me [Music] lucky I could stand some luck right [Music] now here you go Mr Porter's mini pies wa that was fast well they are [Laughter] many Ryder Our Feathered friend hoodie is facing a fearsome fall what happened a nasty wind may knock down his nest and he sprained his wings so he can't fly out we're on our way no job is too big no puff is too small sorry Rubble no time for seconds do mean [Music] thirds Paw Patrol to the lookout R Us wo wo wo W luckiest Crash Landing ever must be the caller it is one more mini pie enjoy you've earned it you're all such good pups I'm okay there they are Ryder and there's the mini donut making machine I see it but I don't think it's making mini Donuts anymore now it's making Mega [Music] Donuts look watch out wo nice moves motop pops yikes that's one big donut and headed for the ruff ruff pack That's The [Music] Hideout hey in there are you guys okay okay no we're not okay okay we're trapped behind a giant donut things couldn't possibly be worse uh things could be worse see that doesn't sound good no it sounds like like the donut machine is in real trouble don't forget about us we've got to turn it off fast but how the only way up there is through that little dut hole it would take one awesome jump to get through there did you say awesome jump or colossum jump yeah go for it wild cat you can do this it's just a mouse and his friend [Music] it's okay to be afraid okay ready now and super speed [Music] boosters Rocky R I'm going [Music] in let's see which button that shoot wait are you saying what I think you're saying okay whe did so you turned off the machine big deal we're still trapped in here with no way to get out don't be so sure about that yum we can eat our way out these donut eaters don't need your help all right Mr Porter your mini donut maker is back in business woohoo donuts for everyone here that reference pack I never want to hear the word donut again I have a tummy ache you saved the day Moto PPS I do not know how to thank you no problem Mr Porter whenever you're in a whole lot in trouble just yel for help wa what happened to Mayor Humdinger is that baby bear hinger I got to admit he's kind of cute get [Music] Lind sorry baby it's all out of coconut water that is loud it hurts my ears please stop I need [Music] help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir this is a strange one pups Mar huner drink from a special coconut and is turned into a baby there a he looks so cute he sure does but we we need to turn him back into a grownup so for this Mission I'll need Marshall Robo dog will fly you and your truck on the air patroler to the Jungle then use your ladder to help Carlos get another golden coconut I'm fired up boy sure had to pick a lot of coconuts to find one golden one I'll put the golden one where it's safe oh uh-oh oh no look out below oops not so safe now R [Music] cables aw he just wanted to give you a hug Callie I poured this special coconut water into this baby bottle thanks here you go [Music] baby hey what's the big idea putting me in a crib then I want my mommy excuse me how much are your carrots sorry there's no price on them see I lost my marker pen and I we'll help you Grandpa mini Patrol go hop to [Music] it what is it chickaletta did you find Grandpa's pen e way to save that worm chickaletta it's mini Patrol's first rescue I wanted carrots here they are bunny found them mini patrols saves the day again I'll write down the price on those if I ever find my pen W woohoo Hy found Grandpa's pen wait a roll mini Patrol go hey how' rebble get the best spot what a great view of the Apollo super butt Marathon not a head in the way stay tuned as Apollo the super Pup Saves the Day his own Super [Music] way you guys are sleepy already we've only watched 12 episodes I am so not [Music] tired Apollo is off his most daring Mission yet saving bunnies from his greatest foe the spider king what guys it's the spider king oh well it's just me and Apollo great doggy treats you bunny napped every Cotton Tail in town spider king you give giant bugs a bad name uh-oh Apollo's in trouble I am rubble and I need your help Apollo's talking to me hi Apollo I'd wave back but I'm uh tied up can the PAW Patrol get here soon uh sure I'll just go find Ryder what's going on go for it Marshall when giant size smoothie coming right up W PO on this is the biggest smoothie order I've ever made I had to use 12 blenders up Skye you're on this P got to fly whoa giant Alex remember the Train's not a toy