Lee Discusses Christmas, Family & Retirement with Jonathan Ross | Lee Evans

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on stage he has played to more than two million people which makes him by my reckoning the most popular comedian in britain ladies and gentlemen please go crazy for mr lee evans [Applause] hmm [Music] cheers [Applause] [Applause] there we go i've done it i've got it four in a row why is this such a long cat what's the point in this who's going to sit here come here finger shape what's the point in that for crying you see like this cat it's funny when you go and buy a couch in it you know because you kind of you never actually try out for all the things you're going to use it for well though you know in the shop you sort of go it'd be nice if you and your missus walked in the shop and went yeah i like this yeah hold on a minute yeah just a minute love laughs that's pretty good yeah it's funny in it i was just getting dressed i was just getting changed do you know what you should put an extra bit there because there's no i was just getting it's funny when you put your jacket on you can put it on by yourself but as soon as someone tries to give you and you can't find a sleeve can you hear me from here i can hear you from there but i think you should move closer because otherwise no i always do that when i'm at a restaurant and he misses i go can i have the bill please can i have the bill please i don't know why you asked for the bill like that you don't order it like that you don't go i'll have the chicken i'll look at the chicken i can have some chips oh dear there we go [Applause] no you first how have you got the energy that's just amazing isn't it i sat on a banana you see why are you doing that no you see i go to church mate i'll go to scripture readings on a sunday uh how have you been on top what is it a year almost a year what's the matter i've got my hands stuck in it no yes about a year my wife's getting all prepared for christmas at the moment yeah so she's bringing christmas trees and all that into the house so she's got this christmas tree off the bloke down pitsy market yeah yeah he always says the same thing no no the needles will stay on the needles they won't drop off yeah as soon as we put it in their lounge yeah push yes even the trees embarrasses do not comb over you know so what do you get what are you going to buy your wife do you have an idea because you've got to get something nice how long have you been married for now 30 years wow is it 30 years that's incredible 30 years congratulations to both of you that's wonderful oh yeah so it's a long time i don't know why they make the bride where the veil at the wedding why not what is that so you don't know it is until it's too late what's the point yeah we've got married as kids uh we've been married a long time really i love lover very much fun but you still talk about in the act she's never been troubled by that because you used to talk quite a lot about that so yeah i know i shouldn't do really but i can only write what i see and what i hear so i write about stuff this at home and all that you know like she she like the other day she'd give me the eight because she went uh oh she goes are you gonna get me a christmas card for christmas and i went oh here we go here we go because it's i'll get me one with wife on it get i want one with wife on it like she's forgot who she is so and get me one with nice words get me one with nice words in it and i'm like oh have you heard and i was reading the card i was in the card shop and it's like you are my autumn you are my breeze and i'm not i can't give it out and but she'll stand there cry her eyes out reading it going that's the nicest word i've ever read the thing is if i actually said that to her she think i was a plonker you are my autumn i'll get at you idiot okay so uh and you've got uh you've got a daughter how's your daughter now oh she's uh 20. so is she in the relationship has she got a problem she is she's uh she's with an american guy she studies in america yeah he's really cool we've got to go and visit his parents at christmas oh so you never met their parents no not yet no i'm terrible when they get a load of us knock on the door yeah the drain's around the back are they in show business are they anyway no no no i don't know what they do i don't i do listen i'm a very insecure person anyways i don't know what i'm going to do when i go around because we still eat varanz so we're going to go around the ass oh man and they and because he's american they try and be all cool you know hey mr emerson you know some of that boxing [ __ ] you know you know i'll try and catch him up i do other sports i go how you doing a bit snooper look at that oh my god what's happening oh my god okay but she's uh are they going to get married do you know what they're planning they're taking it away easy fella no they're not going to get married no not until i say so okay yeah no i i know i hope not that's a bit funny she's so young she's still studying so when you married you know i miss it when she was you i used to love my when she was young yeah i sat down in the park and and do you ever when you was a kid you know you uh you used to then jot them springs yeah on the you know they think i used to love them have you ever seen a fully grown adult on one of them [Applause] let's talk about you a little bit later okay because i think you are well you're a remarkable force of comedy we've just seen that you come out here and you've just blown everything i'm just nervous why not but it's great you know incredible what you do but the energy you put into your performances and now you're what you're you're 50 is that why yeah i'm 50 yeah wow so so you know a man of 50 still be doing that incredible ah yes yeah yeah yeah let's see i'm getting old i'm freaking knackered man let's have a look i want to show you something because uh if you you've been enjoying lee here lee's been on tour and he has a dvd out and it's called monsters starts with a song and dance routine yeah which you're very good at i thought you'd be playing it for laughs you this is uh is this an ambitious yes it is yes i like dancing yeah i like dancing you know um certain dances i don't do okay anything revolving around the hips i can't do i'm sorry no i do i like dancing i know i want to interview that guy all right let me show you a kit this is lee evans it's called monsters it's non-stop laughs it's out right now look at this have you ever heard your wife knicker chips off your plate you'll be in a restaurant with your wife she orders the gweneth paltrow biafra [ __ ] skinny salad and you order the chips worst things she can say