Classic Turret Press (Reloading 45 ACP) Review====)

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hey YouTube it's Elvis ammo here hey today I wanted to do a review on the League classic turn press and and also at the same time I wanted to load some 45 ACP I've had requests you know for people from people asking me to do some 45 ACP um and at the same time I'd really been wanting to do that and I wanted to show you how I make my 45 ACP and also wanted to there was there some some people right now thinking about different presses with Christmas coming up around the corner and this is one that comes up quite often you know should I get a progressive press or a term press that kind of thing well I have a good review on the lis loadmaster a progressive press the load master maxed out you know with you know the maximum capacity of bullet theatre versus case feeder and you know just really cranking them out um and and that's a wonderful option but you know for most three loaders eventually you're going to get you may get you know a second press or maybe even a third press and I've heard comments like I don't want to collect presses and and that's understandable um as a matter of fact this is a really great choice for someone this is probably one of the better presses to get on and I'm not advocating Lee exactly um but I love the leave products so um but there's quite a few current presses out there but in this case I'm going to be reviewing the Lee classic press and a turnip press is really a wonderful middle of the road where you can do most everything that you want to with one press so I think they had the right idea when suggesting that maybe they're going to I'm referring to a subscriber it will settle for a classic term press and I thought what better time to do this review and to show you how I make my 45 ACP then now because there's a lot of comments and questions you know coming up on Christmas people want to you know a new press for for Christmas or you know reloading supplies and that kind of thing or they want to get some loading equipment for someone they love for Christmas that kind of thing so I just thought I would do this right now um it's the best time to do it and I was I needed to make some 45 ACP anyway I'd started making some the other day and I just I didn't have time to really get through as much as I wanted to but um anyway so this is the classic Turin press delete' classic term press right here this is the brochure that comes with it um this is what it looks like now it can be confused sometimes so I thought I would mention that if you look um if you're looking you know for a classic term press for instance from Lee this is uh this is just this is their little catalog you could probably have Lee sends you one of these if you wanted to go to Lee precision comm or call them uh this is this is their catalogue now these prices right here or pretty much from Lee and we all know that you can get these for a much better price in this as a matter of fact I believe I can't remember what I paid for this but it was probably under $150 for the press I'm not even buying in a kit gone I can't even remember if I bought in the kit anyway um but here we go this is where the confusion could could lie and I'm just going to give you a word of caution all right now I don't know about this lis value term press although it's not near the quality of of this particular press I would I would highly recommend this one over that one I wouldn't want to save the couple of bucks to make that purchase but this is the one right here the classic term press I'm getting a kit obviously um but this is the better press um in my big opinion hmm then then this one all right just so you know leave value current press the lead classic term press all right so I just thought I'd throw that out um and you know I'll just kind of I'll just kind of go over the press really quick and um there's really not that much to talk about on this press be honest with you because it's really very simple and that's why people like it it's so it's really simple there's not a lot of parts on it you know you put a little bit of keep a little bit of Lube on your shaft now there's some newer items that were added um to this press you see how it how the turn spins each time you crank the handle on this thing like that um on my press I put the Li Auto drum powder measure um now some people they still have the auto disc powder measure and those are fine I've never had any bit of trouble it's just with with the auto drum powder measure it has some features on it that are desirable like this key right here where you can make an infinite adjustment of the amount of powder that you want where with the disks you have to pick the right disk to put in and sometimes you don't get it exactly where you want it but it usually works just fine for for any kind of pistol rounds anyway but I still love the the auto disk I don't have no problem with it but I love this one more okay so I added this one to my plea classic turn press so I got the powder measure now this is a four hole current press so you can add forward eyes to this one opposed to the five dies that you can add to the lis load master um so you know when you um when you set these up you know the first die you're going to add is your decapping sizing and and and decapping die right here for your 45 ACP so you would you would adjust this all the way down until it makes contact with your shell plate holder all right you put the this is the number two shell plate holder for the 45 ACP so you put that in there and then you raise it up and you screw your die down until it makes contact with the shell plate and then you tighten this nut it's just all finger tight that's another cool thing about the lead dies they have rubber bushings in there that that rubber washers in there that just lock everything tight um and um you know you want your decapping rod you know pretty much flush right here and then you tighten this screw if you haven't done that already and then you put this die in makes contact when you show up late holder and um that's where you begin and then you you add you know you got your your your powder through die and you put your in my case I'm putting the Lee Auto drum powder measure on there screw it on and then you screw it down until you know you get the proper flare on your case now the Pam bow that I'm loading here is is cast led ammo alright now this goes for whether you're loading Full Metal Jacket serve hollow points or anything that you're going to load your you operate this press the exact same way so in my case everybody knows that I