Lecture: Amos 6

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pastor wolf mere here pastor of Hope Lutheran Church look my mom and dad got me this little doodad for Christmas and so this is an experiment we recorded Bible class this morning we're studying Amos here we finished chapter 5 and verse 5 25 and all of chapter 6 so we just we just grabbed the video and put it up here and I'm gonna I'm gonna edit it post it up here and see what you think so if you like this idea for the future having Bible classes or more more long-term studies let me know what you think if you have questions post them in the comments thanks God's peace be with that we are almost 525 I'm serious I'm digging it so Amos 525 we're almost at the end of the chapter we got to get to the image chapter 6 today so let's pray less authority was caused all these are captured to be written for our learning grant that we may have such wise hear them read mark learn and inwardly digest them that by the patience and comfort of your Holy Word we might embrace an emerald fast the Blessed hope of eternal life which you've given us in our Savior Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God world without end I think how many of you have found that the more we study aimost the more you think boy this sounds a lot like us nowadays right like like the unite it's this sort of um spiritual malaise with abundance abundance tied to this it's really and we're gonna really get into it today because I mean we've been into it Amos has been getting after the people but this is the culmination of his sermon in fact if you look at the structure of mammals he's going to start in chapter 7 seeing visions and he's going to have five visions that's going to be chapter seven eight and nine and that's going to take us to the end if we can finish before the end of February oh because what I have planned next week have I told you what I have planned that I changed the chair and I'm sorry sherry was so excited what I asked my next was the Old Testament in the New Testament I've got something even more exciting I'm not going to tell you sooner we can finish the sooner we can get after it but but we don't wanna go too fast but it's nice to go a little bit speedy because we want to get the whole thing in context so if you remember that he had started in on some boughs we had last week Amos 5:18 woe to you who desire the day of the Lord he says you don't know what you're asking for to want the day of the Lord because the day in the Lord is not going to be it's not going to be a day of joy it's gonna be a day of trouble it's not going to be a day of delight it's gonna be a day of disaster today of darkness and not light remember what it says a man flip verse 19 a man fled from a lion and met a bear he made it into the house and leaned his hand against the wall got bit by a snake which is a bad day all right let justice this is law and gospel verse 24 let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream we had that picture in the Old Testament text today from Isaiah get that that when the Lord is blessing a place it's like the rivers are there watering it and it's like a garden if the Lord is cursing a place it's like it's desert it's the amount of jackals so when the Lord comes with his blessing Isaiah sees it like this the place where the Jackals laid its head was full of reeds so instead of being the desert he kind of place it's now up it's a garden II kind of place now look at verse 25 here's how he's going to end this chapter see where I am Amos chapter 5 verse 25 did you bring me sacrifices and offerings during the 40 years in the wilderness or house of Israel you shall take up sick of your King and key you in your star God your images that you made for yourselves and I will send you into exile beyond Damascus says the Lord whose name is the God of hosts now does your verse say something like that or does it sound quite different same different who who sounds really who has the names of those things in there who has the name sick of and qiyam in their Bible who doesn't have those names it has a translation how does it translate them okay so the heat soul yeah what's that well I don't they could be two hinges will take anybody you know if you just show up like it with an extra thirty bucks you could be part of the they have so many gods in India it's incredible millions but I did not know those are names of Babylonian gods these are Here I am I have a I have names here well okay before we get to it we have to before we get to the names of the star gods we got to take up verse 25 because this is a tricky question look the Lord is asking a rhetorical question did you offer sacrifices during the 40 years in the wilderness and the answer to that is yeah they did they did this text had me confounded for a couple of weeks the best and this still is slightly confounding but here's what I here's what I think what Hamels is getting after do you remember that the Lord came to the people in Egypt and he found them as slaves and he said Moses and they had the ten plagues remember all these ten plagues crazy stuff the ten plagues happened over a time of months maybe even years I mean it wasn't like one day after another it was an extended time we know that at least I think