oh this is nice taste that oh oh oh i see what's [ __ ] happening here because next thing if you wash yours like oh [ __ ] you wanna chip [Applause] and once she starts that's it wave goodbye to them [ __ ] chips mate it turns into trying to eat your chips on the end of the pier at the seaside while fending off freaking seagulls she's on the other side of the table [ __ ] off at the end of the meal she goes do you think them chips are fattening not for me i didn't [ __ ] have any dinner is it finished yeah now so genuinely you don't like to watch yourself you don't like it no what so what goes through your mind when you're watching yourself what don't you like about it because you can see it's halloween you know where you look you don't know where you're moving no i don't i i don't i think i think that's probably why i went into comedy because i'm a bit sort of self-conscious so i'm a bit nervous you must surely though be thinking you've been on this huge tournament ends end of november and it's you know you sell out the huge stadiums if you've seen lee live you know you can't go and see lee in a small place apart from when you're trying to material because you're so popular but the energy you must and the and the the effort you must put into it how much longer do you see yourself doing that for do you have a game plan no really finished for will it's the end no yep i wouldn't have asked about now that was the answer you're not gonna tour anymore nope not doing anything wow this is it wow yeah finish what's made you what's my you think my manager died last year no no he did that's not a joke he did so really so that was like a a moment where you're getting laughs on that yeah that's why we can't let you go you see because that's that's why it's that's why it's a good thing because he used to manage a lot of comedians so if he got a laugh that's fantastic yeah well he used to manage me as well yeah yeah so and sort of i suppose really um i don't know i haven't really to be fair i've been working i mean i started off cleaning toilets right when i was a kid and i've had loads of jobs and i just kept working and working and working my dad always said to us you've got to work so i've just continuously worked and done comedy talk but i've ignored i think for far too long my misses and i want to spend a lot more time with her oh wow so certainly then for the time being then this is this is kind of your farewell tour this is it i ain't doing nothing i'm gonna go and see my wife i'm gonna give her a big hug and say i am yours and i know what will happen in a week get out you're getting on my nerves i know she'll do it but i'm dead i've said to her look love you know i'm really sorry that i'm always away i'm a nightmare to live with because i'm always working and i love her very very much well what a lovely thing and you know the sensible thing there of course is your wife because no one ever thinks it's going to happen to them and you mentioned um addison your agent and he was fifty-three he was a great bloke i mean he's a complete nutcase and he used to say to me actually he said every gig i ever did he needs to get me around the neck and say lee this is your wembley right this is your and then one day we played wembley and he come and he knocked on my dress and we went late this is your wembley and i went addison it is wembley it's everybody's wet blue yeah and he went oh yeah we're at wembley how about that so you know i started off of him you know i was just a kid you know but he was i um i mean he and he looked after a lot of big people in show business he looked after lee he looked after many big stars you would know like alan carr michael mcintyre jack d many other people as well but i always got the feeling that the two guys he was closest to were you and jack dicks he'd known you all along and i thought you in particular you had a relationship which was even though you were essentially the same age it was a bit like a father and son relationship yeah and i think because i am the way i am i'm sorry to get serious but the the reason i am i'm a bit i'm very uh if you meet me in the street i'm very polite i'm very well-mannered and um and i i'm not very strong as a person so i can't push myself i'm not an ambitious person the reason i'm sat here today is because i'm sat here because i'm sat here what i mean is i'm busy doing nothing but i i've i've arrived here i haven't i haven't asked you to come on the show people ask me to do a film i didn't want to get a film they asked me to do an arena i didn't want to do an arena and i've just ended up here all i've ever done is work and so i and addison used to put his arm around me and said don't worry it's all right i look after you it's okay oh man but there will be i'm sure i mean there will be offers people will say okay you know often when a band breaks up for example these days i think we're all quite cynical and we assume we'll see them again you know it used to be when a band broke up you'd be you'd be say oh my god my favorite band's got now you big upset five years time let's get the tickets now you know you know it's gonna happen i sense that isn't the case with you this isn't you saying it for a fact this is a genuine decision you've made yeah i want to go and see my wife yeah i'm really i want to go and she deserves my time i've been working solidly you know i'm a nutcase to live with i don't know if you know this but she's planning a big tour next year it's a the tour has been incredible but you know the lovely thing of course as well with your daughter you know with a young man who knows what happened that but this is the time in life when who knows they might start family and you can be there for them as much as you want to be i want to be there which is uh which is always a lucky experience for someone yeah yeah i mean every single week i've been like you know i've been doing plays and stuff i've never known someone quite as solidly as you well i've always said to little mo i'm sorry little mo i can't go to the school play because i've got to do this work or so and then now i can go yeah let's go and do be with little mo yeah let's go and be with heaven let's go and do the stuff that we never did when we were kids well i hope that you will still find time to come back and entertain us on television with appearances like this whenever you have the time whenever you're in collection because i'm going to keep asking i love you very much thank you jonathan [Applause] you
Channel: Lee Evans
Views: 289,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6eRGzCd5I3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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