pretty much exclusively shoot I just found a bad bullet in there um I exclusively shoot it was deformed a little bit cache led unless somebody was to give me some ammo then maybe I'd shoot it but I load these for you know about under six cents around you know versus whatever you pay for factory MO and in my opinion it cute even better so um you know you flare your case you put your case in here and um and you get powder and a flare and when the case is Flair you can fit your bullet in there like that so you just screw this down to where you get the desirable flare to where you know to where your and to where your bullet can just get in there good and that's all you need and then it rotates to the next step and and then you put your your bullets eating die in you screw this down and in my case you know I have a factory crimp die right here so I for me personally everybody does this different with their seeding die you know for me I just want to seek the bullet I'm not worried about the this bullets eater actually crimping my my case because it's going to be crimped in the next stage with my factory crimp die so I just put it in there and adjust this for my bullet seating depth and it works just like any other press you know and then this next stage you put your case in here or where your case is still in there you'll see how it runs in a minute I was just kind of going over the features you know the four hole turret and the you know this one is your factory crimp die and that's what gives you your your final bullet you know in factory specs and then you test this to make sure it runs in whatever gun you're going to shoot it in so anyway let's get let's get to it and I'll show you how this thing runs I'll show you how I start some of this stuff you already know about um but you know for a lot of people want to see me do the 45 ACP and a lot of other new people that are think about reloading or thinking about a new press want to see a review on this press and and why it's impressive so here's how I start okay um this right here is pretty much you know that same stuff that we all make you know for case loom but if you don't make your own case Lube this is my favorite it's just a Llangollen based case Lube and I pretty much Lube you know most of my cake I live pretty much all my cases now this with with these pistol rounds you only need a little tiny bit of Lube I've seen people spray the mess out of some Lube on cases and I don't even know it's not it's not work the waist and it don't work any better and it's too much Lube makes a mess so this I just take a ziploc bag shake my lube up and I mean I don't even put a full pump in it that's it just ow it was about a quarter pump alright just enough to put a little bit of dampness in the bag and then what I do is this is just brass that I cleaned in the tumbler with walnut pretty much fill this bag with if you want and I already see where I have a another case and there's don't belong there gotta watch for that alright so I'll put it in the bag that has a little bit of a blue ball and I just sear it around like this alright that way I don't get any Lube inside the bat inside the cases I don't want Lube in my case so it's on the bag and now I'm smearing it around on the on the case and that's how are you going to do just a little tiny bit like that no big deal so then I just take some cases and put them inside of a in this case it's just a coffee can lid set them on there like that get them where I can get to them I got some bullets laid out and I've got some cases here so then what I want to do is I want to the first thing I want to do is I want to verify my my powder measure alright so I'm going to bring my powder measure around here and what I like to do is I take my scale with these pistol rounds um and I just go ahead and and set a case on the scale like that and tear it out all right now I just zeroed it out so now I know how much my case weighs and I just want to make sure that I'm putting the right amount of powder in here okay so I'm on first thing I'm gonna do is I might even go measure it um you know I've been messing around with this press shaking it around so I'm just going to go ahead and just be a couple of a few cases full of powder in there just to make sure my my powder measure is dropping correctly okay now now that I've done that make sure there's nothing in it and now I'm going to just measure this powder alright so I'm just gonna set it right on the scale and I'm at four point six alright and I'm pretty much just using data right out of the right out of the book there's a 230 grain bullet I'm using high score 700x from Hudson and you know the max charge is 4.8 all right that's where I like mine running somewhere around there um sometimes I'll run them a little less sometimes a little more depending on with them what I'm shooting it out of sometimes I have a carbine 45 that I shoot them out of um but anyway I'm well I'm under the the maximum in the Lyman 50th there so that's a good charge right there and I already know that I'm running 4.5 4.6 in there okay always verify never go over to maximum stay safe and so now let's see how this thing works all right the first thing I'm going to need to do is I'm going to need to go right on around to to the decapping and sizing die alright so I'm gonna need to size this case and not that old primer out here we go and when I do that I'm also going to feed a primer and I'll show you go up go ahead and size that case the primer just fell through this shaft into this rubber tube that hangs underneath the depress alright and um I left there you can put a little piece of wire or a hose clamp on here to keep it on there I took it off so I could show you guys and it just literally just sticks right on the shaft underneath the press and that's where all your primers go so you're always collecting your old primers and not making a mess so whenever I sized this then what I do is I put a primer on there and I do that by pushing this yeah you can get it shake that now alright um um it's kind of awkward the way I'm doing this you slide slide way over but you guys won't be able to see so now what I've got is I've got a primer sitting right here see that primer it just it just added a primer to the primer feeder right here alright so then whenever I go down with the RAM and I'm gonna push all the way forward and give it a good push at the top that just seated my new primer and I'll show you that it just added a primer and that thing works beautiful I mean it is flawless honestly I've I've heard people have trouble with some of this but I'm telling you that's just a flawless