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oh look at this this happens a lot here in South Florida bright sunshine and Rain hey everybody it's Mike Chan hopefully you are doing well out there like I said I am here in South Florida Miami to be exact about to head off to an Exquisite Buffet I didn't know this there's so many brunch buffets right here in Miami only problem is most of them only have it on Saturdays and Sundays so these two days it's gonna be a lot of fun anyway the video you're about to see was filmed about a month ago in Puerto Rico I wanted to go there ever since I heard about the pork Highway when I saw an episode of bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmer where he said that was the best roast pick he's ever had in his life so ever since been wanting to go in just a big check off the food bucket list but before we get to that a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video athletic rings so I'll be using this for several months now my morning routine is wake up drinking on empty stomach hit to the gym and then head to typically a buffet or something again like I tell you guys every sponsor I have I try them out extensively make sure I like it I love this in every box you get a pack that you can put into a tin can you also get travel packs you also get a bottle of this liquid vitamin D supplement which I take every single day especially I know a lot of my friends and family hate this song on take some vitamin D so the process is really simple you take one scoop where in my case I'm traveling I take one pack they give you a travel bottle put it inside eight to twelve ounces of water Shake It Up and drink it second one today and you might be thinking like oh it's some sort of green liquid it must not taste good actually tastes pretty good and I've been looking for something like this I haven't been really good about taking vitamins I'm getting older health of course is such a huge Topic in these past couple years so every time I travel I have bottles of vitamins it was such a hassle travel around trying to take all of them but with one scoop of age you want you get 75 vitamins minerals probiotics Whole Foods sourced super foods for me just a super convenient way to try to stay healthy so ag1 always follows the latest research they go beyond third party testing to make sure whatever they're giving you you're getting the highest quality and the best nutritional daily habits on the planet so if you want to give this a try go to my link down below you'll get a year supply of vitamin D K three two and five free travel packs with your water this is a game changer for supporting your immune system because ag-1 really does provide your body with everything you need for Optimal Performance every single day all right buffet time for me and uh enjoy the video thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hi hope everyone's doing well wherever you are it's Mike Chen here in San Juan Puerto Rico today is the day this is the number one food reason why I am in Puerto Rico I watched an episode I think of Bizarre Foods many many many years ago where Andrew Zimmer went on the stretch up Highway called pork Highway where everybody sold whole entire roast pegs lechons ever since I saw him take that first bite couldn't get it out of my mind finally today La Ruta Del latron here I come foreign [Music] era Las Pinos it's about nine o'clock in the morning they say they open at eight I see there's a pig ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so they have way more stuff than just latron grab the tray full of food and before I dig in my lechon journey in Puerto Rico I actually started before this when I was on the island of vehicles just driving by on my scooter all of a sudden smell something in the air saw some smoke on a Saturday Road and this is what I ran into morning uh last full day here on this island just been driving around looking for food drove by this place on a Saturday Road check it out check it out [Music] giant the chart fresh out of the cooker oh my gosh just give me a piece with skin and fat oh my god oh this is burning hot right now rush out of the oven look at this sizzling crispy skin right here obligatory Pig hair on there as well look at this all juice look how beautiful this is I bet you listen to this foreign I want to go to Pork Highway a highway where they just cook lechon but this is such a beautiful preview putting everything up right now let's go take a look thank you so I waited here for about an hour they're sold out people were waiting for a wall all the time before I got here uh so yeah it's sold out there's nothing left at least I gotta taste a piece I'm just looking for double China Highway in San Juan but that was a good pig oh well next time actually they just came over and gave us little pieces that were left from where they were keeping their Pig still a lot of good pieces of meat here these guys so nice so nice oh this world such a beautiful piece of chicharron with that oh crispy melting them now one crunch all that good juice on the pizza explosion everywhere let me show you guys what I got look at this tray of food this is the pork rib oh look how succulent that is what plastic fork just break oh my goodness this looks so tender and juicy wow [Music] tamale was shredded pork inside I got some pieces of roast chicken oh wow I'm not usually into chicken but look at the crispy skin on this thing that is so pretty blood sausage of course you're not gonna go to a latron place and not get blood sausage some liver with olives does the stomach the tripe and here it is the lechon fresh out of the oven they roast this for six