Legit - Do Not Judge - Peter Tanchi

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the Sermon on the Mount is God's Way of telling us how to live last Sunday what was the message do not worry that's last Sunday God gives us commands to protect us for our own good because the Sermon on the Mount Matthew chapter 5 6 7 is God's way of protecting his people he wants us to know who are the real legitimate Christians versus counterfeit Christians do you realize not everybody who comes to a Bible study who comes to a worship service are legitimate genuine follower of Jesus which is some of you are here perhaps in your mind this is real religion but you don't really have a personal relationship with God so God wants you to know that he is good he loves you but above all he wants you to know him personally let me repeat God looks at your heart he loves you but he's saying do you really want to follow me last Sunday we talked about don't worry today we will talk about do not judge everybody let's do it together do not judge so that you will not be judged this is a command this is not a suggestion in fact that grammar is this do not judge means stop judging so if you look at the original language literally it is saying stop judging why by Nature you and I love to judge why we live in an imperfect society you are surrounded with people who are not perfect and because they are not perfect they irritate you you are irritated with family members with church members with office mates and the tendency is to judge them he is saying don't judge so that you will be judged what is he talking about you know I'm reminded of the our habit to judge one time my wife was in a rush she was going we were in the airport and she rushed to the toilet and in the toilet she was shocked he saw a man with a young boy in the toilet she was thinking what in the world are these guys doing they are not considering she was judging them and then when she got on her lap she looked back at the toilet and she saw men's room she was in the wrong toilet and yet she was going to judge this man and the boy in the toilet do you see what I'm saying the Bible says do not judge you know why look at what it says do not for in the way you judge you will be judged by your standard of measure it will be measured to you you know what God is saying God is saying the way you judge people is how I'm going to judge you so be careful many times were so strict with others many times we don't give people the benefit of the doubt and God is saying be careful there was this girl I had lots of airport story okay maybe you read this somewhere this lady was in the airport and she had to wait for her next flight so she was at the bookstore got a book and bought cookies when she sat down doors the guy beside him and her surprise in between them the guy was eating cookie and she look at it she was thinking why is this guy eating the cookie so she will it the guy will did in Tagalog she was thinking about couple neato in English this guy is so rude he does not even ask permission he's eating my cookie he would glance at him he would glance at her and smile at her finally one cookie left she said let's see what this guy will do you know what this guy did he got a cookie broccoli in half smiled at her offered it to her she was so angry she said this guy is not only rude surface inconsiderate no manner finally she heard the announcement time to board the airplane she was so angry she didn't even want to look back she when did the airplane brought her stuff down open her bag to read the book again and when she opened the bag she saw cookies the box of cookie she was saying if my cookie is here what cookie have I been eating she was so embarrassed she wanted to apologize to the guy but of course it's too late my whole point is this don't be hasty in judging what's the message today do not judge lest you be judged just one main point turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor stop judging do not judge now the word judge means to evaluate what's right and what's wrong the Bible is not saying forget your mind and don't think critically the Bible is saying based on that context of the Pharisees remember Jesus is talking about do not judge because he's teaching his disciples do not be like the religious peace people who are always judging others who are always condemning others don't be like the Pharisees because the word used here Creed no well it means to evaluate to pass judgment but the context is condemned Natori you judge people to condemn them to look down on them not to encourage them not to help them for example let's look at this verse together he told them this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and viewed others with contempt he is now giving an example of how the Pharisees had a tendency to judge people they are self-righteous so they tend to look down with ad to others with contempt let's read the next verse jesus said two men went up into the temple to pray one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector the Pharisee stood and was praying to himself god I thank you I'm not like other people swindlers unjust adulterers or even like this tax collector what was the Pharisee doing judging he was comparing himself with others look at what he's saying I'm not like other people you see our tendency when we judge people is to make ourselves look better I remember when I was teaching my son I was telling my son son you should not do this then you know what my son did he diverted the topic what about what about you answer and the word I'm saying I said son I'm talking to you he will say what about you know what he's talking about what about my other brother what about my sister they are doing the same thing I said no I'm talking to you my friend this habit of judging