LEGENDARY Lechon! BRONX Night Market & REAL Little Italy of New York | ULTIMATE BRONX Food Tour!

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um [Music] good morning you know throughout the years i've done videos all around new york new jersey but there are actually two boroughs in new york i've never done videos in so if you guys don't know there are five boroughs that make up new york city there's queens brooklyn bronx manhattan and staten island i've actually never filmed videos in in staten island or in the bronx and i've always heard about this amazing food scene in the bronx so i started doing my research and guess what i found there is a night market in the bronx also a lechon place that only opens saturday and sunday so today i'm gonna go get some lachang gonna go get some chopped cheese which is something else i've never had and then go into a night market [Music] first stop of the day my first chopped cheese sandwich i really can't believe i lived in new york so long i never had a chopped cheese sandwich before where have i been seriously so what i know about the sandwich is that it's kind of like new york's answer to the philly cheesesteak and there's a lot of versions of where it actually came from but most people agree came from right there that's where it all started let's go all right chopped cheese time jessie is here with her sister michelle hi all of us never had chopped cheese ever let's try this out that's one with everything so it's got hot sauce mail and of course on a delightfully looking hero this looks good ready mmm how did i live in new york all these years and not have one so this is what really makes makes us different than like a philly cheesesteak it's ground beef inside it's like they diced up maybe even a burger i think that's actually one of the stories of how i got started was someone you know chopped up a burger and put it in here i wish there was more hot sauce in this because i could use more spice and more acid other than that it's so cheesy so meaty the bread is absolutely delicious crunch on the lettuce is nice the slight juice from the tomatoes is awesome [Music] the hero is awesome the sesame on top of that nice and toasty on the outside super soft inside i do want a day on this i know how to make this better i'll be right back all right just got some hot sauce for us louisiana hot sauce that's what's so great about new york city there's a bodega in every single corner if you need some hot sauce buy some hot sauce that's awesome oh that's really good i think next time i could we could just ask for like extra hot sauce on the sandwich yourself that probably would save a lot more time and effort all right once we're done eating our next food place right across the street check this out right there that's where we're getting the lachon [Music] hello wow angel nice to meet you man you're making empanadas right now yeah okay i'm gonna give you a little bit of try okay okay i would love to thank you you won't see and then you talk okay okay i'll talk all right we're already framing oh my gosh what is that oh that's garlic oh my god look at this look at it yeah this is shrimp wait this is chicken and garlic yes holy cheese oh my gosh okay all right this looks amazing oh my god angel you sent from heaven right huh you sent from heaven right oh man it was incredible i love it shrimp is tender chicken and cinder the garlic it's like emerald agassi came and blessed this plate that's how much garlic there is in here there's like a triple bam going into this dish so good and it just burns you in all the right places where jesse try this oh jesse you might die it's spicy it's really spicy i wish we still had that chopped cheese so we could dip it in there that would have been the best thing to do chopped cheese into the sauce this might be an unexpected but probably fantastic new york city union this calls for a celebration because this marriage just produced something beautiful [Music] masterpiece masterpiece style check this is what you guys do in the south bronx right now we're doing this you put garlic and hot sauce on everything different hot sauce different hot sauce hot sauce and this is what angel just gave me empanada with garlic and hot sauce i mean tons of garlic tons of hot sauce too good that could be the last thing i eat today i'm good that is so good that is seriously right that is a good empanada that thing is so crusty and meaty with that amazing garlic and hot sauce so garlicky that crush dough that crust right michelle's never had a lucha you never even you don't you i wish i could be you right now to be able to taste it again for the first time i'm excited we're waiting for the la chan i just want to say this guy's angel the nicest guy there's people coming by and he's just passing out empanadas just two people waiting in line so basically anybody who's stopping by wanting empanadas gives them empanadas there's a good man right here we're going to the pig now i can smell the pig oh that smells so good oh i can't wait to see that [Music] oh that skin is nice yes right now that one right there oh my gosh grab it oh my gosh take a bite look at this crispy