The Minor Prophets - Amos Lecture 05 vs 6:1 - 7:9 / Shepherd's Chapel / Pastor Arnold Murray

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good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back in our father's word and The Book of Amos what does it mean burden of God it means the word means burden Amos and this is God's burden for his children you might say his compassion for them his concern and when Father loves someone he's not bashful about correcting them he does not mind using the rod so you might as well get set for it in this past two chapters he's been spared a very generous with the rod as he corrects people chapter six word wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's name verse 1 and it reads woe to them that are at ease in Zion who is that where is that that's Judah okay and Trust in the mountain of Samaria who is that that's the ten northern tribes Israel okay which are named chief of the nations to whom the house of Israel came in other words woe to you that would put your security in nations or people or leaders there's only one leader you'd better gather security from and that is your father he is able to take any nation or individual and give you the victory in one form or fashion does you know he can do it he can do father but don't ever don't ever put your faith or trust totally of salvation eternal life in some object or men are leaders or you're gonna get disappointed verse 2 patchy and to Kalinin and see and from thence go ye Tehama 'the that means fortress kal name means the fortress of the all right the Hema the great then go down to gasps that's of the Philistines gasps meaning winepress and that's the home of ogle ayah you remember the giant that David slew be they better than these kingdoms or their border greater than your border in other words they were they were pretty good armies well-equipped and everything God put them in the shade and he's saying you're taking enough security in your own army and everything that you think that God can't correct you you think that you could not be humbled and really that's the point is that God certainly humbled those countries he can humble his own much easier verse three you ye that put far away the evil day and caused the seed of violence to come up nobody it's not going to happen you don't have to worry about it won't happen in your lifetime nothing for you to worry about let me tell you something God's Word is the same yesterday it is today and it will be forever and I don't care what generation or when that day comes it affects you because that's the day you're going to be judged on and naturally wherever you stand is is very clear by your actions on this earth the undertone here and it's basically a figure of speech that said don't worry God's not gonna punish us we're as little darlings you don't ever want to make the mistake of thinking that in your mind or I guarantee you you're in for a severe correction that is to say thinking God correct you because you're too pretty or you do too much for him or whatever when you step out of line you're going to get it and to take pride within itself is a great sin that's what brought Satan down verse 4 they lie upon beds of ivory and stretch themselves upon their couches and eat the Lambs out of the flock and the calves out of the midst of the stall in other words they're old Jess you run boy there they just live off they think that they are blessed so much that then they they are so well off and everything you know this is something that I would say this when we look at the lack in the nations and it's not very bad at this time not like it has been in the past at certain times certainly but still we are very blessed in the Americas and I'll say that again we are very blessed in the Americas so don't don't ever think or forget to give thanks for worth from whom those blessings flow because it can be shut off verse 5 they chant to the sound of the vile and invent to themselves instruments of music like David in other words it's important they invent to themselves instruments of music like David that isn't what David did David dedicated his abilities to the Lord he made music and danced for the Lord even though Saul was calmed by this because it was done to the Lord that brought the calming to old Saul these people it says to themselves they write music to feel good to party probably God's not mentioned in it and they think and visualize themselves as being a David now that's taking it a little bit beyond probably what it will afford but I think you get the general idea if there is any one thing that a musician will do give him a little popularity and if you're not careful he'll become a little David or think he is and that's about the extent of it if God gives you a gift always be humble enough to thank him for it and do all things unto him and as David was a champion of the people you would be to verse 6 they drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with the cheap ointments but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph that is to say they don't worry about the heritage that God gave Joseph and what what's saying here this word bold the word means the sacramental vessels are the vessels that were supposed to handle the sacrifice for the altar itself he said they drink wine by the gallons they're gluttons and they offer sacrifices not to God but their gut I'll just be real blunt that's exactly what it means not worried about taking the sacrament vessels excuse me and offering sacrifices to God but to their gut they sing to themselves they drink gallons to themselves and they're all wrapped up himself it's a very dangerous thing verse 7 here we change the we change an octave or two alright verse seven therefore now shall they go captive with the first that go captive and the banquet of them that stretched themselves shall be removed in other words