we know it in the text but we know it also because remember the Lord kills all the cattle and then in the death of the firstborn he kills the firstborn cattle so there was enough time for the them to import more towson for the calotype organism so that they were these things were spread out then the Lord does all that and then he rescues them and he brings them through the Red Sea and he kills Pharaoh and all the armies he brings them to the mountain they're there at the mountain for days forty days at least and all of this the Lord did before they offered a sacrifice because the Lord had an institute the sacrifices yet to remember the Lord instituted the sacrifices and then when Moses came down there's a golden calf but Moses went back up he comes down with the Ten Commandments he comes down with all the instructions they build the tabernacle they put in place the priesthood and then another year later or whatever they finally Institute Aaron and they offer the sacrifices so so between the time when the Lord starts rescuing the people until they start offering sacrifices was this long extended period of time where the Lord was doing all of his stuff so I think what it's getting at is this did I rescue you from Egypt because you offered a sacrifice to me did I did I bring you through the Red Sea because you offered a sacrifice to me did I give you the Ten Commandments because you offer to sacrifice to me did you give any of these benefits because you offered something to mean first answer no all of this stuff the Lord did first and sacrifices came later so that God is not being manipulated by the people's sacrifices that's the great danger of the sacker of the theology of sacrifice it's the pagan idea of sacrifice that that got that the gods are being manipulated by the sacrifices so that we're offering the sacrifice to appease the gods to change the gods minds to make the gods happy or whatever that's how the pagans often their sacrifice and that's the danger that was happening in Israel and here in Bethel especially that by offering these sacrifices they were winning God's favor now why did God Institute the sacrifices in the Old Testament cheaply to preach to the people so the sacrifices are there as preaching instruments to let the people know that the Lord will accept the death of another in their place we removed this is the basic idea of the sacrifice you go into the temple there's a lamb a spotless lamb the smoke of the lamb is going up and what do I learn from that that God is going to accept that lamb didn't do anything wrong the lamb didn't see and I'm the one that's in the Lord is accepting the death of the of another in my place so the sacrifices were to preach not to manipulate the sacrifices were from God to us not from us to God speaking of India whenever you go have any of you visited by Hindu temples do they have a Hindu I'm sure they've got one somewhere here in town but I don't think Jeff you were there yesterday oh that's right none I don't know I have not been in a Hindu temple in the United States was there food just piled up there in front of the altar you have all these statues and you bring all this food there for the gods sweet amazing so that your sacrifices are actually providing for the gods that's that's like pure paganism well that's right they don't eat it so the rats come in and you know it's this problem in India because the people are starving and there's these piles of food they're just feeding the mice but the mice could be your local or whatever you know with their incarnations over but this is but um but the Lord said this is one of the best verses where the Lord has just come right after this theology Psalm 50 where God says if I was hungry I wouldn't tell you so don't that you're feeding me that you're making me happy that you know how the Greek gods you go to make a sacrifice and then maybe the kind of whimsical God will will like you for whatever reason like the gods just you know I mean the sacrifices are made for the pagan the sacrifices are bribes but look the Lord says I did all of this stuff for you before you even had it in your mind to offer a sacrifice see what a most us did you bring these sacrifices and offerings during the four years of the wilderness of Israel in other words the Lord is saying I'm good to you before you even ask for it I'm good to you before you even do anything I'm God God leads with his mercy so the and this is important God will always lead with his mercy because he because because it's who he is but because he's also fighting against the idea that we've earned it that he that he's kind to us because we've done something to cause him to be kind to us that is the thing that God is constantly fighting against so by grace you are saved through faith and that even that faith not of yourselves it's the gift of God so that no one would boast so that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly that we're that it's not because we made a move towards God or we invited them or to proceed or to take a step toward a more head it's not because we made a sacrifice none of that the Lord's the Lord is merciful first and then and then our sacrifices come later our sacrifice of Thanksgiving in love we love because He first loved us and the people in