skin speechless i just want you guys to listen to this listen to this this guy's the real deal right here what a happy day this has been so far yeah that garlic they're so nice here they just brought us chairs and uh this is our table this is whatever this box is this is our table that's what i love about this place already there's so much garlic everywhere and he gave us what is this octopus salad oh my god oh it's so good so tender flavor is fantastic crunch is amazing it's just amazingly tender oh my gosh [Music] i love carbs rice all the supplies is great like eat the rice with the octopus and all that great garlic just sets the tone for everything there's a good piece of the pork chop you guys got to come in good just take a bite of the meat and the skim everything is there skin on there yeah try it try it right [Music] right melts in your mouth after that crunch this is the best i've ever had in my life really we waited for like two hours there 100 worth the weight so worth that the me too amazingly flavorful and it's just so incredibly juicy and ginger [Music] this is made in heaven by an angel 100 percent come here and get this thanks so much this was amazing you're you're awesome dude thanks so much take care [Music] bronx night market in the daytime michelle has to leave just me and jesse now okay there's a lot of food there's so much let's do it let's do a walk around and then we'll see what we want to eat [Music] i want some jerk chicken how you doing hi how are you can we get some chicken jerk chicken the trickier the better oh that looks so good barbecued jerky is that the sauce barbecue jerk sweet barbecue the disrespectful sauce thank you i'm gonna give this to people i don't like really i don't like you disrespect thank you first meal of the night market jerk chicken let's get a kebab and then get a corn oh look at that all right let's get into the rainbow oh that kebab looks so good round one we got some jerk chicken oh that jerk chicken looks good got a jerk chicken we got some chicharrones got an arapa and a beef skewer this looks so lovely i have not had good jerk chicken in a long long time and this thing looks tender it looks juicy it smells incredible how'd you go jerk chicken wow super tender and the skin is nice and smoky tons of heat tons of flavor tons of sauce disrespectful stuff it's respectful if you're already taking a sip of water from the dish that might just kill you know people are so nice for service to us everybody in the bronx today has been super nice those are so good the array but this actually looks really really good toasty sweet cornmeal melty cheese all right let me go find some more stuff for us to eat [Music] that is so good it's like a burst of juice first of all from the patty oh so i got us a lobster roll i think the best lobster i've had ever is still in boston oh for sure okay can't expect a boston lobster roll in new york there's still good luck it's still good fishing in that round 100 of worker next spot we're going to never been before her good things heard good things i don't think you've had this food before let's go it's just walking along somebody offers us a taco that never happened here before happened in mexico never happened since i got back oh yeah thank you we just keep getting fit picks today really freaking good that's crispy yeah my favorite thing you know after that first pick we had this morning i'm like i don't even want to look another pit because what could be better than that those are really good what's up buddy it's really good good choice if these tacos are half as good as the crispy pig we just put in our mouth this would be a tremendous treat oh this is a giant taco by the way [Music] this is like a full meal just unhinge your jaw a little bit this is so good this is so good heck to the yes how tender that pork meat is from the belly with the fat and the tomatoes are so sweet i thought i couldn't eat any more pork today the meat is just on another level of tenderness you usually don't get tacos made with crispy thick skin the skin is so crispy meat it's salty that contrast it just shocks you haven't been to any semblance of a marker or a night market for such a long time drunk snack market all these food all together for you i love coming to places like this because you can eat so much different things all right we're gonna go check out arthur avenue that's another area i've been hearing so much about in the bronx never been there ready for some ravioli let's go ravioli that's the place we're going to get sandwiches we're just chilling across the street getting some coffee some tea and this is arthur avenue have you been to arthur avenue before never it's really cool right so nice probably the biggest little italy in new york city it's definitely way bigger than little italy in manhattan my daily affigato [Music] it's really good actually this is the most italian thing in asian thing to order an affigato and then at the same time order a hot tea like this is just the most random thing to do asians we don't want anything sweetener we don't we just we want it not sweet got some hot sausage got some cheddar uh jalapeno whoa look