Can You Beat LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Without Jumping?

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there isn't a lot that I can say about the Complete Saga that hasn't already been said it is regarded as one of if not the best Lego game frequently entering into the top 50 most relevant games on and while there are plenty of challenge runs I could talk about in regards to this game I want to go back to my roots alright I want to talk about a challenge that practically made this channel so today along with help from zero the hero and the rest of the community I'm going to try my hand at beating Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga without ever jumping first some ground rules the official category rules count jump buffers as only half of a jump this is when you hold down the jump button while already Airborne are performing a different action to get an immediate jump when hitting the ground or ending that action in this video I'll be counting all jumps as one full jump regardless of the buffering or not to put it simply any action performed with the a button outside of a menu is going to count as a jump this goes for hovering and jet packs as well now before jumping into the meat of this run let's cover the common ways we can circumvent a jumping so I don't have to re-explain myself time and time again number one exiting Vehicles when you exit a vehicle in this game you gain quite a bit of height equal to about one regular jump while you can exit Vehicles by hitting the jump button you can also hit the swap character button meaning this isn't an a press and therefore not classified as a jump number two AI baiting obviously when you're playing with only one player the CPU is tasked with following you walking grappling forcing and even jumping over obstacles to stay near you along with this there are certain triggers within the game that tell the computer when to jump usually to help guide the player around small puzzles if they end up stuck abusing these triggers will be the most common use of non-jumping is since once that computer player jumps you can either swap to them or drop them in as player 2. to take advantage of the height you gain number three character pushing you may find yourself in a situation where the CPU player isn't jumping and you'll have to find a way to force them to this is where pushing comes into play when you shove a character into a wall or Corner enough the game makes them jump back to safety almost like they died while most of the time you can't swap to them or control them during this animation some characters most notably Astro mechs have a chance to do a mini hop beforehand that you can influence while not as common as AI baiting it still plays its role very well those are the big three strategies you'll be seeing come into play and anything more specific we'll cover along the way but there is one final thing I need to mention after I had already tried this Challenge on my own and was very dissatisfied with my results I decided to turn to the Lego speedrunning Discord to try and find some guides for different glitches that I could use in my run and wouldn't you know it there was already a category for this challenge because of this I want to give a huge thank you towards everyone involved in the Lego speedrunning community without their hours of hard work with breaking open these games I wouldn't be able to make any videos like this so I cannot stretch this enough give the praise to the people finding these things that allow me to make these videos not me I'm not claiming that any of these tricks were discovered by me this is more so just a Showcase of what can be done when a group of people set their minds towards something and as I do with all of my videos there will be links to tons of resources down below that I used when running this category as well as a very helpful spreadsheet that details the progression of the no jump category over the past couple of years and I'll be including everybody who helped me in the credits towards the end of this video without further Ado let's find out if we can beat Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga without ever jumping foreign [Music] starting off in chronological order we have level 1-1 this level by itself isn't really a challenge as there is practically no reason to jump in fact the only obstacle we hit is at the very end of the level when you're supposed to jump twice to get over this force field wall instead bring the vehicle over to where the platforms are made stand beneath it and use two player to build the platform inside of you so you can clip on top exit the vehicle over top and hit the buttons level two is the same deal the beginning is fine but room two is where we encounter a big issue this part of the game is meant to be the high jumping tutorial with jar jar here's the good news because it's a tutorial jar jar is programmed to lead you through it by jumping on his own and you can do some character swaps to bypass the first two jumps in the beginning then we reach the pillar section you can get jar jar on top of pillar 1 just fine but unfortunately he won't automatically go across so you will unfortunately need to take two jumps to get from pillar one to pillar two but that's it for this section the other bottleneck of 1-2 happens near the end of the level to avoid jumping on top of this ledge you'll need to run through these wooden planks then Sprint at them from behind start walking up these edges so the game warps you straight up then simply drop out of bounds navigate your way through the out of bounds area and walk into the loading zone it's just that easy 1-3 has no jumps needed even in a casual playthrough and 1-4 is the same way being a vehicle level so we can skip ahead right to 1-5 where we have a couple of issues while you could get almost your entire party up to this ledge getting over the last two stairs was tedious the method that I found was to attack Obi-Wan as Qui-Gon Jinn until he does a jump Dodge then either drop him in as player 2 or switch over to him to make it up marking down this section as zero jumps in the Next Room attack the force box until the other player jumps on top of the opposing one switch characters then ride it up Force the balcony up to allow the force players to pass through as CPUs then use the grapple as somebody else in order to bait everybody towards the button it's all very simple leading us to the staircase you can run up against the corner to get up to step one then switch to Padme to bait the rest of your party up sandwich R2 between yourself and the wall and use a well-timed force push to get the extra distance snipe the droids from the ground do another R2 wall push with the floor scrubber and your home 3 sending us to our last level of episode one and this one while disappointing isn't all too bad given the circumstances