AKKAN Legion Raid - GATE 1 Detailed Guide

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Hello friends welcome to the legion raid Guide Series featuring a con akan is a three-gate legion raid accessible in normal mode at 1580i level and hard mode at 1600 eye level defeat a con to receive eyeballs for gear transfer similar to bro shaza this raid features Troublesome follow-up attacks making overall uptime very crucial the guide covers normal patterns DPS uptime tricks and supporting strategies in detail and including differences between difficulties for those seeking a quick overview the fourth video in this Guide Series will provide brief summary covering the major mechanics in simple terms I also want to give a special thanks to our friends at mobolytics who assisted with the special effects to bring the sky to life be sure to check out the written guides in the video subscription Gate 1 maluk is an undead boss with 150 HP lines he has tauntable yellow indicators for grab attacks and has follow-up attacks if players are hit bring Sega charms as a requirement and consider using firebombs time stops and Panacea as recommended items equipping profile rules on skills is suggested to counter the gate's numerous debuffs boss's major mechanics are 140 green or black orb 128 stagger check 112 stagger check to orb defense 110 to 90 DPS time attack 75 Spears and adds 50 Spin Attack stagger check 21 egg form 20-0 last phase the gate begins with the boss's yellow jumping attack triggering a follow-up attack if someone is hit at 140 lines boss jumps to the center with back tentacles often used for phase change he will spawn four green and four black orbs around the map as shown here destroying orbs gives a tumor debuff essential for surviving future attacks until 20 lines each player Must Destroy one at their position two different color tumor players being close to each other will create a plague debug up to 10 Stacks this is cleansable but avoid getting near each other the damage over time is percentage based so it won't kill you but it can rapidly lower your h P to a minimal amount always cleanse first before recovering your HP you can also destroy multiple orbs but be careful to not let them explode explosions will trigger a map-wide tumor debuff of that color if you happen to have two different tumors at once you will receive the plague debuff infinitely and not be able to execute future mechanics after the orbs one or two green Spears will drop from the sky then the boss will come down at a random time to do an explosion attack you can step on the spear to become petrified granting immunity to boss's explosion the ideal timing is when the boss lands but you can enter the spear at any time due to incoming damage being percentage based just remember to heal up after the mechanic some suggest using support's Awakenings to give Shield support for the percentage damage but there's a risk of accidental deaths due to the boss's unpredictable Landing timing it is safer to heal or use Awakening after the mechanic has finished at 128 lines Malu will yell with a dialogue and start Gathering energy keep an eye on your debuff bar you will see a green on flexible icon appear for 2 seconds this will become a yellow cleansable icon afterwards in Lost Ark shining borders are not cleansable and regular borders are cleansable if you cleanse the yellow icon it will turn into a red uncleansable icon no staggered damage will be sufficient unless your debuff is red you will need to stagger maluk on time or he will emit an explosion wipe attack on hard mode save skills at Green cleanse ASAP at yellow and then stagger at Red enough people need to be cleansed properly in order for the mechanic to succeed beware that sacred charm takes away only one random debuff so sometimes it will get rid of the mechanic debuff if you have multiple debuffs on you if the sacred charm method does not work for your party using Panacea Works 100 of the time as long as everyone uses it correctly Panacea has removed all debuffs upon usage you can also use Esther Way and normal mode explosion can be time stopped or Awakening Shield plus Rhapsody Care at 112 lines the boss will jump away and spawn four orbs forming a plus shape in normal mode there will be only one the one different color orb indicates where the boss will grab the player afterwards players Must Destroy orbs based on their tumor color to prevent them from exploding then at least one player intentionally needs to get grabbed for a stagger check if the wrong tumor color or the double tumor player gets grabbed it's an immediate wipe after staggering maluk small ore pellets will spawn at the outer ring and move towards the center destroy these orbs to prevent maluk from Gaining extra shield Stacks in the next phase killing the wrong color three times will result in instant death so avoid of using area of effect skills classes with homing Auto attacks like bards should stand a little closer to ensure proper aiming of their Auto attacks the waves of pellets are spawned at three points and will spiral inwards to efficiently block them you only need six people positioned to block the outside waves two additional players can stay in the center to intercept any missed pellets they can build their identity meter during this time as well using the Nana here allow allows the players to cleanse the death debuff one by one this enables everyone to destroy any orbs without the risk of dying however it is important to be cautious because if you kill three of the wrong colored orbs at once and Anna may not be able to cleanse you in time leading you to your death keep a close eye on your debuff texts to avoid any fatal mistakes for a fun note if you happen to have a double tumor player at this time they can destroy any orbs without any penalty if you haven't used your Esther yet