still thirsty Alex how about a delicious berry smoothie M yummy wait a berry smoothie sounds awesome can I have some can I just have one sip please it's working [Music] wait she did it W wo wo [Music] [Applause] W the geys are coming we heard he likes your nest Rocky [Music] [Music] listen that sounds like fuzzy look up there those girls are stealing Fuzzy's food pick on someone your own size fuzzy fly down here she can't that plastic soda can ring is wrapped around his wing he's going to fall Marshall quick use your ladder to get fuzzy down I'm fired [Music] up R back away from the [Music] bread I'm coming buy no use your helmet oh yes sweet catch Marshall now let's get this off [Music] you and more guys help woo I'm up to my ears in corn I guess that makes me popcorn Cheta chieta oh Rider chickaletta's lost in the popcorn field maze you have to find her it's all right May we'll find chetta Chase here Chase chetta is lost in the corn maze I need your spy drone and heat vision goggles to see if you can spot her before she's buried in popcorn popcorn you'll see when you get here Chase is on the case [Music] woo H I wonder which pile R heat vision [Music] goggles gotcha I'm going in found her great work Chase uh-oh and her feathers don't lose her Chase I won't come on chetta follow me hang on we'll be right out hooray cha oh [Music] you're excuse you chetta the rest you must have fluted your tummy yes will wait for Ryder the corn roast is ruined all the roasting corn popped and filled the maze H I've got it farmer Al what do you think of having a corn maze and a popcorn Festival oh great idea okay Rubble can use the shovel on his truck to collect all the popcorn piles and the rest of us will bag [Applause] it the popcorn is back and the Maz is all cleared out again and the coals are all out no more smoke thanks pups thanks Ridder you're welcome farmer Al whenever your corn roast is popped just Yelp for help can we finally dig into some popcorn dig in and eat it I mean sure you can you're all such good pups M yummy yay pa pa Paw Patrol PAW [Music] Patrol it's amazing how much horn kernels pop up when you make popcorn excuse me it's amazing how much Rubble pops up when he eats [Music] popcorn this pup's got to fly hold on on may help is on its [Music] way harness phew thanks but you're still not getting this pinata the Treasure's mine as soon as I can get it out no my pinata my treasure Ro zipline [Music] quick thinking Chase thanks Ryder now let's get to that party you got my pinata thank you you're welcome whenever you have a problem just yel for help now that the Pata is back I think it's time to open it good luck if I couldn't break open that pinata no one can you don't break this kind of pinata you just pull the right ribbon what I want to try too pick me nope not that one [Music] next yay huh awesome aw let me in there after what I've gone through today I'm starving M Humdinger don't yeah what kind of cookies are these they're not cookies at all they're pup Treats they're for the PAW Patrol it was going to be my big surprise for that a Alex what a great kid hey this hatches stuff 3 2 1 Let's off no stop Rocky did you say something uh Adventure B okay we've got a problem the hatch is jammed and I'm locked inside the capsule we're tracking you but the capsule's already out of range for us only one pup can reach you now I need a pup who's as fast as a rocket me Rider this puppy's G [Music] [Music] I'm not the capsule Rider but a banana peel is stuck in the latch you need to get that hatch open fast the capsule is approaching the edge of the stratosphere Roger that use your wing tip like a tool Sky you can flip out the peel it worked [Music] hurry pups bye Captain Gordy was in Mission yay the PAW Patrols here hey friends have to stick together that's not exactly what I meant all right Marshall time to clean this mess up water cannons that's chilly but so much less sticky right guys thanks Marshall come on Grandpa wait [Music] Alex okay Alex pull your finger out on three 1 2 3 it's all fixed let's clear up before the bear gets here uh Ryder one problem my claw stuck to the faucet a quick blast of water should help wait wait wait maybe there's something else we can try first okay let's see that syrup's Like Glue you better hurry that Bear's getting closer and closer let me try again this stuff is so sticky think mini Patrol we've got to help the pancakes Alex I'm not sure this is the best time for breakfast they're not for me Grandpa hey