no more sin parties for them they're going to get stretched out just like the first one that's taken in the field they're going to be the first go into captive don't let the Assyrian who actually was the the arranger of the captivity which is symbolic of the Antichrist take you you'd better think to the father look to the father check the father's word out and be humble before God and inherit the earth or take the consequences of what pride will do for you verse eight the Lord God has sworn by himself this is very serious when you see this when God feels it's important enough that he swears by himself because there's no other there's no greater that you can swear on and God doesn't do all that much swearing let's say alright this is important saith the Lord the God of hosts in other words you can rest assured he means this i abhor the excellency of jacob and hate his palaces therefore will I deliver him the city with all that is there in him who the Assyrian of course the enemy no this could be a little confusing if you didn't take the word excellency back to the Hebrew because we all know that the excellency of Jacob is the father we serve because he chose him with Jacob being symbolic of all tribes but the word excellent as it is used here in the Hebrew is arrogance and pride so what God is saying I swear by myself I abhor I hate I despise the arrogance and pride of my people they take pride in every little net they turn and twist or put together when it is my gifts that have has brought it to pass one of the best ways to have God fall out of love with you as to be prideful or to be arrogant within about him especially the things that he has given you as gifts do that get ready to pay verse 9 and it shall not may be it shall come to pass if there remain 10 men in one house that they shall die no I want you to lock in this to a very serious disease very contagious only do you know what it actually is it's spiritual death if there's ten in one house they're all going to get it they're all going to die none left all right I mean it's very serious but we're talking about a spiritual death but this is the way spiritual death works an entire family can be persuaded by super preachers to turn away that is to say Satan's best I'm not talking about honest preachers can cause families to be led aside and died a spiritual death that is to say they're not in good standing with Almighty God verse 10 and a man's uncle shall take him up and he that Bernath him mister say cremate to bring out the bones out of the house and shall say it to him that is by the sides of the house is there yet any with the question and he shall say no then shall he say hold thy tongue for we may not make mention of the name of the Lord and in other words is there anyone else left in the house one in other words the the spiritual death is to the point that there's none left living except this one and he said you don't have to talk to God it's too late too late to pray basically that's the thought and the fact that it would take a near relative to come to the house and bury the dead shows the completeness of the whole house belly up I mean spiritually dead deader than a hammer biblically illiterate and prideful in what they have oh and one of the what this is something you want to watch and little little details can lead a little further off the true course such as well yes you should always attend the most successful Church in town the biggest the best the prettiest the tallest people do you know what the real truth is you should attend the church that teaches God's Word and God's Word only that's what you go to church for not to sit on the steeple not to enjoy the view not to admire man's work of the hands but to ghost grow skilled in pleasing Almighty God there's only one way that can come to pass and that is to study God's Word not traditions of men verse 11 for behold the LORD commanded I mean he is the Mandor all right and he will smite the Great Houses with breaches that means with ruin and the little house with cliffs or slivers all right I can't help remembering back to Matthew 24 where he states there won't be one stone left standing atop another on Zion when I return because that will be the seed of Antichrist of course this makes a good type now our Father goes into our uses some irony to check out your smarts okay in other words bear with him this is all said in irony what we're about to read verse 12 shall horses run upon the rock now let's do it right just a rider gallop is horse at full speed on real slippery rocks the answer is if he values his neck no that's silly you don't do that shall one plow there with oxen the word see is left out the question is from our Father does one plow in the sea with oxygen oxen the answer of course is no way for ye have turned judgment into gall and the fruit of righteousness into hemlock poison drugs harmful things in other words naturally a silly person only would run and he would live long running his horse at full gallop on very slick rocks or one to plow in the sea said this makes about as much sense as what you're doing he's not giving much credit is he well when one totally ignores the creator of all things when one ignores we're all fruit comes from that is to say our father all gain when one ignores that that's as stupid is trying to take a team and plow in the ocean verse 13 ye would rejoice anything of not which say have we not taken to us horns by our own strength making light if you would have the horns of the altar or true the true way to follow God to make light of that and to say I can build a better way for salvation our traditions are you don't have to understand God's Word especially the book of Revelation because you're gonna be gone and don't worry I'll answer to God for you well how long would you listen to a man that would tell you that that's about the stupidest statement