Bethel were thinking that God was loving them because they were making these sacrifices because they were making these offerings God says I hate that's what says in verse 21 I despise your feast I don't I don't love you because you're earning my love because of these sacrifices God's love is given freely through the death of a son Jesus and not because of anything that we've done see it so I think that's what's going on in verse 25 that makes sense yeah there's also a net asked about the different churches that we're so there's always this danger for us and for every Christian for every person there's always a danger to think that God's our love is an earned love so the Catholics have the idea of preparation for grace that you take steps to draw near to God and then he draws near to you the evangelical churches have the idea of making a decision for Christ they I mean they'll even preach it like this Jesus has voted for you the devils voted against you now it's your turn to cast the deciding vote now you're gonna vote for Jesus and then you'll be so that that's so that the salvat all these things come because of buts because of something that we do God's grace follows up the gaps the Mormon doctrine goes like this are you ready for my memory verse from the Book of Mormon 2nd Nephi is a chapter 23 I now I can't remember 2nd Nephi says by grace you are saved after all you can do yes so you do everything you can and then grace makes up the difference you see we start God finishes hey Moses preaching against that before before the people even thought to worship God before they even knew how before they even knew the Lord's name he was calling about rescuing and delivering him that gods were his first primary that's you this is how is God is worship our service to God or God's service to us I mean the answer is yes it's full of but the cheap thing is that God comes and serves us yeah are we reacting to it it's the fruit our thankfulness is the fruit of God's work in retirement seems like we just talked about this recently this is how you there's the the old Lutheran's used the language of sacrificial versus sacramental does that sound familiar or not familiar it's that phrase from Lutheran he says that Erasmus looks at the Bible like a cow stares at a new gate sacrifice sacrifice all the sacrifice sacrificial versus sacramental and this is the difference so sacrificial would be our offering of praise and thanksgiving to God Sacre so here tops and here's God and the sacrificial is like this the sacramental is like this God gives to an what's primary and she is this sacramental God comes he speaks to us he blesses us he forgives us he declares us to be his own and so forth and then we give thanks to him we praise Him we love Him we delighted his word and so forth that's our reaction to this but primarily it's this one a lot of churches that you say what is worship and it's this that's it that's all it is for them and they miss the chief thing the worship of the gospel melindam says it like this the worship of the gospel is that we received by faith the gifts that the Lord wants to give that's a great definition this is one of those well this is one of the things too you can tell which is what's happening in the service by which way the pastors faces you saw this is the whenever I face you guys that's the sacramental stuff the preaching the reading of the word the giving out of the Lord's Supper and someone and then when I'm facing the altar that's the sacrificial stuff where we're all together giving thanks to God it's over okay now next verse don't slow me down don't try you shall take up sick with your King and kill you your star God your images that you made for yourselves and I will send you into exile beyond Damascus so the Lord saw a most basically says go pack your idols you guys are out of here go pack up your stuff you know if you're getting fired and someone says pack up your desk you know put your stapler in the box how'd you go this is what the Lord is doing pack up your stuff but he even jabs them it's like why did you go pack why did you go pack up your little nails as you guys are gone sick of is the proper name of the star god it's the Babylonian name for Saturn and Killian is a representative of Akkad who's another Babylonian God akka another Babylonian God so they are worshiping these either and these idols there and and the enables has been getting after because of this and now he says alright see you later see you later I will send you into exile beyond Damascus says the Lord is named as the god of hosts now remember yet their map there if you are there extra handouts hanging around someone if you remember Damascus but don't already draw map and it'll be better than and here's the Mediterranean Sea Galilee Dead Sea Jerusalem's here Heffron is here Herman I mean Herman is here what Damascus is probably like right over here is that am i right further at Mascis is up here and remember that the babylon is over here the Assyrians are over here you have to live with Freight ease the Tigris and Euphrates River Babylon and the Syria and to get there you go this way you can't go across there's a disappear the cat creature so you can't go this way when you want to go on everybody you gotta go this way and you gotta come