others oftentimes is our way of diverting the issue because we want to protect ourselves we want to look good by judging others you think you look you make yourself look better now the Pharisees had this problem and have discovered many Christians are like the Pharisee Christians are famous for judging people especially fellow Christians people come to church instead of learning from God they focus on what's wrong with other people they focus on what's wrong with the message they focus on judging people why do we have that habit let me tell you why because human nature is such the we'd love to criticize others so Jesus saying be careful don't be like the Pharisee now the Pharisee has established his own standards in his mind his righteous in his mind he's better than a tax collector I fast twice a week I pay tight in other words the Pharisees for him holiness is external if I do this if I go to worship if I give my money if I do this do that I'm okay that was his standard and my friends when you judge people you set up your own standards and he got the shock of his life one day he will get the shock of his life because according to Jesus let's read now what did this what did this tax collector do the tax collector standing some distance away was even and willing to lift up his eyes to heaven but was beating his breast saying God be merciful to me the sinner you see the humility of the tax collector and you see the pride of the Pharisee the Pharisee will not see his own sin he could see the sin of other people but he could not seize on sin of pride of self-righteousness while this tax collector was judged to be a sinner but in the eyes of God because of his heart something happened you know what happened jesus said I tell you man this tax collector went to his house justified the word justified means what not guilty he is forgiven he is declared not guilty rather than the other the Pharisee the religious leader everyone who exalts himself will be humbled but He Who humbles himself will be exalted Jesus saying that's the problem of judging people you see friends he is not telling you don't think critically he's not saying you are not allowed to make judgment of what is right and wrong today the other extreme is this people say you are judging me you're judging me today in America this idea of judging people is an epidemic now don't judge don't judge don't judge but they misunderstand the message of Jesus what Jesus is saying is be careful when you judge others don't set up your own standards don't treat others with contempt but he does tell us that's the right pace to judge what do I mean look at what Jesus says do not judge according to appearance but Judge with righteous judgment in other words be careful when you judge do not judge on appearence make sure when you judge something it is accurate it is right what do I mean for example what does it mean righteous judgment example everybody read this together if your brother sins go and show him his fault in private meaning it's okay to make judgement based on his behavior and based on what the Bible says it's okay your brother is in sin but your purpose is not to judge him your purpose is to hurt him to be redemptive many people miss understand the message of Jesus when he said do not judge he is not saying you put your mind on neutral you can no longer use your mind to decide what is right or wrong because you're not supposed to judge no no no he's saying don't look down on others don't be critical but righteous judgment it's okay I have a friend whom I became close sad to say he left his wife and began to commit adultery who a common friend who was respected by him he was a banker my friend so I told my friend did you tell our brother what he is doing is wrong you know what my friend told me you know I'm not supposed to judge I said Perry you are miss applying the Bible because our brother is committing adultery you need to talk to him nicely but he misunderstood do not judge that's not what Jesus saying Jesus is saying one more time everybody read if your brother sins go and show him his fault in private if you love somebody you talk to them ladies and gentlemen understand your purpose is not to shame him it is not to condemn him it is to help him go to him in private notice the next verse if he listens to you wow you have warned your brother wonderful but if he does not listen to you because you love him take one or two more with you so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact can be confirmed ladies and gentleman if you love me I'm telling you now I will appreciate it if you see something wrong with me come and talk to me if you see any pastors if you think we're doing something sinful by all means talk to us talk to them but please do not gossip however if you don't love me and you see me doing something wrong then you don't care do you love me yes or no second lobby you love me third floor you love me my hey my friends do you love each other second you love each other you have each other all right if you love each other what once we do if you see somebody doing something wrong what must you do go to them in private if you love somebody and you see something wrong with them and you don't talk to them you don't talk to them in private my friend you don't love that person so my advice love each other enough that you're willing to risk friendship you are willing to risk your faith by talking to the person directly that's how we are to love each other do not judge you see you make judgment example you hear somebody telling you you know Peter I don't know what do you know this person did this did that no I'll be crazy if I say oh man oh look inside bang pow any I will never do that you know why because Jesus tells us do not judge so how are we to judge people how are we not to judge