Skye can you make a special delivery to a hungry bear you bet Alex go on hoodie you can help make a go go go YooHoo breakfast go go go go go go go go go go go go your plan is working Alex the bear following the [Music] pancakes a everybody loves pancakes Rocky you're seriously stuck I think there's only one thing we can do I know I know Marshall water cannon so wet but thanks m these pancakes are great I couldn't eat another bite well maybe just one more you know if it weren't for the PAW Patrol I think Alex and I would still be stuck in the woods yeah thanks Ryder and I'm sorry for causing such a big mess a it's okay Alex whenever you're in a sticky situation just yel for help ladder okay mayor Humdinger nice and easy one wrong at a time can't do it it's too wobbly Skye I need you to lift mayor Humdinger off the statue sure thing Ryder [Music] harness great job now take him up I'm giving it all I've got Ryder Hummy gummy let go of the statue I'm trying but it's too sticky Wicky yeah I want my Hummy mommy the statue is going to collide with those goalposts we need to get May hinger off of there I brought this from the lookout maybe we can use it suum is inflatable boat that gives me an idea come on okay Marshall we're going to need perfect aim from you and a Little Help from our seagull friends okay our water Canon oh hold on tight Hummy gummy [Music] [Music] ryer thank you so much for saving the humy gummy I love the most the big stubborn one right here you're welcome M Humdinger anytime you have a giant runaway gummy just yel for help and don't you have something for mer good way Hummy gummy oh here you go oh it's the last one thank you mayor Humdinger but I know how much you love Hummy gummies you should have it really watch out Tommy here comes a gumy huh hey come back here that was for me Chase see if you can find anything with your infrared goggles goggles Ryder there's something carrot shaped in the bushes I got this one Chase [Music] whoever lost this lollipop is not going to want it back hey the Drone found a carrot the signal is coming from over there by the soccerfield follow me R stop beeping at us you flying pest drone Stand Down false alarm sorry ma'am it was only doing its job Alex Mr Porter the Drone found it Alex's tooth is on the Seesaw chase is on the case wo no uh-oh don't worry Alex the PAW Patrol's on it huhuh that Crow's heading toward the bridge hey come back what's up Ryder you are sky I need you to fly to the bridge a crow took the carrot with Alex's tooth in it this puppy's got to fly Ryder can I come it's my tooth what do you think Mr Porter please Grandpa well it's all right with me if it's okay with Ryder H come on Alex we've got a tooth to find yeah we can do it Ryder I see the crow uh-oh she thinks it's lunch for her baby no my tooth isn't bird food heads up Ryder I see it who let's go uh-oh paa's tail uh oh no we almost had [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it oh taada my tooth hooray now I can put it under my pillow tonight wonderful thank you Ryder yeah thank you whoops whenever your tooth get stuck in a carrot stolen by a crow lost in a sardine bucket and knocked around by whales just yel for help now I got you all you're mine now you can hop but you can't hide or uh maybe you can hide smiley smiley now I got you wo [Music] tricked by my own [Music] [Applause] treats no Smiley not down the [Music] slide [Music] Smiley oo I stink and so is my net what should we do well the only way to get rid of skunk stink is a tomato juice bath but where can we get a bathtub full of tomato juice I know wo stay back Mr bter sorry but there's a whole store room full at the restaurant great I know who to call Marshall we need your help I'm fired up now Marshall tomato juice oh oh [Music] water and [Music] towel yay now grandpa doesn't stink anymore and Zuma takes the lead chase is on The Capes he's going to win this race Marshall's in It to Win It wo look out wo ew M delicious oh my it's melon Madness down there yes choti you can have a snack watermelon break is over the races are back on course [Music] Ryder that big monkey just chased away my customers don't worry Mr Porter I have a plan but I'm going to need some of those bananas for it if it takes care of that big monkey no problem tracker grab that fruit before it's all gobbled up see rough cables oh claw [Music] okay time to roll this banana tossing machine fire one why isn't he going after the bananas H oh he wants his back scratched with the best