down this way and so he says you're going to go into exile beyond Damascus you're headed that way alright ready chapter 6 remember we had three woes the first ball was in chapter 5 verse 18 woe to you who desired the day of the Lord we're gonna have two more blows one in verse one and the other in verse 4 let me see how much do I want you here let's read through well I want to get the whole chapter so this is what I want to do I'm gonna read the whole chapter and then I'm gonna teach as far as I can and then we're gonna pretend like we've finished the whole chapter good so chapter 6 verse 1 all the way through verse 4 it's a short chapter over those who are at ease in Zion and those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria the notable men of the first of the nations to whom Israel calls pass over to Calabar at sea and from there go to hama the great then go down to camp of the Philistines are you better than these kingdoms or is their territory greater than your territory o you who put far away the day of disaster and bring near the seat of violence woe to those who lie on beds of ivory and stretch themselves out on their couches and eat lambs from the flock and perhaps from the midst of the stole who sing idle songs to the sound the harp and like David bendeth for themselves instruments of music who drink wine in bowls to anoint themselves with the finest oils but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph now how many of you does this describe your plans for this afternoon lie on the couch with a bowl of wine singing silly songs now you gotta change your plans therefore they shall now be the first of those who go into exile and the revelry of those who stretched themselves out shall pass away the Lord God has sworn by himself declares the Lord the God of hosts I am [ __ ] the pride of Jacob I hate his strongholds and I will deliver up the city and all that is in it and if ten men remain in one house they shall die and when one's relative one who anoints him for burial shall take him up to bring the bones out of the house they shall say to him who was in the innermost parts of the house is there still any one with you and he will say no and he will say silence we nothing mention the name of the Lord that's a riddle I'll tell you what it means for behold the Lord commands and the great house shall be struck down to the fragments and the little house in 2 bits do horses run on rocks does one plow there with oxen but you've turned justice to the poison and the fruit of righteousness and to warn would you who rejoice in the load of our who say we have not by our own strength sorry have we not by our own strength captured car name for ourselves for behold I will raise up against you a national house of Israel declares the Lord of Hosts and they shall oppress you from the legal hama to the brook of our Allah alright so there it is so a couple of woes and some more preaching availables this is the kind of the culmination of his preaching before we begin why did you notice what stuck out there proud people haven't we captured all this land I remember under terrible in the second the king that God gave increased to the kingdom vision so they can't from haven't we done all these things aren't we and not only that look we're rich we're taking our ease the Lord has given us rest from our enemies on every side so we can go and just sit on the couch and sing silly songs and get drunk that's it everything's great how can you come about how famous who are you to come in here and direct our fun with this region yeah oh that's an interesting thing the wine and bowls from verse six the translation says sacrificial bowls anyone else have that wine by the bowlful let's see this is the point in that it's a lot of wine you drink it's like someone hands you a cup and you're well it's like when you go to hell juice you know how but if you're gonna have this you could do this for lunch and you can get wine or know you can get beer in a boot it's like it's like a big glass boot have you seen that I don't know how anybody is able to like stand up after that because it's like a gallon and a half how do you even I mean I don't know there's and I'm serious but that's how these that's how they Assyrians were pasture flambe it was always like it's bigger than you pressure ok so let's walk through it any other thoughts on this yeah yeah yeah that's registered cupful yeah it's like I have that so so one of you god be praised you guys are so generous to us that one of the results was we had a gift card for Olive Garden last night don't tell Andrew and Hannah Carrie and Daniel Isaac at the ball and and you go and they say and you said we'll get have a glass of the house one they said would you like to Six Senses or nine ounces and that in the end the the Israelites what I said are those the only options what about the 30 ounce glass that's what they want like oh the Margaret you know like the margarita bowls you know that's what yeah that's what's going on that's and it's funny and I'm can you imagine a most they're preaching you guys laying on your ivory couches drinking wine from the book from those straight from the bottle you're gonna be the first to go into exile the first ones taken away sitting there senile just making