hours and just look at it glisten all that nice fat covering the meat and all this juice you can see it oozing out when I lightly press it with my Fork of course this is the Highlight the thin bubbly crispy skin toasted to a golden almost translucent colors bubble inside the Skins will tell you that this thing will just Crunch and melt in your mouth a layer of fat that you know is just gonna flood your taste buds and you know this thing is going to be crunchy look at that this one comes with some nice meat underneath the skin to give you some different texture a little bit of chew this is a food drink come true I still remember in my head the scene where Andrew zerman crunch down on the skin he said this is the best pork he's ever had ever since that moment I've been dreaming about my moment here with this I think I gotta start slow I'm gonna start with some some liver oh good hmm I love liver I love the organic flavor the string nothing gamey about it just delicious organization with potatoes cooked in as well oh that flavor steeped into that potato nicely the broths are a little spicy in the table simple dish I haven't got to the China yet already so good something I never pass up on and hopefully unlike the 70s it doesn't have too much funk oh that is clean oh this thing is not funky at all I love a little stripe for that nice chewy texture dip it in some hot sauce if you like tripe I highly recommend this bite on a drumstick chicken flavor is good A little drier than I thought especially because I got a thigh piece I thought it'd be a little juicier but you're able to taste that nice smoke what flavor is fantastic oh less sausages are my favorite things [Music] get yourself some plus sausages I think that's such an amazing earthy flavor plus they put a little spicy in here as well the tasting is nice and snappy in Pulaski do not come here without getting some of this I feel like I'm gonna try to rush everything because I just cannot wait to put the electron in my mouth but I still got some barbecue ribs to try it all right barbecue rub was good some piece a little dry let's just get to the star attraction what I like to do I just start with the best part right here usually I like to save the best for last but this thing's just been sitting there shimmery I mean like a glowing sunset wow that was a bite about maybe about 10 12 years in the making but it did not disappoint I mean you heard that crunch right that was loud enough to activate the Avalanche and chased it was some juicy tender meat if you ever make it out to Puerto Rico please come here and do what I just did that piece of skin once you crunch down just dissolves into this yummy Porky liquid that completely coats your tongue your taste buds and all you want to do I just shove another piece of that in your mouth and the meat how juicy is this um which is so clingy and tender I almost like that as much as a scoop the best thing to get here 100 little charm get the blood sausage if you like organs get delivered and if you like tripe I 100 recommend this all right I'm gonna Savor this meal and then I'm gonna hit a couple more places this pork Highway Trip's not over oh thank you what's your name this is your dad you guys own this place how long you guys been doing this 28 years and this is your special hot sauce oh hey I'm gonna try this out thank you they just gave me a bottle look at this hot sauce Family Recipe cannot wait to put this on the pig drizzle that on the lechon oh my God can I just drink this straight from the bottle all right vinegar spicy oh all right spice is burning me just now wow my throat's on fire but must you are not joking with this hot sauce I love it perfect balance of the fattiness of the pork this will help you more I'm gonna pour this in my trip I wish I saved some of my blood sausages to dip it in this hmm also they're going to show me where they roast a picture wow here we go oh that is beautiful how many you guys cook a day uh around 12 12 a day in all these ovens demand that is beautiful so you guys been doing this 28 years you see the Giants size the pigs are cooking in those ovens what I love most about it family run they're all passionate about what they do also Anthony Bourdain came here love eating the footsteps of my food Heroes Ricky so kind sent over pina colada thanks so much man thank you so much for your hospitality your family runs an amazing business and I'm glad I'm finally able to taste it foreign [Music] [Music] number two this is fun it's going up and down this highway tasting differently this is from El Rancho original oh this looks good this skin doesn't really have much fat on the other side more of a thinner Porky chip ah there we go there's a piece of fat on the back I never get sick going to all these lechon restaurants watching them chop the pig hearing the thumb of them machete just because my heart pound it oh oh that's so nice I mean just listen to that is so incredibly light I like the piece with the fat on them more more flavor more juice when you crunch down it if you like pork rinds find yourself a good lachan restaurant and just crunch down on some of this stuff or it's just something like salsa to kind of just dip this in the meat is so juicy as well also this whole area is so cool when you're driving along this road of course you smell the electron you see all these great little China restaurants they're places where you can buy souvenirs you can buy drinks I've never had more pina coladas until I came to this island I think this is just such a fun way to spend half a day just driving around stopping at random restaurants eating hanging out with the locals listen to some music I always