people let me give you a mental outline of today's message do not judge people means what do not be hasty do not judge motive because you do not know the motive do not play God judge yourself first that's the idea of the message of Jesus so are you ready to listen to the message today one main point was the main point do not judge can you turn to your neighbor do not judge can I tell you something the Asians Filipinos Chinese we are so good in judging others let me give you an example somebody texted me because he heard about a person in Tokyo with his girlfriend whom he proposed in Tokyo and he texted this person texted me can you imagine this guy is a Christian and he is bringing the girlfriend and having premarital sex then I replied I said excuse me why are you saying they're having premarital sex I know this person is a virgin he will keep himself pure and the girl he will keep her pure and then she said oh sorry sorry but what was her mistake she already prejudged just because the two of them are in a foreign country and you are the precogs they are having premarital sex ladies and gentlemen was a message today do not judge I was so Spence file in my mind that suspense file is very important you know why because sometimes I don't understand for example I was inherited and I lost my watch I many stories about my words okay have you been hearing the stories about my worth or not well this is just two months ago I was in the sheshe f stuff with it and I could not find my watch so I called our staff you tell mama killing our retreat center this is my room number tell them look for my what's there they call Bob sir my watch was not there so in my mind the watch is not there what could it be ah in my house but I could not find the watch in my house and then I had this crazy vain imagination you know there was a young girl who volunteered to come to our house because my wife and I helped our driver educate the children and this girl out of her gratitude would come to our house and just volunteer to clean in my mind I said how can this girl be so ungrateful we are already helping her in her school and yet she will steal my watch but before I will assassinate her completely in my mind the Lord reminded me suspense file we don't judge don't judge but I'm tempted to judge and you know what when you prejudge people you're tempted to judge it really affects you because after that incident I was looking for my was when I looked at the helpers in the house which I know they've been honest but when I look at them now do you notice something if you judge people you can begin to interpret their actions suspiciously everything seems to be problematic see I lost that joy that confidence because in my mind my watch now my wife and I have a habit we come to the Lord I say honey let's pray that God will help me find the wise prayer of faith brain would you believe it after praying now I seldom do this I said I will check that drawer now you have to understand in my toilet I've drove us left and right the sink drawer so first driver that's where I put my watch nun again second row none third drawer would you believe it I don't understand how my watch can go from I don't know where to that third Rover I found it praise God you see my whole point is this do not judge put it in the suspense file because many times we pre judge people let me ask you today are you judging anybody be honest with me are you judging anybody can I tell you something this is one sin that we commit the most because we think it's okay to judge Jesus tells us do not judge lest you be judged in fact it tells us it is wrong therefore don't be hasty you know the problem with us we are so quick to judge the Bible tells us to be careful let's read this together he who gives an answer before he hears it's fully in shame you know don't be too hasty when somebody comes to you and tell you something just remember there are always homicides suicides just remember that feel the other person but don't jump to conclusion the first to plead his case seems right until another comes and examines him let me give you a true example some time ago one of our leaders came back from the states and he heard a fellow CC efforts who used to be with GCF told him something that happened that made him so unhappy he was accusing the leadership of CCF in doing something does not right so when I heard that I said come tell me what you heard remember and listen so he began telling I said oh is that what you heard let me not tell you who are the people involved so I got the other pastors who are involved come let's sit down together and discuss when my friend who was so angry with the leadership heard what really happened from the horse's mouth he said oh no I'm so sorry I prejudge all of you my friend the Bible says do not judge when you hear something I'm warning you right now do not just hear one side you must hear what the other side don't jump to conclusion because it is wrong the Bible says Jesus tells us how are we relate to each other do you understand in Matthew chapter 5 6 7 he tells us how a true Christian should be him last week he tells us don't worry do not worry this week he is telling you how do you treat each other how do you treat your wife how do you treat your family members how do you treat your children how do you teach your office mate do not judge lest you be judged let me tell you another true story my wife and I were in a resort and I told her I don't have key so I'm gonna go swimming but please do not lock that door wherever you go don't lock the door because I'm gonna exercise and I'm gonna be back well after I finished my exercise I went back to the room it was luck the Bible says what do not judge but I was tempted already I was tempted in Tagalog evolution and lab lab on images I already told