the number one thing we have to talk about is this Tower room the least amount of jumps that I took in this area was for the reason that number is so high is because there really isn't any sort of trigger to allow player 2 to progress forwards without you you have to make nearly every single jump yourself remember to use your back flips to get maximum height by only jumping once as opposed to a double jump in the following room you have to make one jump on top of the bridge but to jump off of it you can just drop in player 2. ending off episode 1 with a total of seven jumps only moving on to movie two we start out with a vehicle level putting us in a great place level 2 doesn't do too much bad either up until the end where we have to hover across this Gap as R4 the rest of this level can be done by baiting the AI and doing some well-timed drop-ins the following level Droid Factory is one of my favorites in the game and is probably the single most stylish level in the entire no jump challenge the beginning is fairly standard but room 3 is where things pick up if shoot this target as Padme then walk around the rim of the bucket to make it to platform 2. hit this target again let the AI jump onto the bucket drop them in and land perfectly on platform 3. once the gang is all over shoot uh yeah another Target and this time prepare your Droid for its pilot license you'll need to position R2 so that one force push will get them onto the edge of bucket number one without dying and once they're there drop in and walk onto our second button Dropout Player 1 and drop onto platform number four now for my personal favorite part once the rest of your group finds their way over you need to perfectly and I mean perfectly time the force push of your life you have to make it so R2 gets pushed onto the bucket as it's rising up so that by the time R2 crosses the middle section they'll get pushed onto the raised platform like so the only other thing to worry about in this level is crossing this Gap you're supposed to do a bunch of stuff to build a median so that R2 can rest to mid-flight but if you use Padme to give R2 a boost with her Blaster during flight you can make it in one sending us over to Jedi battle which we can just skip right over and head to gunship Cavalry which we can just skip right over and head to the fight with Count Dooku this level is our most straightforward yet since it just relies on the AI pressing buttons for you and switching over to them when they do putting us at nine jumps total so far once again we start off episode 3 with a vehicle level before hopping into 3-2 which was one of the most pain in the ass levels of the challenge first off you have to do one backflip to get the computer players AI to scale this shaft for you then in this stupid Fan Room you'll want to admit yourself to the ICU for attempting this challenge okay obviously I'm joking but anyways kill this Droid on your left then do an ELC or eject launch cancel by forcing R2 against a wall and timing your Force push to push them backwards onto this lower dark gray platform this will bait Anakin and Obi-Wan up to the higher level when you switch over to R2 Force the player to AI to jump on top of the fan and then walk them around to this corner and move player one to the further back corner Dropout player 2 and when they're on their way padding to you they will jump up onto the raised platform drop them in force this platform down back flip up then force on the fans I know that was a lot but hopefully I explained everything right elc's are very hard to do and according to xero who routed the entire category they kind of just come down to praying the rest of this level is smooth sailing just do some more elc's and character pushes in this room and you are good to go the following Grievous level is mostly done with AI manipulation and although it takes a long time it's pretty simple defensive kashyyk our next area has a new strategy that we'll be using a couple more times in this run but first off we aren't able to rescue every single Wookie without jumping which is required of you if you want to progress or so you thought if you turn on the disarmed Troopers extra you can lure every single Trooper in the level over to this button section and wouldn't you know it press down all the remaining buttons allowing you to progress with zero jumps it doesn't look like Order 66 worked out all too well next up you can build this walker to dismount on the bridge in order to make it to our final area the boulder section and what you can just do some AI baiting to climb on up ending us off with zero jumps and while the prequel films seem to be going by quickly things will slow down eventually but for now we'll take what we can get over in Jedi Ruins once again there really is no forced jumping in this level at all you can just walk up the staircase and do a character swap near the end and that's about it up until the dreaded lever room under normal circumstances you have to do a lot of platforming to move this arm from in front of the library door but of course we have some workarounds using something called a drop and warp or diw we can do two very specifically placed jumps in the corner of this arm to spawn Yoda behind the loading zone to the library drop in warps work by manipulating both the camera and position of Player 1 to make player 2 spawn on areas that are not normally allowed and while not really used a ton in this category does see a couple of uses here and there regardless this puts us in our final prequel level and it's the level that I dreaded before even starting this run Darth Vader this gives technical very fast so try and stick with me here starting off we need to do a diw to skip jumping over all of these pits to do this run back towards the Dora's ob1 then immediately turn around and run a few steps before dropping an Anakin at the same time you drop out Obi-Wan leading to you warping super far ahead [Music] the next two areas are played out pretty standard up until this Lava Lake which will take you 13 jumps to get across with no way around it I tried some riskier paths to get this number down but to no avail Zero's path was our only path and with that we get to end off the prequel movies with a total of 26 jumps and several hours of my life lost to be completely honest I'm very happy with these results I knew levels like 3-6 were going to be a pain but we have to press on to a new hope I can tell you right now that this will be our easiest movie yet level 4-1 no jumping needed even in a casual playthrough I mean the game literally gives you a crane to help you not jump come on level 4-2 you can hop off the banthas to get through the first section clip the second player into the box by running off screen then switch over to lure the AI to follow you up in the second section do some more AI baiting to enter the sand crawler walk around the edge