back scratcher ever just like Mandy did no problem oh wa Rocky are you okay yeah I think I just missed the spot okay big harry now please put Rocky down gently uh-oh after that giant monkey like this way loaded with snacks and ready to take you home uh-oh VY again I've got it here I made you something to remember me [Music] by you're welcome big harry okay Robo dog he's ready to go home and remember never you have an inch just for help sailor squeak what are you doing in there you found the cupcakes I need to get them to school school Captain turbet can you open the hatch please Captain turet I guess he can't hear me hoodie fly over to Captain turbet and let him know we're down [Music] here Hy it's odd for an owl to be out on the ocean Alex what are you and your animal Associates doing down there Captain turbet you took my cupcakes by mistake and left the fishy treats behind oh well then we best hurry back for a bakery box swap your grandpa's looking for you squeak I'll catch that Mouse and cupcake container wo [Music] yeah I've got to S The Flounder but I don't know how help [Music] help Sky Rider help Alex and his mini Patrol are on the flounder and it's speeding out of control oh no cat turbet Bunny and squeak have falling into the water on my way life jacket deployed Alex get ready to be rescued yay we're save but Hoody and Chalet are still on board I can't hold up the bakery box for many more minutes I got it [Music] dude thanks Zuma you saved the critters and the cupcakes from a saltwater soaking welcome abort Captain turbet thanks Ryder but someone has to stop the flounder before it crashes into Seal Island Take the Wheel Zuma good thing we worked out with sky this morning I need to make an epic jump h autopilot now to take this boat for a spin away from Seal Island [Applause] woo awesome now we can bring the cupcakes to school and I can finally fling a few fishy treats to Wall-E and willinda [Music] all right bananas are [Music] loaded Rocky's banana launcher is working [Music] why does she not go in she is hot and thirsty she's missing her family Marshall keep her busy until we find them no problem water [Music] [Applause] [Music] cannon oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we can lead these two elephants back to Gilda ready Rocky ready wo finally the perfect photo ha I got you uh-oh W huh Chase I've got the one up here at yumi's Farm good thing it's hungry and I'll bring my cow up to you [Music] Ryder Ryder a cow is on Mr Porter's patio and is eating all his corn how did it get to Mr Porters oh never mind okay I'm on it hey Bessie Ryder the Train's about to leave any luck yep we found all the cows Al we just have to get them to the train hurry the Train's ready to go I can't leave without my cows we're on our way hi Ryder hey Chase how are your cows full and happy can you get them to the train station by yourself I am a hurting dog sir okay meet me at the train station all right get along little Moo Cow uh-oh wao wait come back 1 2 three 4 5 H all here how can I ever thank you and the Paw Patrol that was amazing it was fun a real cowboy Adventure if you ever need us just Yeehaw for help woohoo wo time to goow let's go to the ho down yeehaw now all pops out at One PP in check out Marshall Square man's [Music] Spin and now is Wing brace is broken we have to fix it we will Sky pick up Rocky Roger that Rocky use your ratchet to tighten that Wing brace it's time for a midair Dino rescue ready when you are sky [Music] hook wa so this is what it's like to be a pterodactyl okay bring me in nice and easy Sky oh hang on Rocky [Music] y Tre thanks big guy you can stay in there with your huh now where did they go let me help Mr Porter wo [Music] wo one scoop full of bunny good idea Rubble don't worry we've got the perfect spot for you two what more bunnies huh oh that's too many bunnies to scoop I know Mr Porter may I have some of your delicious carrot cake coming right up huh thanks come and get it [Music] Chase we need your net net [Music] R good work chase you got them oh yeah right there whenever there's trouble just yel for help let's get these bunnies someplace where they won't bother you and we won't bother them M farmer yumi's carrots are good good no wonder there are so many rabbits at her Farm she followed me home Rider may I keep her please I guess we can handle one bunny yay Ryder You're the best well you've all been very good pups you're all good pups and we save the day huh okay [Music] where' they all come