this is where you make your first sidereal decision the next mechanic requires you to push the boss at 90 bars in one minute you have three SideReel choices one use thy rain after cutscene this is to have thyrain to help you push passenger 90 bars during the mechanic number two use a Nana before cutscene the correct timing is when maluk just gets up the Esther will carry over to the next phase with the bonus side Dario meter this helped the fight to be a little easier with Anana in the field number three use thyrain before cutscene this is a tight timing to deal damage while receiving the bonus sidereal meter the exact that timing is 25.3 seconds after the Stagger has been completed for both night rain hits to land on the boss this method is not recommended to proc parties and it's a fancy concept so if your party's plan is to get the boss HP close to 90 before the mechanic starts it is better to use the sideario right before the mechanic starts at 113 or 114 lines if you happen to have it ready at the time by the way the photozone is at this spot facing the boss after the cutscene the stage will start flooding and the team's goal is to reduce the boss's HP to 90 before the timer runs out the rising water will obscure the danger indicators so it's advisable to stay close to the boss and pay attention to his animations make sure to avoid the yellow ring grab attack at all costs getting caught in this will disable you from participating in the whole mechanic when you've successfully pushed everyone will need to move over to the next map by pressing G to jump over upon walking up the ramp to the tower you will encounter a split path the person to enter the room will see the answer to the split choose the stairs without the debris or the dust as it leads to the correct path in normal mode you can break the debris and pass through safely but in hard mode the debris is unbreakable after the room continue climbing up the stairs in this section with the exploding green pools you should be patient and wait until they finish exploding you have enough time when everyone reaches at the top wait until the water fills up to here then jump over with the G key this skips unnecessary patterns from the boss at the next phase after jumping over you resume the fight until the end during this phase getting hit by any yellow indicators or being pushed from The Edge will knock you out of the map failure to complete the Mini-Game in time will result in drowning death the minigame demands spamming the space bar until reaching the top if the bar turns purple though you must cover the top portion with the yellow indicator and push the space bar to avoid losing progress your third false minigame is impossible unless Stacks are cleansed by Anana at 75 blinds the boss throws two Spears upward jumps and marks the landing spot with a red circle then two green Spears will drop at the outer ring and spawning bucks the large Buck moves to the center and explodes causing a red white in hard mode there are two of these large bugs spawned opposite to each other the small bugs attacks cause you to get paralyzed if you get hit 5 times to prevent the green spear from dropping on your head instantly you can always stay in the center right after the red indicator the correct timing to get petrified is 17 seconds after the spear impact or you can see the gray smoke effect after 14 green waves at 50 lines boss jumps and lands in the center creating an acid ring in the outer area it will start spinning around with the Stagger check his attacks will also unlock players away during this mechanic there's a hidden timing involving sidario and Anna which triggers a special interaction when activated Esther and Anna grants an additional damage boost and completely disables the boss for at least 25 seconds inanna's power cleanses your drone Stacks as well if the party misses the inanna timing the boss's attacks follow a scripted pattern horizontal vertical and then diagonal at 5 to 11 o'clock positions the seven o'clock position remains safe for three attacks if you guys succeed to stagger there will always be a counter tank as well at 21 lines boss jumps to Center and transforms into an egg unleashing numerous small bucks and creating small exploding pools in hard mode additional large fish pools spawn under everyone's feet a little over every second dealing significant percentage damage the objective is to remove the boss's shield in time to prevent it from getting stronger during his Evolution there will be a total of 4 Shield DPS checks indicated by a Nikon the number of failed Shield DPS checks will determine the boss's power level in its Final Phase when the bell rings NPCs help with shields and stunning bugs killing these three bugs grants bonus damage to Shields getting hit by them five times will paralyze you for support wait until bugs spawn before using Awakening to clear them and provide Shield support as well stepping on the green mud in the center adds a plague stack every second at Max 10 Stacks an unclensable damage over time effect will quickly kill you you must periodically leave the mud and cleanse the plague before returning staying in the green mud prevents fish fools from spawning under your feet so you need to practice moving in and out of the area efficiently normal mode is manageable if bugs are quickly cleared out but hard mode has a high death rate due to fish pools this is my recommended procedure for survival during this mechanic number one kill the bugs quickly if everyone in the team throws fire bombs at their respective positions bugs get cleaned out real quick number two stay inside the green fog until 6 or 7 Stacks number three leave the green pool right by the edge and Dodge the first fish pool if it happens to spawn number four as soon as you see the white cleanse text indicating the plague is