imagine what my experience would be like once I make it over here reality definitely exceed that expectation [Music] foreign [Music] went to yeah another huge item checked off the food bucket list now again back in the city at this restaurant called La Cueva Del Mar heard great things about this place well they just brought over the fresh red snapper these are what you guys just got them for the market today looks great can we get that one yeah nice nice thank you so much I like that they show you the fresh fish before it's cooked [Music] so this is the fish stew they recommend adding some lime and some spicy avocado sauce um also got the uh empanadas look at this just cutting this open guys are erupted from this little thing look how juicy this is this is a steak empanada wow that was tremendous wow I'm gonna have some of the spicy avocado sauce on this thing too oh that spicy avocado sauce the best thing ever oh remember good just when you come here wow oh this is amazing I'm not as soft and Flaky to meat again just the juiciest tenderesting stuff in there try this fish stew here oh that is nice definitely needs some Citrus really clean fish flavor very light and comfortable in the stomach you add the lime for some Citrus add the avocado sauce with all the Heat this is a delicious starter it doesn't fill you up but it satisfies you know it's so nice here brought a little for me to taste oh yeah everybody's loving a sofa and the main dish is having arrived yet thank you wow glorious whoa fresh red snapper this is their version of fried rice also Mofongo with chicken and skirt steak so sauce goes onto the red snapper oh if you're in San Juan come here and get that oh Snapper itself so tender and juicy meat is absolutely perfect this chili this red sauce base of tomato some onions provides a little sweetness a little acidity the outside's a little crispy inside it's just pure tenderness creamy beans inside the rice nice and toasty on top three on the spicy avocado sauce I think this is ketchup Mayo what I really like though oh this avocado sauce dump that dump that fish in there oh wow this might be one of my favorite sauce I found this island you know everything's so good the number Fungo with cheese sauce on top skirt steak and chicken there's a lot of sauce I think it's the best Mofongo I had on this island so far oh this is so good wow this is delicious right on the outside it's creamy on the inside state is so tender too um the chicken is delicious oh that cheese sauce just ties everything they got her I'm so so happy with this of course a little avocado especially avocado for good measure [Music] 100 the most flavorful Mofongo I had on this island of course eating fish the Chinese way you cannot flip it over um and this is something good to know for New Year's especially during the New Year's you cannot flip a fish over the curse of our fish in Chinese is you which means plentiful so Chinese people believe if you flip it over you're gonna be flipping over your fortune so don't be flipping over your fortune just take the tongue out and eat like that also I love about this mofongo I think a little bits of pork Rising here do not let this cheese sauce go to waste this is a perfect combination of little Seafood relatively light and this is my fungal to satisfy whatever food craving you're having awesome food day today one more stop that's right Krispy Kreme Donuts because there's some flavors they only have here in Puerto Rico [Music] foreign [Music] you'd be full but still hungry I try to go to a local pizza place packed full of people to wait was like an hour so oh oh now thin crust dominoes with pepperoni my favorite Domino's Pizza but is it me or I feel like the thin crust is ruined if you don't cut it into squares or rectangles like like slices it's just not oh I feel like Domino's thin crust you can't cut it like this am I the only one that feels this way go go shape Krispy cream Puerto Rican only flavors tres leche cheese and guava Nutella ah let usually I'm not a big donut guy I love Krispy Kreme though I love it especially flavors you can't find in other places oh this looks good oh it's so nice this is one of the best Christmas ever have so milky and creamy and the guava and cheese hmm so good delicious fruity and cheesy I think the flavor most resembling a tropical island this is it also this Island's so cool everywhere you go people are so friendly so talkative so eager to help because I don't know any Spanish big shout out to Hector at the restaurant today helping me out with the food orders tomorrow my final full day here gotta tell you a little sad to be leaving but almost near It's gotta head back to New York see the family spend a few days doing absolutely nothing which my favorite thing to do this video will probably publish after New Year so hopefully everybody had a good one and hopefully 2022 much much better than the last two years it's always out of place I want you listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching till we eat again I'll see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 932,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: La Ruta del Lechón, pork highway, Pr pork highway, Puerto Rico pork highway, pork highway Puerto Rico, Puerto Rican food, Puerto Rico food, Puerto Rico restaurant, Puerto Rico eats, Puerto Rico lechon, Puerto Rico tourism, Puerto Rico street food, Puerto Rico travel, Puerto Rico flight, Puerto Rico hotel, Puerto Rico, lechon, roast pig, roast pork, pork, pig, cook, cooking, dining, restaurant, food, street food
Id: rIjx1ed04gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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