my wife do not block the door while will my wife do you understand all of this you know tape recording you know why would she do that ba ba ba bla but I remember do not judge saucepans fire what did I do I did the judge but first I got to find a kid so what is the key I mean how can I enter my room there was a cleaning crew nearby I said can you please open the door and then they came in open the door I said by the way when I entered the room it was so clean in other word they have gone through cleaning the room I said excuse me when you entered this room was it luck or was it open Oh sir it's open and that's what we lock it I said hallelujah I did not see my wife before I saw them because I would have scolded my wife or they said madam why are you doing this the Bible says do not judge you know why you investigate listen don't be hasty don't jump to conclusions the Bible says you know my beloved brethren everyone must be quick to hear slow to speak slow to anger this is a simple verse we use this to teach people how to read the Bible how to respond to each other you must be quick to hear slow to speak slow to anger can I add something would you like me how to add to this verse now don't accuse me of heresy because I'm telling you already it is not in the Bible this is written by Peter it's found in 3rd Peter chapter 1 verse 1 it's not in the Bible it is written by Peter Peter said hey my beloved everyone must be quick to hear slow to speak slow to anger yeah so tell your neighbor slow to judge yeah so that's the one you will add it slow to speak slow to anger it slow to judge what's the message today do not judge if I see you next week and I ask you what's the message today what would they say do not judge why because many times you are room especially husband and wife parents with children I've seen parents they don't listen other children they come up with judgment and the children would like to talk but the parents don't give them a chance to talk so parents listen to me listen listen listen remember who one night I saw my son coming home late I praise God I did not jump to him and gave him a lecture what must you do so always listen first okay listen listen listen the most dangerous trip is the leap to conclusions don't judge motive can I tell you why don't be hasty don't judge motive you know why you are not God how can you see the heart of people for example look at what it says here it happened afterwards that the king of the ammonites died I will not tell the story of King David what's happened to him and Hanan his son became king in his place then David said I will show kindness to Hanon as his father showed kindness to me so David sent some of his servants to console him do you understand the story the friend of David died in he wanted to attend the funeral wait but probably he was so busy he sent representatives to go to the funeral wait what was his purpose to consult that's his motive what happened look at King Shannon the princess of the ammonite said to hand on their Lord do you think David is honoring your father because he sent consolers to you has David not sent his servants to you in order to search the city to spy it out and overthrow it do you understand they judge the motive of David friends only god can judge motives you don't know the heart of people every time my wife and I would have some problem you know what I tell my wife I said honey don't think for me you don't know what I'm thinking you don't even know why I'm doing what I'm doing ask me but don't judge my wife and I when we council people would not be something our biggest problem is this we don't believe the other person for example my wife asked this lady did he did she ask for forgiveness the girl said yes I but she's not sincere excuse me we asked you a question you are offended did the person ask for forgiveness and you say yes but then you added something but they're not change here look at me what are we doing to each other judging friends do not judge motive because you are not God only God knows motive what's the message today do not judge many of you judge your family members you judge your parents your judge your children you judge people in the press and in the process your conclusion is wrong but you think you are correct it breaks relationships Christians I want to imagine are Christians if she she efforts if all are small groups if all Christians will practice the teaching of Jesus do not judge you will find out you ask questions why the opposite of judgment is what you are encouraged you love people if you love people you will not judge them you give them the benefit of the doubt why I will willing to give people the benefit of the doubt why do you think he loved people because that's our nature for example I text you and you don't reply to me i text you again no reply after 2-3 days what am i tempted to do would I judge you yes or no you know what I've learned not to judge I discovered in this country anything is possible even my text can get lost somewhere so this what I do I don't judge if I don't like what I see is happening I will not judge I put it in suspense file then when I see you I guarantee you one thing I'm going to talk to you and say Brad Perry what happened you know why because I don't to judge your motive I don't want to judge your action I want to hear from you I heard this what you said you told others about me todo bien if they say no oh really okay thank you what do you mean I understand why don't we talk to each other why don't we go around the bush what's the message today do not judge do not judge more tip don't be hasty do you know what happened after this tonight when you go home you read the story it's very sad a war broke out unnecessary war the ammonites were cousins of the internet there were relatives but because of