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Hello friends welcome to the legion raid detail guide featuring broshaza bro shaza is a RAID where you can enter at item level 1490 and per two gates the item level requirement increases to 1500 and 1520. the raid provides new materials to craft higher base item level Relic gears so it's mandatory to run this raid to improve your gear score I also want to give out a shout out to moveolytics for helping me edit this video they're also providing the written part of this guide so if you want to check into details or use the cheat sheets check the link Out Below in the descriptions this guide will cover brochoza gate 1. let's get to it right away I'm going over the battle items the first battle item I recommend is Clay grenade it has the same stagger amount as a rolling grenade as well as an effect to slow down foes the battle items can be used to slow down the initial Wolf Monster you will fight in the beginning of the game other battle items like destruction bombs and CC battle items like sleep bomb is for the sorrow and erosion room mechanics which we'll go over right now Gate 1 has multiple split up rooms at the start of the raid you will randomly be partnered up with one other player in the party two players per each four rooms first party will randomly be placed in either room of sorrow or despair second party will randomly be placed in either room of erosion or Fury all four rooms are mechanically identical there will be one statute her in the center with a battle Wolf Monster accompanying them these battle wolves have special shields on them that require some mechanics to break them as for the tower turret in the middle you'll often see stagger checks or phases where you will need to use your CC skills to cancel their channeling you can determine what room you're in after the split by utilizing the map key or hitting the turret to identify his name on the master UI going back to utilizing the map though there will be a workshop after the split so if you press the map key the names of the rooms will appear on the map so you can expect your mechanic encounters for example 12 o'clock will be sorrow 9 o'clock despair six o'clock will be erosion and three o'clock will be rage let's go over the rooms one by one twelve o'clock saw room will require destruction points on the battle wolf to remove its Shield to damage him afterwards as for the middle Tower it will spawn the purple slowly moving orb to the nearest player upon spawn if you happen to take this orb it will cause a map-wide dangerous explosion damage make sure to focus on cutting that orb as well as doing your destruction skills to kill the battle Wolf nine o'clock the spare room requires the players to kill total 25 ATS spawned in a room you can determine how many are left by looking at the Battle Wolf's buff UI as for the middle Tower it will do a stagger check every so often if you do that stagger in time it will cast the map wide fear cc to all players make sure to succeed the Stagger mechanic every time six o'clock erosion room will require stagger to remove the battle wolf Shield as for the middle Tower it will cast a long channeling attack if you fail to CC to cancel his channeling the vision of all players will start to darken up this Vision debuff can be cleansed but you must CC the middle Tower to stop him from casting the debuff you can identify by seeing the ring spin around violently all CC skills and CC battle items work here the three o'clock Fury room will require number of hits regardless of damage to remove the wolf Shield as for the middle Tower it will Channel an inevitable damage attack to everyone in the raid every time this attack is channeled the damage inflicted to the players will increase gradually staggering the tower itself will reset the stack but you can only stagger it once hence you'll be able to reset the stack only once throughout the whole fight the sixth seventh times damage is almost guaranteed kill damage so pugs and Korea staggered a tower around a fourth or fifth Stacks to avoid kill damage and have the most amount of time as for additional notes for all the rooms the room will also have a checkerboard AOE attack throughout the raid red and blue colored platform will damage you so you will need to stand on a non-colored platform or stand on a white color platform to receive small damage reduction buff since this buff isn't quite significant just keep an eye on the checkerboard explosion every so often throughout the fight when all battle wolves are killed in the four rooms two walls will go away to have total 2 rooms now each parties will be able to group up first party will fight the boss gehenna it holds a hammer second party will fight the boss helicase it holds a bow you'll need to kill these bosses at the same time or the two parties won't be able to meet up for the next phase the bosses each have destruction points you'll be able to do 100 damage if their armor is broken the armor points are very high for the boss so if you happen to have an on item level players in the raid it is recommended to utilize Ester thyrain to destroy the boss's armors the very effective way to use the SideReel is by lining up the two bosses up together to land thy rain on both of them at once to destroy both of their armors when any of the bus HP reaches zero they will be staggered if the other boss's HP reaches zero as well you'll be able to move on to the next phase if the raid party fails to kill both of the bosses at once the boss will cover some of his HP back but the other boss will take additional damage So It ultimately helps the party if you just keep on killing them when the bosses are both knocked down the last wall will go away to create one large room the bosses will also fuse together to its final form gehenna halcasus the next major mechanic starts at 85 HP lines the boss's UI stagger bar will lock up and jump high up in the air and land on the center afterwards a glowing yellow platform will appear on 12 and 6 o'clock positions when both platforms are stepped on the 3 and 9 o'clock tiles will appear when two additional players step on the three and nine o'clock platforms another set of platforms appear at 12 and 6 again you'll need to repeat this until each players occupy one yellow platform if you stand on the yellow platform you'll receive a guardian light Shield buff which will save you from a kill damage the boss will cast since the tiles will multiply up to 8 tiles after the first two initial ones at 6 and 12 o'clock players will need to stand on their respected tiles for a while until the boss's kill damage attack is finished since additional tiles will appear after the previous tiles are stepped on it is important to stop your DPS and focus on the mechanic to create additional buff tiles quickly to remove some complexity Korean pucks tend to utilize the party number times 3 to organize their positions without additional communication next mechanic will start at 42 lines the boss's UI stagger bar will lock up again jump up high in the air and land on the center as usual for almost all raids afterwards four total ads will appear on each corners of the map this ad will spawn series of additional monsters to hinder the players throughout the fight so it is important to take care of the ads ASAP at the same time the boss in the middle will start series of counterable