stuff up you got nothing better to do what else all right let's walk through first one all of those who are in ease and science see what it see what the preaching is this ease that they're just they have this this abundance of stuff and they're not worried about anything remember the proper there's a really important proverb where the Lord it teaches us is a prayer it says don't make me poor that I would reach out my hand and sin against you nor rich that I would forget your name there's a there's a temptation that comes with from poverty and there's a temptation that comes from riches and abundance and in fact I was reading Luther on the martyr's this week and and he was pulling out this this Cyprian old church fathers cypriot made this note that the way that they would get after the martyrs was first bite in trouble they would torture them and then my pleasure so a lot of the a lot of the martyrs they would like the there is a bishop being martyred they would put him in a room full of prostitutes or Agatha one of the young virgin martyrs they put her in a brothel so they tried so the devil tries to tempt by taking everything away and then by giving too much it's the parable of the sower remember the seed in the weeds or the seed in the rocks has trouble and persecution the seed in the weeds as the pleasures of this life there's a twin temptation and the temptation that the Israelites have fallen into is the temptation of abundance they have everything they want and they think that they're safe because of that there's nothing that tempts us to think that we're safe more than money for whatever reason and we think if we have enough we're safe if we don't have enough that's we're not safe if we don't have enough this is the temptation of security of worshipping money by security and that's what the people had fallen for what are those who are at ease in Zion - those who feel secure on the Mount of Samaritan the most notable men of the first of the nation's to whom the house of Israel comes so they're there at ease in their riches in their abundance in their nation in their military conquests in their history that they have never been conquered and all this sort of stuff and then the Lord says pass over to count up and go to humma and then go take a look at gas-soaked Alma is a Syrian city that was conquered by the Assyrians humma is a Canaanite colony that was taken by the Assyrians camp is down in Philistia that says one of the seven cities of the Philistines it had been attacked by the Assyrians so that so the Lord says go and visit these cities and see the wrath that's coming on you are you greater than them the same thing will happen to you it's a good it's just a good reminder now that we don't have this prophecy for the United States so we don't know if the United States around until Jesus comes back or not because he could come back before the while our nation still exists but we don't have a promise that the United States will exist forever right we sometimes act as if we do but we don't have that promise from God and so we can't we can't think that way we can't look at our history and look at the greatest nation in the world all this sort of stuff this great superpower we don't we can't you just can't you never know how these things are gonna go nations rise and fall according to the Lord's will not according to their own strength but here especially in Israel they had had a warning from God that if they abandoned his name that you'll forsake them and that's what's happening you put four verse three you put far away the day of disaster and you bring near the scene of violence so you say destructions never going to come and so I can act however I want remember they were in jost they didn't care about caring for the poor blessing people excuse me taking care of people they didn't care for any of these things so they bring near violence and they push destruction all of them rather the Lord would have us bring near destruction in other words time to think that the end of the world is going to be tomorrow just consider that justice is coming that the Lord's return is near and that's going to change how we live we're not we're going to put violence far from us so when we disseminate idea of God's judgment we put far from ourselves violence and injustice if we put far from us the Lord's judgment then we're going to bring near violence we're gonna live how we want to live as if there's no consequences that's how the people were living as if there's no consequences to their sin a sense okay doesn't matter verse four I shouldn't ask you let me let me just make sure just to drive the point home if I think I'm never going to be judged if I think that I can live however I want to live and that God doesn't even pay attention or the other way around if I think that God's not going to pay attention then I just live however I want to live and commit sins it doesn't matter but if I know that God is paying attention and that judgment is near that changes the way I live these people were look at the words that night the name was used they were putting far away the day of disaster they were putting far away from their minds the day of God's judgment and therefore they were drawing near to them they were bringing near to themselves