Easy Bible Commentary-Amos #6

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Amos chapter six Lord God we ask that you would sanctify us by your truth Your Word is truth in Jesus name Amen Amos chapter 6 verse 1 God says woe to you who are complacent in Zion Zion is another name for Jerusalem and to you who feels secure unmount Samaria you notable men of the foremost nation to whom the people of Israel come Israel's self-esteem was very high you know the basic problem with mankind unlike what many counselors say is a lack to self-esteem that's not true it's not true Israel self-esteem was very high their God esteem was very low that's a problem with people they were powerful and prosperous and they knew it and it made them complacent verse to go to Cana and look at it go from there to great Hamas and then go down to gas in Philistia are they better off then your two kingdoms is their land larger than yours Israel had a strong defense but God is trying to tell them that that doesn't make them safe from their enemies verse 3 you put off the evil day and bring near a reign of terror evidently the Israelites knew that they would have to pay for their sin maybe they wouldn't admit it but deep down they knew they would but they put that evil day off in other words they figured it was a long way off yet nothing to worry about so in the meantime they continue their hunt her grain of terror in other words they continue in their injustice and they continue to oppress the poor after all you know the day of reckoning is is not for such a long time yet that it really doesn't even matter for you lie on beds inlaid with ivory and Lounge on your couches you dine on choice Lambs and fattened calves the rich people in Israel were living it up meanwhile they were ignoring the fact that their country was crumbling morally and so their focus was in the wrong place five you strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments rich people had plenty of time for entertainment but evidently no time for God verse six you drink wine by the bowlful and use the finest lotions but you do not grieve over the ruin of Joseph nothing wrong with drinking wine when you start drinking it by the bowlful you got a problem they cared about getting drunk and they cared about wasting their money but they didn't care that their indifference toward God was destroying the nation 7 therefore you will be among the first to go into exile your feasting and lounging will end their confidence in their wealth is going to come to a screeching halt when the wrath of God hits Judgment Day was not as far off as they thought 8 the Sovereign Lord has sworn by himself the Lord God Almighty declares I abhor the pride of Jacob and detest his fortresses I will deliver up the city and everything in it dad promises that he will punish his people because of their sin of pride and so the question isn't will he punish the only question is when nine if ten men are left in one house they too will die and if a relative who is to burn the bodies comes to carry them out of the house and ask anyone still hiding there is anyone with you and he says no then he will say hush we must not mention the name of the Lord they will not mention the name of the Lord in other words the time will be passed for them to pray once judgment hits at that time God will not hear their prayers any longer too late eleven for the Lord has given the command that he will smash the great house into pieces and the small house into bits God will be giving instructions for how he wants Israel's enemies to attack them he's the general in charge of the foreign army that will wipe out Israel 12 do horses run on the rocky crags does one plow there with oxen but you have turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into bitterness it is not good or normal for a rider to ride his horse over rocks it is not good or normal for a farmer to plow over rocks likewise it is not good or normal for Israel to have unfair laws but they had them anyway 13 you who rejoice in the conquest of lo debar and say did we not take did we not take Carmen by our own strength because Israel won these battles she thought she was great she thought she was really tough who's gonna touch us well 14 for the Lord God Almighty declares I will stir up a nation against you o house of Israel that will oppress you all the way all the way from libo Hamas to the valley of the Arab ah and so Israel thought they were tougher than other nations but God will cause them to change their thinking real quick no one in Israel will escape the attack that is coming because of their sinfulness another warning from God it's inevitable because of their sin next time Amos chapter 7 until then so long everyone
Channel: Michael Meurett
Views: 829
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Amos, Bible, study, teaching, Scripture, Jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2012
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