attacks you guys will need to succeed six counter attacks in total if you happen to fail the counter for the third time it's a guaranteed wipe players who succeed the counter will also receive a debuff where a series of lightning bolts will land on their head these lightning attacks will damage you and paralyze players so it is important to position yourself away from the boss so your party mates can land additional counters afterwards also whenever a counter succeeded huge cooldown reduction buff will be provided to everyone it is to help everyone to have their counter skills ready in time the first counter will always be at five o'clock position but afterwards he will be consistently spinning around to fake out the players the hammer boss gehenna will be attacking so pay attention to him or utilize the back and head indicator efficiently to determine the next income encounter this mechanic will be Troublesome for new players because the boss will keep trying to rotate everywhere to confuse all the players it is important to make sure to recognize a boss to see if he's stopped completely before getting ready to counter you don't want to be wasting your counter skill by being fooled by the boss's fake movements the counter timing is different per class due to its animation difference and some counters being multi-hit counters most well-known timing is when the boss lifts up his hammer if it's anywhere slower than that the counter is generally failed from my personal experience it is better to cast your counter earlier than later instead of waiting for the blue effect to be shown casting your counter right away when you see the Hammers being raised has a better chance to succeed than not if you have succeeded this counter mechanic there are no more major mechanics after this so you'll need to watch shot the normal patterns only and proceed to fight to clear the gate next topic is a SideReel use and normal patterns I'm going to talk about only the important ones that we should mention random tiles from second phase of fighting gehenna and halcasus there will be series of tiles that will damage and knock you upwards there are three random tile patterns single tile size horizontal or vertical lines going from one side of the map to the other these waves do not have empty tiles so you will need to use your spacebar or move away before the tile explodes we also have a single tile size horizontal vertical lines going from one side of the map to the other but these waves have the safe tile so you can actually stand on one of the safe ones to let the wave pass through you and lastly we have a single tile wave coming in in zigzag formation as for this you can stand right in front of the previous exploding tile since the safe spot alternates like a zigzag jump smash the boss will jump high up and smash his hammer at a random targeted player afterwards a larger radius paralysis explosion will happen afterwards series of explosions will appear under your feet it has paralysis effects and significant damage amount it is important for you to consistently move to dodge additional explosions as for supports it is good to use your damage reduction Buffs at this time 180 sweep to a wave the boss will each turn around and do its attack first the boss will attack front and back arrows will be fired as a cone shape and spear attacks will generate energy waves this energy wave from the spear attack has paralysis effects so if you initially get hit by the first impact you'll get pushed back and take additional hits this attack hurts a lot if you take all the wave hits you may die as well so you will need to either stand right in front of him or move sideways or utilize super armor skills to not take additional combo hits from the energy wave spear attack will grab his spear differently and swing afterwards he'll stab then jump high up in the air when he is initially doing the spear stab attack there'll be laser attacks like kaku's second gate six-way trumpet attack the initial stab and the lasers are very dangerous it is advisable to position yourself either front or back of the boss a little far away so that you don't get hit by the lasers or the initial attack after the initial combo from the boss he will jump backwards and throw a spear at a random player this is an easy Dodge but it does a huge amount of damage so make sure to save your Dodge skills the spears impact will also create additional outgoing waves of projectiles that will damage and paralyze you show time the bosses will grab its weapon and slowly rotate while emitting its energy wave after the rotation finishes they will slash afterwards safe spot is where the spear is after the rotation so make sure to position yourself there the pattern is very easy to dodge so the damage is very high it is important to focus on dodging than dpsing at this time also throughout the fight you'll notice some tiles being occupied by Electric clouds if the boss happens to smash this electric field with this Hammer nearest plus pattern tiles will explode and additional tiles will keep exploding along the path if this particular electric cloud is left alone for a while it will turn into a purple tar that does not go away if you happen to stand on top of this purple tar even at over 100 eye levels you'll die in couple ticks so you must avoid these dead tiles to avoid creating additional purple tar tiles you can stand on top of the electric Cloud tiles and receive about three minor tick damages to activate the plus wave on purpose and initial electric Cloud will be removed let's talk about SideReel usage there are thyron azena and balthorine and balthor is exactly the same but asena appears for the first time for the brochoza raid her skill is herself throwing series of ancient spheres around the whole map the spear attack is a non-target so she may miss some Spears when boss moves around too much but is initially aimed at any Target around the map Esther Tyran can be used at Phase 2 where the two bosses are separated a properly aimed thyrain will apply both destruction and damage to both bosses it is the most effective way to utilize the Ester at this time afterwards you have different Ester choices most parties use their SideReel at 42 lines the boss during the 42 line mechanic will have damage reduction applied so using Esther for damage at this time is not that useful so if your party is afraid to do the counter mechanic using battle can increase your mistake chance to 3 from 2. if you want to get rid of the four summon ads right away to avoid unnecessary confusion you can use azena to show them all with that being said this concludes the Gate 1 guide of broshaza roshazza leads in raid is very long with six Gates since reward points are saved per two gates feel free to take break any time to avoid unnecessary pressure as always thank you everyone and good luck bye
Channel: ATK
Views: 297,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LOSTARK, lost ark, MMO, MMORPG, arkesia, online game, smilegate, amazongames, warrior, martial artist, gunner, mage, assassin, beserker, paladin, gunlancer, twitch, stiker, wardancer, scrapper, soufist, gunslinger, artillerist, deadeye, sharpshooter, bard, summoner, shadowhunter, deathblade, free to play, p2w, pay to win, raids, raidboss
Id: asuOfBNg9d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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