a life full of violence and living how they wanted okay okay first four third woe woe to those who lie on but this is the part you guys like well who lie on beds of ivory stretch themselves out on their couches eat lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the skull so what do we call you when you eat a baby cow that's veal that's posh veal that's the nice stuff right because the cow it hasn't gotten old so it hasn't gotten all tough yeah because you know just as people get older they get tough I mean caste i someone told me that the reason why the filet is such a good piece of meat is because it doesn't it's a muscle that actually doesn't do any work right that's true is that true I don't know why but that is a good piece of meat but this is hot so that's why the fielders must be so good right because it's just kind of this peak and that's so this is how they're all eating veal and baby lambs that's how they don't even have to wait for it to grow up so they can have a whole cow that's this is kind of one time I was with somebody who ordered veal and I said oh wow is not good enough you gotta eat the baby cow and I reckon they're a better price but I wish I would have remembered this first I could have wrecked it even more like the oh you're like the Israelites are you gonna we're gonna order up a bowl of wine to go with your veal Singh Idol songs and the sound of the heart like David had been for themselves instruments of music now this is an interesting thing because surely David's now David is an amazing character right I mean David was this great warrior king and yet he was also this great poet the great psalmist of Israel and so David wrote most of the Psalms and he wrote lots more songs that we don't even have and he wrote the music to go with them and we learned from this place and maybe one other little verse another was that not only did David write the music that he was inventing the instruments to play the musical that's amazing it's an amazing sort of thing that King David was was doing that but David was doing it all so I wasn't like David wasn't fighting and praying he was just sitting around wasting his time but Amos brings David in to make fun of the people is that they're sitting there just like they have nothing better to do they're just making up instruments they're silly songs now what's funny it to me and I do not understand this and maybe some of you have a note in your Bibles that helps explain I do not understand why this would be a an insult it seems like this would be a compliment if the people were acting like King David that would be good for them but it is kind of piling onto their idleness you see what I mean they're just like they've got nothing better to do they just sit around and and and invent instruments to play their silly songs while they're drinking wine yeah and maybe the point of contrast is David was using his music why to preach and to praise God David was using his his music to support faith to build faith Luther remember this great line from Luther who says that the whole book of Psalms is nothing other than an exposition of the first commandment think about that so the whole book of Psalms is teaching us the first commandment that's an amazing thing to think about but David was doing music for a godly purpose these people are doing look idol songs to the sound of the harp like David admit for themselves instruments of music and then drink wine and the Bulls Bulls anoint themselves with the finest oils so they were into the essential oils no they were they had all the nice perfumes all the fancy lotions I mean that's about Julie grey line the witty stuff you guys know that naturally great the best movie ever made and he says and he's talking to the kids who want to be professional wrestling wrestlers and they said they'd all have all the fancy all the fancy women and lotions does they just have this kind of abundance of like they're pampering themselves you know they're going to their but they're like uh they're getting all this kind of treatment just to for ease you see what I mean but they have no grief over the ruin of Joseph now remember just to remind us why it's called Joe wine Israel is called Josephus because Joseph is the one who established the city of methyl right that's where he saw the ladder going into heaven and set up the altar there so that the aired look at this is the ruin of the city the the whole place is falling apart because they don't have faith in God and they don't even care you are right Jacob not Joseph look I have a note in my thing that says Joseph remember Bethel but you're right it was Jacob not Joseph probably then Joe so I have to adjust why would it be called Joseph probably trust the two sons of Joseph Ephraim and Manasseh were the two biggest tribes in the north that's gonna be my guest but thank you for that you're right it wasn't Jacob did he say Jacob in Chapter five or did I get it wrong when we did he say Joseph last time to look at Joseph chapter 5 verse 15 it says Joseph there too I think I must have taught that wrong last week too and said Jacob yeah you're right Joseph thank you I saw a hand over there was that what you were yeah thank you I'm glad you guys caught me out there I that would be my guest then why it says