vain imaginations because of judging motives a war broke out and over 40 thousand people died in that first battle subsequently more worse what I'm trying to say is this Christiane's if you judge people sometimes the consequences are so bad that is beyond your comprehension I have seen relationships I've seen families they break up broke up why judging learn to listen suspense file always listen to all sides he tells us why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye but do not notice the log in your own eye now this is really like a joke if you understand what Jesus saying is comparing now expect and logs how can you say to your brother let me take the speck out of your eye and behold the log issue in your own eye now you probably don't have comprehension what Jesus is talking about this is like a figure of speech during those days but literally listen to me aspect it's like a dust in somebody's eye you need help yes or no but how big is a log I was in logging the hugs are huge but for e so appreciate this imagine a piece of wood two-by-four okay piece of lumber Jesus is saying if you a piece of lumber in your eyes two-by-four how can you say to your neighbor excuse me can I help you because that is covering your eyes it's so obvious it's a joke and this is the same you hypocrite first take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye he's saying it's okay to have each other but before you correct anybody he's saying examine your surface judge yourself first ask yourself what's my motive why am I going to do this to this person are you irritated with this action with his behavior are you doing the same thing let me tell you I heard the story of a guy of a husband who got so angry with his family because he discovered that the wife had an affair he was so angry my wife and I talked to the man I said not my wife I talked to the man I said you are very angry with your wife I understand I said what about you I said have you been unfaithful to your wife he looked at me then he bowed his head I said you have been unfaithful you are angry with your wife but you yourself are doing the same thing second question how many women have you slept with other than your wife you see that's what Jesus is saying before you remove the speck out of somebody's eye examine yourself perhaps you need to grow in some areas my friend God is saying that a Chinese saying Newton Capo the English version in Tagalog version welcome Machado McGee alum arrow what is that in English alum arrow what always butting in to others people life always trying to correct address I remember talking to a guy I said God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to serve what is your gift he says my gift is a gift of criticism okay I said that is not a gift from the Holy Spirit that's a gift from the devil because your gift is criticizing always judging people and that's what Jesus is precisely saying don't do that on the contrary love people can I tell you something if I love you and you love me our attitude our action toward each other is gonna be different instead of judgmental spirit we will do it differently yes or no because you love the person if you don't love the person you become very strict everything he does is wrong and that's the problem with the Christian community Jesus is telling us now hey guys you belong to me I'll teach you how to live don't worry last Sunday today don't judge previous weeks love your enemies remember pray for those who persecute you you see Jesus wants us to live life to the fullest so it tells us don't be a hypocrite nothing wrong with helping one another in fact he tells us anybody read brethren if any of you want if anyone is caught in any trespass you who are spiritual you see examine yourself you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness that's what we need to do help each other in a spirit of gentleness each one looking to yourself examine yourself so that you will not be tempted you see what God is saying restore people with gentleness I learned this years ago with my professor said Peter when you preach about sin when you talk about sin just realize put yourself first in the shoes of those people because we were so quick to judge when I look at people today I try to think through what they have gone through don't be so quick to judge people without thinking what they've gone through example for somebody to still have you thought about how what he did to resist stealing perhaps he didn't really want to steal I'm not excusing stealing I'm just saying when we hurt people to empathize with them put yourself in their shoes perhaps they struggle so much about money perhaps they were put in a circumstances in a situation where the temptation was so strong perhaps you ask yourself if I was in their place will I do the same thing you see you and I as followers of Jesus we need to learn to relate to each other and Jesus saying in Chapter 7 do not judge at the end of chapter 7 in the middle part he says treat others the same way you want to be treated so the first part is don't judge that's how you love people when you love people you don't judge you encourage them he's saying in a spirit of gentleness then he added this verse do not give what is holy to dogs do not throw your pearls before swine or they will trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces ha people say what in the world is that verse doing there the verse is not there by accident Jesus is telling us something in the days of Jesus dogs are not like dogs today today when I talk about dog you think of very cute dog right you are they're here how cute in the race of Jesus dogs are scavengers they are not holy nothing good about them you don't treat them a sacred or holy pig my goodness today if I talk about pigs you have no problem either