that a human being the most arrogant prideful statement that could be made is for some human being to tell another human being they didn't have to understand a certain book of God's Word because they were going to be gone that would be saying I'm wiser than God God wrote all of this letter to you your name is on it it is a letter to you do you have a habit of only reading part of the letters you receive that are from your nearest of kin or do you snuff at them that's what it would be like how is it your name on it because you're a child of God and it's written to his children thus don't ever listen to a man that would say you don't have to understand God's Word just listen to me I have words I have names for a person like that that will not carry on television or in front of the family audience that we teach I hope you never listen to one that for there is a special place to fix more of them were the embers glow for God is a consuming fire if you think he hates pride you should see how he hates those that lead into prideful arrogant statements this ignorance bless and does God wink at ignorance I suppose to a degree that's why we have the millennium and that's why he rules with a rod of iron they need it when do you think that you can build your own salvation you're kidding yourself because we in these earthly bodies have no conception of the supernatural verse 14 hardly I should say 14 but behold I will raise up against you a nation o house of Israel saith the Lord the God of hosts we just finished the book of Joel do you remember in chapter 1 verse 16 and they shall afflict you from the entering in of he mouths unto the river of the wilderness do you remember what the nation was of Joel 1 6 locust do you know what there is great wisdom in this particular verse if you take the time to mete out the truth for God's election can understand much truth from it many would never understand first off let's identify he math have you ever read 1st chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 where Ray Cab the the and the father of the house of recap the Kenites as he mutt was just talking about when you allow the Kenites to come in unto the river of the that doesn't really make sense does it what is this river of the wilderness what is this word real wilderness in the manuscripts its Arabah which means the darkness of the end of the day meaning at the end of this earth age is what it will come to pass that the kin I with their father shall come in and this is when God would bring up that nation promised in Joel 1:6 when you better have understood the ninth chapter of the book of Revelation you better not have let sudden would be profit of ignorance tell you you don't have to understand the book of Revelation or you're gonna be lost indeed that's what this particular verse says can you absorb it this if you would is the bitterness that God brought upon our children and it is there for everyone that is not wise enough to recognize the Canaan and his MO his method of operation for it is safe one of Satan's main tools used against the children of God the simplicity of discernment spiritual discernment raises one to a higher level of thinking it's the worst same word is resurrection all right raised to a higher level of thinking whereby they can understand in the simplicity that Christ taught they can see inside step the the issues that should be sidestepped and take out those fiery darts of Satan that should be taken out because you have the authority and the power from on high to accomplish those things spiritual death is brought about by spiritual darts fiery darts from Satan that's why if you read Ephesians Chapter six that you have the gospel armor on and in place it's very easy if you want to check that out and prove what I'm saying is true all you got to do is make a note of first chronicles chapter 2 verse 55 and check out the word he Matt who is it really talking about then take your Strong's Concordance and you'll find that we're talking about the valley of aruba not a river valley naturally there's water running in the bottom of most valleys especially if it's the latter rain and the warmer rain but would happen at the end of the day all right from the entering let me read this and they shall afflict you from the entering in of he math that means the Kin it-- unto the valley of the end of the day meaning all through unless you sharpen up unless you understand your father's word and not part of it all of the overall plan I didn't say memorize it but understand basically the overall plan I cannot tell you how important it is that you work with that fourteenth verse the sixth chapter of Amos the burden of our Father for his children until you clearly understand basically where the curse or the affliction upon our people come from or you will taste the bitter taste of the hemlock of the Kin ight all the days of your life rather than being wise enough in the simplicity and the peace of which Christ teaches to know how to deal with life whereby you are a victor and it's and basically a champion in some cases if you strive of your people chapter 7 verse 1 and I might add a word to the wise is sufficient chapter 7 verse 1 reads thus had the Lord God showed unto me and behold he formed grasshoppers you know what that is locust in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth and load it was the latter growth after the Kings Mullings what's that taxation looked like the Dern grasshoppers are gonna get what the King didn't take in mowings doesn't it well if you don't know any better it will but Revelation chapter 9 will tell you about the grasshoppers the locust the great book of Joel told you about the locust and what men and women are to do and will do so when something when you allow something to eat Ussery to eat everything that the taxes don't take you got trouble verse 2 and it came to pass