from who knows but they sure are fun am I glad to see you they're eating my tree there Ryder I found the other beaver and another other beaver and they're busy as as beavers wow I got it beavers talk to each other by smacking their tails here goes [Music] nothing we did it two fever on their way rider thanks Chase [Music] okay little beavers you're home great job pups that's enough wood to make a beaver [Music] Palace nice work pups Chompy should be really happy in his new home I think they like it beets chewing on an old barn next time don't go around chomping things just Yelp or slap your tails for [Laughter] help the Beaver Dam has a water slide can we try it rder go for it you've all been such good pups all [Music] right come on Rocky let's get wet no thanks I'm just going to sit in the sun huh morning farmer Al how are our beef friends doing look cool she really likes the apple tree she wants to suck the nectar from the Apple tre's flower then she takes the nectar back to the hive and turns it into honey what do you think Ryder can they try some they have been very good pups who wants fresh honey biscuits you're all goods and we save the day uhoh and now it's time to play around around Adventure Bay a don't worry Marshall because there's plenty of biscuits y see you later alligator oh what are we going to do what are we going to do what are we going to do [Music] [Music] we could use those for [Music] [Applause] Halloween jig no oh dear what if that big dino thing ofama tries to you eat my chalita Ryder it's a disaster of ginormous proportions hurry don't worry Mayor Goodway we're on our [Music] way oh no those were the pup's liver [Music] links what's that it's the Utah raptor look out wa a giant dinosaur stomping down Main Street and he has our liver sausages okay Terry wait for your mom here huh I'm good no thanks I'm not a pterodactyl I'm a pup and pu Pou those chicks will get bigger and hungrier in No Time Marshall Sky ready yep but are you sure those pterodactyls will follow me sure you're like one of the family besides they they love smelly fish ew wish I had an ass let's take to the [Music] [Applause] sky bye-bye birdies you guys are going too a they'll all be happier in the jungle bye guys [Music] these cookies smell fish elicious hey Marshall how are the jars of Jellyfish Jam coming coming along great I uh uh-oh these will be perfect for Wally the walrus's wonderful winging he's been my best bosom buddy for years Wally will love having his first ever party I couldn't have done it with about you Pops we love to help oh here have a few of these tasty treats E I mean no thanks Wally really likes his treats yeah he should have them all of them okay then thanks again pups see you later bye Captain turbet get off shoot go away no do is too big no pup is too small Paw Patrol to the lookout [Music] R yikes Look Out [Music] Below uh-oh wo a that's the super cutest little baby wers ever here you go [Music] wow what a good pup a whole bunch of good [Music] [Music] pups uh-oh weird these fish cookies taste pretty good sure do but that's not a fish cookie all I had left for dog biscuits I'll try one of those oo W wo told you totally tasty that's some marvelous Munchies huh even if I catch him I don't know what to do with him H can we borrow a pet carrier sure but how are you going to get the penguin in there do you have any Penguin Food no but I do have tasty tuna that cie just [Applause] [Music] loves two down one more to go Ryder here oh we're on our way Mr Porter [Music] wow how can one little bird make such a big mess got wo wo I'm okay Stop In The Name Of The [Applause] Lord w w that's chilly hey maybe this will help great idea everyone loves an ice pop especially a hot penguin it worked it sure [Music] did oh no Ryder the wind changed Direction and now Mandy is headed back toward the clearing how will we catch her without Chase's net [Music] we'll make a landing pad I have an idea can you get some more chlay from a tree we're making more chewing gum kind of we're going to blow a really big bubble cool you got it Ryder Rocky the last Bubble Monkey is headed your way we're going to need your help to save her GRE me go [Music] gotcha I'm here Ryder what do we do I need you to put your vacuum on reverse so it blows air out vacuum [Music] reverse we're going to blow this cheek clay into a big soft bubble for Mandy to land on great idea Ryder a bubble to catch the Bubble Monkey just a little bigger we've got to give Mandy a nice off