at this this is really cool it's like beautiful market yeah let's go let's go take a look [Music] that's a cool market it's really crowded but that's pretty cool little market yo i really like arthur avenue this is a little italy you know like fun this is an actual really italian neighborhood this is much better than a little italy in manhattan oh this is it this is the sandwich place i lie out the door for the sandwich place i heard this is the best all right this is the place to get ravioli that's the word on the street and by street i mean google we each got ravioli i got the squid ink i got the spinach and basil noodles oh pasta sorry oh madonna bakery so we got this sandwich that everyone was raving about oh it's the mozzarella cheese that was dripping that looks so freaking good this is a monster of a sandwich and it's just layer upon layers look at a massive layer of fresh mozzarella look at that roasted pepper last sandwich of the [Music] day the sandwich upside down so the top of the bread doesn't cut your mouth did it cut your mouth a little bit it had the captain crunch effect maybe that's like captain crunch's italian cousin so i got cut this morning by the chopped cheese a little bit they're so freaking good mozzarella wow wow we've been eating all that just kind of renewed my hunger for food you know what happens when you flip it upside down the flavor profile becomes kind of different as well i mean this thing is smoky got such a great creamy texture from the mozzarella the pork is tender the balsamic provides such great acidic at the same time like umami isk punch wow everything we ate today we had really good luck with the chance today we had a beautiful lachan from angel which is just mind-blowingly amazing and then we weren't even going to get it but as we were walking on night market they offered us the suckling pig taco mind-blowing as well also it's so fun walking around arthur avenue so many places to explore if you love italian food again little italy i feel like compared to this it's just like the trendy touristy area but this is more like where italians will come to it's almost like flushing and manhattan china's now there's a mouse rush so wanna try the cannoli are you a fan of cannolis i like a really good cannoli it's really good it's actually really good i think if i like cannolis in general more this would be like mind-blowing for me but it's really good cannoli even for someone who's not really into cannolis it's a really good cannoli i don't like things that are overly sweet i think this is really good i like it a lot my fitting finish to like fun day in the bronx there's so much to explore here go to the bronx zoo which is amazing botanical gardens both places i haven't been before but well we'll be back for that i'll be back for that but this is awesome i want to come back to arthur avenue again just kind of walk around explore around just have more time to just hang out maybe without a camera that'd be kind of fun too sorry i can't take you guys everywhere all right i'm gonna go home she's gonna go home i'll see you later at home with the ravioli [Music] do [Music] so [Music] just got home couldn't wait to cook up this ravioli i put a cheddar jalapeno sausage in here as well to kind of eat with the ravioli i don't eat italian food all that often i don't think you guys see many italian videos for me i love italian food i love pasta i love ravioli oh that's amazing anyway i love all this stuff but i don't eat it much because if i did my transformation into a human dumpling would accelerate by 10 volts but i love this food it's missing something though mike's crispy garlic oil [Music] it's so happy the jalapeno sauce is just pure perfection especially when it's mixed in with the cheesy ravioli and this thing i mean this thing is stuffed you eat all that with the crispy garlic chili oil gives it an additional burn and just a perfect compliment this has been such a fun day getting to try chopped cheese for the first time tasting a la chan that's a perfect 10 out of 10. going to a fun night market in the daytime and of course exploring arthur avenue just a little bit just a picture-perfect food day if there ever was one and i think best of all in addition to all the great food i was able to meet some of the most genuinely nice wonderful people i've ever met in new york and that just put an exclamation mark to an already pretty perfect food day as always i strongly encourage you guys to try out these amazing places i went to today they are listed in the description box below for you thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 859,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lechon, best lechon, bronx food, chopped cheese, bronx night market, bronx eats, bronx, bronx new york, arthur ave, bronx foods, best bronx, restaurant, italian resrtaurant, bronx lechon, lechon bronx, eating, dining, travel, tourism, tourist, new york, nyc, new york eats, new york food, new york restaurant, ny eats, nyc eats, best nyc, best ny, cook, cooking, food truck
Id: _l_PsGjxzjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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