of this mud pit then use the disarm Trooper tactic to push down the buttons although it sounds like a lot it's very very easy to execute not as easy as 4-3 where once again no jumps are needed in a casual playthrough this is a common theme when playing levels with protocol droids since in this game they don't even have the ability to jump which means the levels are designed to be played without that functionality whenever jumps would be needed here you have lizards or Speeders to eject from 4-4 is essentially the same thing but this time with one single caveat the bridge section there is a singular jump needed in this section and for some reason it was one of the hardest ones for me to land it all boils down to a bait and switch walk off the ledge to bait the AI into jumping switch over and land below I don't know if it was just me or if this had some kind of different timing window because I spent over an hour just trying to land it when I did finally get it I thought I'd feel some kind of relief nope no just the emptiness 4-5 does have a few things to talk about for the first time in years number one is right in the beginning trying to leave the trash compactor in which you can do some really tight character pushes to accomplish your goal the second thing to mention is the floor scrubber room while that may look a bit challenging once again AI baiting comes in clutch swing across onto the raised blue platform enter player 2 then drop them out for some reason this causes them to swing towards you then just jump up all you have to do from there is drop in once again and you're golden the rest of this level progresses quite well with nothing of note to mention along with this 4-6 is a vehicle level which we can just skip over this keeps us at 26 jumps still since not one jump was needed at all in a New Hope but Empire Strikes Back still has some other plans despite being made up of a ton of vehicle levels we still have some things to talk about out 5-1 and 5-3 are vehicle levels which means we Skip and 5-2 is a no jumper casually so that's also an easy pass but 5-4 hits us with some interesting choices starting off one jump is required to get to this R2 terminal on the other side of the swamp then almost immediately in the Next Room another jump is needed to begin the button puzzle but lucky for us it's only one this brings us to Yoda's house where we begin phase two of the level use Yoda to build the bridge to access yet another button puzzle but this time we won't need to jump what we're going to do is a mini ELC if you shove R2 in between the island and the button pedestal they'll freak out and launch into the air one well-timed force push later and you can position them to land right on top of the button drop them in switch over to them and Luke should now jump right across repeat this process until the swap is passed through a guide R2 up the mushrooms and find yourself in yet another roadblock this one is a bit more disappointing than the last since we won't be able to skip doing quite a few jumps three to be exact you have to jump three times to trigger all the proper buttons with no way around it unfortunately we can just shove Yoda up against the wall in the cave hallway to bypass that and the Vader fight is just the same thing we've done time and time again double Force blocks and clipping inside of crates once we land in cloud city as Luke will be taking a jump right away to cross this Gap then dropping out player one to guide them across once you beat the first phase of Vader as well you'll have to do a jump bait by dropping out R2 so they're able to cross the Gap to you build the fan on top of player 2 will have the fan guide you across then beat Vader up once more next room you'll have to take a hover jump as R2 to get towards Vader but that's pretty much it ending off 5-5 with two jumps total 5-6 follows the other group in Cloud City and it goes okay most of this level doesn't have any places you need to jump at all up until the very end where this gray thing blocks your path the only way to break it is to jump across as R2 raise the bridge grapple up then push it down as another character however for some reason if you stand a really far back toggle on exploding Blaster bolts you can just break it strange interaction but I'm not complaining you will need to take one jump to cross this bridge however but that's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things we get off to a great start in 6-1 just do some character pushes to bait the eyes out and you're good with the only other roadblock being in this room right here where you'll need to run off the edge in order to get the AI to fly across 6-2 isn't great but I guess it also isn't that bad either you can push the CPU across every single skiff up until the bridge puzzle this will be our first jump of the episode activate both the furthest and closest bridge then double jump across raising us up to 36 jumps despite 6-3 being a hybrid vehicle level there is one point where we can't skip jumping and it's right in the beginning on top of the platform you force up everything else can be done by dismounting on your speeder for extra height the Battle of Endor also goes pretty decently where no jumps are present up until the ending Shield generator where we need to jump once to get up the stairs to the first lever and wants to build the bridge for 3PO to walk across to access the next lever all in all two jumps for one of this game's biggest levels feels pretty good and with that we have one final level remaining the final level Jedi Destiny one for the books no one for the ages a culmination of all of our tricks thus far a true Gauntlet of skill oh yeah just shove the old man off the cliff and turn off his Life Alert this ends off our entire playthrough at 39 jumps it's very interesting how this averages out to be about one jump per level even though a majority of levels here have zero jumps needed I know this video went by pretty fast but believe it or not this run does not take that long to do the real hard work came with the routing over the past couple of years I'd like to thank both zero and ego for walking me through the strategies I needed to learn and putting up with my Relentless question asking I couldn't have beaten it without you if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing it helps out small channels like mine more than you could ever know well I've been bd1p peace out and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: bd1p
Views: 165,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego star wars, star wars, lego, challenge, no jump, no studs, minimum jumps, minimum studs, the complete saga, tcs, lego star wars the complete saga, challenge run, bd1p, speedrun, world record, can you beat lego star wars
Id: jQWgC4x_4jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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