way christmas is coming you'd love pigs I know you will eat let some yes or no in the days of Jesus the culture pigs no good dogs no good in fact they're considered as pagans unbelievers if you read the Hebrew language the Hebrew culture this is how pigs and dogs are described sometimes in the Bible it would be better this warning for all of you it will be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than having known it to turn away from the holy commandment handed down to them it has happened to them according to the true proverb a dog returns to its vomit and the soul after washing returns to wallowing in the mire what is the Bible talking about I believe to describe people's dogs and pigs do not throw your pearl into swine or something holy to the dogs you know what Jesus saying people who insist on not listening to the truth do not force them to believe do not throw pearl into swine meaning it is not my job to force people if they don't want to believe in Jesus they don't want to believe the Bible you see there are some of you here no matter what you will never believe you have heard the Bible many times what Jesus is saying I am NOT God I will not force you many times our province we want to force people to believe you want to force people to accept the truth pearl is compared to what the precious truth of Jesus the gospel what is holy there are people today usually to admit no matter what you do they won't listen yes or no let me give an example the Bible tells us he who corrects a scoffer gets this honor for himself do not reprove a scoffer or he will hate you in other words there are some people today when you tell them the Bible they laugh at you let's comfort you the Bible says don't throw pearl into the soil I've learned as I go through life to be discerning I love people but I practice discernment you and I should not force anybody to believe me don't run down their trough if they're not ready that's okay love them because it is God who alone can change people comprendes so that's what he's saying no wonder he tells us encourage one another day after day as long as it is called today so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin can I tell you you are to encourage one another encourage people day after day don't get discouraged but don't keep judging them and the truth is this I'm warning everybody everybody listen to me now notice the grammar I am to encourage one another day after day not to judge you but to encourage you so that evaluate so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin you see sin has a deceiving power people who don't come to Jesus in my experience either they are enjoying their sin they're enjoying something that they don't want to give up it hardens your heart let me repeat if there is something in your life today that you don't want to give up you will have a hard time understanding the Bible and pretty soon your heart becomes hardened and once it is hardened you don't find joy anymore listening to the Word of God let me tell you why why will God speaks to you while we speak to you well what do you know you are not obeying let me repeat the reason why the Bible to me is exciting I read almost every day because when I hear something I obey just imagine I read something and I don't want to obey pretty soon the Holy Spirit would not want to waste his time speaking to me you know why since I'm not listening my heart becomes hardened ladies and gentleman there are many people today whose heart has been deceived and it has become hardened you have no more interest in Bible study I won't be surprised pretty soon you will stop coming you cannot sustain coming attending Bible study if you have secret sin in your heart no way my job is to encourage so I want to encourage all of you sin I say power to harden your heart through deception so he's saying be careful so what must we do what's the message today do not judge so what must we do may I advise let's be encouraging let's love each other let's pray for each other how do you turn the negative to a positive well my advice put yourself in the shoes of others and courage them don't be judgmental for example the Apostle Paul he tells us except the one who is weak in faith but not for the purpose of passing judgment now who are the weak in faith do you know in this room you have two kinds of questions the strong and the weak in faith but we are not supposed to judge each other one person has faith that he may eat all things but he who is with it vegetables only Wow only vegetables that's his belief okay the Bible says the one who eats is not to regard with content the one who doesn't it the one who does not it is not to judge the one who eat for God has accepted him in other words when it comes to the practice of your faith don't be so petty you can begin to judge people except it's other in your mind he continues if you think who are you to judge the servant of another to his own master he stands or Falls and he will stand for the Lord is able to make him stand under who we are not to judge people let God be the judge then he gives another example everybody with one person regards one day above another another regard every day alike each person must be fully convinced in his own mind what is the meaning of this verse for some people the Sabbath day is Saturday I must worship on the Sabbath day for some some day is Mesa Verde Sunday is sacred to me for some people it's Friday Jesus you say it does not matter don't judge if you believe Saturday's your Sabbath you know what I'll tell you God bless you if you think you want Friday god bless you and I say go to the Middle East it's ok if you think every day is sacred wonderful we know why let's read it together he who observes the day observes it for the Lord and he who eats the so for the Lord