Landing tracker get ready to uh-oh the toucan's beak is very sharp Sho [Music] birdie quick Rocky blow the big bubble underneath [Music] her way to go pups yeah hey she's safe and super sticky now that all the monkeys are un bubbled can we start our jungle picnic let's get Mandy cleaned up first Marshall water cannons [Music] here's your hat Carlos Marshall clean the cheek lay off of it thanks Marshall and thanks for saving the floating monkeys Paw Patrol you're welcome whenever you have Bubble Monkey Trouble just yel for help now let's start our picnic and after lunch we can have gum for dessert [Music] uh-oh the [Music] scooter those beavers have my potato don't worry we'll get it back hold on Chase that baby beaver looks like he's in trouble how'd he get up there beats me but we have to help him you follow the Beavers I'll call for extra help Sky I need a roof rescue this puppy's got to FL F so let's go see that potato uh right just as soon as you try some of Mr Porter's pies no pies No More tour I'm going to your farm right [Music] now don't worry little cutie I've got you a that's a good baby beaver Ryder I've located the beaver's home and the potato they're at the pond great news we'll meet you there they're having so much fun how are we going to get the potato let's distract them use your launcher to send them some real bouncy balls got it rough launcher it worked great bye-bye beefer buddies now everyone to the farm ah another rainbow potato fan um sure yay go rainbow potatoes you're starting to draw a crowd of folks wanting to see your very special veggie so where is it already well uh to be honest with you it's uh right here [Music] well well well well I hereby declare that farmer owl's rainbow potato is one of the vegetable Wonders of the World yay wow amazing now we just need a way to stick our last treat on the end of Marshall's ladder oh I've got a jar of honey right here in my pocket it's super sticky stuff okay sounds perfect let's get to it almost almost there Make Way made it but where are the bears at the other end of the tree you need to extend your ladder to them so they can get a whiff of that honey treat got it oh oh [Music] ladder looks like they're taking the bear bait great job Marshall now pull back the ladder nice and slow so the Bears will follow it to safety and near me but that's okay oh oh ladder uh-oh stop the ladder Marshall better let them have the [Music] treat oh no chase safety net now Ro net [Applause] [Music] now to lead this bear family back to a nice long nap those bears are getting awfully close to Everest look Bears more honey this [Music] way yes little dude oh sh we need to let him sleep Guys pizza sauce fresh grated cheese [Music] Pinsir some pepperoni chew and maybe a few real pepperoni slic on this [Music] one more wood for the fire Jake hey thanks guys and here's my grandpa face Pizza pretty good Alex oh oh how about some pepperoni for eyes and a big cheesy [Music] smile Granda Pizza over the tee been past the gums look out tummy cuz here it [Music] [Music] comes did you hear that it's Callie Chase can you chase is on the case [Music] Callie am I glad to see you oh Callie it was at you nothing you and I are on picking Patrol how about me there's got to be a way to get these apples to the barn extra fast I'll see what I can dig up what can I do just see what needs doing in pitch and [Music] Chase Marshall the [Music] pumpkins wo wo no Marshall watch out [Music] uh-oh Marshall you okay I'm okay you look good orange oh no the farm is a mess pups this isn't how we get the job done we totally got in each other's way hm H Chase now I've got a job for you what is it Ryder sir we need you to direct traffic around here yeah Chase would make a great traffic cup cuz well he is a traffic cop what are we waiting for Paw Patrol let's [Music] roll Rocky's Fruit Shoot ready for action give it a try Ryder don't lose it reuse it keep them coming Rocky use your truck to help Rubble Rubble take it away come on in [Music] Rocky zoom in SK ready your pumpkins go Zuma pumpkin P left got it Sky roll your is Right rolling oh yeah uhhuh we got apples whoop whoop ready for action Ryder sir okay pups this is bad Mr Porter was on his way to deliver your food when his van rolled out onto the bay on the ice that's way bad yeah I haven't had lunch we have to save Mr Porter's van before it sinks into the bay we have to save the food I mean the van excuse me my tummy's kind of worried Chase bring her in [Music] my van looks