that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land then I said O Lord God forgive I beseech thee by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small hey that's a real easy one to answer who's gonna raise him up it's going to do that question yourself who created him who created the stars in the heaven who created this earth that he needs raising up from well let me say I believe it was God then that's who has the authority in the son and will raise him up and every individual of the people's the children that request the father take them to him that is to say embrace them from who protect them and raise them up from who he month the connait the the curse so to speak of verse 14 of the last chapter again do we need to review all of the book of Joel again do you so soon forget I trust not verse 3 the Lord repented for this it shall not be saith the Lord the Lord saved a remnant why they turned to n and good ol Amos probably was doing a lot of praying at the same time verse 4 thus had the Lord God showed unto me and behold the Lord God called to contend by fire and it devoured the great deep and did eat up apart in other words God said I'm gonna just burn up the earth I'm gonna burn up the ocean and the Amos answers verse 5 then said I o Lord God sees I beseech thee by whom shall Jacob arise for he is small do you understand he's praying to God you be the one that raises us up and unfortunately beloved he will repent of this but the fire of deception shall still come and many will die from it by that I mean a spiritual death how are you doing are you biblically literate or are you biblically illiterate I don't know deception comes upon all that our biblical illiterate that's just common sense all right verse six the report the Lord repented for this changed his mind prayer changes this also shall not be saith the Lord I won't do that either I'm going to correct them now there's one thing you want to be very certain of he didn't withdraw he month all right he said I'm leaving that one there until the end but he does give you wisdom if you discern from his letter how to sidestep or hit head on seven thus he showed me and behold the Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumb line with a plumb line in his hand now what is a plumb line it's what some people call a plumb bob okay the line has a bob or a weight on the end of it so that God's natural law of gravity holds a straight line from the top of that wall to the bottom of the plumb bob in other words if you follow that line you're going to be true and it's going to be a true line and you're going to have the truth and God is always the plumb line that you can use to go straight to be true verse eight and the Lord said unto me Amos what sea is Dow and I said a plumb line and then said the Lord behold I will set a plumb line in the midst of my people Israel I will not again pass by them any more and naturally you know what that straight line is that was said among us verse 9 and the high places of Isaac that's all of Israel shall be desolate and the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste for I will raise against the house of Jeroboam that's the ten northern tribes with the sword whose people are many in other words this people this people Jeroboam the king of Israel the ten tribes that were later will go into captivity will pick this up in the next lecture that would go over the Caucasus Mountains later the people would be known as Caucasian 's Kumaran kilts and own it would go as they would spread over Europe but the plumb line of God among us the straight truth is always there and the point is can you read it he was angry because in the very house of God they had put two golden calves I mean as bad as the children did in the wilderness where he ground up the golden calf and made him eat it he's not happy with that sort of thing and what's new Under the Sun if you allow people to say God's Word isn't important you don't need it you're gonna be gone gone by who not God but by the false christs because of false teachers you need all of God's Word it is the plumb line that will take you through it is the line that will keep you straight it is the line that foretells you all things God's Word if you stay in that word don't miss any of these minor prophets they are certainly for your benefit all right bless your hearts you listen a moment once you please a monthly newsletter which means each month you will receive a newsletter with a Bible study on it hey raising funds no way we're not beggars we're Bible teachers that's what it consists of a tape catalogue that will give you all the topics that are covered and the mark of the beast' tape what is this mark of the beast is it really on your forehead no Satan's considerably more intelligent than that it's in your forehead which is to say in your mind have you been deceived this is a free offer to you one time to each new student saying find out what's really happening and what the story is on the mark of the beast all right there we are back again the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves feel free to to share a question we can no longer enter all questions because we go into over a hundred million homes around the world but hey we'll take a handful yours could be there those of you that listen by shortwave around the world at this time it's always a pleasure hearing from you your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address you got a prayer request he's your father do you know something he knows what you're thinking right now so let him know you love him once you do that it makes his day and that brings forth is blessings father around the globe we come sharing in your word father we ask that you lead guide direct touch and Yeshua's precious name Amen amen okay let's see what we have for questions today and we're going to go to wina from Indiana please