How To Set Up the Lectric XP 2.0 (Custom Settings Explained!)

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hi welcome to pedal with power my name is chris in this video i'm going to be going over all of the settings and configurations for the electric xp 2.0 so you can adjust them and change them to suit your needs i'll also be showing examples of what each of them do so you can set up your bike just the way you like it so if you've just recently bought a new electric xp and want to know what all the settings in the manual actually mean then this video is for you so here is a quick breakdown of just what i call the more or less like display parameter features i'm just going to run through these ones real quick because i think that they're pretty self-explanatory so basically just if you press and hold the power button you just want to turn your bike on pretty simple then in order to get into the settings screen you want to press and hold the plus and minus buttons which are these two guys right there and then you'll see the screen change and it'll go to this 01p type thing and if you watch if you if i don't press anything it'll actually go right back to the speedometer so in order to get back to it just press and hold those two buttons again it goes back to this screen this first one here just sets the screen brightness so one p is for screen brightness three is the brightest one is the dimmest and so on now in order to change to the next one you hit the power button now you'll see it's an o2p this just changes the distance units one is going gonna be miles zero would be kilometers and then the next one is the o3 this one's not even in there so don't mess with that one and then o4 is the sleep timer you can use this and set this right now i have it set at 10 that means in 10 minutes the display will go off if i don't hit anything and you can switch that and make it less i actually will set mine at 5. i like five and then if you go to six now this one here is the tire size you'll see i have mine set to 24. it comes preset to 22. i find that 24 is actually a bit more accurate so if you want to switch yours to 24 i think that's a little bit more accurate and that's basically all the basic ones there is one other one if you go over here and go to 16p so this one you can reset the odometer but i don't recommend that you do that um so now let's go out into the field and i'll show you all the ones that have lots of functionality so first i'll show you the one that uh you can switch it from topping off at 20 miles an hour making it a class one or two class two would be if you include the throttle i'll go over that one next or you can switch it so that it'll continue to his pedal assist up to 28. now the throttle won't assist up to 28 but the pedaling will in order to do this you press and hold the plus and minus buttons and then it brings you into this screen here and then by pressing the power button you can scroll through the different numbers and you want to scroll until you find zero eight and then it should be preset to 32. um in the manual it'll say switch it over to 45 to make it a 28 mile an hour um and on my bike it only has 32 and 100 so if i'm on 32 it'll top off at 28. and to order to set that press and hold the plus and minus buttons again to go back into this screen and now you need to actually power the bike off and back on again by pressing and holding the power button for a couple of seconds powers it back off and press it for a couple seconds more so now i am set for it to only go up to 20 and you can see as i get going here once i hit 20 the motor stops assisting oh i'm still pedaling but it's pretty much maxed out at 20 right now so if you feel comfortable leaving it at 20 i would recommend that you do so so now if you want to switch that over so that your bike will go up to 28. you just press and hold the plus and minus again go so that you're in setting one here it's the brightness so i want to keep that up but by pressing the power button you can go until this goes up to number zero eight again and then we want to switch this 32 hit the plus button to change it now it says 100 and then you can press and hold the plus and minus buttons again and then that's going to reset it back to your main screen then you press and hold the power button for a couple seconds that turns it back off press and hold it for a couple seconds more turns it back on and now it'll continue to assist up to 28. [Music] for me it doesn't really ever get up to 28 but i can get it going up to maybe 25 or so maybe 23. but the motor's still assisting at this point so a lighter rider with some downhill oh we got to like 24. kind of zipping along so as you can see the little motor it'll get you up to like 24 25. lighter riders it'll probably get you going a little faster if you do have it at that setting and it feels like it's going too fast if any time you hit the brakes we'll kill the motor so now we'll go to the next setting so in this next setting this is setting number nine this is where you can turn it so that the throttle will be able to work even if you're at a standstill or if you have to be pedaling a little this is one that um if you're worried about accidentally hitting the throttle i would make it so that you have to pedal in order for the throttle to engage i'll show you what i mean so again press and hold the plus and minus buttons then you get into this screen and you want to scroll through to you see zero nine now if you're in this down here if this says zero now the throttle will work even if i'm at a standstill so if i want to lock that into place now i'd press and hold the plus a minus again oops if you wait too long it'll automatically go back to this screen but it won't put in your settings so i put this to zero zero zero press and hold the plus and minus again and now you can see even if i'm at a complete stop and i hit the throttle oh one thing i noticed too with the throttle is you have to be in one of the pedal assist modes so if i crank that up say to five and just hit the throttle you can see now i can throttle along without even having to pedal at all just keep in mind this setting would be could potentially be a little dangerous if you're worried about hitting the throttle while you're pushing your bike or just at a standstill but then again i mean the throttle's not super powerful but if you want to change that back so that you at least have to pedal a little again you press and hold the plus and minus buttons we go till we're at number nine we're already at number nine again if you're not there you hold press the power button we'll scroll through the different settings until you get to number nine and then we want to switch this so that it's at a one like it is now and press and hold the plus and minus button now if i messed that a standstill you can see i grabbed the throttle doesn't do anything but if i get on and start pedaling a little now i can hit the throttle and it'll start going again so that's what setting number nine does this nest setting is setting number ten this is where you can uh turn off the pedal assist or the throttle um or you can have them both on so again we press and hold the plus and minus buttons gets us into our settings screen and then we put the power button now we go over to number 10 and there's three different settings here and you'll be using the plus and minus button to switch between those so in zero zero this is when you're going to have pedal assist and no throttle and zero zero one is when you have only throttle and no pedal assist and zero zero zero two is when you have pedal assist and throttle so if you wanna keep them at both you wanna be in zero zero two on setting number ten the there is one reason why you might wanna disengage your throttle and just have pedal