Lego Marvel Special

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hey Bruce what can I do for you I'm gonna need 50 new shirts geez Bruce why do you need so many you buy shirts from us like every other week you must have hundreds by now I ripped all of them how did you even manage to rip don't ask all right all right and that comes out to $500 here's a coupon oh so sorry but this coupon technically expired 14 hours ago would you just accept it sorry sir but I'm afraid our strict store policy prevents me from hey Tony I think my cellular device just talked to me that's probably just Siri and it's called an iPhone grandpa Siri huh well how do we get her out oh dear God listen Siri is not a physical human being she's an artificial intelligence that can you mean like Ultron oh my god Ultron's inside my phone no you idiot it's not like that die stupid robot I just bought you that phone all right giant man test number one and three two what is it nothing what the heck is wrong with humans you didn't see that coming actually I saw it coming you know spider-sense and all way to kill the moment dude haha I'm afraid that due to some recent additions to the Avengers team we're gonna have to let you go whoa you can't fire me oh we're not firing you we're just uh reassigning you I don't mind working room service but why do I need to wear the dress you might not want to go in there hey hey Falcon get in here quick I'm coming cap oh I hate you guys huh it's one o'clock already sweet lunch break ah what the heck alright who keeps putting all the Jackson 5 songs on my walkman I am Groot mr. fantastic The Invisible Woman Human Torch the thing hold up a second your name is the thing yeah what's wrong with it that has to be the stupidest superhero name I've ever heard oh dude check it out this guy's a beast how many times do I have to tell you that joke is not funny if anyone here a doctor I am my friend Josh had a heart attack I can't tell if he's breathing no need to worry citizen yep he's definitely not breathing there are no strings on me ah really a Pinocchio reference who wrote this script just read the line hey if you got the abilities of a spider shouldn't you shoot webs from your butt what no that's nonsense can we all pretend that didn't just happen I've got something big but I might die Scott it's a Marvel movie nobody ever dies just go for it here goes nothing and I'm no longer the coolest thing here sorry folks but due to a giant superhero fight going on outside all flights will be delayed for the next 24 hours are you Magneto master of magnetism now feel my wrath hey dude excuse me for a second um I locked myself out of my car again so could you just uh I am an all-powerful mutant being what makes you think that I would I'll give you 20 bucks her thanks dude love you what am I doing with my life hey Bucky eye Bucky I'm not Bucky I'm star-lord oh oh sorry you you look just like him you need something Sam yeah you Oh what's his problem no idea Lord Thanos what do you want we don't mean to sound rude but I've been sitting in that chair since like 2012 we think it's about time you get off your lazy butt and do something you dare question my power well if your power is sitting in a chair for four years then yes I do on a normal day I would totally go over there and destroy both of you but I'm so close to beating my high score on flappy bird so I'm afraid it's going to have to wait but Lord Thanos Wyatt I need every ounce of concentration to make this stupid little bird go through these two pipes see this is exactly the kind of stuff we're talking about damn it the bird thing died before I beat my high score now will you get up and do something yeah sure right after this next game is that the best you can do this is the best I can do wow that's pretty sad yeah it's like the animator could only afford one Lego set worth of Ultron drones why are you hitting yourself why are you hitting yourself why are you hitting yourself you're a jerk you know that you want to get to them you're going to have to go through me very well then Wow he took that very literally all right everybody I'd like you to meet the newest member of team Ironman you do realize I'm the Black Panther right yeah I just thought it was a clever song choice hey Tony what you got there no idea but I found it locked away in Fury's vault so it must be kinda important whoa weird it's like some kind of laser sword hey fury you want to explain what the heck this thing is oh well yes mm-hmm Master Windu late for Jedi youngling talent show you are get to your pronto you will hmm yes master well that was odd yeah seems like he never tells us anything why do we work for him again and we are going to make our country great again you world Donne mystique the humans are falling into the plan perfectly soon we will dominate this earth under the name Donald Trump whoa and after credit scene in a Marvel video huh what an original and creative idea you know I was told somebody really special was gonna show up you might be wondering why the stupid jokes well that's because the animator just ran out of ideas
Channel: FlapJack Films
Views: 6,808,191
Rating: 4.8545508 out of 5
Keywords: Lego, Lego avengers, Lego iron man, Lego captain America, Stop motion, Lego hulk, Animation, Brickfilm
Id: 2PtiyKZ04ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2016
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