if you think okay to eat pork Lobster what are the others food of we love to it are you hungry enough my friend if you are with a Jewish Christian they will not eat lobster they don't eat grub by the way if you invite me if possible don't give me lobster or crab but you want to give me fish I love if you give me poor reluctantly I will eat also you know why I eat everything but if possible I make a Jew I would like healthy food vegetables salad okay yeah but policy doesn't matter whatever you like to eat we have some each other let's swim and he who eats not for the Lord he does not eat he gives thanks to God everybody with everybody everybody why do you judge your brother or you again why do you regard your brother with contempt we will all stand before the judgment seat of God then each one of us will give an account of himself to God my friend that's why this truth is all liberating you know why I don't judge you someday you stand before God and he will judge you you see many times you see something wrong you see politicians you see leaders and you want to judge them may I suggest you pray for them because there will be a day of accounting and God is saying I will take care of it our journeys so to me I can rest in the Lord it's not my job I'm not God I will help you you don't listen to me I still love you look as we close there forever I did it therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts you see I don't just motive I am not hasty I'm not God I let God be the judge so my friends in this room today if you are tempted to judge people you are tempted to judge the speaker by the way who is the speaker today example only away so be nice to me just say Lord bahala vana hi Peter but if you see me doing something wrong what will you do talk to us face to face amen but if you gossip that my friend is sin so the Bible tells us God will disclose the motives of men's hearts and then it's man's praise will come to him from God one day when you stand before God I'm gonna guarantee you one thing sooner or later sooner or later you will stand before God I don't know when tomorrow I'm gonna do a week with the brother 1:1 remember he was shot in Subic a young man very successful you do not know how long you have God is saying your job is not to judge people your job is to love may I tell you just remember there are always two sides to any story can I tell you something a coin a summary side to side no I discovered something it has three sides in every quarrel you have three sides your side and the other party and God's side find out what God has to say about the quarrel find out what is God's perspective but until you humble yourself and say Lord I want really to know you more I don't be judgmental friend how will you grow spiritually no wonder the next verse after do not draw your pearl into swine do not throw what is holy to the dogs you'll be shocked the next verse is what we will discuss next week ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and you'll be open to you you know why because God is giving a promise you cannot change people but you keep asking you ask for wisdom you keep seeking you keep knocking only God can change the hearts of people so he gives you the assurance of Prayer and then he ends with which would be discussed next week we have an amazing speaker next week let's read this together therefore read treat people the same way you want them to treat you you see do not judge lest you be judged and then he answered you treat people the way you want to be treated in between he tells you don't be hasty don't judge motive you begin with yourself you are not God you pray so may I suggest today if God has been speaking to you and you have been judging others the first thing you need to do is to repent and say Lord I'm going to commit today our subtitle stop condemning people Amen after you repent of that sin you now say Lord Jesus help me to be an encourager help me to help people by encouraging them by loving them let's bow our heads if God has spoken to you and you want me to pray for you raise your hand you have been very judgmental and you want to change raised your hand and you repent we will pray together praise God many of you are admitting and you want God to help you to be an encourager to put your stuff in their shoes learn to put yourself in the shoes of others before you judge them think of others and you want me to pray for you higher praise God I praise God for many of you Father God in heaven I thank you for this group of men and women who are willing to humble themselves and say Lord they need to change Laura I don't want to judge anybody because you are the ultimate jugs help me help us to love each other Lord even if they believe in something else help us to learn to encourage them to love them and to find the opportunities but above all to keep praying for one another I pray now for the loved ones of everybody here for their family members that they will learn how to reach out to them in a bub or be the one to change them Lord you have given us a promise ask and it will be given or we ask for our starborn relatives we ask for our stubborn friends for our hard-hearted friends Lord they map the Bible they don't want to change but lord I thank you my job is not to change them our job is not to fix their problem our job is to pray for them and to love them and even you and you along God who can change people so we commit to you those that are difficult we commit to yourselves that you'll be the one to change us in Jesus name we all pray amen and amen god bless
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 42,669
Rating: 4.7740459 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: Vkz5Q26j5-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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