seated primer right there I've never had a lick of trouble with it so now what I'm going to be doing is I'm gonna come back up and it's going to give it powder and flare the case he just flared the case give it a powder charge and the term goes around to the bullets eating die and I'm gonna go ahead and just set a bullet right on top of there raise it back up and this is going to seep my bullet now the bullet seated now the next step is to factory crimp die but first of all let's just check and make sure that I got the link that I want of this bullet and it's at one point two six nine right there okay if it's I could probably seek that exit up just a tiny bit deeper I'm only just I'm just it's okay where it's at I'm just going to go ahead and turn my seeding die to where it's around six five or so and we'll see what the next one is that one's going to be just fine but after you make around what you want to do well first of all I need to go ahead and pull this up one more time into the factory crimp dye and this is going to crimp my bullet now it's done it's complete the next time I go up with it it's going to be the next round so what I've done is I put an ice factory crimp right there all the way around and I'm gonna go ahead and just check this is the gun that I'm going to be shooting it out of to this make sure it's safe and we'll go ahead and take my barrel out go ahead and take my my barrel out and drop the bullet in alright and see it falls in free and out free there's nothing sticking that's good you don't want it to stick it can't be you know sticking up above this dis ramp okay so fall in fall out that's what you want so I just checked it I know it's going to feed no problem is nice and there see now this is a this is a Glock 30 subcompact alright so there's that round now we're going to put another case in there it needs to be D Prime's in size and well he brought his eyes in Brian D primed and Brian there's the primer in there when I go up that primer is going to flip around I push down it seats into the case nice and pretty and then I go back up and I get powder and flared now I'm ready for a bullet I'll set a bullet on there and now it's going to see and go back up again and it's going to be like a crimped and I'm going to check my work one point two six six that's really where I want it because if you look in the book the maximum is one point two seven five all right needs to be under that um besides I already know that feeds inside my gun just perfect and um you know if you want to double check your work you can check it out check several of them or all of them whatever you decide you want to do in and out nice and easy like that and there's another round all right now we'll make a uh uh what did I do again like I never went all the way up with it I could here we go YouTube will mess you up so here we go size D cap and Brian hook ain't good like I said I'm uh I'm sitting backwards they were good and you don't have to pull it away it'll fall away whenever you get back up there's primed it check that looks good powder flare and then we're going to put a bullet up here I just seated my bullet crimp my bullet and I'm done with that round and we can check it make sure everything works good you don't have to do every one of those obviously but uh here we go go knock the old primer out and put a new primer in there there goes when I push on it that's when the primer goes in and back up for powder and flare back around to the bullets eating die seek that factory crimp and another round complete and then I go to right here and I just did all it and I'm sitting backwards it's kind of hard to work I just quit a primary in powder and Blair get ready for a bullet bullet go into the crimp and done with another round sure it's kind of hard for me to operate this with some reason nothing works when you get a video all right now I'll never have a look of trouble with that thing good chill right now I'm doing but I'm standing here kind of backwards honestly oh here's my primer again powder player bullet OOP done what another fine round I still having trouble with this I don't know what I'm doing okay you got to push down on it and the position that I'm in don't work out very well that and put a bullet on move it crimp down with that one and we can check our work again and if you see how consistent that is one point two six six again very consistent press it makes fabulous ammo this will rival any press making the very best quality ammo out there and I can tell you that for a fact right there oh if you know what you're doing seems like if you just play with it it don't work but if you use it with authority it does we got that put it on crimp down with another fine round and we'll just take a look at the CEO consistently or see that one point two six six again oh that's how this thing makes them you know it's just very consistent up here she really got to just push it pick prime name pull it on crimped and [Music] final siege but you can crank out some ham over this thing I mean you really can if I can make this work the cool thing about this is as you can know you can make you know rifle ammo pistol ammo everything and you know you have a lot of control of what you're doing with it and you know so you know with the progressive press you know the the showcase holder spins around to the different stages with the turn press the turret spins around where you have one shell plate holder and it gives you a lot of control now I'm using as you seen you know I'm using you know four point five point four point six screens of the 700 X now you know you'll always have to work up your own loads make sure there's no signs of pressure make sure that bullet is feeding right and whatever you're shooting it out of um so take those necessary safety precautions oh but you know this thing is a you know it don't matter you know pretty much you know any rifle ammo will fit into this system right here it has plenty of finger rude in here which is very important and um and I'll show you I'll show you how you you put your now this is this this this primer feeding system right here is slightly different than what some of them you know some of the round ones that are out there and it works really nice because it's square just like you're priming feeding primer of your primary trait all right so what you do with this is you know instead of a round one that this that these primers don't fit on now you actually have a square one here so you just take this and put it over the top and flip it over like that and orient orient orient your your cases facing o up right and sometimes you get a