Joseph because remember Joseph wasn't one of the 12 tribes that when the Lord allotted the land he didn't give it he didn't give a land to Joseph he gave land to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh and then you would say well if he did that that would be 13 tribes but remember the Levites didn't receive any land so the Levites received no land and Joseph received a double portion of the inheritance and Manasseh was divided in two so you have the two you have the half tribe of Manasseh part of the land was on the east side of the Jordan and part of the land was on the west that's my guest does anyone ever note befriended yep so here's the point is in verse six they're not they're not repenting at all over their sins therefore verse seven they shall be the first to go into exile and the revelry of those who stretch themselves out shall pass away you're not going to be you're not going to be lounging on your couch anymore you're going to be gonna be packing your idols into exile verse eight the Lord God has sworn by himself declares the Lord the God of hosts and here's basically the summary of all of this preacher I abhor the pride of Jacob and hate his strong rules and I will deliver up the city and all that is there's bears to the pride of Jiang I have or the pride of Jacob so these people the people there they're forgetting God they're worshipping idols they're secure their own riches and their own lives and the Lord says that's enough you guys are done now remember the reason that they're going to be done they're rude the reason that Amos is preaching that they're going to be done is in the hope that they won't be done that they'll listen to the preaching and repent okay we got to look at this verse 9 and 10 because it's a little bit of a tricky verse if ten men remain in a house they shall die and when one of their relatives the one who anoints them for burial shall take up the bones to bring out of the house and say to him who is in the innermost part of the house is there anyone with you he'll say no and he'll say silence we must not mention the name of the Lord so here's the picture it's going to be so bad there'll be 10 people all in a house and and they're going to be dead there's going to be one in the back room who stayed alive and made it and he's hiding in the midst of all these corpses and then a relative of the people who were there is going to come into the house to anoint their bodies for burial and he's going to see him moving in the back and say is anyone with you and he's gonna say no and then he's gonna say don't pray lest the Lord find out that we're here and come and destroy us all so do you get the picture I mean it's just it's an ugly disastrous sort of thing I mean you think of you think of a person hiding in the in the back room of a house filled with ten corpses and this and the Undertaker comes in to bring the bodies out and they say whatever you do don't pray so that the hopefully the Lord doesn't know that we're here because the reason why we're destroyed like this is because the Lord found these guys it's in fact in some ways it's like the Garden of Eden remember how Adam and Eve are hiding from the presence of the Lord so here they think they're hiding from the presence of the Lord don't mention the Lord's name don't say a prayer the last thing we want is the Lord to know that we're here that's how bad it's going to be get the picture for love 411 the Lord commands and the great house shall be struck into fragments and the little house into bits bits that's does yours have bits I thought that was a funny word fragments fragments and bits crumbs it's gonna be demolished the tiny houses demolished the big huge houses demolished the Lord's gonna take care of all of them do horses run on rocks does one plow there with oxen but you have turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood so the Lord is safe you do you run up there's a horse the rocks the answer is no you run on the field you run on the path you run on the street you don't bring coke you don't take a horse over the rocky field it's dangerous for the horse and for you and everyone on it if you see a rock you avoided one a horse you don't run the horse over the rocks neither do you go on the rocks and try to plow them with an ox can you a man we used to have we had this play haven't you guys been there this place is somewhere in Texas it must be close to Kerrville called Enchanted Rock have you ever heard of that it's like this huge big granite sort of thing it's just I mean it sounds like massive huge rock and you can and it's just a solid rock none of you that very you guys look at me like a little weirdo the crazy thing you could go over there see it was always really super hot and full of snakes so it just snakes everywhere but people go and you there's caves and everything go look around this is a huge rock and you think you could never take a horse across the thing it would slide all over you can never plow it the planet is just a huge big rock you can't do that and yet look at what the look at what the people are doing here their hearts are so hard that he Ramos comes to preach to them and it's like trying to plow a rock they if they're they are so corrupt they are so lost that there's hardly any