assist um is so when you have your throttle engaged it technically makes your bike a class two as long as your speed's still set at the 20 mile an hour range and some national parks and state parks and places don't allow class twos so you can actually just disengage your throttle so in order to do that you press and hold the plus and minus button go on to this setting number 10. if you're not already in it you press the power button to get there so you can see i can scroll all the way back through all of them get back to 10 and if you just want to have it be pedal assist you want to have this read 0 0 0 in number 10 and you can press and hold both buttons again to reset that so now i am just in the pedal assist only which means i can pedal and it'll assist but if i throttle you'll see the throttle is not doing anything right now so i've turned off the throttle but i have the pedal assist on now back in the same setting number 10 here if i just wanted to have the throttle only you'd want to number 10 you'd want to be in zero zero zero one so that's only going to make just the throttle not sure why you'd only want to have just the throttle and no pedal assist but basically pressing and holding both back into the screen zero zero zero two on number ten this is going to give you throttle and pedal assist so if you want everything you want to make sure on setting number 10 that this is in 0 0 0 2 like that so what this setting number 11 is actually doing this is your pedal assist sensitivity so again we press and hold the plus and minus to get into the screen once we're on 11 you'll see you can go all the way up to 24. so that's the least sensitive and then going to one is the most sensitive so on one when you start pedaling the motor will engage pretty darn quickly and if you go all the way to 24 the motor will engage really really slow takes almost three full pedal revolutions so the default is at three you can leave it right there if that's still a little too sensitive you might want to bump that to five maybe seven one thing i noticed is that if you're riding a lot of off-road sometimes just the bumps in the road even when you're not pedaling those can engage the motor so if this is too sensitive go to setting 11. setting 11 here and then change this to a little bit higher number and try that i wouldn't probably go too much over 10 or it'll take you a lot of times to pedal before the motor will engage this next setting here is going to be setting number 12. this is setting the pedal assist power level so how hard the motor comes on when you start pedaling so this is going to be number 12 here and you have between one and five you can see these numbers down here go from one to five so if you're in if you're in number one the pedal the motor will come on nice and gently when you start pedaling on five it'll come in as hard as possible and then anywhere in between you can kind of adjust that so that the sensitivity is right where you like it so i'll show you what it's like in five so this is the highest sensitivity that it comes into so in five it jumps on pretty quick it's not too bad i'm also a bigger rider i weigh 225 so for me it's not coming on super hard i'm also in the highest assist setting so if you like it just to be nice and punchy set that to five and then i'll show you now if we reset this you can see and then i'm going to set it down to one you press and hold both to re-lock that in so now if i start pedaling the motor comes on super gradual kind of builds up so if you don't want your bike to be super punchy and just want a real gentle ride i would leave that at one it comes pre-set to one one's nice and smooth you might try maybe a little bit higher number if you want it to be a little more you know a little more sensitive and come on a little quicker five it comes on pretty fast so i'd only recommend that for more experienced riders and you can set it anywhere you like so this next setting is going to enable and disable the walk mode so again you press and hold the plus and minus button we go into here we want to scroll through till we're at setting number 21 and if you're in zero zero zero one that means a walk mode is on and zero zero zero zero walk motors off again i'm just pressing the plus and minus button to switch through these two modes so if you have walk mode on so you're in 21 and one this is what you can do so you want to be standing on the side of your bike so this is only probably if you have to push up hill for a ways but if you press and hold the minus button you'll see this walk come on and the bike will kind of walk itself and you can actually let go of the minus button and it'll continue it'll have this walk pee thing on so now the bike's kind of walking itself so it'll go along it it's going at about three miles an hour or so in order to disengage this you just grab the brakes just pull those brakes a little bit and that'll turn off lock mode now if you don't want to have that walk mode turned on it is on by default you press and hold the plus and minus buttons we go to number 21 and we want to set this to zero see i'm at one is on zero is off press and hold the plus one minus again so now walk mode is off so now if i press and hold this minus button you can see i can press and hold it for days and nothing ever happens walk mode is now turned off so another neat feature of the electric xp 2.0 is it has cruise control now what cruise control does is once you set it it'll allow you just to cruise along at the speed that you set it at without having to do anything keep in mind this will fluctuate if you have hills but i have a nice straightaway right through here and so in order to get this going you just get started on your bike and then you want to pull the throttle to the speed that you want to set it at and what cruise control is going to do is if you just pull the throttle a little ways it's going to cruise at that speed if you pull it a lot of ways a long ways it'll cruise at the higher speed so in order to turn that on first i'm going to flip around here it is kind of get cruising grab your throttle down press and hold the minus button and you'll see it'll go into this cruise mode if you can see that and you'll see now it's just cruising at its own speed and i'm not doing anything and then if you want to turn off cruise control just grab the brakes now one thing to remember with cruise control is it's going to cruise at the power level that you set the throttle at um it doesn't cruise at the speed that you set it at so if you just want it to cruise gently just pull the throttle back part way and then press and hold the minus button over here then it'll cruise at that power level if you if you press and hold the throttle to the max and cruise at that it's going to keep powering you up till you get going so here's max cruise control and you can see i'm not pedaling or hitting the throttle and it's continuing to speed up all on its own and it'll just keep powering up until it gets going so i hit the brakes turns out right back off so cruise control is kind of interesting i don't really use it all that much thanks for watching this video i hope that uh kind of helps explain some of the settings on electric xp 2.0 if you have any other questions just leave them down in the comments if you like this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up i'll leave a link in the description below i have another video that i test how well the electric xp 2.0 can climb that one's pretty fun definitely stay to the end of that one the view is awesome anyway thank you for joining and i'll see you on the next one
Channel: Pedal With Power
Views: 62,302
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Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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