stubborn one or two just turn them around with your fingers like that alright and shake them all to the bottom like that and close this it has a little lock right here okay maybe guess you took that offer I usually don't take that out first but obviously it would be a whole lot better if I did just take that out and you get the idea sometimes you to confess your brain up when you're doing these videos and that's okay and that just locks right in there like that and you shake them down it's a great system and you put your organs back in the right direction you put that back in there you guys are laughing at me like what in the world he doing alright so if any of you you know get the feeling that you you're losing your mind sometimes now you know that we all lose our mind sometimes so there we go and then you it's a lot easier and I just made it look I'll be honest with you here we go there and then you're off to the running again just like that and another fine round with a primer that actually works and one point two six six so you know that's that's pretty much it you know for the the lead classic Turner press I mean it's just I mean what can you say about it it's just it's it's just built so simple not a lot going on I'll give you a quick a quick look you know this these turns right here they just come right out you just give it a little twist until it feels like it comes loose and you take the whole turnout if you don't want if you don't want the depress if you don't want the turn to spin and you want to turn it by hand you just pull this rod out right here this rod just has a little spiral on it and it fits into a square peg down here and when this thing goes up and down on that square peg it just literally turns this every time you go up and down so it's it's a elementary really so then you can take that rod out if you want and you set this press in and just give it a little turn until it falls into place and now you have a turret that you can turn by hand you know so you can D cap prime prime it's primed right and then turn it by hand flare it and power so you have even even more control I'll turn this by hand seek the bullet turn this by hand crimp and that rounds done and you know I did it by hand um so I mean that's pretty much how simple it is you know and then you know if you want to change calibers you know you can have you know other turns you just have say another four whole turn and you can put your D capper your powder through die your a bullet seeding die and your FAC your crimp die and you're done you just have this you have your your whole setup sitting on this and say I'm on do 9-millimeter next yeah just go ahead and pull this one off you know and you set your new turn in with all of your your goodies on it like that and of course if you want it to actuate you just take this rod drop it back inside that square hole down there set your turn up here line the shaft up look so easy on YouTube now we're good so now what you got is your new one say for instance you got your 9 millimeter now it actuate every time you pull the handle or you can take the rod out and do it by hand there just it really gives you there gives you a lot of control you can load anything that you want on here you know I suppose you can even use it you know kind of like a single-stage press you know in a way um you know if you wanted to put to use your drill and trimmer and all that I imagine you could do it right here on this press you do everything on this press you know and you know these turrets are very inexpensive they're like 12 bucks or 13 bucks so you can set this up with anything that you want and just change them out it's really you know this is you know if you're making a lot of rifle ammo this is kind of the way for me because I do all my I do all my prep work separate and then I can put my rifle loads in here and I just have a lot more control and I can change things out and move them around the way that I want so you know it's not a five hole turn so you have one less stage in here where you can do something you know like for instance in my progressive press um what do I have in there - well I mean really nothing you know the progressive president really doing anymore because um the only thing different I'm doing in my progressive press is I had of in in the extra hole I have a universal decapping dye and then in the other hole that's over my priming stage is where I sighs my my case and that's it so you know I mean that's pretty much how simple these things are um is you know there's not a lot to talk about on it um you know there's not a lot of fancy gadget tree there's not a bullet feeder that you have to change the outer mess with there's not a case feeder that you have to change out or mess with any linkage and all of that it's it's really just a really simple system so oh you know I pretty much covered it all you know you can adjust this handle on here um to where you know it's longer for you or shorter for you you can adjust it kind of in and out because there's a little can't on the the bend here that's where I like my own and if you're sitting in the right position you can make this thing a braise a lot better or if you're fumbling river with the primers um you won't have that trouble because you won't be on camera when you're doing it YouTube I just wanted to do this quick review on the turret press because there's a lot of people thinking about this press right now and also wanted to show you guys how I'll make my 45 ACP now um you can easily crank out um you know 250 rounds an hour no problem with this I mean seriously you really can you know after you get the hang of it you can really crank out that much very easily um and and would you know rifle ammo it just makes it a lot easier anyway YouTube I have a I have an update coming up on the new the new mode Arsenal mode for my two to three bullet my custom mode I have a new up I have an update on that coming up really soon working out a couple of things and I'll give you guys an update and until then I will see you in the next video
Channel: elvis ammo
Views: 21,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reloading 45 caliber, lee classic turret press review, reloading press review, 45 acp reloading, good press review, reloading cast lead, reloading powder coated bullets, turret press, reloading and review, reviewing lee classic turret press, Lee press review, 45 cal handloads, cast lead, lead cast bullets, home made ammo, making ammo, diy ammo, prepping, self reliant
Id: bE9pePoEu1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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