explain the scripture James chapter 5 verse 16 quote confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that you may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much unquote does this refer to confessing faults to man the human race even after you've been forgiven by our Father who forgives and forgets no you do not confess your sins after they're forgiven you're not even supposed to talk about them why well it's an insult to God because God says I forgive you as though it never happened and when you pick it back up again you take the weight of the sin right back on your heart so the thing you must do is it didn't happen it's forgiven now the I am against people going before a congregation confessing sins as well why it's none of their business take it to the Father and once he forgives you know if you have a fault I'm not talking about a sin now I'm talking about a fault which could lead to a sin that is let's say a bad habit and you can help young people to stay away from that then you could confess that fault and perhaps give witness as to how you overcame it and it would be helpful and it's been a fact you know I think the AAA is a good organization I think if a person has a fault of alcohol or a disease whichever you prefer I'll buy it and this is basically one of the their meetings purpose is to admit that they have the fault or problem and then deal with it head-on so but as far as confessing your sins before an entire congregation why do that when Christ paid the price on the cross and I'm talking about sin now not false and allow the father to forgive and then forget it all right that doesn't do anybody any good to drag dirty laundry on the church floor there's better things to do there okay Judy from Texas Judy any time a person in their youth commits a sin in ignorance it is not a sin so go in peace and sin no more forget it all right and you'll do fine Wendy from Maryland what does it say Michael where does it say Michael has Satan bound well it says that in Revelation chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 okay it is it doesn't say that he has him bound he has Satan's angels bound you'll read that in the first four verses of Jude but Satan's binding you'll find in that 7th the twelfth chapter seventh verse where he kicks him out from heaven now I understand this Satan spirit is on earth today can travel to earth but not his person in Ch okay Mary from Texas document that those who are taken out of the field will go with Satan well it's it's real simple if they're taken out of the field the field is the world and God said I expect you to stay working in that field until the true Christ returns so it is matter of reading no child can read the subject is the fact that the false Christ comes first and takes certain people he tells his elect don't you go if they say he's out in the field the desert saying I'm gonna fly you out of here don't go so but some will go and they'll be the first taken all right it's just that simple okay Wendy from California my husband and I cannot find a group to study the word with because they all teach rapture what does the word say about assembling together with a group to study well we are assembled right now by the ether waves the Holy Spirit that's assembling ourselves together in the Word of God not assembling ourselves in the traditions of men certainly and until you can like I say a house of God is to teach God's Word if anything else is taught there I'm sorry I'm talking about other than God's Word with any frequency certainly that's wrong and you really don't have a house of God you've got a house of traditions and it's wonderful if you can't assemble with locals that's they have like minds and enjoy studying the Word of God instead of traditions but if you don't hey this is a church you're assembled here and you're obeying God hang with us till you find one Marilyn from Connecticut where do I find that it is the elect who can commit the unpardonable sin Luke chapter 12 verse 10 it is written to the elect that will be delivered up before the spurious Messiah therefore it Luke 12:10 stipulates that if the elect or the only ones delivered up before the spurious Messiah and they disallow the Holy Spirit to speak through them the elect word can be documented from mark 13 being delivered up then you got it they're the only ones that can why would he delivered these others up to convert them because he will have already had them Tom from Florida according to these signs we are seeing now are we approaching the end time well I would say we're getting pretty close nobody knows the hour or the moment or the time but certainly things are bending that way looking like it's gonna like it's closed and some of the signs are being fulfilled you know I can remember back 40 and 50 years ago where it seemed like that for a bore we to pass a sign or a benchmark it would be 1012 years apart now they're like labor pains are right down to the end there's new prophecies coming to pass almost daily dick from Michigan where can I find about Christ's coming on a white horse and is it not true that Satan also can will be coming on a white horse please document thank you for your teachings well you're welcome the Satan comes first on a white horse saying he's Jesus you're documentation for that is Revelation chapter 6 verse 1 now if you're documentation that Christ will come on a white horse you will find in Revelation chapter 19 and there that is the true Christ coming upon that white steed in the Old Testament as you're going to find here in the Minor Prophets very soon there is also a witness to this we're
Channel: Shepherds Student
Views: 4,778
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, The Minor Prophets - Amos, bible study
Id: xEsV6F-_PUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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