hope they've turned justice into poison you see that and they've turned righteousness into wormwood remember justice and righteousness law and gospel but they've corrupted everything so that everywhere everywhere you turn it's all falling apart but they don't even recognize it you rejoice in lo debar how many of you have lo debar in yours how many of you have a translation that says you rejoice and what is worthless does anyone have that everyone says a lo debar lo debar means worthless or it means no word no word lo debar no speaking in Hebrew literally you rejoice and you say have we not by our own strength can qarnain for ourselves so they say look we're strong we've captured all this land and done everything look I will raise up against you verse 14 a nation whole house of Israel declares the Lord the God of armies hosts and they shall oppress you from level hama to the brook of Arabic I'm just guessing I didn't look up I forgot to look up those locations but that means north and south I bet you hit this saying someone have a note there and it probably says something like low level Hamas was in the mountainous regions of mount hermon at the brook of Armagh south of the Dead Sea does is that right boy I hope that's right you don't have a note on that let's just assume let's go with it Christe yeah north to south north to south so the Lord is going to be is going to come and capture them now normally how he does it and here would be an interesting thing to dig out a little bit normally how the Lord describes the whole area of the north is from Dan to Beersheba those are normally the markers but it uses something different here I don't know what I don't know why that'd be fun to find out so the Lord and promises that he's going to bring in the Assyrians and they are going to come and they're going to take the people away and thus ends the preaching of payables now the book doesn't in because chapter 7 8 and 9 are gonna have these five visions including a little story of how the priest comes and says the aimost stop the preachers and he says no in fact he says your daughter is gonna be stolen into exile or something like this I mean it's gonna get rough and I think we covered that when we just started Amos but it'll be interesting we come back to it now next week and see that as well so we have coming up chapter 7 the vision of the locusts first one the vision of the fire verse 4 the vision of the plumb line verse 7 and then the accusation of Amos chapter 8 is the vision of the summer fruits starts in verse 1 and then chapter 9 is the vision of the author and then the thing that we're looking forward to most of all is chapter 9 verse 11 when Amos finally is going to let loose with the gospel I mean this has been walled although although now he's going to let this with the God it's coming so we're raising port okay look we did it it's time we got through chapter 6 see you Downers you doubters any final questions or thoughts yeah right you might not be second question ah good question so look ba let me see if I can connect that to a MOS I think I can because see one of the things that one of the things that the profits are always going to talk about is how the people forget the Lord's word and apart from the Lord's word we just start to drift in every different direction so what confirmation does the most important thing for confirmations is it sets us to be students of the Lord's word for our whole lives so it starts us on the path so that we always are tethered to the Lord's word and the Lord's kindness so it's very important now the Bible doesn't command confirmation it does give requirements that we should have before we come to the Lord's Supper so we'd be ready for it but we've sort of taken that and said here's the best here's the best we think we can do it's getting us ready to come to the Lord's Supper and to reflect on our faith and the Lord's word for the rest of our lives yeah we learned how to read how to study the Bible that's right and we start to memorize it we treasure it in our hearts yep very good any other final thoughts or questions okay so next week chapter 7 let's pray well the Lord we give you thanks for the preaching of Amos which warns us of the dangers of ease and security the two tations of the pleasure that draw us away from from repentance and faith we pray that you would grant us your Holy Spirit so that we would hear this preaching and repent ourselves and rejoice in your abundant provision for us not only in this life but most especially in the life to come we pray to do it bless and keep us by your word and by your spirit until we come to the joys of the resurrection of the body and stay Amos recline with Abraham and Isaac and rejoice in your gifts that no no end for we asked us all through Jesus Christ your son our Lord who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God world without end blessed be the Lord grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all alright
Channel: Bryan Wolfmueller
Views: 1,238
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Amos 6, Drinking wine from bowls
Id: Ec1Vn4zfoHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 47sec (3047 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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