cleansed space bar or walk into the green mud right away the plague refresh is faster than the Fishbowl biting you repeat the process until the mechanic is over if you get used to the time mix this is the easiest method to consistently survive the space after the cutscene the Final Phase begins where you must bring the boss HP down to zero in this space two additional special patterns can randomly occur every 30 seconds pattern 1. the boss will charge and root players around them followed by a stabbing attack to a random player the stab attack is a guaranteed death use fire grenades to free players quickly Pattern 2 he will jump away creating many pulls under your feet around the map then he will land at a random spot for a counter attack if you fail the counter he will throw a spear for a map wide explosion be sure to keep an eye on the minimap to know where his position is for the counter now let's talk about normal patterns you can skip this section entirely but I think it's essential to take close notes on the first few as they age smoother progression they rank from most important to least important most of malok's patterns are back safe and they're very slow but getting hit results in severe punishment the boss may also apply a defense reduction debuff leading to an instant death without warning yellow ring grab the boss will Crouch and smash the ground with tentacles avoid getting hit by the yellow indicator as it will result in being grabbed and disabled for an extended period of time avoided at all costs when the bosses staggered from the internal meter he will always perform this pattern if you happen to DPS and hear the Stagger sound stay close to him to be prepared don't touch the grass the boss will Crouch and smash the ground with tentacles memorize this pre-animation to avoid triggering the follow-up attack if follow-up attack is activated a large red circle explosion will knock everyone out of the stage for head attack classes like red gun Lancer and Destroyer my tip is to not be afraid and stay as close as you can if so most critical patterns like the grass pattern can be avoided very easily by one space bar sideways jump attack the boss will leap high and slam the ground followed by a long stab attack or another smash this inflicts significant damage and creates numerous pulls under your feet the second stab attack can be canceled by taunting the boss triple stab grab the boss charges up his Spear and starts stabbing showing a long yellow indicator to an aggro player this sequence happens three times unless the player gets stabbed it's essential for the aggro player to manage the attacks to avoid rotating the boss's head too much single staff to backslash this is a variation of the triple stab grab if the boss stabs only once he will follow up with a backslash to hit players attacking from the back stomp grab the boss will stop the ground and stab with his spear if you get grabbed the boss will vomit on you knocking you very far away if no one is grabbed he will stab backwards to hit players attacking from behind experience gun Nester players sometimes get hit on purpose in this pattern to force a vomit pattern as combat Readiness won't launch them away two standing counter variations the boss will repeatedly smash the ground and after finishing he will always counter if you get hit by the last three attacks it will change this pattern to a regular outside safe inside safe ground smash galances can talk this last hit to prevent the smash generally when you see the boss smashing the ground it's best to position yourself at his back to prepare for the counter attack in the second variation the boss performs a slower smashes and Crosses his fears to execute counterable 270 slash attack if you get hit by a second or third hits you will proceed to smash 3 more times with a large AOE this can also be canceled by taunting jump hopping to counter the boss will hop around the map and upon Landing he will perform a counterable attack this attack can be canceled entirely by taunting but make sure to use your taunt when he's on the ground ground smash the brandish of tentacles the boss will slash the ground with the red indicator if someone is hit by the initial red indicator he will lift them up and unleash a quick brandish of tentacles juggling players in the air you can get hit by this purpose to extend the animation using super armor to not get Juggle 2. slow charge the boss will run with his Spears in front he will move very slowly if no one gets hit he's going through the backslash at the end but anyone caught by this will be grabbed when he finishes running he will pin everyone who is grabbed on the ground and uses tentacles to attack them some people get grabbed on purpose to extend the animation borpa spin the boss will slam his spear sideways and spin around inside safe he will slowly move and change direction once if you get knocked out remain calm and use your spacebar to get back in quickly with that being said this concludes the Gate 1 of a Khan Legion raid a con Legion Raid prioritizes Battle over complex mechanics mastering normal patterns and maintaining General uptime are very crucial for successful clear study the attack animations to avoid getting hit and triggering vicious follow-up attacks as always thanks everyone bye bye
Channel: ATK
Views: 143,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LOSTARK, lost ark, MMO, MMORPG, arkesia, online game, smilegate, amazongames, warrior, martial artist, gunner, mage, assassin, beserker, paladin, gunlancer, twitch, stiker, wardancer, scrapper, soufist, gunslinger, artillerist, deadeye, sharpshooter, bard, summoner, shadowhunter, deathblade, free to play, p2w, pay to win, raids, raidboss
Id: qaSQ8e0uZH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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