okay and the pup treats are safe thanks to the PAW Patrol hip hip hooray Grandpa your lucky [Music] hat you pups were great today you all deserve [Music] Tre here you go [Music] you're all good pups and we save today and now it's time to play around Adventure Bay Mr Porter excuse me but my tummy just wanted to say thank you fresh baked pies when you're ready for dessert folks I can't wait for my Paw Patrol Pals to meet my new animal friend what's that Benny you want to hop off here okay don't wander too far I'm coming right back with my pup house it's a beara wait for M you hardworking beavers have earned your lunch break oh sorry [Music] oh no where are my customers and all my [Music] pies hold on Space buddy we got to get you out of that [Music] goo you're welcome space buddy whenever you need a space rescue just for [Music] help alien pup [Music] snacks [Applause] [Music] huh hey Zuma can you take this over to the iceberg sure thing buoy woo [Music] P CH time Little Penguin [Music] [Applause] [Music] dudes a they're so happy on that Iceberg it won't stay icy they need to get back to colder water ASAP Chili's ready who wants [Music] some you know what goes great with chili Limer sausage you're in luck pups have one Mr Porter me no thanks come on try some Mr Porter try it Grandpa oh oh oh oh all right oh do you like it pretty good huh Mr Porter um very Livery knew you'd love them have another uh no I don't want to hog them all pops oh grandpa you're so funny where's my [Music] camera got it a de look out look out she scattered the fire good thing Rubble made a fire break there's nothing there to catch on fire Alex use your fire safety quick right uh water sand the sand and water will put these out easily I think we got them all I smell something like smoke I got it Rubble on the double oh [Music] shovel looks and smells like it's out I better stir the Ashes to make sure nice job Alex didn't think I'd be using my fire safety badge already thanks Paw Patrol if you ever need to build a safe fire just yel for help exactly what a bunch of good action SKS what do you say chetta yeah thanks Paw Patrol you really saved us and my plane whenever you're in trouble just yel or CL for help now it's time for good pups to have their campfire treat hey I was saving that for later what a beautiful night yeah it's so nice here we should all camp out if you pup Scouts don't mind yeah you don't Mindy fantastic idea but there aren't enough tents [Music] house now that's making yourself at home okay time to learn the most important camping skill of all marshmallow and corn roasting chickaletta you get a pup Scout badge for bravery and I have a very special chickaletta rescue badge for the PAW Patrol thanks May whenever you're in trouble just Yelp for help help I burned the marshmallows and we [Music] Cannon uh-oh sorry pups uh now your marshmallows are burnt and Soggy you're all good oh yeah wee wo round Adventure W hold on corny just cuz it's your wedding doesn't mean you get to eat the whole cake trick treat I have some treats do you have a trick I have a trick y may I have a treat very nice want a shake what a gentleman here you go Tada outstanding hey check out my robot dance excellent you get a treat thank you Mady I can great stunt you deserve a Tri what trick can I do Shake Chast did that hind legs zumma speak we all do that oh I know blue blue blue hair do uhuh uhhuh looks like you haven't eaten all day horrible more like days you haven't eaten in days that's what it's like when you have to take care of yourself you live on your own sure I'm a tough pup you can ask your parents to subscribe to the Nick Jr YouTube channel for new videos every day and find more of your favorite shows on TV on Nickelodeon and the Nick junr channel
Channel: Nick Jr.
Views: 3,601,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick jr, animation, cartoons, kids, nickelodeon, nick junior, entertainment, watch on nick jr., fun for kids, nick jr. friends, nick, nick jr. shows, preschool videos, kids games, kids entertainment, nick jr. cartoons, nick jr animation, #nickjr, #youtubekids, preschool, learn, #forkids, youtubekids, full episode, new episode, kidstv, PAW Patrol, Paw Patrol pup, PAW Patrol pups, Chase, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Ryder, Nick Jr., ytao_paw
Id: qiQtAMXwxZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 46sec (5446 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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